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Days: March 2023 Discussion Thread


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I thought that I wouldn't like the old codgers, but they were mostly a welcome relief from recent episodes.  I still want more integration of Eric, Brady, and Xander in this mystery, but I am growing to appreciate 2/3 of these dudes.

John's scenes with Paul were funny and touching.  His erratic overreaction to Paul's breakup did nothing to convince people that he's not brainwashed.  At first, I misunderstood the metaphor about Andrew's preview not matching the movie (I thought John was referring to Andrew's physical attributes).   However, between his relationships with Rachel and Paul, John has become the best patriarch in soaps.

Steve's scenes with Andrew were not as convincing and left me with tons of questions.  First, when Andrew greeted him as Uncle Steve, I had to remind myself how they were related (for whatever reason initially I thought he was Alex's brother). I also wondered why an international spy agency would be headquartered in DC?  And why are we disparaging desk jobs?  Maybe Andrew is upper management and superior to those in the field?

Roman's scenes were mostly justified by exposition to catch up the audience on Megan's history.  But, why write those scenes for an actor who is such a marble mouth?  I barely understood a word he said.  And, there's such a weird vibe between Lucas and Roman because I feel like they never resolved their feelings over what Lucas did to Sami.

Wasn't Andrew born around 1991?  I know everyone's the same age now, but it seems like he would be much older than Patch or Justin's kids; historically speaking.  Time just moves differently in Salem.

Also, they could spruce up that orchid to make it look rare.  Today it looked like something you could pick up at Trader Joe's on sale for $5.99.

Edited by j swift
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Agree 100% about weaving in Eric and Brady into this story.  

Andrew was born in 1986, Stephanie in 1990, so he should be older, but Paul should be about the same age as Belle/Brady and Andrew and Stephanie should be older than both of them.   Theoretically Andrew should fall closer to Sami/Eric's ages and Stephanie in Belle/Brady's.  

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Kim and Kayla were off the show for a while - first one, then the other moved to California for several years.  Apparently they hung out together offscreen.  
Cousins Andrew and Stephanie should remember each other from their childhoods there.

Edited by janea4old
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Also, does the fact that Megan stole the orchid exonerate Kristen?

Yeah, a month ago they were kidnapping Rachel to get the orchid, and now they seem to have forgotten about it and are mostly concerned about getting laid and brainwashing people with kitchen gadgets. 

One more: Is Andrew named after Shane's doppelganger twin? Because it seems super weird to name your child after a hitman.

Edited by j swift
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Isn't Kristen in jail for brainwashing Stefan?  Lol.  I totally forgot.  Probably though.

I feel like Brady/Eric have the attention spans of gnats and that's why they forgot about the orchid, but the story was actually set up for them to join it, but I am really unclear when this stuff airing was filmed.  Was it at the same time as Beyond Salem 2 or later on?  Did the show just stack up the footage of Bo, Hope, Paul, Andrew etc or did they film later?

I definitely think the kids grew up together and were close in LA.  My question would be how well would Andrew know Steve?  He was dead pretty much his entire childhood.

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Yes.  That would be the assumption.  I don't think they ever appeared on the show at the same time, but when Kim with young Andrew/Jeannie in the late 90's it was said that Kayla/Kim saw one another all the time.  Since Theresa and Stephanie were around the same age I would think they were close


Yes!  And it's a bit annoying because they tend to reference a lot of family times especially with Stephanie and Stephanie was grown by the time Steve came back, so I don't understand it.  Marlena/Roman being gone is still cannon, but Steve dying seems to be forgotten and he was gone much longer.

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So, Andrew is a year older than Shawn-D who has a grown kid that is a year older than Johnny and Wendy? My mind is blown.  I'm just going to pretend that doesn't exist, just like I've come to accept that EJ is Kristen's son but is somehow older than Alex who was born eight years before him.

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Belle, Brady, and EJ really screw things up.  Shawn-D is fairly okay as far as age.  He was only SORASed a little bit.  I think maybe a year?  It's when the show doesn't follow the same group of characters with the same SORASing that it becomes wacky.  IMO everyone born from 85-90 should be in the same age group, 90-95, 95-00, and so on.  But when you have Abby being younger than Brady even though they were born months apart and Belle being so much older than Paul and Will being born before EJ things get really out of control as far as continuity in aging.  Days seems to be the worst at this.  GH does get a side eye for the fact Joss thought she got Jake's liver and was a baby when Jake died is a little sketchy though as well. 

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