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Y&R February 2022 Discussion Thread


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By now, I think it's obvious: Josh Griffith doesn't know what the [!@#$%^&*] he's doing anymore.

I'm all eyes!!

Josh Griffith: "Thank GOD for whoever invented the cut-and-paste option!"

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The name "Dominic" was created by Abby from the initials "D" and "M" for Devon and Mariah.

You're right that Phillip was originally in there ...


August 31, 2021, Abby is starting to fill out the birth certificate:
From the transcript:

Abby: Well, I was up all night. I couldn't sleep. I couldn’t come down from all the excitement, and I came up with a name.
Dominic Phillip Newman Abbott Chancellor.

Tessa: It’s nice.

Mariah: It’s great, yeah.

Abby: Oh, there's a "D" in there for Devon and an "M" for Mariah.

Mariah: The third letter.

Abby: I wanted to make sure that you guys were an everyday part of my son's life.

Mariah: Wow.

Abby: And then Phillip as the middle for Chance, of course.

---- ---- ----

And then November 29, 2021, Abby finds the missing Chance in Spain, to his astonishment. She tells him they have a son and shows him a photo.
From the transcript:

Abby: We can't change what happened. But I am here to bring you home to meet your son.

[ Chuckles ]

Chance: I have a son?

Abby: Yeah. [ Chuckles ] Here, and he's beautiful and healthy.

Chance: [ Gasps ]

Abby: [ Laughs ] Dominic Phillip Newman Abbott Chancellor.

Chance: [ Chuckles ] That's quite a handle, but I sure do love it.

Abby: Yeah.

Chance: Oh, my gosh.

Abby: The "D" is for Devon. The "M" is for Mariah. And, well, Phillip is obviously after you. And I just — I wanted him to know how many families he's a part of. How many loving families.


and then after Devon requested legal partial custody and the name change ...

Transcript from Friday January 21, 2022

Christine: Alright, so Amanda and I will negotiate all the specifics of the joint custody agreement, put together all necessary paperwork.

Amanda: And it will take some time for the courts to finalize things, but we will approach this in the spirit in which the decision was made. Everyone coming from a place of mutual respect and working together for Dominic’s benefit.

Devon: I do have one request that I’d like to make.

Christine: Yeah, now would be the time.

Devon: Abby, I’ve always really, really appreciated how much thought you put into Dominic’s name and making sure that it, you know, reflects everyone that he’s a part of and everyone who’s a part of him. And in that same spirit, I’d like to give him Neil’s last name, ’cause he’s your godfather, and I just thought it would be a great way to honor the man that showed me what being a father and being a family is all about. So I would love if he would be known as Dominic Phillip Newman-Abbott-Winters- Chancellor.

Chance: That sounds perfect.

Devon: Yeah?

Chance: Yeah.

Devon: Thank you.


Transcript from Wednesday January 26, 2022

Devon: Appreciate the enthusiasm. I do. But, nah, the only thing left is to finalize the legal agreement, which, luckily, Amanda’s taking care of. And she says that Christine has approved all of our requests.

Amanda: Aren’t you forgetting something? Come on. Tell your sister all of the news.

Devon: That’s right, that’s right. So, since Dominic is becoming an official member of the family, i asked if that could be reflected in his name.

Lily: Oh, and they agreed?

Devon: They did, so he will officially be known as Dominic Newman Abbott Winters Chancellor, and I chose Winters instead of Hamilton to honor Neil.

Lily: Wow, what a beautiful thing for you to do. And what an amazing gift to give your son.


I don't know why Devon forgot to tell Lily that Phillip is part of the boy's name. Did something happen between Jan. 21 and Jan. 26?  At any rate, on Jan. 26, Devon told Lily a name without Philip -- so that must be why Lily omitted the name Phillip in her gift of the name on the baby's memory book.

Did the judge say there was a limit to the amount of names, so they had to omit one? LOL.
Maybe the Y&R writers simply forgot?

Amanda said it's not official yet. So we'll see what's on the amended birth certificate ... if this is ever finalized.  And we can make a reasonable speculation that since this is a soap, his parentage will all be changed after whatever happens with Dominic's bone marrow.

Edited by janea4old
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I'm just glad Dominic isn't a girl.  Otherwise, if he were, and she grew up to be the usual female soap character w/ multiple marriages, there's a good chance her name would've ended up being Dominique Newman Abbott Winters Chancellor Baldwin Grainger Williams Romalotti Brooks Foster Locke McDermott Billingsley Jablonsky Jablonsky Taylor Rivera.

Edited by Khan
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