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Days: January 2021 Discussion Thread

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Emily O’Brien is beautiful. She should really be a Bond girl (or a Bond villain. Or Bond herself).


Lani’s head wrap is awesome. But they whiffed on an opportunity to have Eli shirtless. 

Cady really works for me as Jennifer. She’s radiant and doing her best acting since her ATWT. The only quibble is that Marci and Missy Reeves looked so much like mother/daughter.

Edited by Faulkner
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Preempted here too. The CBS soaps were the only ones on. The ratings are going to be bad for the soaps. I don't get why Days are showing them online. It's ruining the flow of the eppys on

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I really loved those scenes too. I think the show is smart to let Gwen reveal the truth about her deceptions and her motives one little nugget at a time, because each time you get these terrific confrontation scenes. Emily O'Brien really excels at those monologues, and Marci Miller was also doing a great job of reacting to her in a believable way. 

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Really enjoyed the Tripp and Patch scenes for some reason yesterday, especially the comparison Patch made about him behaving the same way when he was Tripp’s age.


It just sucks that so much investment has been given to Tripp/Patch and not Patch and his other children.


 I’m going to miss Xander and Charlie’s friendship. It showed a very different side to Xander. I hope the show continues to have Xander interact with other characters outside of the Kiriakis circle. 

Edited by MichaelGL
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I’m catching up with December and January, finally in that first week of January. The show is still fantastic with the exception of this bizarre rape story. We all predicted that Charlie was the real rapist, but what is the point of this? He’s a good actor that fits in well and he’s Ava’s son. It just seems like a waste for a story that never should’ve been told in the first place. I’m just happy it looks like it’ll be over soon. 

One major unpopular opinion I have is that I *love* Kate with Jake. This is her best pairing since Roman and I don’t mind the age gap. I’m sick of older men with younger women on soaps, but I don’t mind the reverse because soaps are so quick to minimize the sexuality of older women. I also think Lauren Koslow reads much younger and is still one of the more sexy women on Days. I’ll be sad when this is ended to throw him back with Gabby. They struck gold here IMO. 

Also this Gwen story was perfectly done. I didn’t feel like they dumbed down the characters or stretched it out too long. The Chad you could argue is coming off dumb, but I put that more on the acting. I do think him sleeping with her makes sense. I’m hoping to get caught up before Monday because I want to see the secret reveal with everyone else. 

Lastly, Cady McClain has made me forget there was another Jennifer. They need to go ahead and recast Hope if they can do as well as they did with Jennifer. Melissa Reeves (and Kristen Alfonso) was checked out for years. It’s so strange how quickly she fit in which isn’t easy for a legacy role like this. I find myself looking forward to her scenes and actually paying attention. I hope this becomes permanent. 

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The show really has been investing in friendships a lot lately. I was a big fan of those Jack/Xander scenes. Hopefully, they'll continue.

I don't think they were dumbed down either. Chad was an ass for sure, but he was in a vulnerable place after what happened with Abby/Gabby and Stefan, and Gwen exploited that vulnerability for her own advantage. You don't really see type of flow from one storyline to the next like that anymore.

Edited by AbcNbc247
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