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GENERAL HOSPITAL February 2023 Discussion Thread

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So many are way overdue.


How many more times do we need to hear Austin and Mason repeat the same scene? "Take care of the patient off-the-books" "No. I don't want to, You don't own me." Yawn. Ship both back to Pawtuck.
Poor Cameron had to walk into that tiny dorm room with Josslyn and Dex fresh from doing the deed. Sorry, Josslyn has been irrelevant to me since she dressed up like an ear of corn, but the character has become less and less rootable. Bring on Emma or Lila Rae for Cam and give Joss a rest. Eden McCoy does a decent job as Joss, but the character is insufferable.
As for Willow-- or Wallow, the character should have left with Dawn of Duh. All these months of Poor Wallow make me hope that Heather takes the hook to her when she gets cured.
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Well I will say Sweeps are off to a great start. 


The vibe has definitely been that someone's hands have been tied up *cough*Frank*cough* and are letting the writers start to converge everything. There was so much going on, but it had momentum to it and a build and that's a GREAT sign going into February. 


As far as Mr. Huss for me, so far so good. At least Nikolas was not immediately killed off. Yet. And he seems fine to me though there was a strong vibe of last minute recast to his scenes with Esme and Tasha Yar. It did make his scenes as Nik a bit uneven. But he still gave a bit of the same feel he had when he sub last time...using MC's portrait of the character and mannerisms and the like. And he was definitely dressed like MC. I would like more what he had last time which was all of that along with a hint of menace that was reminiscent of RKK's Starvos, but let's see if it appears. 


So this week so far is giving all that Willow exposure that last week (and this week too) promo was saying would happen when there was very little of Willow storyline last week. Last week was all about the vets and it was great for it. This week...I just felt my eyes roll because outside of Nina calling it like she saw it and that gutwrenching sceam (great job, CW)...I was not feeling it. I take that back, the unexpected appearance of Harmony was good, too. Yes, I felt they played the beats, but I just don't care for Willow. And now that I'm thinking of it...shocking that Nina was not the bone marrow savior, but hey...the secret is out. 


Speaking of secrets...STELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So they are going to go there with Trina's paternity. Since it has been a cold storyline for some long, I liked they did recap on it, and VW was great in doing that and it sounded so naturally and I was right there with her. I did feel Jordan looked a little toooo smug that Stella was figuring it out more or less on her own. So her hands are (somewhat) clean. I should have known that Jan 15 would land in February Sweeps...lol. 


I have been loving my Sprina scenes as much as I have been loving Spencer and Ava turning into quite the scheme team. 


Fingers crossed that with Tasha Yar back in town due to Liz being in possible trouble, that Jeff is heading back as well. 


So far, so good. We will see.


And yes, I miss (and enjoy all jokes) Joss as a Child of the Corn.

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