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Harry and Meghan Interview with Oprah


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I think this interview has been interesting so far. Meghan says that Kate actually made her cry and not the other way around, which is what the British media tried to paint. She mentioned it was related to Charlotte's bridesmaid dress and that Kate apologized. Meghan also says that the Queen has always been kind to her, which I believe. I do believe that the Queen genuinely likes Meghan and respects Harry's choice to be with her/wants him to be happy with his wife and family. I didn't think that the Queen was one of the people in the family giving her trouble.

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It sounds like many people associated with the Royal family liked to spread lies/put their own spin on things regarding Prince Harry and Meghan. Meghan is saying they were told that Archie wouldn't be allowed to have a title like Prince or get security. But around the time he was born the press tried to say that Harry/Meghan didn't want him to have a title. She also said that someone from the royal family had multiple conversations with Harry voicing concern about how dark Archie's skin color would be.


When Oprah asked who that royal family member was, Meghan wouldn't say because she said it would be very damaging to them. It's really unfortunate that one of Harry's family members would talk to him about him and Meghan's son that way. That is sorry behavior. 


Archie should not have been talked about in that way and he deserved security and the right to be called a Prince.

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This one is going to leave a mark on the royals, internationally at least (I can't speak to back in the UK). It's pretty damning. I don't think Harry and Meghan have always played it perfectly through the entire ugly ordeal but it is impossible not to sympathize with them now.

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I don't think it's going to make any difference, as the people who hate Meghan will continue to hate her. I'm glad she and Harry finally got to tell more of their side of the story instead of hiding away while the palace continually runs smear campaigns against them. There's something very sick and broken about the royal family - I used to think that was a part of the past, but this and everything with Andrew, not to mention the clearly (in my opinion) dead and cold William and Kate marriage, have made too many things for me to deny anymore. Once the Queen is no longer with us, I don't see what future they have. 

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IA this does expose the BRF in a way they have not been exposed since Diana. Despite attempts to show that the institution has changed with the times, it really has not at all and may never.


With the exception of the use of computers and cell phones, the 'Firm' is still run as it was back in the 1940s and 50s -- a shrouded, hierarchical institution protected from the great unwashed, run by the Men in Grey who prioritise pedantic protocol and extreme deference. The family itself grudgingly goes through well-paid motions of 'service' and is clearly dysfunctional but clings on because... all that wealth.


However, will this interview kill off the institution? Too soon to say. Revolution is often a straw which breaks the camel's back. The BRF is embedded in English class culture, and people out there, moderate Brits but also white, nationalistic, alt-right Brits, view the institution as embedded in their history and identity, a symbol of when Britain lorded it over the world. They have a lot in common with the core Trump vote in terms of background, culture wars, and political POV. I've always thought parts of the US and UK are kissing cousins born of twin sisters.


Watching clips of the M&H interview (it officially airs tonight on UK TV in Primetime), I realise that she represents such a clash with that nationalistic institution -- international, millennial, multicultural. Her self-management of her fame and 'brand' is of the now. She speaks a language that the old guard hate and reject.


P.S.: Totally agree about W&K. Last November, at the height of a lockdown, they went on an expensive Royal Train tour of Britain, to breathe on cute kids and essential workers (neither W&K worse masks, for photograph purposes). It was, apparently, their way of 'thanking' the NHS. Well, it totally flopped as a PR exercise and was roundly criticised. Completely stupid and tone deaf.

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Oh, and @DRW50 : More and more people are demanding answers about Andrew, but he remains completely protected by the Queen. Moreover, the press is careful not to mention him too often (illustrating the also-toxic quid pro quo relationship between the BRF and the Murdoch/Dailly Mail tabloids).


Andrew may no longer be a 'working royal' (which suits him to the ground, as I don't believe he was ever big on 'working') but he kept all his military titles -- which is more than Harry got. (Harry served in Afghanistan).

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None of this interview surprises me and for those Meghan haters out there, the racial aspect here is incredibly obvious. The press in the UK have eviscerated her and they did use her race to drum up the press against her, the same way that the GOP used Obama's race to generate hate against him, to deflect from the rot embedded in their respective institutions.   I am not saying the situations are exactly the same, but the pattern of using biases that these institutions know exists, to drive a wedge between people to deflect attention from their own rot is glaring.


I thought Harry's comments were interesting in that they know once the press turns against them, TRF knows they are done.  So they leak cheap shots at Meghan to get the press to target her.


I don't think Meghan and Diana have a lot in common. Diana certainly had a good amount of press on her side- one thing she knew was how to work - but both were ostracized for daring to challenge the status quo. You'd think after how badly they handled Diana's situation they might have learned. I thought at least her boys especially William would be a bridge to a more contemporary institution but Harry's comments solidified they are still stuck in 1950. I give him some credit for really not going there on his family and saying that both Charles and William are stuck like he was at one time. I'm not sure i buy that entirely but I can empathize to some extent.


Of course the biggest piece of proof is how they have dealt with Andrew. Here is someone who hung out with a serial pedophile, likely raped young girls and he's still there  - his CRIMES basically ignored. And I am sorry to those who chose not to believe it, partially used Meghan as a shield also to deflect from his crimes. And yes they are crimes.

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The fact that TRF and tabloid attack-dog press went hard on an intense, targeted, smear campaign last week illustrates your point exactly. If they had nothing to fear, why bother? But they knew some bombshells would be coming that would make them look bad, so they went hardcore with the 'deflection tactics.' Only problem was, it was all so obvious and proved H&M's point. It made TRF look even worse. 

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The royal firm/media have presented of much their "side" again and again by constantly smearing Meghan. It's not like they have been silent since Harry/Meghan have been together and all of sudden Harry/Meghan started going after them after they left the UK. They have published many negative stories about her, prior to that. I definitely believe Meghan/Harry more than the others in the royal firm/British media.


The Royal firm seem to have serious issues and have had them for years, long before Harry/Meghan got together. There is definitely a lot wrong with the way they run things as evidenced by things like they way they have managed various scandals, they have had/are currently having. They should be more concerned about what Prince Andrew has done instead of worrying about stuff like a baby's skin color, which is deplorable behavior. Harry seemed genuinely disgusted when that moment was brought up again by Oprah. And I don't blame him, I would be upset if someone talked about my child like that. 


I find it interesting how Harry/Meghan said the exact opposite of things happened than what the media/family allowed people to think. Kate making her cry instead of the other way around, them not receiving financial support from the family after they left, (Though I remember reading reports that Charles would support them). Or reports that Harry/Meghan didn't want Archie to have a title, but they stated they wouldn't have minded that. And would have been fine with it, if it meant he had security. And other stuff that goes directly against what the British media/family lead people to believe. I don't think that Harry/Meghan would outright lie about things like that. 


If anybody want to believe more of what the royal family/media is saying over H&M you can do as you want. But I think that a lot really stinks here and I think it's coming more from their direction not Harry/Meghan.


Anyway, overall I thought last night was a really good interview. Before it aired I thought it might be a bit more lightweight, but Oprah really delved into some serious subjects and I thought it was really good. I'm glad that Meghan/Harry got away and seem to much happier and at peace. I think they are beautiful and lovely family.




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I wonder if they will put out more smear articles about Meghan. Or if they will actually show at least a little contrition after last night's interview. I wouldn't be surprised if they largely went with more smear articles. 


I thought it was pretty clear after looking at last night's interview, that Harry/Meghan mostly wanted emotional support from their family. Especially after Meghan started getting attacked by the press. But really didn't get that. 


I was a bit surprised at how miffed Henry seemed at Charles. I thought he seemed pretty miffed/disappointed in Charles. He seemed more upset when asked about Charles than he was when he was asked about William. Even though William is the one that the press keeps saying he has big issues with. It sounds like he feels that Charles really let him down and left him hanging out to dry, especially with the way he let it drop that Charles stopped taking his phone calls. And then when Oprah asked him later if Charles was taking his phone calls he goes "Yeah.... but in a "not much type" of way. 


I remember seeing articles from the press making it seem like Charles had Harry/Meghan's back and would help provide for them. But it doesn't seem like that is the case with Harry also mentioning that his family cut him off in early 2020. That's once again an example of the press saying one thing about the family and that being contradicted by Harry/Meghan.

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By the way for those who choose to think big bad Meghan is the evil one here(I see Charles and the rest of the establishment royals and the entire firm are all the victims again as they were with Diana), here is a little reminder that I don't believe Harry and Meghan are wanted in the US by the FBI for questioning in connection with sex trafficking and under age sex investigations. And Andrew, as was already said, still holds all his titles. Harry who actually served in a war zone was stripped of his.


I am not sure what people are so angry about anyway.  Yeah they are still rich and still have loads of money but are folks angry that they are not reliant on taxpayer money. They chose where they want to live.  Big deal. We can keep Meghan and Harry and the TRF can adopt Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Marjorie Taylor Greene.

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