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General Hospital: August 2022 Discussion Thread

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For a minute there I thought they were about to give Obrecht a tribute episode and was prepared to lose my mind.

I should elaborate on the above: I have no beef with Kathleen Gati; she does a great job. I remember her first day onscreen and she did grab me, and I wasn't surprised they kept using her. Obrecht was and is a fun recurring character.

What I objected to later was what Ron Carlivati in particular does with virtually all villainous characters in later years of his career; he doesn't just sand off their edges and lean into camp to try to make them more superficially 'fun' (we can point to many examples at DAYS); he refuses to properly rehabilitate them or make them pay for their crimes (again, all of his soaps), while often simply attempting to devalue other heroic characters to try to make them morally 'equal' instead. It was regularly suggested in those years that Anna and Obrecht were 'the same' because Anna had conspired to try to kill Faison and hide his murder. That doesn't make them the same at all - Faison was a mad dog who had destroyed Anna's life and terrorized her family for decades. Obrecht was a willing participant in international terrorism and unethical medical experiments on innocent people. And when Obrecht was finally caught and Robin was freed, they went straight to having Obrecht get off scot-free, get a job at GH and start performing high camp musical numbers for everyone. It's great that Gati can sing and dance, and I enjoy the chemistry she has with people like Kin Shriner. But I'll never accept Obrecht as a part of the everyday canvas who people just are okay with having around. I do not buy into her twisted relationship with her daughter or her dead plastic son. No matter how many times she sings torch songs, I won't buy it.

I have no problem with Gati coming in and out as Obrecht to stir up trouble on a semi-regular basis; she should keep doing that in a different way from how she is on the canvas now. I enjoy her work. But I don't forget who she is, and part of that is because TPTB have simply failed to deliver on making Obrecht as nuanced or rehabilitated a character as they clearly want her to be. Gati does great work, but she can't outrun really facile writing.

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Well, she had me at the diva head toss with shades and glasses during the 50th anniversary, but the potential for Dr. O was there from Day 1. And while the writing has been questionable...and expected given RC's writing...still glad she is around and amazed at how the writers have found ways to keep her on (and off) screen.


OOOOooo sounds like I have some good scenes coming. That said...




Well, those writers did not waste any time trying to get Dex shirtless. It's nice and all...and he's clearly packing below...but even I have to pick on how typical soap body he is. But I might be picking more because what I said before...with the turn in Esme's storyline, he's being aimed where her spot was in the teens. And honestly, I liked Esme being there better. It was built better even with the starts and stops in the teen storyline. There's a slight feel of propping with Dex. I would rather they just...write what they have planned with him.


And speaking of writing...aha! So got to the scenes mentioned about Cody being written into a legacy family. I was expecting it. But to Dominique? And making him a half-brother to Serena. Uh...though I like he respects her at least. Still...le sigh. What good is that tie if no one connected to it is around. Serena is gone. Katherine is dead. Dominique is dead. Seems odd. But it gives Scott something to do. 


Awwww at these Spencer and Sonny scenes. It is nice to know when the chips are dead, they still play that part of their history. And I must admit that building up to the verdict that the momentum has really been gaining, and I'm feeling it. And how it is morphing into an umbrella tale.


Speaking of being put into other people's story, I am loving seeing TJ more and still having a point of view even though he's basically a talk-to to several people. I am wondering how deep he will be in this Willow pregnancy tale. I also think he might be the one to figure out that Willow and Nina are related. 


Kristina sighting! It was nice to see her scenes with Sonny. Still headstrong. Sad they don't use her more.


Okay...I'm READY for Chase and Brooklyn to continue confessing their feelings. This has gotten ridiculous. 

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The hook that stabbed Ava? Yeah it was good. She always gets 'shafted' LOL


Meanwhile, I know fans seem to hate Cody but I'm all for him being Mac's. The look on Mac's face said everything: "this kid could be my son"

Edited by KMan101
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Nikolas is beyond pathetic. Seriously, what has happened to him?

But once again, Nick Chavez blew me away. The acting with his eyes and facial expressions was perfect. The kid's a star and he's got a really bright future ahead of him. One of the best thing GH did in the last few years was to finally recast Spencer. Also, I wonder if Spencer spitting on Nik's shoe was scripted or if NC improvised it.

I was talking about yesterday when Spencer walked in to hear Nik and Ava, but today's was really good too. As a whole, this was actually a pretty good week.

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Spencer telling Nik off is the best of GH this week

MC do not renew your contract 

GH recast. There are actors that can embody Nikolas Cassadine and have his essence.


I have no Idea how MC believes he is playing Nikolas Cassadine

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