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DAYS: November 2022 Discussion Thread ⌛

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An Angel Is Uploading Torrents YAY! So I can see again, Yesterday's episode was far better than Friday's, EJ Suffering was well executed, He was at odds with SUSAN so he must be wreaked with guilt

I Understand... 


Yeah, Susan Wasn't Around Much back Then, When Susan became a regular, EJ Was Dead Then recast

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Oh STFU, Rafe!

I get that he's angry and all, but why's he gotta act like such a little bitch?? Rafe sure has changed over the 14 years he's been on the show 

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And too bad that we didn't have scenes of Tripp finding out about Ava's death. Lucas Adams would've been great, and I would've loved to have seen them. Hasn't been a good year for my buddy Tripp 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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With the way everyone's referring to Ava and Susan, you would think that there was an episode or two that was missing or something.

As for today's episode, Dan Feuerriegel once again stole the show. I loved EJ's scenes with Marlena. He's really been given a chance to shine as EJ in these last few episodes. He hasn't gotten that too often and I really enjoyed seeing him finally get that chance.

Rafe is still a dick, but I do gotta admit, that pie looked a little nasty and part of me doesn't blame him for throwing it out 

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As for Alex and Stephanie, the friggin guy admits that he grew up in Adrienne's house, admits that he knows the recipe for Jo's special muffins, yet this year was the first time he ever met his cousin Stephanie?? Go figure  The smart decision for this storyline would have been to say Alex had always had a crush on Stephanie, even when they were kids, but that she never reciprocated his feelings until now.

And again, I wish the show would realize that RSW is not a romantic lead, no matter what they write for him or how they try to prop him. Even in today's episode, when he was trying to be romantic, he still came off like a creepy predator. We all know that he's hot af, but it isn't going to work. Ever. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Alex and Stephanie does NOT work. Her suddenly liking him was so abrupt and unrealistic. Lol Alex admits he grew up with Adrienne but somehow managed never to meet his basically cousin that lived in the same town ever.

I don’t think EJ’s caring is out of the blue. Since Dan took over, they’ve actually shown him to be quite close with Stacy’s Susan. James Scott’s EJ though I don’t remember any interaction or mentioning of Susan.

Dan is truly acting his ass off for this story.

I actually liked Ava when she wasn’t with Rafe. I was looking forward to her being accepted into the DiMera fold, but that wasn’t in the plans.


Edited by Antoyne
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Was yesterday's episode the extra episode they added in?  I loved EJ and Marlena, but the whole thing felt very random.  Why on earth would Marlena go see EJ on Thanksgiving?  All the scenes felt weird and slapped together like Gabi, Li, and Rafe.  Nothing was bad, I even semi enjoyed Stephanie/Alex, but it felt like an inserted episode with people that had some guarantees to burn.  Dan was very good though.

Also, if I had a doll of my own likeness like Marlena it would be in the middle of my mantel at all times.  Marlena showed restraint by keeping it in a box for so long

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Yes.  The November episodes were written much earlier in the year, assuming they'd air on NBC and that there would be the annual Thanksgiving preemption.  The shift to Peacock meant that there would be no preemption. So they added an "insert episode", so that that Christmas and other special occasions would stream on the correct dates.

It seems like Wed. Nov. 23 and Thurs. Nov. 24 were originally one episode, and they filmed some extra scenes - or filmed an entire extra episode -- and then moved things around and split it in half.  Or they filmed extra scenes, and rearranged scenes from the entire week.  Something like that.

Edited by janea4old
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I thought DF was great today again.  I didn't even MIND Rafe in scenes with him.  I liked Jada's spunk today.  Nicole really is her own worst enemy.  

Sarah figured out Xander real quick.  Maggie was being ridiculously naive.  Are they going to pair Xander/Gwen again?  Looks that way.

It's a little weird Marlena is taking Susan's death so hard.  She didn't even blink/know? her bff Laura died.  But she wasn't up for Thanksgiving because Susan died?  Lol.  Where was everyone else that lives in that house at?

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OMG, who is that in the blue with the hair with Jennifer?

I’ve given her a fair chance, but I’ve come to the conclusion that I just don’t care for Jada. I don’t ever find myself rooting for her even when she’s in the right. She strikes me as a classic soap “good person” who ends up going nuts and turns into a villain before getting killed or carted off to jail.

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