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B&B June 2023 Discussion Thread

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I like Brooke's "mummy" jacket. It's pretty cool looking. Actually, you know what? It reminds me of like when I was in elementary school and the teacher would have us make "chains" out of colored constructed paper and Elmer's Glue in art class. Other than that, it was another day of people stickin' their nose into other people's business. For a quick second, I thought they were finally in Rome, but then I realized it was the El Rodeo Drive or something. 

Damn, and that shot of bourbon. Nah, that was like a pint. I did laugh when Deacon asked if Liam liked his vegan dish as he ordered it before. One nanosecond later, it went from the vegan dish to "I know Thomas is going to Rome with Hope. I'm sure you're not too thrilled about that ..." 

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And to any server in the restaurant business, and you want to upsale on the check to receive a bigger tip: Don't ask a customer if they would like another bourbon or another beer. Replace the word with fresh. I guarantee you it's more professional, and 6 or 7 times out of 10, your customer will order a fresh one. You're welcome.  


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OMG Lame SHUT UP! almost 3 months of his non stop whining, is there anyone he hasn't whined too yet? WHat next go to Stephanie's grave to whine? Sheila in prison to whine? UGH

Pretty said Finn has to teach Lame about being a good husband. I don't know why Lame was so surprised when Finn suggested he go to Rome, Hope already asked him to come 

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Agreed. Love it that Forrester and Spencer have private jets that are never available when someone needs to get somewhere. Those Liam "I need a ticket" scenes were all filler.

And forgive me for not siding with all these "Look at the GORGEOUS remotes B&B does!!! How do they afford it when no one else can???"

It looks like a National Geographic video montage to me -- taken by any decent photographer aiming his camera at a mountain or a hotel. I'm supposed to get excited about this???

And then they put a dozen characters in a scene and blocking is "Put them all in a row and give everyone one line." Jesus.

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The remote scenes are so redundant. The second act ended with everyone clapping and excited about a fashion show they've done zillionth of times...yawn.

Brooke again saying how beautiful Rome is...yawn

Were the Rome interior scenes all done in LA? The interior scenes were obviously very familiar.

And I agree with @dragonflies they sent the most boring characters to Rome.

Edited by Soapsuds
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