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2022 Daytime Emmys Discussion Thread


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@DaytimeFan I wanted to showcase a positive outlook on her win - despite all the negative comments I’ve seen in this particular forum.. discussion.. it’s a beautiful moment .. that should be celebrated not criticized … or belittled.. 

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I didn't see anyone criticizing her win? I think the critique was more so around how it took the dying days of the genre for the academy to finally award a woman of colour. That, and the way daytime continues to write for write for characters of colour and treat their respective actors.

Mishael is a worthy winner, and some would say she is the last truly amazing "find" Y&R ever had. Her initial casting is definitely the most significant contribution of JFP's tenure at the show. 

Edited by BetterForgotten
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@BetterForgottenLike I said focusing on the negative doesn’t help anyone.. what genre isn’t dying - all forms of entertainment are going through changes - what is your point? Celebrate her win period.. Or exit stage left. My Mom is Trinidadian and was proud.. and she doesn’t watch soaps much anymore.. just let it be… why add your insights on subjects you know nothing about.. i.e, how to run a network - how daytime television is run.. and television academy voting… just #stfu already - it’s annoying rhetoric at this point. 

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This is so gross and rude and unnecessary lol You're talking to people who have been following soaps for 20, 25, 30, however many years. Yes, we know how daytime television is run. Yes, we know how voting in the academy is done. We're not morons. When you've been watching something for decades, you do attain a great deal of knowledge about how it works, and that qualifies you to add insight on it whenever you so choose.

Yet, with your 37 posts, you somehow think you're qualified to make judgments on the people who post here.



Anyway, it feels like I know more people in the memorial montage than I do out of all the supporting/younger acting nominees combined, but it is what it is. Congrats to John McCook, though. At this point, why not?

Edited by All My Shadows
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Listen, I am of Afro-Caribbean heritage and I am a woman. I even have family who migrated from the West Indies and settled in Toronto, so there is a certain pride of place seeing those photographs of MM cradling her Emmy. I am glad for Mishael’s success, but the fact remains that she should have won years ago when she was far and away playing the most compelling character on the canvas, Hilary Curtis. As Hillary Curtis,  MM really had the chance to give a dynamic performance with each appearance, rising above a lot of dreck that had been written for her. It’s weird that she didn’t win for her work for her last year on the show as Hilary. And it’s weird that, in a genre famous for bringing people back from the dead, they didn’t revive such a dynamic character. But this is also the show that refuses to bring back one of their most popular characters because she point out the obvious.

Anyway… I hope Mishael is able to parlay her Emmy to better opportunities. Again, as I stated before, congratulations to her and all the awardees.

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@vee; @allmyshadows - I am really directing this to @darn - All I was saying is just celebrate the win. You all keep going back years - I don’t watch YxR I was just giving my opinion. If soaps are dying and not important then why are all of us here.. I have been a fan since my teen years.. I don’t post a lot because I have a life… you guys are bullies and acting like you have the monopoly on this board… if someone doesn’t agree with your opinion then just accept it.. we are all adults.. let’s keep it cool.. I’m not obtuse and I’m not a troll.. grow up and try to enter the 21st century… soaps are transitioning … as for the genre dying I was responding to another persons post here.. streaming is not network tv.. and cbs, abc, and nbc all have streaming services for their soaps.. i.e., Pluto where I saw YxR and BxB on there.. please if you don’t agree with me fine.. we can agree to disagree.. no biggie… let’s move on… 


Edited by Chrissy81730
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You keep repeating the same thing but want to say “let’s move on” lol The moral of the story is not everyone is interested in just surface level discussion. If that kills a vibe for you or annoys you or whatever, then…okay? Suggesting that people water down their conversation because you don’t like it is weird.

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Not to bring up a dead conversation. But having watched every soap that aired at some point between 1991 and today (31 years this month) and being one of Mishael's biggest supporters, I also feel the hollowness of her win. I'm happy for her. Ecstatic. But it comes at a time when the show has done everything  possible to ruin her popularity and earned place on this show. She doesn't get much airtime or focus. They've steadily deprived BOTH her character of something the most mediocre white character gets (talking anchor baby here). She won YET the genre has not changed it's ways. 

Someone said the genre will have to if it wants to survive. That's rich. Didn't we watch show after show go off the air without ever truly trying to do much of anything with respect to diversity? Even when shows did, TPTB eventuslly cut off their noses to spite their face. The death of Hilary proved that, AGAIN. 


but still, congratulations Mishael. 

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Diversity is just one thing. Showing it is always a good thing. Being more inclusive creates a better dramatic product. In truth no one knows what it would take for the remaining 4 broadcast soaps to do to survive. If anyone knew, they would be busy trying to convince someone to try to do it. US daytime soaps were once the most successful thing in broadcasting history. The business is badly broken & there's no clear path to what it needs, which is to reinvent itself once more. Meanwhile as soap fans we are likely to enjoy some of what we see & be frustrated with some of what we miss. And, I'm not saying something madly original. By now it is same old/same old.

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