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General Hospital: June 2023 Discussion Thread

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He didn't seem to care about Carly and Jason except when she kept bitching at him for having feelings for another woman. Sonny turned it back on her a few times that he isn't the only one trying to fall out of love with someone so stop coming at him like her heart isn't torn just like his. I saw a man that was no longer in love with his wife. He was going to stick it out in that marriage cause it was best for the family and business but he seemed to be completely tired of her foaming at the mouth. Carly wanted revenge on Nina. Sonny didn't. She needed him to hate Nina. He didn't. Just the opposite in fact then and now. They were finished cause of these two things. Everything else was the two of them delaying the divorce. Carly would've seen it every time Nina was around that Sonny isn't over her. If Nina got back together with Valentin or Jax, he wouldn't have left it alone. He would've reacted to it and confronted them about it. Carly would've done the same thing if Jason had been around and tried to restart something with Britt. 

Edited by Vince79
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I like her lip gloss. And I also like her hair color. But that’s about it. The issue for me is the show thankfully not forcing her to loose weight (which is welcome behavior compared to how they have treated actors in the past) but not styling her appropriately. There are so many cute and stylish clothes available in larger sizes now. Way more than ever before. Even if she wanted flowing clothing that is more shapeless there are better options than what the show is dressing her in.

Edited by titan1978
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I'm loving the darker hair on her; it does look like she went a level or two higher, and I like that.  The eyebrows need to be filled out at the end, but, overall, I haven't been hating Kirsten Storms' look as Maxie the past few times we've seen her.  I am sure the blonde will return eventually, but I am loving this new Maxie look.

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Thanks for expanding on it.  I just remember both of them being over it.

I think the hair is okay too or the least of her problems and, eyebrows aside, I don't think her makeup is usually too bad.


I am as guilty as anyone for complaining about KS/Maxie's styling, but it's been like this for years and hasn't changed.  I am still hesitant to blame it solely on the makeup/hair/wardrobe people.  I think a lot of it KS's own input and style choices to cover her weight gain and everyone backstage tiptoes around her choices because they don't want to be inappropriate or hurt her feelings.  I wish someone close to KS would just pull her aside and work on her look.   I think it's clear KS is embarrassed about it and not embracing it.  It just feels like a delicate situation where she ends up with some awful looks.  I have just always thought there was a lot more in play here than wardrobe being unable to find a cute size 14 dress for her. 

Edited by carolineg
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I had to edit my post because it kind of seemed to me upon re-reading that I was wishing the show would force her to loose weight, which is the last thing I would want or advocate for.  They just have a history of saying things to actors about their weight before the current team.

And I think @carolinegis correct that KS is playing a part in her styling.  What I wish is that their wardrobe person take a chance and buy some more fashionable clothes in larger sizes and see if KS would pick any of them!

I sympathize with her and Genie- I know what it is like to struggle with weight issues. And then they have the added bonus of “fans”  and sometimes executives commenting about every pound. It is easier to try to hide it rather than finding flattering clothes.

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I never thought you were implying she needs to lose weight.  I don't think most of us care if she does.  I just think it must be very difficult for her to feel comfortable after spending her childhood and early adult life on screen and being rail thin.  I just wish someone would step in be more firm with what clothing options she can choose from.  For example no jeans and sweatshirt options for a day in the office lol.  

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Same.  If anything, maybe one or two shades darker for a lip gloss would be nicer, but I feel that way for most of the women on the soap.  Everything is so light-washed with their production model.

My exact thoughts.  It does seem Kirsten Storms' influence over Maxie's wardrobe is happening.  From the outfits to even her shoes.  The boots?  Those are completely Storms over Maxie.

Maxie outfit vs. Storms outfit:

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What they need to do is fire the horse and the moss, and take Storms to an appropriate place to buy some staple pieces and some accessories that can change the outfit with the episode (jackets, bracelets, pants), and really re-focus the Maxie look. Everything is either too small or too oversized, and no one is stopping this.  I genuinely believe TPTB at Disney-ABC look and go, "Eh. Let them do what they want. We aren't dressing them", and it shows. I recall, on The Young and the Restless, when it was clear Melody Thomas Scott had gained some weight (nothing wrong with that) they re-styled Nikki's wardrobe to still be in-character, but she wore clothing that flattered her.  You sit the performer down, ask what they are and are not comfortable wearing and/or showing off, and you do your job to style them in-character that way.  It's not a hard concept, but I guess TPTB simply do not care with certain actors (Storms, Genie Francis).  I mean, Amanda Setton wore those damned jackets for months after she returned from maternity leave.

I remember Jen Lilley recalling her time as Maxie and she kept remarking they pressured her to remain thin, and it soured the experience for her, which is unfortunate.

I also have to empathize, because of all she's gone through in her personal health journey, and I am sure that's something she deals with.  TPTB at the wardrobe department need to feel comfortable stepping in and doing their job.

Some looks that would be amazing for either actor:

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And to think I thought we were gonna go a whole week without seeing this trashy blonde whore

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I hope Nina seduces Dex after Sonny dumps her. 

And btw, do people really get mean and nasty when they have amnesia or have a psychotic break lol I know TJ explained it a few episodes ago, but was he medically accurate?

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Agreed, been saying this for years. Maxie is an important character, but with the writing and Kirsten Storms in the role,  she doesn't work as Maxie.   I do like her change in hair collor, but hate almost all of her wardrobe, and there is no reason for the terribly wrong painted on eyebrows.   Her nickname is "fashionista", so MAKE HER LOOK LIKE ONE!   

GH should try and get Jen Lilley who was an awesome Maxie, more matured, when she played Maxie for about a year when Storms was having health issues.   Molly Burnett (ex-Melanie DAYS) did a great job filling in for her as well, now that she's been axed from LAW & ORDER: SVU, would she return?  Some other possibilities,  Farah Fath Galfond (ex-Mimi, DAYS although she's pretty much quit acting), Jessica Morris (ex-Jenn, OLTL), Erin Torpey (ex-Jessica, OTL), Stephanie Gatschet (ex -Tammy, GL & ex-Madison, AMC), or even Bree Williamson (ex-Jessica, OLTL, ex-Claudette, GH). 

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I'll say this much, that whole last week might have been about setting up story, but I found it to be an enjoyable week for the most part. Okay, I still roll my eyes at Willow, but at least she is going to live. Unfortunately. 


I really thought the writers fumbled the ball with Michael/Dex but how their story...and the Joss/Dex relationship...has rolled into this Carly/Drew vs Nina storyline...and now has the Quartermaines in it as well as touching on the Carly/Nina/Sonny triangle...well, it has been a surprisingly good snowball effect. And add on a wedding...and now EDDIE MAINE...I pretty sure that is not what the writers had in mind, but I couldn't help but roll my eyes at how silly (but deliciously) soapy it all has become.


On another soapy note... I couldn't help but see that Zeke was back and thinking....'oooooo I bet Vee is really and truly happy right now... and they got Zeke out of his clothes quick.' LOL!!! And it doesn't even feel like his return has been rushed at all since we got a little taste of him (pun unintended) at Portia's wedding. But the fact that his return has been soapy... from him sleeping with Jordan... being rolled into the Drew/Carly mess... to realizing who Jordan is (and what Curtis did)... just MESS!!! lol. But... I definitely want to see where Portia/Curtis/Jordan/Zeke go now so great job on that front.


I continue to feel Taggert's pain. And I wonder where the writers are going to go with that. I was scared for a moment we might get Taggert/Jordan/Zeke. But... we'll see.


I continue to eat Sprina up like a great thing of ice cream... and those camera angles on Spencer... well... not hating.

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Is it just me, or are all the thrice-casted actors... just kinda there now? FV finally bored with his favorites? Cuz they are no longer being shoved down anyone's throat. So much so I forget they are even there.


Speaking of them though... I hope they are not making Zeke's Austin's cousin's boss. 


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