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B&B April 2023 Discussion Thread

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As human beings, we all have our likes, indifferences, and dislikes. We also have the right to watch whatever we want. As soap viewers, we also bear the qualities that I've just described. Why do we watch soaps then? Because we want to, that's why. I'm not pissed at the question, but it's just about as equivalent as saying, "If you don't like it, then don't watch it" or "Put up or shut up." 

Moreover, please refrain from telling members on this board their "personality flaws" when you haven't met them physically nor established a true relationship with them. I always find it odd that people are so quick to judge others when they're the ones who simply refuse to look at their own problems further than their own backyard.

Other than that, B&B is terrible for the time being, lol! 

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Amen!!!! This board is too toxic. Sometimes I am literally scared to speak my mind. I wake up to see my words twisted and taken out of context. Amen to you.

I think 2007 is like erased from history in the show. Haha

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Well, you shouldn't have to feel that way. I mean, as I questioned before in a different post, what exactly are we arguing over? Low-budget fictional soaps? Okay. Have on at it I guess. To clarify, I'm not mad. I just read recent comments from a third person perspective and it just felt passive aggressive. 

I'm a clown and a smart ass and I take complete ownership in that. Some people get my style of writing while others don't and that's fine. I like this board as I find everyone so unique. 

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"No offense intended"?  LOL Sure. But seriously, you seem bothered by my expecting realism on soaps. Sorry about that.

I DON'T expect real life, but I have the right to expect a certain soap standard of realism. I understand dramatic license and "letting things go," but there is a line, and most soap watchers -- and writers -- know it.

"It's clear the show could be good." What does that even MEAN? "Getting great buzz"? What buzz is that? I was happy for the Peacock renewal, but all this buzz about how much better the show would look and would be once the "Peacock shows" kicked off is gone. I'm not seeing it. I am seeing the same old problems with pacing, and I still say the Bo & Hope story has been a disaster.


Yep to all of that. Hope springs eternal when I watch soaps.


I feel the same. And I like reading your posts BECAUSE you're a clown and a smart ass and take ownership of that.

We're devoting anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes daily when we watch a soap. I think that gives us all the permission we need to criticize it.

I do the same with prime time shows. I LOVE Abbott Elementary to death, but last night, Taraji P. Henson was a fail to me as Janine's mother. Because it's one of my all-time favorite series, should I pretend I enjoyed the episode? Should I keep my mouth shut because so many are falling over themselves to praise Taraji (who was just playing Cookie from "Empire")?  No.

Sometimes we strongly criticize shows BECAUSE we have such love for them.

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Well I agree with one dimensional but I don't think the stories sound like they came from this board.  I don't know where the stories sound like they came from.

But - in regard to realism, of course we know it's a show, it's fiction.  But the good shows/soaps had grounding in reality.  Basing the series in a real city doesn't make it real.  Not when someone with very little means constantly evades law enforcement, regularly gets away with murder, etc.  Sheila is played out.  

So years ago, the character of James Stenbeck on World Turns kind of became a joke among the really upper crust of daytime.  Because people said, oh ATWT just brings him back for sweeps, and it's not really a surprise.  That always made me laugh, given some of these same people loved Stefano on DAYS and half the ludicrous explanations of "Stefano did it!" were becoming common. 

Opinions, well - James Stenbeck was never this played out.  Never played out as Sheila.  Neither was Roger on GL.  When it comes to realism, shows like ATWT and AMC probably did it best.  They figured out how to have the fun soapy stuff and still have real families with characters that had natural reactions and in general, reacted reasonably.  These shows figured out how to weave in socially relevant stories with the fun stuff.

I think Brad Bell is scared to death to do serious, and be consistent.  Takes too much work.  

Here's an idea from this board - because going back to that - I think people's ideas on this board are far BETTER than anything they are coming up with.  I know crazy things have to happen for people/actors to return to a show, comings and goings....but while I didn't love the character of Maya - she would be ripe for a return if B&B wanted to do something good.  With all of the controversy over Trans people competing in sports and surgery (how early is too early, and noise being made by some people who regret doing it, others arguing it was the best thing they ever did), what if we found out Maya and Rick's baby (the one Nicole was surrogate with) - this would take time, but - re-introduce Rick and Maya (in real years, that was 2016 so the kid would be 7 this year.  With SORAS - worse things have happened) - Maya returns from wherever she was, speaks of the baby - who is now 14, in boarding school.  Would not take long to reintroduce the character as a fairly young 14/15 year old, and have her questioning her sexuality - putting Nicole and Maya in the middle. 

Maya, the person who raised her, all for pushing a possible surgery someday soon - with Nicole freaking out over it (or not? haven't thought about it).  Nicole and bring in Julius - I can hear "you raising that child, you put your beliefs on that child, Maya".   But here would be a way for the show to bring some history and characters back, and get the ball rolling again without the same faces over and over and over.  Rick could return and begin the fight for Forrester again in the middle of all of that.  The Avants return as supporting characters torn between Nicole and Maya again.  

Or, Maya and the child - since it's a daughter who wants to become a male, what if Maya did NOT understand that? Because she was the opposite.  Tons of possibilities.  

Forgive some errors in history in the above because I really do watch part time, and these are things I remember from when I was trying to watch more regularly.  But I think there are people on this board who are more capable.  

And sorry, I rambled, but I'm agreeing with you, hahaha. Mostly.


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This is a discussion forum. Let's remind ourselves of that. If people don't like what they see on their screen or can't stand a character or a storyline, they are more than welcome to talk about it. Just as they are welcome to discuss what they do like. No one should dictate what topics someone can respond to, what they can say in response to said topic, or should question ones viewing habits. There is something called hate watching, just like there is the concept of love watching. There is no reason to lay into each other because of our disagreeing viewpoints.

Worst case scenario, head to your settings and click on the ignore button.

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Seriously. I like you all. Some of you are like so cool and we'd totally kick it for sure and talk about smack in general, you know? Stop taking things so seriously. Stop tearing people down. We already have enough drama in the real world going on right now. Reproductive rights, LGBTQ rights, civil rights, etc. 

Be decent human beings and a good citizen. Love and internet hugs. 

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