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DAYS: Fire Jamey Giddens!!

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Yeah. I watched Reilly-era DAYS as much as anyone, but of all the long-running soaps, I find I have the least connection to DAYS. Yet when I stumble upon ‘80s supercouple-era DAYS, it’s so much smarter and richer than I’d expected. That’s a soap that I might have cherished and not just watched for high-calorie, low-nutrient sugar rush.

Edited by Faulkner
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That's because '80's DAYS had heart and emotional depth to its' storylines.  They - the writers, the producers, the directors, the whole production team - believed in the power of romance.

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By the way, I'm not suggesting '80's DAYS was anything like '70's DAYS, because '70's DAYS, or what I have seen and read of it, is so much better.  There, you had a psychological depth to stories that even the stories on '80's DAYS lacked for the most part.  But I'd take even '80's DAYS over everything that has followed.

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There was just a baseline of depth and care that went into soaps overall in the ‘80s, even the storytelling on a few of the shows (like OLTL and GH) wasn’t necessarily to my tastes. And like you said, a belief in romance. The ‘90s was a huge step down for DAYS that seemed to augur the total destruction of the other shows.

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Honestly, I don't know how I feel about this.

I guess... when I was creating my podcast/soap opera "send up", 'Lust for Life', as a creator who loves soap opera, I wanted to share it with the soap community. Twice I reached out to "Daytime Confidential" to share it... but never heard back. So, I am still a nobody, lol

HOWEVER, no matter who you are, a lot of your blood, sweat and tears and time goes into creating/writing a soap. I don't know Jamey at all, except for what he has posted on Daytime Confidential, but as a fellow creator... I can only presume under pressure when writing a network soap vs. if he was writing his own independent show, it's still equally hard. There's a lot of thinking involved, and I don't mean that to be funny - but you're trying to write to an esteemed voice (like Deirdre Hall, Suzanne Rogers, etc.,), while keeping an audience in mind. You're trying to make sure for both character and audience that you're giving everyone on the canvas a special moment. And sometimes just in how you begin to construct your scene, and you're finally putting down those pieces of dialogue, you're probably getting notes from the network or the production that influence your work. Not to mention meetings (that are probably stressful as our job because while some of us get badgered about "metrics", "ratings" are probably being mercilessly imposed upon soap scribes). And just when the writer has gotten a few edits in - it's time to print what you've got for the upcoming show so the cast and director can work with what you wrote. I am sure even Jamey would agree if there was any more time to be had, he'd totally refine his dialogue. Every writer wants more time, lol

So, even if we come to the conclusion, it's not the best for now... he's definitely got a job where he can get better? 



Edited by Lust4Life76
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Is Ron even head writing? The soap has two disastrous stories right now...edit that...three

1. The possession story which was Corday's idea.

2. Renee I am Renee story is Jamey's hot mess.

3. Craig comes out(not sure whose story that is)

Edited by Soapsuds
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The Renee thing COULD WORK IF they had Linsey watch Philece Sampler's Renee and bring her traits into Linsey's Renee. Linsey already did this when she was Ava playing Sarah and Gwen playing Sarah but I guess that wasnt needed for Sarah as Renee. Ughhh

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