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Days of Our Lives: December 2021 Discussion Thread

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I also think Marlena has put up with a lot of [!@#$%^&*] for John.  Not the devil, but like a lot of other things.  I honestly don't think it's a bad idea at all in theory, but I consider John/Marlena a tentpole on Days and I guess I don't need other options explored?  But if they actually got Wayne back I would consider it.

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Again, it doesn't have to end with Roman and Marlena reunited.  I mean, OLTL reunited Clint and Viki at the end, but miracles like that don't happen everyday, lol.  I'm fine with John and Marlena as endgame, but, as @Vee posted upthread, it'd be nice to put a button on what is largely unfinished business for Roman.  It'd also be a great way to restore some luster to Roman and give John/Marlena an organic conflict that keeps fans on the edge of their seats as to when they will reunite.  (Again, when it comes to serialized drama, it's never a question of IF something will happen, but WHEN; and the longer you can delay the gratification, the better.)

And if/when John and Marlena fight about her and Roman spending so much time together, Marlena could remind him of that, too.  (Drake and Dee aren't the worst actors.  They can rise to the occasion when given halfway decent scripts.)

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I am just on the fence.  I loved Wayne's Roman and that triangle, but I think the time has passed for it to continue.  Days needs a solid Tom/Alice couple and I think Jarlena are it.   It's a lot of what ifs.  Wayne is older than Deidre I think so I don't think he's going to up and join Days again.  If he did I don't think I would be opposed to it, but it's basically not going to happen.  It would have been great 25, 20, 15, even 10 years ago, but I don't think we should even mess with Jarlena at this point.  Again, the thought is really good, I just don't think it's a relevant story today.

Edited by carolineg
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And in fairness, with Viki and Clint it was not the same. Not just because Clint Ritchie was long dead at that point and Brian Kerwin had been quite popular as Charlie (I was pretty sore about Viki and Charlie's breakup, as that was probably both Ron's best couple and best story at OLTL), but because Jerry verDorn's Clint was a markedly different iteration, having inherited the mantle of his father he had defied throughout his life. I felt it made thematic sense for the character and was very well played by JVD who sold it to the hilt while keeping Clint's humanity, but it was a divisive change in the character and the Viki and Clint who reunited at the end of the network run were very different characters than they'd been when together. I felt the chemistry and combustion, the searing intelligence between Slezak and verDorn worked, but not everyone agreed. It's not quite the same thing as the supercouple legacy of Deidre and Wayne Northrop, the original performers at DAYS.

I think you can tease Roman and Marlena and still play out those beats, romantic and otherwise, strongly with the original actors, but for me it would end in Jarlena because I think that is where both the heat and investment has been for so many years. People mock Deidre and Drake and at times justifiably, but they headlined those product ads (I can't remember what product!) a few years ago for a reason; they are iconic, and I just could never buy Marlena going back to Roman for good at this point unless John were dead.

ETA: I do agree Kristen has never gotten over John. What is really interesting was the suggestion that some part of John was still fascinated by her, hence taking her to bed a few years back during Eileen's second contract run. I never thought they'd go there with his character.

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it was Tide lol.  Jarlena would just be a super hard thing to unsurp even with Wayne.  I don't deny great chemistry between all the actors, but Jarlena's fanbase, likability, and history just outweigh Roman/Marlena.  It's something from like 40 years ago, and while I enjoyed it, John/Marlena are more comfortable to Days viewers.

I think it would be one thing if it was Marlena's only viable option like Viki in theory, but Marlena has 2 and it's just not worth re-doing it all for something I don't think most viewers would like.

Edited by carolineg
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IMO, John and Kristen will always be fascinated with each other, because John is really more like Kristen than he is Marlena.  Whenever he's with Marlena, he's still just playing the part of Roman Brady, as he was programmed to be.  But, again, that's JMO.

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I can agree they might be fascinated with each other but I don't think he's more like Kristen than Marlena.  John has never been innately evil and I think Kristen is now.  John, even at his worst, walked a fine line of villainy.  I mean, I guess it's what you see it as.  John is a better Roman than Roman is if you see it that way. But do you doubt John's love for Marlena or his family?  No.   But I have said for years Roman and John are literally the same character, but Marlena likes to have sex with one more than the other.  Instead of wildly differentiating the two characters the writers over the years have made them exactly the same.  It might have been interesting to see Marlena to fall for a more villainous John and be attracted to that.

Edited by carolineg
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Say what you will about Days but it gets people talking...

Wayne returning as Roman-well he has not aged well, especially as Deidre is almost ageless, so purely from a shallow physical standpoint, John is a better match for Marlena. Just as Josh's Roman has never been used as viable  alternative to John, despite the history.

So the writing/plotting would have to be superstrong to give Wayne a chance. 

Over to you Ron...

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At the very least, having Marlena fall for the more villainous John, and having John struggle to reform himself in order to make himself worthy of her love, would have re-emphasized many of DAYS' core themes.

Oh, Gawd.  Just forget I ever brought the damn idea up.  

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I think Wayne has aged better than JT.  Like the way you think a rugged Roman to age I guess.

I think Marlena being physically attracted to a bad boy would work like 25 years ago.  It's too late now, but I think there is something to Marlena/John's sexual attraction that could have been explored back in the day. Their affair could have been a little dirtier and grittier.  Less like Marlena was choosing between the taller and hotter of the 2 Romans.   Kinda like EJ/Sami, but like less rapey

Edited by carolineg
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