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Look into the past - 1975

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I never knew that John married Kim without knowing that Bob was the father of her child. i always thought he knew and married her as away to get one over on Bob.

And I was always surprised that Konrad Matthei was cast as Grant when only a few years before he had a prominent role as Penny's husband Roy. ATWT viewers in those days were pretty loyal and probably wondered why 'Roy' was back in another role.

Maybe that's why he was dropped in favor of James Douglas.

Edited by Paul Raven
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All My Children


Written by : Agnes Nixon

Produced by : Bud Kloss


Since Anne Martin turned to her ex-husband, Nick Davis, for comfort upon learning Paul Martin – from whom she was recently divorced – had married Margo Flax, Anne and Nick had found a new close intimate relationship. Anne had been working as a volunteer on the "Child Abuse Hot Line" in Pine Valley and was terribly upset when a caller, Freda, told her that her husband had abused their two and a half-year old daughter and the child was spitting blood. With Dr. Joe Martin's help, Anne managed to convince Freda to take the child to the hospital where emergency surgery was performed but the baby died. Anne was hysterical at the news of the child's death feeling she failed at her job, that she wasted too much time and an innocent child had died. Deeply guilt-riddled, she told Nick she was going to make up for it by adopting a child and giving it all the happiness and love this little girl never got. Both Nick and Anne's father, Dr. Charles Tyler, tried to make her realize that this was no reason to adopt a child.


Kitty Shea, Nick's ex-wife, and Linc Tyler had been dating often. He was very attentive to her and was pleased that his lessons on music had not fallen on deaf ears. Kitty took to classical music instinctively.


Tara Tyler told her brother, Jeff Martin, she was not in love with Phil Brent any longer, rather she was just loving him with open hands and wanted everything for him that he wanted and so she wanted his wife, Erica, to be able to hold the baby. Hospitalized because of possible miscarriage, Erica was confident that she would be able to carry the child but she then lost the baby. Mona Kane, Erica's mother, was terribly afraid that Philip had to push himself emotionally towards Erica, that while Erica loved Phil desperately, he did only marry her because she was pregnant and the loss of the baby would change their marriage. Erica felt enormous guilt that her original intention to have an abortion might have been the reason for the miscarriage and Phil realized he had to be as supportive as possible. When Erica suddenly developed viral pneumonia and was very critical, Dr. Joe Martin feared the loss of her baby might make her fear her marriage was over and she might lose her will to live. Everyone told Phil the pneumonia was in no way connected with the miscarriage, it was only a coincidence, but he felt he was responsible for her risking her life and being near death. When Joe told Phil he had to make Erica believe he wanted and needed her to live, Phil said Erica wouldn't believe it, she knew he had only loved that way once in his life. But remembering Erica's joy at their engagement and her deep desire to be a good wife to him, Phil emotionally begged his unconscious wife not to leave him, that they had each other and that he wanted only her. He tortured himself with guilt over thinking only of the baby and never of Erica. Erica finally passed the crisis and came to. She realized she had pneumonia but believed she was still pregnant. She had emotionally forgotten the miscarriage and when told, adamantly refused to accept she had lost the baby. Dr. Tyler explained it was necessary for everyone to play along with Erica until she gradually realized the truth and accepted. However, he privately admitted to Nick there was always a remote chance Erica might never come out of this; she might never accept losing the child. Phil was afraid he would crack under the pressure of supporting Erica's baby delusion and when Erica was released from the hospital and returned home, still sure she was pregnant, Phil was near the breaking point. Erica had her bed moved to the living room and had confined herself to it obsessed with the well-being of her child. Since there was no improvement Dr. Tyler gently suggested she was under too much emotional stress and should see a staff psychiatrist. But Erica agitatedly rejected this idea insisting she was saner than all of them.


Paul Martin seemed to be going through a letdown following his marriage to Margo. He was overly annoyed when, due to varied circumstances, she was unable to cook dinner after he had invited his brother, Joe and they had to eat out as indeed he felt they were eating out every night just as they did when they were dating. Paul was taken aback by Margo's coolness towards Erica Brent's possible miscarriage as a contrast with his seeing Anne's deep compassion towards Erica. Margo was very upset to learn her daughter, Claudette, was going alone to Palm Beach as Claudette's husband, Spencer, was off to Europe on a family business trip. Margo was determined to go to Palm Beach as she was sure the Montgomery family was trying to break up Claudette's marriage because she was socially inferior to their son. Paul, upset to realize how much Margo seemed to value Spencer's social standing and money, remarked she seemed him as a trophy her daughter had hooked rather than the man she was in love with. Margo pressed Paul to go with her but he refused to go on a mission of interference in Claudette's life. Since Paul wouldn't go with her, Margo was determined to go alone to save her daughter's prestigious social marriage. However, Kitty pointed out to Margo that after working so hard to get Paul, she was risking her marriage worrying about Claudette's. Realizing it was true, Margo apologized to Paul for letting everything get out of proportion and promised her own husband and marriage would come first.


Tara told Ruth Martin - Phil's mother – she was sure Phil subconsciously knew that her child, baby Philip, was his son; knew that she wouldn't have hopped into bed with Chuck right after he, Philip, was reported dead but he hadn't admitted this to himself yet - Tara and Phil married themselves before he left for Vietnam, then when he was reported dead and she found herself pregnant, she married Chuck to give her son a legal father. –


Dr. Tyler and Joe found Mary Martin's latest tests show her blood count was down again. They felt she should not be told. Her husband, Jeff, was very upset by this and adamantly insisted she be removed from private nursing care in Erica's case but refused to explain why he was making this decision. However he was able to jubilantly tell her the next blood series was fine — the count was up.


Mona Kane and Dr. Tyler were spending much of their free time together - his wife, Phoebe, was on a world cruise - and were increasingly aware of how much pleasure there was in doing little things just because they were together.


Another World


Written by : Harding Lemay

Produced by : Paul Rauch


Sam Lucas told Pat Randolph the introduction to Carol Lamont didn't work, the only woman he wanted, Pat, was happily married to someone else. Pat tried to make Sam see his loneliness for his estranged wife, Lahoma, was causing him to be infatuated with her, that was all it was. Pat explained to John she felt responsible for Sam's suffering performance at the office; he misinterpreted her gratitude during her separation from John and was carrying a painful torch. When Ellen Grant called Sam from Somerset saying Lahoma had called and was ready to hear from him, Sam decided he did want his marriage and his wife and ended all connections in Bay City saying he and Lahoma would make a fresh start. He gave Steve Frame and John the final push and they agreed to try again with John acting as Steve's attorney for Frame Enterprises.


When Lenore Delaney graciously but firmly forced a reimbursement check on Carol Lamont for the "gift" of expensive reference books to Carol's wonderful boss, Robert, Lenore's husband, she made it clear Carol was an employee and wasn't to cross the line. Noting Carol tried to imply the fabric for this office redecoration wasn't quite right simply because Lenore selected it, Neil Johnson, Robert's new assistant architect, told Carol he could see through her subtle put-down of Lenore; it was because she was interested in Robert. Lenore was again annoyed when Carol's Christmas gift to Robert was as ostentatiously expensive authentic historical letter from Lord Nelson. Lenore asked Robert to keep it at his office as the gift was obviously for him, not for the both of them. Robert insisted Carol was trying to be Lenore's friend too and couldn’t accept Lenore's statement that Carol's competing with her because she was infatuated with him, Robert.


Recently reconciled, Alice and Steven Frame were idyllically happy at their vacation house in St. Croix. Alice made clear to Steve that Jamie was a part of his life and she didn't resent him at all. Pat, Alice's sister, told their mother, Mary, that Alice couldn't have children, that was why she refused to see Steven and pressed their separation. Mary realized that Jamie, Steven's son by Rachel, was an even bigger pawn in their lives but said she wouldn't interfere in Alice and Steve's lives again. Indeed, on the telephone, Mary welcomed Steve back into the family telling him she really meant it and they could look to the future. Learning that Steve and Alice had reconciled, Rachel, recently divorced from Steven, and suffering from high blood pressure, passes out but refused to allow her mother, Ada McGowen, to call the doctor. John, Rachel's attorney, prevailed upon Dr. Russ Matthews and Dr. Dave Gilchrist not to press charges against Rachel for stealing the hospital records pointing out this inadvertently brought Alice and Steve together. Deeply depressed and feeling her life was virtually over, that she had lost Steven forever, Rachel ran into Mackenzie Cory when she arrived at Iris’ to pick up Jamie. Realizing how upset she was, Mac, who believed he only had plans for dinner with Iris, called Iris at Pat's saying he couldn't meet her, something had come up. Mac had no way of knowing that Iris was inveigling him into a party at Pat's in honor of him and Pat's Aunt Liz Matthews. Pat and Iris had hoped they could prompt an engagement announcement between Mac and Liz. At dinner, Rachel explained to Mac she grew up feeling cheated by her father's abandoning her and she didn't want Jamie to grow up the same way. She further explained how nobody in Bay City was a friend to her no matter what she tried to do. Mac assured her he would be her friend. Iris and Liz were both very upset when Mac missed the party and Iris was furious that Rachel was the cause. She told her father he had been taken advantage of by young women before and she made it clear Rachel was unsuitable and unwelcome in their circles. He replied Iris had always been jealous of any young woman he had liked and his privacy had to be respected.


Determined to have her father settled down with Liz, Iris pushed Liz to agree to be a house guest at Iris' home so Steve and Alice could be alone in their house. Liz had misgivings but Iris was sure Mac would find her indispensable if he saw her daily. Mac, however, while seemingly cordial to Liz, was rarely if ever home inasmuch as he was dating Rachel almost every night. Liz was crushed to realize Mac's attention had totally swung to Rachel of all people. It galled her and annoyed Iris who vowed she wouldn't let anything come of this. Liz was ready to move to a hotel but Iris insisted Mac frequently had had flings with younger women and insisted that Liz should wait it out. However, finding Liz in residence in Iris' house, Rachel told her if she was trying to snag Mac it wouldn't work and gloated over the fact that she, Rachel, was the one he's interested in. Iris went to Carol saying it was her duty to warn Carol about what a dangerous person Rachel was and to discourage Carol's friendship with her. Carol insisted she would see whomever she liked and made it clear she wouldn't let Iris use her to get Mac away from Rachel. She told Iris that she obviously wanted Liz to marry Mac because Iris could dominate Liz but Rachel would be a threat. Iris confronted Rachel saying Mac would drop her like he had all the others, that she could never fit into their world. Rachel refused to stop seeing him. Annoyed, Mac finally told Iris he was out so often in the evening because Iris had made it difficult for him to be home by inviting Liz to move in without even discussing it with him first.


Mac pointed out to Rachel she had to make sure Jamie was not deprived of his father as she was deprived of hers and he promised he would help her through the emotional strain of dealing with Steven. Rachel assured Ada she was seeing Mac because she liked him not because Liz was interested in him. Ada feared Rachel was rebounding from Steve and would be hurt again. Liz, meanwhile, encouraged by Iris and Mary to stick it out, was constantly hurt and embarrassed by Mac’s total indifference to her and constant attention to Rachel. When Rachel Christmas gifted to Mac with poli equipment, Iris sent them back to her by messenger with a note saying that Mac’s days of physical activity were over; Rachel had probably not have realized this.


As The World Turns


Written by : Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by : Joe Wilmore


After Dan Stewart found his daughter, Emmy, - who wandered away from her mother's apartment -, he decided he would go to court to get legal custody of her, but his ex-wife, Susan, was going to fight even if she had to hurt Betsy who thought Dan was her uncle instead of her father. Mark Galloway, who wanted Susan to marry him and go to New York, suggested that Susan let Dan have Emmy, but Susan still felt she might be able to get Dan back. She had her lawyer get a court order to have Emmy returned to her. Grant Colman, Dan's lawyer, insisted that Dan stay within the law, so Susan took Emmy home. Mark told Grant that if Dan would talk to Susan just right before this went to court she would possibly give Dan custody of Emmy because, although she loved her, he didn't think she wanted the responsibility of raising Emmy, but they had to keep his - Mark's - name out of it. Dan fets it could be a delaying tactic that Susan thought up, but decided to go ahead with it. When Grant asked Susan for a meeting, she went to John Dixon because he had the only opinion she could trust. He suggested she talk to Dan because it was Dan himself she wanted, not Emmy. Susan decided that John was right. Dan was furious when Susan canceled out of the meeting and then both Dan and Susan faltered when Grant set up a new meeting. Susan and Dan then again agreed to meet, but Dan's patience almost ran out before Susan showed up.


John Dixon left the hospital with a nurse to assist his wife, Kim, with his care. Kim was going to get a divorce after he was through convalescing. Dr. Dan Stewart was concerned that John's ankle wasn't healing as well as it should. He wanted John to go back to the hospital, but couldn't convince him that he should. Betsy invited Kim to her school play and when she agreed to go, John thought she should stay home with him instead of getting involved with Dan's family. When Kim came home after an especially nice time she fiound that John has sent the nurse home and was feeling sorry for himself, so she promised not to leave him alone which meant she missed her niece's first birthday party on Christmas Eve.


Jennifer Hughes was upset when her husband, Bob, and her sister, Kim, reminded her that she had to see Dr. Fisher. She was afraid that, although she had been feeling well, the tests would show that her fatal blood disease is worse. After she took the tests they had to be repeated and Jennifer was frantic while waiting for the results. Dr. Fisher explained that he double-checked the tests because they came out negative and he wanted to be sure before he told them that the disease had not advanced and she could be in remission. Even the news that the tests had to be repeated in 6 months couldn't dampen her spirits.


Everyone tried to tell Carol Hughes that she and Tom were wrong to think that they couldn't bring their marriage back together. Nancy Hughes, Tom's grandmother, felt that Tom's client, Natalie Bannon, and Jay Stallings, who had been seeing Carol, were keeping them from working things out. George Ingram confessed that Natalie didn't know she had stolen property and so the dismissal of the charges against her was only a formality. Tom missed Carol at the bookstore, but left her a note asking her to call him about dinner. Jay saw the note that Carol hadn't seen and asked her to dinner himself. When Tom didn't hear from her, he went to Natalie and told her that they would celebrate after they saw the judge on Friday. Carol read in the paper that Ingram confessed and realized that the number that the hotel gave her where Tom could be reached was Natalie's, so she didn't call. Tom visited Carol, mentioned the note and accused Jay of destroying it. Jay came by just in time to defend himself. He admitted he wanted to, but didn't. When Jay accused Tom of treating Carol badly, Tom hit him. Carol asked Chris Hughes who could help her file for divorce. Nancy was appalled that Jay would say he hoped that the break-up was permanent. Bob Hughes suggested that Tom call Carol, but when he did, Jay answered, so he hung up. He then told Natalie that they didn't need an excuse to see each other. Tom invited himself and Natalie to Lisa's for Christmas. When Lisa and Natalie talked however, Lisa was barely civil.


After feeling guilty about causing an unavoidable traffic death, Joyce Colman went back to work and asked her estranged husband, Grant if it was really true he had broken up with Lisa Shea. When he explained that Lisa broke it off, Joyce felt hopeful that she could win Grant back. Joyce rented an apartment and, although she would be alone at Christmas, she felt things would go her way soon. Lisa was feeling very lonely without Grant, since her son, Chuck, wasn't home from school and her mother was on a cruise. After Christmas, Natalie went to the bookstore and thanked Lisa for Christmas dinner. When Lisa tried to explain to Carol, she only made things worse. As Lisa told Nancy about it over lunch, Joyce dropped by to pick up the rest of her things and thanked Nancy for Christmas dinner which put Nancy in an awkward position.


Jay had Carol look at an office suite that he wanted to lease in the best part of town. Carol said it really wasn't right for him after all when Jay was upset that Grant wouldn't look over the lease.


Pa Hughes had competition for Irma Kopeke from Mr. Nordoff, but decided to fight for her even though he had been getting the brush-off lately.


Days Of Our Lives


Written by : William J. Bell

Produced by : Betty Corday


Marty Hansen, in Salem for his wife, Maggie's orthopedic surgery, was shocked to learn Linda Patterson was Jim Phillips’ wife. At Marty's urging, Jim fileds him in on the whole story of Mickey's affair with Linda - Marty Hansen was actually Mickey Horton but had no memory of this since his amnesia, following open heart surgery -. Marty was disgusted at what Mickey was. To help him stop tormenting himself about his past, his ex-wife, Laura, showed him a letter he wrote to Linda begging her not to lightly give up her marriage to Jim because he, at the time of his surgery, was paying daily for his transgressions by the loss of Laura's love, that sharing a child with someone you loved was the most important thing in the world. Laura and her present husband, Bill, Mickey's brother, feared that if Mickey dug far enough in the past, he might inadvertently uncover the fact that Michael was not his son but Bill's. When young Michael tried to jar Marty's memories with things from his past, his grandmother, Alice, reminded him they had to face reality, Mickey had no memory. Realizing Tom, Alice and Michael were fine people, Marty did wonder why he instinctively pulled away from them. Was it that he feared being close to them would take him away from Maggie?


In desperate financial straits, Dr. Neil Curtis told wealthy widow, Amanda Howard, he couldn't wait a moment longer and had to marry her immediately, implying he had been avoiding her merely for propriety's sake because of her recent widowhood. Dr. Greg Peters was astounded that the man in Amanda's life was Neil inasmuch as Neil said nothing when Amanda, because of problems with the man in her life, was close to suicide. He's so disgusted with Neil that he quit his job as Neil's medical associate. Greg's wife, Susan, pointed out that Greg was quitting over Amanda and she questions his personal involvement with his patient. Laura, Amanda's psychiatrist, pointed out to Greg that if Neil turned Amanda over to them because he was too emotionally involved to help her then he couldn’t be faulted as a doctor and she made Greg see that he was over emotionally involved with his patient and lost his objectivity. Realizing this, Greg apologized to Susan promising he wouldn’t make the mistake again. Neil brilliantly bought Amanda an enormous engagement ring that he couldn't afford so when she asked about his financial status and learned he was in trouble, she came up with $20,000 he needed to cover his stock margin shortage. At Amanda's urging, Greg told Neil he would return as his medical associate.


Having just come from calling Julie Anderson a tramp for betraying her husband, Bob, Doug Williams was shocked to learn from Don Craig that even though Julie spent the night at his, Don's, apartment, they did not make love. Terribly angry that Bob's preoccupation with his hospitalized ex-wife, Phyllis, had caused him to miss his birthday party, Julie had gone to Don's apartment much to Doug's dismay. Don angrily accused Doug of still loving and wanting Julie but hiding behind his moral concern to keep her away from other men and vulnerable only to him. Doug vehemently denied this but then began to question his own feelings. Don, meanwhile, made it clear to Julie he didn't make love to her because she came only out of anger at Bob and he, Don, was not a port in a storm. But he pressed her to give up her marriage to Bob and told her he was going to fight for her. Doug visited Julie telling her of Don's accusations and explaining he needed to talk about this. Julie replied that Doug was too totally involved with Addie - Julie's mother, Doug's wife who recently died - and that while she, Julie, once would have taken Doug any way she could get him, she realized you couldn't go back again and that her mother would always be between them; she couldn't compete with that type of love. She added that if she really believed that Doug felt for her the way he did before his marriage to Addie, her decision would be easy. Laura, meanwhile, warned Bob that Phyllis actually thought there was a chance of reconcilation because of the close concern he had shown for her and therefore at Laura's agreement, Bob let Phyllis know that as she was on the road to recovery, he was bowing out again; that she had to go on alone and he had to return his attention to his new wife. Julie saw Laura professionally telling her Doug was beginning to question his feelings for her and since she still felt the same for him, wondered if there was any way it could work out. Laura explained that Bob had backed away from Phyllis so he and Julie could have a new start and that all the thinking Julie was doing was proof she was trying to make her marriage to Bob work. Julie, therefore, told Doug that since Bob wanted a fresh start at a future together, she owed him that much. Phyllis, meanwhile, was badly shaken by Bob's pulling away but pretended she could accept it. However, her daughter, Mary, pointed out Phyllis was living on the crumbs of polite concern Bob showed her and she had to let go. Neil, her doctor, also told her she was reaching for straws and reminded her he was there to help her look to the future.


Julie and Bob celebrated a combination birthday and reconciliation at Doug's place. Jeri Clayton told Julie that Doug wasn't there as he couldn't stand to see Julie and Bob together. Julie insisted she was happily married and told Jeri to butt out. However, as Bob expressed his desire to go home and make love to her, she realized how she really felt about this and asked herself, 'how can I?' Julie realized that it was Doug that she wanted but suffered pangs of guilt and remorse as Bob praised her understanding in not turning to another man while he was preoccupied with Phyllis and, thinking how much she wanted to turn to Doug and how she almost turned to Don, she guiltily turned back to Bob hoping to find a way to make it work. Jeri, sensing that Doug was in a very bad emotional state, warned Bill who found Doug on his bed in the back room at Doug's place, holding Addie's picture and clutching the clown pin that represented the masquerade he played during her illness. Indeed Doug dreamt Addie had come back to disapprove of his not taking care of himself and exhorting him to start his life again. Bill and Tom were very worried as Doug was drowning in pity and grief and they knew no way to help him. Julie was trying to make the very best of it with Bob but she was deeply disappointed when her son, David, again this year suddenly decided not to come for Christmas but to go to Switzerland with friends instead. She was deeply upset to learn Doug's grief was depriving his infant daughter, Hope, of her father on Christmas and told Doug the man she loved was dead; all that was left was a shell. She leaves sure she didn't get through to him but indeed he arrived at the Hortons’ soon after to be with his child.


Bill and Laura were thrilled to learn Laura was expecting a child, that she conceived on their honeymoon. Since Michael and Bill were closer than ever, they hoped he would favorably accept his mother's pregnancy. In fact Michael had told Bill he was the closest thing to a father he would ever have.


The Doctors


Written by : Robert & Eileen Mason Pollock

Produced by : Joseph Stuart


Margo Stewart, vowing to disrupt Toni Power's plans to marry her estranged husband, Dr. Alan Stewart, arrived on a flight from Hawaii just after Toni's wedding shower party. Enraged, Margo reviled Toni as a temptress who had schemed to steal Alan away from the moment they met, using her baby as the ultimate weapon. Toni, surprised at Margo's sudden return and violent rage, stood there dumbfounded, while Margo destroyed all the lovely gifts and listened to Margo claim that there wouldn't be a divorce, and that if Alan was going to have any child, it would be Margo's, not Toni's. Toni denied any part in a plan to seduce Alan from Margo and reminded her that Toni's husband, Dr. Michael Powers was still alive when she first met Alan. Realizing that she couldn’t reason with the frenzied Margo, Toni suspected Margo might be extremely ill because of her frequent abdominal pains, and she contacted Alan as soon as Margo left. Alan confronted Margo at their apartment and while raving out of her mind about her visit to a Dr. Bradley in Hawaii to make it all possible for her to bear Alan's child and regain their marriage, she doubled over with severe cramps and collapsed. Alan rushed her to the hospital, where Dr. Steve Aldrich pieced the whole story together about Margo's obsession to have a child and her refusal to realize her marriage had ended, which led her to deceive Bradley into doing routine tests which unfortunately caused a dormant tubular infection - The infection, caused by her miscarriage, rendered Margo sterile - to flare up. Margo, mistakenly believing Steve could help with an operation, rejected Bradley, ignored the persistent pains, and left Hawaii without taking the antibiotic treatments needed to stem the spreading infection. Steve's only course was to recommend a hysterectomy for the unconscious and dangerously ill young woman. Alan, overcome by the gravity of such an operation, had to reluctantly agree. Shortly after the operation began, Steve faced Alan with the shocking news that Margo had died on the operating table: the massive infection had progressed too far to save her life. Alan, guilt-ridden for leaving Margo alone in Hawaii to face the divorce, shut out Toni's loving attempts of consolation. Matt finally convinced Alan that Margo was the author of her own tragedy, and realizing that "his" problems were really "their" problems, Alan told Toni that after he had returned Margo to the island paradise she never really wanted to leave, his past would be settled and the future theirs.


Disillusioned and hurt, Mike Powers, who, unknown to everyone was actually alive, returned to Singapore from his short visit to the States, to resume his work in the hospital's forensic lab. Dawn Eddington, at age 10, after her mother's death, came to Singapore to live with her British engineer father. When he died constructing a bridge, she eventually lived in the foster home of Dr. Chaing, famed plastic surgeon, who had a protective brotherly attitude for the vulnerable young nurse. He warned Mike that although he was considered dead by his wife, there had been no formal divorce, and that Dawn cared deeply for him. Chaing awaited the visit of an old friend, Capt. Zeb who knew about the one link between Mike and Toni - baby Michael.


Aggressive news reporter Kitty Harris, suspecting a hot story about the renowned "disease tracker" Dr. Tom Barrett, persisted in her investigation of his interest in the flight from London that Dr. Ann Larimer was on when she returned from Africa. Even though Dr. Matt Powers managed to temporarily throw her off the trail by showing Kitty that Ann wasn't in isolation as she suspected. Kitty disguised herself as a doctor and learned the whole story from the recovering Ann. Learning of the nearly fatal Obanda fever and of Ann's contact with a fellow flight passenger, Kitty rushed to the Evening Globe determined to release the story. Matt, discovering Kitty's subterfuge, successfully persuaded the editor to not print the story and averted a possible panic. Tom and Dr. Althea Davis's diligent detective work to uncover the name of the infected person paid off, but unfortunately, they arrived too late at the remote home of Iris Fonteyne, to prevent the already ailing woman from departing for Florida with Rex Everlee, head of the Cosmic Force Institute, who was pressuring the wealthy widow to invest in his cause of "spiritual healing". Learning from a neighbor of their departure, Tom and Althea placed an appeal with the police and with the airlines to stop Iris and her companion, but were hampered by the fact that the woman didn't use her true name when she travelled. Suspecting Dr. Nick Bellini was hiding the truth about her recovery, Ann examined her x-rays and discovered her high fever had caused serious lung damage. She refused to consider his proposal of marriage and a desert honeymoon, no matter how much he protested he couldn’t lose her again, because she didn't want a vital doctor like Nick permanently tied to an invalid. Under Althea's forceful persuasion, Tom agreed to stay and take Nick's place in the lab. Nick agreed to Ann's demands of not marrying but insisted on going along with her to the desert and caring for her. He arranged for Tom to have his apartment, rent free, and in a final parting, asked Althea to be at least sociable to Tom, her new neighbor.


Dr. Karen Werner, working in Berlin General Hospital alongside Dr. Rolf Krilling, wondered why her medical knowledge didn't return. She forced the truth from Rolf that the doctors agreed her memory loss was really a defense mechanism from the guilt of kidnapping Erich, and believing she was responsible for her young son’s death in the plane crash. After a harrowing confrontation with a neurotic former patient, Karen decided to return to the site of the crash hoping to regain her complete memory.


The Edge Of Night


Written by : Henry Slesar

Produced by : Erwin Nicholson


Mike Karr, hospitalized with a confirmed case of hepatitis, making total bed rest mandatory for several weeks, was in no condition to rush to the aid of Martha Marceau. Martha was facing a charge of Murder One for the fatal shooting of Taffy Sims, natural mother of Martha's adopted daughter, Jennifer. Mike handed the responsibility of the case to recently widowed Adam Drake, who had become increasingly more attracted to O.B. Henderson – Brandy - the Assistant D. A. Matters took a strange turn when D.A. Ira Paulson - Paulson was the replacement for Pete Quinn who won the Senatorial race after Adam withdrew because of his wife, Nicole's death -, convinced the State could win the Marceau case easily, assigned Brandy to plead the case for the Prosecution. Brandy had to accept her assignment, or face resignation. She confronted Adam with her fears that placing them in opposition to each other in the courtroom would damage their love for each other. Paulson further demanded that Brandy was not to see Adam socially for the duration of the trial, which angered Adam and prompted him to reject all possibilities of detrimental publicity which could harm the case. Martha's fragile emotional state made it necessary for Adam to accept an early court date despite their lack of hard evidence needed to prove her innocent of intent to murder Taffy.


Brandy, her first time in open cour,t handled the Prosecution's opening statement in a soft, yet forceful manner, impressing the jury that there could be no excuse for Martha's taking the law into her own hands and for later concealing the crime. Paulson, determined to win and further his own ambitions, prevented Brandy from going to a festive holiday gathering at the Karrs' with Adam. The Prosecution's first witness, Lt. Luke Chandler, was forced to testify about Martha's outspoken hatred for Taffy. Bill Marceau feared this might have damaged their case badly.


When Kevin Jamison, crime reporter, received an anonymous phone call from a man who claimed to have the murder gun for sale, Adam was pleased. Kevin obtained $5000.00 from his paper, made the transaction, but was shortly after brutally slugged from behind by another man and he lost both the money and the gun. The weapon, the one piece of evidence which could have verified Martha's story of a defective trigger which just went off in her hands, was lost! Kevin, more humiliated than actually injured, could be consoled by Phoebe Smith, who has recently accepted his proposal of marriage. Mrs. Geraldine Whitney, who had secret plans of making Kevin the heir to her vast estate, regarded him as a son, and disapproved of his choice of profession and his choice of a future wife.


Tiffany Whitney recently introduced to Noel Douglas, who was in the investment business, - Brandy's former fiancé -, found him both attractive and infuriating. Tiffany, not entirely certain whether he was really interested in her or just her wealth, found Noel's cavalier attitude toward her upsetting. She admitted to him that she felt "helpless" about Adam's attraction for Brandy, and was furious when she learned of Noel's visit to Brandy to gain this information. When Noel arrived very late for a date, she accused him of being at Brandy's first and of being arrogant, vain and offensive, and sent him away. Later, after Noel's apology, she agreed to date him once again.


Danny Micelli, long-time "paisano" to Johnny Dallas, and Tracy, John's sister, were constantly at each other's throats. Danny couldn’t forget the fact that Tracy appeared to be a thief and a liar, but, recognizing that "the family" superseded his friendship with Johnny, didn't tell John all the facts regarding Tracy's possible criminal actions at the jeweler's, while John and Laurie were honey-mooning. Danny, fed up by Tracy's "lies" of the rich life she lived in a Chicago luxury apartment, while working for a fashion magazine, confronted her, and learning her Chicago address, called and confirmed the fact that she did live there, leaving him to wonder just what her profession really was to be able to afford the apartment. Tracy returned the expensive bracelet she took from Danny in an effort to end their bickering. When Noel Douglas arrived alone for dinner at the New Moon, Tracy recognized him and tried to avoid him. He cornered her in the cloakroom and when she rebuffed his advances, he offered her money for the privilege. Both Danny and Laurie were puzzled by Noel's interest in Tracy and her violent destruction of a handwritten note he sent to her. On Christmas Day, Danny, lonely and bitter over his pitifully few memories of his dead wife, grieved for the family they would never have together, and, breaking down, turned to an equally desolate and sympathetic Tracy.


General Hospital


Written by : Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by : James Young


Peter and Diana Taylor celebrated the reaffirmation of their love before a group of their closest friends in a touching and intimate ceremony. Not even the return of Dr. Phil Brewer could hinder the joy of resuming their marriage after the long months of bitterness and separation. Phil, furious about Diana's return to Peter and armed with the information that Augusta McCloud was pregnant with Peter's child, demanded a late night meeting with Peter in Dr. Lesley Williams' office. The day before, Phil had a terrible confrontation with the drunken Dr. Jim Hobart, who felt Phil cheated him out of his position in the Cardiac Unit, and arranged to meet him, too, that night in Leslie's office. Both Jessie Brewer, Phil's former wife, and Diana, who became pregnant after Phil raped her - Little Martha was 1 1/2 years old - both learned of Peter's meeting and changed their nursing schedules to be on the 7th floor that night. Augusta, who despised Phil for what he was about to tell Peter, was working the graveyard shift that night, and overlapped with Jane Dawson who was working the evening shift. Unseen by everyone except Augusta, a very drunk Jim, who had told his wife, Audrey, he would not keep the date with Phil, staggered into the sunroom and continued drinking from his hip flask. Peter confronted Phil in the office and after hearing the stunning news about Augusta, he punched Phil on the jaw, bloodying both Phil's jaw and his knuckles. He left Phil sprawled out on the floor. Peter, observed by everyone, was in a stunned condition and left speechless. Diana, fearing what might have been said about her relationship with Phil, went to the office. Augusta left the station to answer a call from a patient who no sooner had Augusta returned to the desk, requested assistance again. Diana returned, a stunned expression on her face, and tearfully left to go home. Jessie upset, and suffering from the racking cough caused by San Joaquin Valley Fever, went to confront Phil. Shortly after, Jane, preparing to depart, passed by the door to Lesley's office and was shocked to see Jessie, her face a mask of pain and grief, maternally cradling Phil's body saying, "Oh, Phil, I'm so sorry..." Jessie was clutching a geode - The valuable rocks were a gift of matched paper weights for Lesley's and Joel Stratton's desks. - Just before the discovery of the body, Augusta observed the dazed Hobart leaving the 7th floor. The police immediately notified by Dr. Steve Hardy, sent a representative from the D.A.'s office, Ross Jeannelle, a young, thorough, and persistent investigator who began to uncover all the possible suspects and possible motives once the cause of Phil's death was determined by the coroner to be murder, caused by two blows to the head with a blunt, roughly textured instrument: Ross recalled there was a geode paper weight and finding a perfect set of fingerprints on the smooth crystalline side of the rock, began fingerprinting everyone who was there the night Phil died, including Hobart who claimed he wasn't there, and had persuaded Augusta not to mention seeing him. Ross placed everyone under a round-the-clock police surveillance.


Kira Faulkner, a close friend of Steve's and an aggressive, but sympathetic TV newscaster, began digging into all facets of Phil's life, and the lives of the 7th floor staff, to the distaste of Steve and lawyer, Lee Baldwin. Diana begged Peter not to tell Jeanelle about hitting Phil, but Peter, who couldn’t lie and feared he might have caused Phil's death, told him all that he could remember of the evening because the incident had become all rather fuzzy to him. Diana, when questioned, told of her visit to Phil, who was alive, right after she saw Peter leave the hospital. Peter, greatly disturbed by Phil's accusations about Augusta, went to confront her to learn the truth... but, not believing her denials, returned a second time and this time she broke down and confessed the truth. Augusta, distraught, obtained a referral from Hobart to a doctor in another town — for a "friend" who needed an abortion. Peter arrived, as Hobart left, to tell Augusta he didn't know what to think as he had learned of his future progeny.


Lesley was pleasantly surprised at wealthy Cameron Faulkner's generous endowment offer for the free clinic, but Joel was far from pleased about Cam's growing interest in Lesley.


Guiding Light


Written by : Robert Cenedella

Produced by : Lucy Ferri Rittenberg


Hospitalized as a result of the automobile accident, Ken Norris concealed his symptoms of dizziness and temporary blindness in order to be allowed to leave the hospital when his wife, Janet did. As she was adamant that their marriage was definitely over in light of his lying about being in psychiatric therapy, he packed and moved to a hotel where, under great emotional strain, he passed out and, upon coming to, realized he couldn’t see. He was hospitalized and it was found he had developed papiledema, severe intercranial pressure caused by fluid seepage in the brain which had coagulated, choking the optic nerve. Ken was angry and belligerent as it was Dr. Ed Bauer who was the only available specialist for this condition. Ken continually questioned the treatment he would receive from Ed saying Ed had good reasons to keep him blind. Ken blindly attacked Janet when she visited him accusing her of doing this to him - it was, in fact, Ken's irrational tormenting of Janet in the car that caused her to cry and lose control of the car causing the accident. Ken couldn’t forget that Janet and Ed were involved before she married Ken and Ed married Ken's sister, Holly -. Holly, a hospital volunteer, began training for unsighted therapy to help her brother. Ken was resisting blind training even from Holly but since Holly was not exonerating Janet, like everyone else, he felt she was his only friend. Actually Holly was hoping involvement in Ken's problem would make her forget Roger Thorpe and the fact that he was the father of her unborn child. Completely mistrusting Ed's treatment, Ken insisted upon another medical opinion. Dr. Adler was called in and agreed completely with Ed but, learning Adler had previously spoken to Ed, Ken refused to believe him either. Learning perfunctorily of lumbar puncture, Ken insisted he wanted to undergo this risky procedure and refused to believe Ed's contention it could kill him. Ed told Janet and Barbara, Ken's mother, and Alan, Barbara's husband, that Ken could probably have prevented his own blindness by admitting his symptoms promptly while he was still in the hospital where he could have been treated with steroids. He added Ken's treatment regimen would be complex and constant and, due to Ken's total lack of cooperation, it would be quite difficult as instructions would have to be followed to the letter. Ken resisted the idea of going home with Barbara and Adam as he felt he would be treated like a small child again but, realizing he had nowhere else to go, he reluctantly agreed. Ken was very upset when Ed suggested psychiatric therapy - Adler suggested it too - saying he had had enough of that for a lifetime. Janet, strongly felt Ken should continue to be an important part of their daughter, Emily's life and therefore told him if he wanted to return to their home — a familiar place — she was willing. He sarcastically and bitterly thanked her for graciously allowing him to return as a boarder, to assuage her guilt at blinding him with this noble gesture. Janet, in tears, told Ed she never should have reconciled with Ken the previous year as she never felt with him the way she did the only time she was really in love. Realizing she meant with him, Ed kissed her. She responded, then pulled away saying they had to forget this and ran from his office. But the floodgates of Ed's memory were reopened and during the days that followed, his thoughts were constantly of Janet. Holly, meanwhile, was about to tell Ed they were going to have a baby having convinced herself nobody would be suspicious when the baby's a month early. When she finally chose her moment, Holly told Ed she had a special Christmas present for him — she was going to have a baby, his baby. Mike Bauer, Ken's law partner, was determined to go on splitting the firm's income with Ken even though there would be less profit with only one of them able to work.


Dr. Joe Warner and his wife, Dr. Sara McIntyre got a clean bill of health from the Cedar's Fertility Clinic. Joe told Sara the tension of their high-pressure jobs could be a major factor in their lack of success in conceiving a child.


Roger Thorpe and Peggy Fletcher had admitted their love for each other and were enjoying the beautiful first stages of being in love. Peggy's divorce notice would appear in the paper soon but she feared publicity and wanted the divorce to be as secret as possible. Holly was incredulous to learn Roger had been dating Peggy for almost four months, right through her affair with him. When Holly accused Roger of two-timing her with Peggy, he insisted he only dated Peggy and other girls casually because he and Holly could only be together rarely, but Holly saw the picture of Peggy and Billy beside his bed and realized he was lying. She angrily told him he refused to believe the baby was his, insisting she was making love to two men at the same time, to Roger and to her husband, Ed, something she could never do, but all the while he was making love to two women. Refusing to believe his claim he never made love to Peggy, Holly ran out hysterically screaming she wouldn’t let him get away with it.


Pam Chandler was very enthusiastic about helping Sara on her toxemia project but Dr. Tim Rogers, Pam's OB/GYN doctor, who was working with Sara, continually made Pam feel inadequate and foolish. Sara feared Tim's attitude and lack of bedside manner might harm his otherwise brilliant future as a doctor.


How To Survive a Marriage


Written by : Rick Edelstein

Produced by : Jeff Young


Alex Kronos, who agreed to live with Monica Courtland after his release from the hospital where he had undergone treatment for Multiple Sclerosis, found his life with Monica more and more restricting. Although Monica didn't mean to appear like a prison warden, her constant reminders about Alex's laxity and untidy behavior, finally forced Alex's decision to find a place of his own. Before departing, however, he did recognize the part she played in assisting him to finally grow up, accepting the responsibility of a job, and giving him her friendship when he needed it after total rejection by his gangland father.


Fran Bachman, recently widowed, found coping with spiraling inflation had eaten away at her meager savings and attempted to find a job in the business world. Her 17 years as a devoted wife and mother had left her ill prepared to face the onslaught of obnoxious employment agency executives. Fran finally placed an ad, following the advice of her father-in-law, for a boarder to help pay for household expenses, but dreaded the day she had to let a stranger into her home.


Johnny McGhee, euphoric over his first night on the new job at Noah's Ark as a waiter, was finally able to resume a loving relationship with his pretty wife, Maria. When Mother McGhee decided to permanently reside in Boston with her elderly sister, Ivy, she was relieved that Johnny and Maria were so happy again, and she could leave without concern. When Maria confessed she had stopped using contraceptives and had an overwhelming desire to have a baby, Johnny again retreated from her, resenting her conditions on his love. When JB, owner of Noah's Ark, sent Johnny across town on an errand with an envelope, the tip from the recipient was $100.00. Johnny was exuberant and coupled with Maria's apology for her demands to have a child and her needs for him, turned to her as a wife again.


Joan Willis, whose expected child was exposed to measles, was well into the seventh month of her pregnancy when she experienced some pain and staining. Dr. Max Cooper advised her to refrain from all strenuous exercise and further sexual relations with her husband, Peter.


Chris Kirby, settled into a lovely and slightly larger apartment with her daughter, Lori, feared the consequences of a custody suit involving her former husband, Larry. Lori, a sensitive child, was showing signs of deep concern over the tense atmosphere surrounding her. Monica believed Chris should tell Lori the whole truth about her father, but Chris could’t bear to destroy Lori's love for her father. Larry admitted to Joan, his closest friend, - even though Joan's husband, Peter, was acting as Chris' lawyer -, that he made a terrible mistake leaving Chris for Sandra Henderson and that he only wanted to somehow regain his lost family. When little Lori ran away to Fran's and spilled all her bottled-up fears of being the blame for her parent's quarreling, Chris and Larry were forced to deal with their problems head on. Chris, reluctant to remain in her empty apartment, went with Larry to his, where he admitted how sorry he was about all the pain he had given both Lori and her. Larry signed the divorce papers and canceled the custody suit, giving Chris all she had desired for so long. Yet, Chris, confused in her feelings for Larry because of his sympathetic and appealing manner in dealing with Lori, allowed herself to become deeply attracted and they made love. But Chris refused to spend the entire night with him and returned home in worse inner turmoil than ever. When Max learned of Chris' freedom, he tried to resume the closeness they once shared. Chris finally confessed her growing attraction for Larry and her confused emotional state and pleaded with Max to not push her and to give her the breathing space she needed. However, when he learns of the cozy family Christmas Chris and Larry spent together, he became demanding again and pleaded for them to spend New Year's together. Rejected, he countered and claimed that she was afraid to make a permanent commitment and should exercise her new found freedom. When Sandra turned up late one evening unexpectedly at Larry's, he ignored her overtures and politely sent her off, cutting once and for all his ties with his promiscuous past.


Love Of Life


Written by : Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by : Jean Arley


Jeff Hart demanded Jamie Rollins give him the papers his son, David and wife, Meg took from the river house safe or he would have Jamie prosecuted for breaking and entering. Jamie pointed out that since a member of the family opened the safe, no charges would stick. The police arrived and Jeff tried to intimidate them into not taking the papers, but they had their orders and Jamie had a receipt. Back at the Hart house, Jeff and his associate, Phil Waterman made plans to run, but Jeff needed a duplicate passport, so Phil sent Jeff to New York while he arranged a fake suicide with a note saying Meg and David's disloyalty were responsible. Nobody really believed the suicide ploy, but when Jeff called Phil, he said it was working. Jeff wanted more revenge, but Phil told him to stay put because there were warrants for him. Jeff, however, went back to Rosehill, called the Lamonts, where he knew Cal, Meg's daughter, would go to visit ailing Charles, and, saying he was David, left a message for Cal to meet him at the Hart house. Puzzled, Cal got the message and went there. Jeff attacked her, attempting to rape her because hurting Cal would give him revenge on her for alienating David, on David for being disloyal, and on Meg for leaving him. As Jeff had Cal on the couch, David came in, having heard of the message for Cal at the Lamonts'. Jeff knocked Cal out. David grabbed a gun from Jeff's collection and shot him twice, then ran. Cal came to, pushes the unconscious Jeff from her, saw the blood, and called the Sterlings who rushed over to find Jeff wasn't dead. Bruce had called the police and an ambulance and they rushed Jeff to the hospital. He had a hole in one lung and another bullet was lodged in his spine — if he survived, he would be paralyzed. Meg, since the night she and David took the papers, had been staying with Rick Latimer. Cal insisted on staying at the Sterlings' because she felt that's where David would try to reach her, disappointing Meg, who refused Van's invitation because Van, her sister, was right about Jeff. All efforts to find David failed. One night, he slipped into Jeff's hospital room and pleaded with Jeff to forgive him. Jeff recognized him, then lapsed into a coma. David panicked and ran again. The nurse told Cal and Van that David was unstable, on the verge of a breakdown. He finally called Cal at the Sterlings'. She poured out her love for him and begged him to come to her, but he dropped the phone and disappeared. Cal told Meg she was moving back to the apartment to wait for David. Meg told her she was not to because David might hurt her. Cal insisted David was acting as her husband and would never harm her. Everyone was horrified to find there was nothing in the evidence to incriminate Phil Waterman. Jeff thanked Meg for being with him, and forgave David, then died. David called again and Cal told him about Jeff's death, begging him to come home. Again he hung up, but late that night he sneaked into the apartment and left a note and his mother's ring as a Christmas present. Cal was miserable on Christmas recalling it was to be their wedding day. Jamie told Bruce the maximum charge would probably be manslaughter and David could probably be got off with a plea of temporary insanity.


Ben Harper, Meg's son, started to work as a bartender for Rick Larimer and was flabbergasted to find Arlene as one of his customers. He sent her out to his car and there tried to convince her to return to Denver, but neither had enough money, so he sent her to a motel. Meg told him that his continuing relationship with Betsy Crawford was the one good sign of his reformation. Ben had been staying at Betsy's house, but told her he had to spend the night with Meg, after Jeff's shooting, and went to the motel to Arlene. He explained the precariousness of his situation with Meg and Rick and promised to help her get a job as cocktail pianist at Rick's. Betsy found out Ben wasn't with Meg. He tried to convince her he just picked up a girl to get what she refused to give him but Betsy broke off their relationship, panicking Ben who needed her support to convince Meg to invest in Beaver Ridge. He finally explained the importance of Betsy in his scheme to Arlene, who agreed to help him win her over, advising he appear sincere. He tried, but Betsy spurned him. Arlene warned if Ben threw her over, all his plans were over. She talked Rick into giving her the job. Arlene gave Ben more advice on winning Betsy over, and this time it worked.


Johnny Prentiss turned up at Kate Swanson's new home at the granary. His grandfather, Charles Lamont, arrived to take him home, but Johnny asked to stay and won Kate's approval. All the anger and anxiety induced a small relapse and Charles collapsed. Dr. Ted Chandler, who had been spending a lot of time with Kate, ordered him to bed. Di visited Johnny and offered her support, but Johnny rejected her again because of Jamie. Jamie accused Di of still desiring a reconcilation with Charles ignoring her insistence that her only concern was Johnny. She was becoming more aware of her age, despite Jamie's constant reassurance. Charles, a dependent person, had been turning to Felicia Fleming for companionship. Jamie gave Di an engagement ring, forcing her to remove her wedding ring. She agreed to ask Charles for a divorce. Charles was livid when he saw Jamie's ring and told Di he would never give her a divorce. He then sarcastically told Jamie that when he, Charles, died, Jamie could retire before age 50 on Di's social security. Ted and Kate agreed to help each other through the holidays since he had lost his wife and child, too. Kate found it hard to cope with the memories Johnny engendered, especially at holiday time but Ted helped her through, then told her he loved her, and could wait until she was ready.


Rick assured Meg he was interested in her as a person, not for her money, and said he could get financing elsewhere. Meg set out to get the goods on Phil Waterman.


One Life To Live


Written by : Gordon Russell

Produced by : Doris Quinlan


Victor Lord had sent a surprise to the Banner in the form of a young man named Matt McAllister whom he met in India. He had worked as a roving reporter for International News and was a little upset when Steve Burke and Briggs decided he should work at the copy desk to break in. Matt called Victor and told him he was dissatisfied, but Victor said he would be home in a week and straighten it out.


Viki Riley told her husband, Joe about her phone caller offering information about Mark Toland's whereabouts. Joe became worried when he couldn’t reach Viki at the Carriage House, so he called police Lt. Ed Hall. The caller had caught Viki, pulled the phone wires and was demanding more money. Ed walked in as he had Vicki cornered. He was Arnie Gans from Llanview and saw Mark reading a copy of the Banner in a Las Vegas rooming house. After he heard Mark, who was calling himself Harry Leonard, had a job, he took Mark's wallet. When he returned to Llanview Mark's picture was in the paper. Mark's wife, Julie walked in on the end of this story. Julie couldn't decide whether she still loved Mark, but after promising not to get in touch with Mark, she called Mrs. Jupp's boarding house, but Mark was not in. When Mark found out that someone from Llanview knew where he was, he left before the police could pick him up. Julie promised not to get in touch with him again. Julie collapsed and they found she had mononeucleosis. Larry felt that for her sake as well as her mother's she should stay in the hospital for about two weeks.


Dr. Dorian Cramer felt that everyone was against her. Viki asked to be excused from the hospital board hearing because she didn't feel she could be fair to Dorian, but Jim Craig said that everyone on the board wanted to be excused, so he felt they should all attend. Viki asked Dr. Larry Wolek what he would do if he had to vote and he would dismiss her. Jim Craig asked him how he would feel working in the same hospital with her and Larry said he hopes Jim wouldn't want them to work closely.


John Douglas and Ray York, Dorian's lawyer, tried to convince her that she shouldn't appear so self-righteous since she was guilty. Dorian decided to plead her story to Viki since she was not allowed at the board hearing. She said Mark kept her from going to the police by saying she would lose her job and then her mentally ill sister would have to go to a state institution instead of the private sanitarium because she wouldn't be able to pay the bill and this terrified her. Viki was feeling even sorrier for Dorian when Matt decided to plead Dorian's case by telling Viki how sorry Dorian was. Dorian was dismissed, but Viki voted against dismissal. Jim couldn’t tell Dorian anything about the vote, only that she was dismissed, so Dorian decided to get revenge because they probably all voted against her. Matt tried to cheer her up, but Dorian refused.


Dorian insisted on going to the DA's office with her lawyer, but she got very indignant. They heard that Mark had left Las Vegas for San Francisco so her lawyer asked that her case not be heard until Mark was brought back since D. A. Emerson said Dorian could be lying.


Cathy Craig's baby - by Joe Riley - was due in three weeks. Viki told Joe that she'd like a baby. Joe decided that they should move into the Carriage House and finish it from there. She told him that Dorian was very hostile toward her at the library. Cathy had been asked to accept an award at a publisher's convention in the mountains and Steve Burke decided to use the opportunity to go along and get in some skiing. But since it was soon before delivery, Anna wanted her to ask her doctor first. Victor Lord got home and when he went to the Craigs’ to see his grandson, Danny, he was shocked by a very pregnant Cathy.


After a very short time at the Banner, Matt was trying to tell Steve that Briggs, who had been there for years, was making mistakes and who should be fired. Victor told Steve he had done a very good job of looking after the Lord Enterprises, but could use a rest, so he was making Matt Steve's assistant. Steve objected, but finally agreed to try him.


Wanda Webb was frantic about the wedding plans, so Vinnie Wolek decided to take over since she was letting them get out of hand. Wanda wanted a waterbed, but Vinnie said they would take the regular one. Wanda wanted Vinnie to wear a tux but Vinnie wanted to wear his navy suit and Wanda wanted to go to the Caribbean but Vinnie wanted to go to Vegas with his bowling buddies. Vinnie gave in, but when Wanda opened the mail she announced they would have to change the date.


Carla Hall wants Christmas to be perfect for Josh since he had never had a real Christmas before, but Ed had to fly to San Francisco to find Mark since he could recognize him.  Carla was almost beside herself even though Ed hoped to be home before Christmas. Carla and Josh had trouble trusting each other, but finally seemed to settle their differences. Ben Farmer and Eileen Siegel were seeing each other, but she was not letting their relationship grow.


Search For Tomorrow


Written by : Ann Marcus

Produced by : Mary-Ellis Bunim


Jennifer Pace told Liza that jail was awful, but as long as she had Scott she could face it. Jennifer noticed a strange look on Liza's face, and pressed Liza into telling her about Scott and Kathy's reconciliation. Devastated, Jennifer cut her wrists. Her friend, Marie noticed something wrong, called the guards, and Jennifer reached the hospital in time. Psychiatrist, Wade Collins, called Scott and told him he had to tell Jennifer whatever he had to or Jennifer would try again and at this point she was beyond psychiatry. In his visit to Jennifer, Scott was forced to tell Jennifer he loved her and was only living with Kathy out of gratitude. When Jennifer asked what he would tell Cathy, he replied, "The truth." Kathy tries to understand, but saw Jennifer's suicide attempt only as a play to get attention. But, for the sake of their love and marriage, she agreed to let Scott continue his deception. Scott convinced D.A. Sam Hunter to reduce Jennifer's plea to voluntary man-slaughter when he showed Hunter he would never get Conrad convicted without Jennifer's testimony. Hunter set bail, freeing Jennifer temporarily and she planned to spend every minute with Scott, who again tried to explain to Cathy, but she had had it. She couldn’t forgive Scott's intention of jeopardizing their relationship, and moved out. John begged her to give Scott time. Jennifer persuaded Scott to help Marie, even volunteering bail, against Scott's better judgment. Scott managed to evade Jennifer's advances, using Eric as an excuse. Scott realized the only chance he had of getting out of this mess was to get Jennifer a suspended sentence. He asked John and Kathy's help, and both agreed to assist him. Hunter, meanwhile, picked a tough female judge who was known for dealing justice without mercy.


Len Whiting was arraigned on felony hit-run driving. Kathy showed his record of service and cited the good he could do in the future, adding he had stopped drinking. To please Cathy, in whom he was interested, Hunter recommended the minimum sentence. Len made an eloquent statement about doing only good in the future. The judge sentenced Len to two years in the state penitentiary, then put Len on probation, provided he would work in poverty areas as specified by the court. He agreed. He and his wife, Patti discussed it, and with the judge's permission, decided to move to Appalachia. Before leaving, Len visited Eunice and won her forgiveness.


Bruce Carson continued to pursue Liza, wanting to marry her. Liza wished she had the same feeling for Bruce, or any man, that Jennifer had for Scott. She told Bruce she didn't know what she wanted to do after graduation, but she didn't want to get married until she found herself. On Christmas, Bruce tried to give Liza an engagement ring, but she turned it down because she was not ready for that commitment.


Tony Vincente and nurse, Stephanie Wilkins, completed their emergency case successfully, so Tony invited Stephanie out to breakfast to celebrate. Two hours later, his wife, Jo, called the hospital for a progress report and learned that Tony and Stephanie left the hospital together at 5 a.m. When Tony finally called at 8 a.m, Jo hung up without giving him time to explain. Later, he accused Jo of not trusting him. She replied that it was Stephanie she didn't trust. In an effort to find some answers to help heal the widening rift between Tony and herself, Jo went to Oakport to see Dave Wilkins, Stephanie's ex-husband. He recited the appropriate answers — Wendy was Tony's child not his, etc. — confirming Jo's suspicions that Wendy was Dave's daughter because of his manner. Dave came to Henderson, ostensibly to see Wendy, and was upset when Wendy told him she loved Tony. When Raney called him a cheat and a liar, Dave retaliated with the truth — Wendy was his child, not Tony's. Raney was shocked. Stephanie came home and she and Dave went out to his car where he told her he wanted $500 to keep quiet and arranged to meet her at her bank. The following morning, Stephanie just happened to let Tony know Jo went to Oakport. Tony confronted Jo, who said she was going to tell him. She added that she felt Wendy was Dave's child and she had no respect for people like Dave and Stephanie who would deliberately set out to ruin other people's lives. Tony said her whole problem was she didn't trust people, particularly him. Raney confronted Stephanie, who said Dave was lying, but under further prodding, Stephanie finally told Raney that Dave was telling the truth. Viciously, she told Raney to keep her mouth shut or she would never allow Raney to see Wendy again and would put her in an old folks' home. Raney wrestled with her conscience, and finally told the pastor of her church she knew what she had to do. She called Jo and arranged to meet her in the church vestibule.




Written by : Robert J. Shaw

Produced by : Lyle B. Hill


Eve Lawrence returned from Arizona full of new plans and ideas for her work that entailed her spending lots of time with Julian Cannell. Eve admitted to Ellen Grant that she still loved Julian and always would, but that was a fact she had to learn to live with. Julian and his new bride, Kate, had arguments over a conservation issue Kate wanted him to soft-peddle in the Register because of their advertisers. Julian reminded her that while he was editor, the advertisers wouldn’t dictate editorial policy. Eve decided to give a party for her boss, Ned Paisley, to celebrate his 20th anniversary in business. She invited his friends and business associates, including Kate and Julian. Kate refused to go, until Julian persuaded her they couldn't refuse because they might offend Ned, one of the paper's leading advertisers. Kate didn't like all the time he was spending with Eve, and Ellen and Tom Conway were suspicious of Eve's motives. Eve was stunning at her party, and all eyes were on her. Jealous of Eve, Kate told her, in mid-party, that she was shifting the Paisley account from Julian to the managing editor. Furious, Eve called Julian after the party, and putting things on a business basis, explained that Kate's decision was unacceptable to Paisley's. Julian, dumfounded because he didn't know of the change, confronted Kate, who said she was just trying for greater efficiency. Julian ordered her to change her decision, and after much argument, Kate agreed, but didn't call Eve, who told Julian that she wouldn't work with anyone but him. He was surprised Kate didn't call Eve, so Eve met with Kate and told her further misunderstandings would cause her to withdraw Paisley's advertising.


Ellen visited Skipper MacKenzie often, and they talked about art. Skipper had to enter the hospital often for tests because of a congenital heart-valve defect. Ellen met Skipper's father, Scott MacKenzie, director of athletics and head football coach at Baldwin College. Scott and Skipper made it clear to Ellen that they wanted to see her after Skipper's release. Skipper and Scott had great respect and love for each other. Scott asked to escort Ellen to Eve's party and she agreed. Skipper then suggested to his father that he did so and was pleased to learn Scott had already done it.


Dr. Stan Kurtz asked Dr. Terri Martin to accompany him to a medical convention in San Francisco. She agreed, teasingly reminding him that Kate and Julian returned from such a weekend married. He turned pale each time she mentioned marriage. While at the convention, Stan met Dr. Hudson, the man who supervised his internship. They discussed the lack of qualified doctors and Dr. Hudson told them of a brilliant young heart surgeon who disappeared from his staff — Jerry Kane. Back in Somerset, Stan confronted Jerry with his knowledge, but Jerry refused to go back into medicine. To keep Stan from taking her for granted, Terri occasionally dated Rex Cooper, who indicated he would like to take greater interest in her. After Eve's party, Stan took Terri home, left, then returned and proposed, giving her an engagement ring.


Upset by what he considered prying by Heather Lawrence's friends and family, Jerry told Heather he couldn't see her anymore, upsetting her. Jill Farmer encouraged Heather not to accept Jerry's edict, so Heather called Jerry and told him she would come to see him, if he didn’t see her. He was pleased and visited often. Jerry and Eve met, agreeing to be friendly enemies when Eve said she couldn't accept the mystery about his past, but he could continue to see Heather because he appeared to be good for her. Heather asked Jerry to escort her to Eve's party, but he refused because he was not yet ready for that. Heather told Eve she wouldn't go without Jerry, so Eve visited Jerry, explained the traumas Heather had been through lately, and expressed fear that Heather was isolating herself, which wasn't good for her. Jerry understood, but felt unable to help by taking Heather to the party, but changed his mind, and was delighted watching Heather among her friends. Jerry let slip some things about his past to Heather, who didn’t press him, so he told her he was a surgeon. She didn’t ask for details, saying he would tell her when he was ready.


The presence of Heather in the house and Greg Mercer's constant attention gradually lifted recently widowed young Jill Farmer from her depression and she agreed to go to Eve's party with Greg, even enjoying the selection of a dress with his help. Jill told Scott she would like to find a job, and he gave her a temporary job as his secretary. Ellen and Jill hired Skipper to do odd jobs around the house. Jill thanked Greg for helping her and told him he was a special person.


The Young And The Restless


Written by : William J. Bell

Produced by : William J. Bell & John Conboy


As Gwen Sherman began to come to after her drug overdose, Dr. Snapper Foster asked her how she could have gone back to prostitution. She mumbled, “They made me do it," but refused to say anything more. Liz Foster finally got the whole story about Gwen from Jill and Greg. She didn’t believe Gwen went back to it on her own, and, out of love and concern for her, visited Gwen in the hospital. Gwen finally told Liz the whole story: left alone at age 14, with no skills to support herself, Gwen had turned to prostitution and had fallen into Bugsy's hands. She had tried to back out, but Bugsy held Greg's safety over her head. Snapper overheared and told his brother, Greg, who contacted Stuart Brooks for information about men who dealt in women. In Stuart's files, Greg recognized one of the men, Bugsy, and he and Snapper paid him a visit. After Snapper made sure Bugsy was the boss, Greg beat him up, then visited Gwen, for the first time. He urged her to press charges and she agreed. Chris, Liz, and Snapper gave support to Gwen and finally Greg gave up some of his pride and took her home from hospital, but not until Snapper and Chris reconciled did he see Gwen again and offer to help her again, one day at a time.


After Brad Elliott told her there was no chance for them, Barbara Anderson arranged to meet with Leslie Brooks. She filled her in about Brad and her and urged Les to persuade Brad to go back to medicine in Chicago, saying he would never really be happy until he did. Brad told Les about the life he used to live, one of callousness and ambition. His father had been a G.P. in a small town, so Brad was naturally drawn to medicine, but was determined never to fall into the "trap" of over-work and long hours he felt his father was in, engendering arguments and bitterness between his father and himself. Les demanded he let his parents know he was alive as a condition for sharing his future. He agreed, but asked her to accompany him and pave the way with his parents. She agreed, and gwentoes in first to break the news. Brad's mother was incredulous. His father was suspicious, bringing up the old bitterness, until both saw the change in him and opened their hearts to him and Les. Brad again asked Les to marry him, warning it was the last time he would ask. She said she was not ready yet, neither was he.


Chris became further involved with Jane Hayes, the welfare mother who was giving her children away, by having Snapper give her a physical. He found she was anaemic and run-down and urged Chris to get her into the hospital, saying he would arrange it. With Greg's help, Chris succeeded in persuading her. Greg told Chris he originally got involved with Gwen on the rebound from her, Chris, and when she and Snapper separated, he had considered making a move, but he realized she and Snapper belonged together. Chris was grateful. On Christmas, Chris took Jane home and arranged for her children to come home. They asked to stay and Jane was hesitant until Chris explained she had found Jane a job where the kids could be with her. Chris and Snapper talked things out and as he agreed to all her terms, they reconciled.


Jed Andrews broke a date with Lorie Brooks to spend an evening with Betty, his almost ex-wife. Lorie was furious so she called Brock Reynolds hoping for a tryst. Brock asked Lorie why she was coming between Jed and Betty, since he didn't think she really loved Jed. He asked her to think about giving pleasure rather than pain. Lorie realized in subsequent meetings with Jed that he really cared for Betty, and, not sure why, she invited Betty over. Betty, as expected, vilified Lorie, but her tirade fell on deaf ears as Lorie rushed her out to "re-do" her. Lorie showed Betty that her dowdiness, compared with her own glamour, was one factor in Lorie's winning Jed away. She also encouraged Betty to get help for her frigidity problem, then called Jed. When he arrived, Lorie pointed out Betty's good points, gave him a phone number where she could be reached, and left. Betty was lovely and she and Jed began to talk. Lorie went to the Brookses’ house and asked for a loan because her book wasn't doing well. Her father, Stuart, was incredulous, saying all she ever brought anyone was pain. She got a call from Betty that Jed and she had reconciled. Lorie was cheered, but got nowhere with Stuart so went to visit Brock to tell him of her success with the Andrewses. Brock invited her to stay and help decorate the tree. She agreed, and while he was out cutting it down, she saw Philip's picture and recalled rumors she had heard about Kay's alcoholism. She speculated that there couldn’t be much of a marriage there, and considering her financial situation said next time she would get herself a rich man. She tried to pump Jill about the Chancellors, but got nowhere. Philip came home and Lorie flirted with him discretely, saying she was considering another book, possibly one about a business tycoon, but she would have to do a lot of research. In his usual generous way, Philip offered his help.


Unable to face the holidays, Kay drank even more, until her husband, Philip and her son, Brock, held out hope of a "cure" by Christmas if she would just give AA a chance. Kay tried on her own, but gave Mrs. Anders a call. Despite Mrs. Anders' urging, Kay refused to go to an AA meeting, saying the humiliation would be too great. She said she could do it on her own and did manage to cut down, but didn’t fool Brock that she had quit. Philip offered Jill a fur coat for Christmas but she refused, saying she could never explain it. He said one of the attractive things about her was her delight and appreciation of all the things they could do for her mother, Liz. Philip gave Jill a diamond heart pendant for Christmas. Kay had let time get away and had no gift for Jill. Kay was angry at Philip's gift to her, a gold cross. Suspicious of Lorie's attentions to Brock, especially after Brock said Lorie's book was about them in Paris, Kay encouraged Brock to see more of Jill and made him take her to dinner. At the Allegro, Brock requested a song and joined Leslie as she sang.

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Damn folks this is some juicy recaps im loving them all, again i find it interesting kay never confronted Lorie about phillip or Brock. 


You can tell kay didn't despise jill just yet, jill was still very innocent in these times.

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Glad you enjoy @Legacy ! And now back to 1975 as I promised

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All My Children


Written by : Agnes Nixon

Produced by : Bud Kloss


When the specialist Margo Martin had consulted about artificial insemination informed her he expected to talk to her husband and in any case he "couldn't begin the procedure without a signed statement," Margo was forced to reject that method of producing a child to back up her claim of being pregnant - Margo announced her pregnancy in a desperate effort to hold her husband Paul when she realized he was seeing Anne Tyler. –


Remembering an article in the Sunday news about the Florida based "grey market" in babies, she made an appointment with Mr. John Avery in Florida, telling her husband Paul and her co-worker Kitty Tyler that she was going to Florida on a buying trip for the Boutique. When Kitty protested that they had no room in the store for further orders, Margo snapped that they would make room and that she was only anticipating the demand to come. Saying that running a boutique took enterprise and imagination, she reminded Kitty that she, Kitty, was opposed to the Espada line of toiletries which Margo nevertheless authorized and that it had been selling extremely Well - The “Espada” line was from a California based syndicate and unknown to either Margo or Kitty, was part of an elaborate set-up to use the Boutique as a drop in a chain of drug transactions. This effectively squelched Kitty who could only reply that she did the best she could.


After purchasing the plane tickets and securing hotel reservations, Margo got a call from Avery postponing their meeting, an obvious gambit to find out how anxious she really was. When Margo made it clear that despite her anger over the postponement she was still determined to meet with him as soon as possible, he told her if it was a matter of urgency the fee would be higher. Forced to acceed to these terms, Margo explained to Kitty that the showing had been cancelled but she was determined to review the resort line the following week.


Margo's husband Attorney Paul Martin meanwhile daydreamed of a life with Anne Tyler, his former wife. He envisioned himself and Anne and fantasized about a beautiful blue-eyed daughter. Paul had planned to divorce Margo and remarry Anne until Margo announced she was expecting his child - Paul recently convinced Anne to fly to New York and meet him after a business trip he made to Oregon. They returned to Pine Valley together. -


Nick Davis, who was once married to Anne, had made no secret of the fact that he was still in love with her. He asked her to dinner at the Chateau but she replied she was tired. They agreed that they had both missed each other. Anne chided him saying "that doesn't mean you're spending all your time in a monastary" referring to Claudette Montgomery, Margo's daughter, who had made it a point to tell Anne she made love with Nick. When Nick dismissed his encounter with Claudette as a fling, Anne assured him he would find someone suitable. He replied that she "can't be suitable if I don't love her." Nick added "you always have my loving friendship. I'm here if you need me." She answered rather wildly "I have great hope for the future —I'm very optimistic."


Anne had called her doctor to ask for an appointment for a pregnancy test. She mused to herself — "The child we wanted so long ago — part of my hopes to have it now — like this? Would that be fair to anybody?"


The fact of her pregnancy confirmed, when her brother, Linc, called on her, Anne confided to him that she was carrying Paul's child. She added she intended to have the baby.


Margo's daughter, Claudette Montgomery, having overheard Linc Tyler's conversation with his mother Phoebe, Claudette's employer, from whom Claudette stole a pair of valuable earrings, realized she had to confess the theft. By throwing herself on Phoebe's mercy and flattering the woman, Claudette managed to thwart Linc in his determination to have her prosecuted. - Claudette stole Linc's wife Kitty's driver's license and used it as identification to pawn the second earring. - Phoebe, though highly susceptible to flattery, was not so easily taken in and it was apparent to Linc that she intended to keep Claudette under her thumb.


Claudette's hopes of an alimony settlement were effectively squelched by the family of her estranged husband who had gathered evidence of her extra-marital affairs all over Europe. When contacted by "a friend of Danny's, the mechanic who fixed your car" who is looking for "Champagne," a code word for drugs, she agreed to meet him at the Chateau and supply him for "a hundred dollars a serving." When he haggled over the price, she answered lightly "a girl has to make a living, doesn't she?"


Hal Short, meanwhile, was contacted by a link in a far more professional drug dealing organization and was ordered to reorder the personalized soap he just picked up the day before. Hal wass frightened by a near short-circuit in completing the transaction — Erica Brent was being insistent that she be allowed to purchase the box for her husband Phil and came very close to witnessing the pick-up procedure at the Chateau. Hal protested it was too soon and would make his ex-wife Kitty Tyler suspicious. But Hal was instructed that he was in the game for keeps and he would "do as he's told and no one will have to get ugly."


Erica Kane Brent's husband Philip had tried without success to get Tara Tyler, the mother of his son Philip, to promise that she would consider leaving her husband Chuck if he showed signs of significant improvement in his kidney condition. Tara had refused to discuss the possibility as she feared that renewing their hopes of a life together would prompt Phil to ask his wife Erica for a divorce prematurely, and this would push Erica into telling Chuck about Tara and Philip's relationship. Erica was finally fully recovered from a breakdown she suffered when she lost Philip's child.


When the publicity manager from Lacey's Department Store stopped at the Chateau to discuss plans to feature Erica, "The Lacey Girl" in a photographic layout at the Chateau as well as other well known locations in town, he spoke with Phil, who was Nick's son and worked for him at the Chateau. Learning Phil was Erica's husband he expressed his appreciation to Phil for his acceptance of the "no pregnancy" clause in Erica's contract. Erica wanted another child but agreed to Philip's suggestion that they wait six months to start a family. However, she agreed to the clause in her contract to further her career not telling him about it but, on the contrary, pressuring him to agree to have a child as soon as possible in order to make him believe he must commit himself to her and forget Tara.


When Phillip ultimately found the Lacey contract in Erica's studio dressing room he confronted her saying she had signed his rights as a husband away behind his back. Erica replied that he refused to have a child and refered to "alienation of affection" on Tara's part. She barely managed to keep from telling Phillip that she knew little Phillip is his son. Shouting "I can't stand to be in the same room as you, much less the same bed!" Phillip slammed out of the room to spend the night with Nick. The following day when Nick warned him he was not out of the woods yet, Phillip conceded that lawyer Paul Martin was doubtful of the contract as grounds for divorce but Phillip insisted that Erica "will come around in time."


At that moment Erica was visiting Chuck at the hospital during his dialysis session and when aide David Thornton left the room, she told Chuck that Phil had left her.


Dr. Charles Tyler had suffered a collapse, the result of nervous exhaustion. Dr. Tyler and nurse Ruth Martin were impressed by the performance of taciturn hospital aide David Thornton whose quick thinking and take command expertise would have made the difference between life and death to Dr. Tyler if in fact he had been the victim of a heart attack as the signs indicated. Thornton dismissed Charles Tyler's questions with a remark that he had worked with cardiologists and had merely observed carefully.


Dr. Frank Grant, called in by Ruth after the immediate crisis subsided, had been in a calm-before-the-storm situation with his wife Nancy who, being given the offer of a lucrative and professionally rewarding position in Chicago, was ready to take the position but was thwarted by her husband's refusal to take the offer seriously and consider a move to Chicago. Frank prefered Pine Valley but he could pursue his career as well in Chicago, a factor not holding true for his wife. He had agreed to go to Chicago on his vacation but that was as far as he would commit himself.


Dr. Tyler's estranged wife Phoebe, upon learning of his condition blamed Mona Kane. Phoebe's confrontation with Mona at the Kane house after Charles asked Phoebe for a divorce and her vehement promise never to free Charles had made Mona more determined than ever to stand by her decision not to return to work as Charles' secretary or to see him socially. However, the state of Charles' health and Anne's inability to cope as Mona's temporary replacement caused Mona to agree to Charles' renewed pleas to change her mind. She agreed to resume working as his secretary on a strictly professional basis.


On a visit to her daughter Anne, Phoebe admitted she was jealous of Mona. She pleaded with Anne to ask Charles to come home to recuperate. When Anne urged her to make her feelings known to Charles, Phoebe visited him, keeping her head when she found Mona in the room. Phoebe was pleasant and reasonable and when Charles, touched by her obvious effort to be concilliatory, gently refused to move back, Phoebe accepted his decision with grace. She then left the room only sobbing silently after she was outside the door.


Another World


Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch


Marianne Randolph, under pressure of her promise to her mother Pat to end intimate relations with Chris Pierson or Pat would tell John, tried to avoid Chris's advances, without telling him the reason. Finally, she told him of her promise, and he persuaded her to go to bed again. Frame Enterprises projects often kept Chris late at work, but not as often as Chris lead Marianne to believe. Chris had developed an interest in his associate, Pam Sloan. He told Marianne he was working late, then took Pam to El Diablo, a popular college hang-out, while Marianne waited for him to drop by when he could. Marianne's brother, Mike also frequented El Diablo, and saw Chris there with Pam. Learning from Marianne that Chris once dated a girl named Glenda Toland, Mike arranged to meet Glenda and started dating her, because he liked her. Marianne was angry because Chris had told her Glenda was telling awful stories about him just to scare Marianne away so Glenda could get him back. Mike, however, believed Glenda, especially when other friends corroborated Glenda's stories that Chris was unreliable. Marianne drew away from her brother because he was dating Glenda, and staunchly, Marianne defended Chris.


Marianne spent more time with Pat. - Marianne, pretending more savvy than she had, began relations with Chris the first time she took the pill. Subsequently, she learned she might not have been protected, and spent many anxious weeks thinking she might be pregnant. She finally shared her secret with Pat, who stood by her through the waiting, until Dr. Dave Gilchrist confirmed Marianne was not pregnant. - Pat invited Marianne and Chris to dinner, then at John's request, Pat also invited Mike and Glenda. Marianne arrived first and was very disappointed to receive a call from Chris saying he had to work late with Willis. When Mike and Glenda arrived, Marianne left, feeling betrayed. Willis Frame arrived to ask Pat to go to her sister Alice and revealed that Chris was not working late. Pat was nonpulssed, but refused to believe the worst of Chris, for Marianne's sake. John and Pat argued about the kids, John accusing Pat of keeping something from him. They found themselves unable to talk calmly about Marianne and Mike. Pat's brother, Russ Matthews, urged her to tell John about Marianne, but Pat refused to hurt him unless necessary.


Chris continued his pursuit of Pam until Pam learned Chris was standing Marianne up to date her. Pam broke a date to go to a lake cabin, telling Chris Marianne was a nice girl and she wouldn’t hurt her. Chris went alone to El Diablo, where Mike and Glenda were also spending the evening. Glenda set out to show Chris's true colors. She sidled up to Chris, telling him she was alone. He offered to take her to the cabin, for old time's sake. She agreed, got her purse, and told Mike to watch her. She started out the door with Chris, then stopped and thanked Chris for making it so easy to show Mike the kind of guy he really was. Mike told Marianne what happened, but she refused to believe him. When Marianne suspiciously asked Chris about the incident, he tikd her he did the picking up to show Mike what a cheat Glenda was. He also told Marianne he was waiting for her to meet him and asked if she forgot. Marianne bought it.


Pat persuaded Marianne to invite her father to lunch. Marianne was afraid she might let something slip about the near-pregnancy, but Pat reassured her. At lunch, John told Marianne he was wrong not to trust Chris and liked him. He told Marianne he was sorry for being so possessive, explaining most fathers were over-protective of daughters. He promised to back off because he would like them to be as close as Pat and her father, because it had been a great comfort to them.


Willis Frame, very protective of sister-in-law Alice since Sally recognized Beatrice Gordon, learned Chris had been two-timing Marianne, using working late as an excuse. Willis told Chris he didn’t want any waves in the Matthews family and warned Chris not to make Marianne unhappy. Pam had just turned down another cabin date, too. Marianne arrived before Willis left and asked Chris to take a break with her, since he would be working late with Willis again. Knowingly, Willis told Marianne Chris could have the night off. She was thrilled; Chris was chagrinned. Pat had Mike and Glenda to dinner, and Mike planted further doubts about Chris's character.


Sally Spencer Frame, newly adopted daughter of Alice Frame, had recognized Cory housekeeper Beatrice Gordon as the woman in a picture Sally's mother always kept with her. Alice finally told  Barbara Weaver, her attorney for the adoption, about Beatrice. Meanwhile, Willis Frame, who also knew about Sally's recognizing Beatrice, went to the Cory house, pumping Rachel, then Mac, about Beatrice, upsetting everyone. Alice and Barbara told Gil McGowen, who investigated the accident that orphaned Sally, about Sally's recognition. Gil said it explained why people on their way from New York to San Francisco were in Bay City—they came to visit somebody. Gil told Rachel, who with Mac, questioned Willis about his interest in Beatrice. He said he was just trying to save Alice pain. He asked them to drop the matter for Alice's sake, but they refused, for Beatrice's sake.


Everyone, except Sally, began to suspect that Beatrice might be Sally's grandmother, but they needed more proof. Gil went through Sally's parents' effects, looking for the picture of Beatrice, but he found only a partially destroyed music box. He took the box to Beatrice, who identified it as one she gave her daughter Jennifer for her 12th birthday. Gil told her where it came from, putting Beatrice into a state of shock, because she knew her precious Jenny was dead, but refused to accept it. The Corys alerted Scott Bradley, who had been acting as Beatrice's lawyer during the recent search Mac set up for Jennifer. Willis had Alice alert Barbara and John. No legal action was called for, unless Beatrice or her sons wanted to claim Sally. Barbara withdrew from the case, since she was a good friend of Rachel's, because she didn't want to be caught in the middle between Rachel and Alice, should a case develop.


Rachel felt unable to leave the stricken to Beatrice, so she asked her mother, Ada McGowen, to go to Iris Carrington's house to fetch Dave Gilchrist to sedate Beatrice. Iris, Mac's possessive daughter, became certain Ada was really taking Dave to Rachel, that something had happened to Rachel and her unborn child. Ada stayed with Beatrice the following night while the Corys attended a banquet. Iris sent Loretta Simpson and Teke DeCosgrove over to check on Rachel. They were driven away by Ada, but were certain Ada was covering for Rachel.


Gil felt they needed more proof that Sally was Beatrice's granddaughter and remembered that Beatrice still had snapshots of Jenny taken in college. At Rachel's urging, Ada finally persuaded Beatrice to visit Sally with the pictures. Willis tried to prevent Sally and Beatrice's meeting, to no avail. Sally recognized her mother in the snapshots, but Beatrice didn’t tell Sally they were related because admitting Sally was her granddaughter meant that her beloved Jenny was dead. Willis swore to not let anything come between Alice and Sally.


Rachel pushed Beatrice to claim Sally, but Beatrice was reluctant because Sally was happy in a nice home with Alice, who obviously loved her. Ada urged Rachel to stay out of it, and when Rachel admitted she had already mixed up in it, Ada retorted that Rachel might not be if it were anyone else but Alice who had Sally. Beatrice pointed out to Rachel she had no home or much of anything else to offer Sally. Rachel said Beatrice could offer Sally all that the Corys had, offering to refurbish a suite in the other wing. After Beatrice arranged to see Sally again, Willis went to Rachel. He accused Rachel of trying to hurt Alice again. When he refused to believe she had changed, she told him to leave. He demanded she stay out of it, or else. Rachel told him he was remarkably like his late brother, Steve —a bully. As Willis started to walk out, Rachel continued that Steve, too, used to walk out when he couldn't win an argument. Rachel continued, "Steve didn't always get his own way and neither will you." Willis slammed the door. Sally was delighted to see Beatrice to talk about her mother.


Liz Matthews continued to irritate brother-in-law Jim with her constant interference in the family's lives. Liz alienated Sharlene Watts, Alice's sister-in-law, by saying Alice should depend on her own family, not a bunch of strangers like Steve's family. Little by little, the family shut Liz out, despite her efforts to be included. Discovering Alice had a problem, Liz ignored everyone's pleas to stay out of it, and barged into Alice's the night of Beatrice's second visit. Alice told her about Sally and Beatrice. Liz was upset.


Rachel persuaded Beatrice to have Sally visit her at the Cory house. Beatrice was upset to learn that Sally's parents abandoned her to schools and camps most of the time. Sally expressed an interest in riding, so Rachel suggested they buy her a pony. Sally wouldn’t accept without Alice's permission. A riding habit was delivered to Sally the next day, which Liz Matthews opened, while Sally and Alice were out. Liz became absolutely convinced Rachel was out to hurt Alice and told Sharlene to hide the gift. Liz asked Iris Carrington to talk to her father, Mac Cory, about the situation. When Dave Gilchrist learnd that Iris was interfering again, he went to Alice's and got the whole story from Sharlene. He told Sharlene to give Sally her present and joined Sharlene for dinner. Beatrice visited Sally, who was still out, and was again accused by Liz of trying to hurt Alice. Sally returned and was delighted with her gift.


Mac got word of the gift from Iris, who got it from Liz. Iris accused Rachel of hiding things from Mac again. Mac later asked Rachel to curb her impulsiveness so as not to give Iris ammunition to use against her. Rachel was angry that Mac could again believe she was hiding things.


Carol Lamonte, aware of the strain Willis was under with Alice, made a play for him. He responded, but made it clear that he didn’t trust her, despite her protestations that she had never felt this way about anyone before and for the first time her emotions were ruling her head. Carol persuaded Willis to put her in charge of Robert Delaney's work on the Frame Memorial Library because it would ease Willis's load so he could spend more time with Alice. Carol also reminded him she had seen the site. Willis agreed, because both knew it would make things harder for Robert, whom both wanted to fail. As expected, Robert refused to work with Carol. - Carol once worked for Robert, but when she destroyed his marriage to Lenore, he fired her. Carol was a vengeful person. - Knowing there was no appeal to Willis, Robert went to see Alice, who was too upset by the Sally/Beatrice development to deal with business. Aware this was no time to bother Alice, Robert went to Mac Cory. Mac was afraid he would make things worse for Robert if he interfered. Iris Carrington hired Robert to build a guest house for her, and offered to deal with Alice for him. He told her he would let her know if he needed her. Carol reported to Willis that she tried to see Robert again, but Neil Johnson, Robert's associate, prevented it. Angie Perrini, Willis' ex-girlfriend, overheard and asked Neil about it later, on a date. Neil told her he hadn't seen Carol that day.


Robert's sketches for the library were excellent. Unable to reach Robert during a meeting on the library with Carol and Scott, to which Robert was not invited, Willis began a campaign to have Robert ousted. But Willis, knowing he couldn’t do it directly because Alice would be too upset, asked Scott to set up a meeting with Mac Cory, asking Mac to do it. Mac refused, saying Robert was doing a good job and was not that far behind. Mac told Willis that a good businessman knew how to use his people effectively, and assigning Carol to work with Robert was a mistake. Willis was furious.


Upset by Robert's lack of consideration - he made and broke dates for them without consulting her -. Clarice talked with Barbara Weaver, who warned Clarice not to depend on Robert. Neil Johnson tried to smooth things over, but Clarice told him she didn't like to be alone, and Robert left her a lot.


Iris Carrington's houseguests, Loretta and Teke, were continual irritants. Teke and Loretta ignored all suggestions from Iris and her housekeeper Louise Goddard that they return to New York. They were sure that Iris was nasty because Louise had some strange power over Iris and accused Louise of this. They refused to leave Iris's side so they could protect her. Louise and Dave Gilchrist, who had been dating Iris steadily, devised a plan, one night, to allow them to dine alone. During hors d'oeuvres, Louise appeared in trench coat, slouch hat, and dark glasses. She told Iris dinner would be late because she had an urgent meeting at the Tall Boys restaurant in town. Amazed, Iris gave permission. Teke and Loretta followed Louise, who lost them and returned to prepare dinner for Iris and Dave. Another morning, sure Loretta was eavesdropping as she talked to her plants, Louise implied she was poisoning Teke and Loretta, who refused to eat anything that day. That night, as Dave reached for a canape, Louise told him that plate was for Teke. Teke and Loretta went out to dinner. Meanwhile, Iris found out that the disturbance at the Cory house really was about Beatrice, and Rachel was in fine shape.


Iris, hearing Teke and Loretta on the phone gossiping about her, threw them out of the house, telling them she could always do without friends like them.


As The World Turns


Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Wilmore


Grant Colman had to call Tom Hughes on the carpet about his sloppy work in the law office since Natalie Bannon left him shortly before their wedding was to take place. Tom rejected the idea of a vacation and his grandparents, Chris and Nancy Hughes, were worried. But Chris said they could only be there in case he needed them.


Natalie had gone to see Luke Porter and although they agreed it would only be for two days to say goodbye, it had been several weeks. Luke wanted Natalie and always got what he wanted. Natalie felt things had changed and that they would change, too. Natalie told Luke she contemplated running away every time he was with his wife. When she warned she might not be there when he returned one of these days, Luke warned her not to leave. Natalie called and talked to Nancy since Tom wasn't home.


John Dixon felt everyone was against him by trying to push his wife, Kim, into remembering the past. The longer he had to prove himself to her, the better his chances would be to keep her after she regained her memory. Her psychiatrist, Dr. Devan, tried several times to hypnotize her but Kim was not a receptive subject and she finally refused to try any longer. There was a storm one night when Jennifer Hughes, Kim's sister, was staying with her. Kim had a familiar feeling, but actual memory didn’t return.


Jennifer remembered the letter that Dr. Lambert found in Kim's possession the night of the tornado in Centerville. Jen told Dan Stewart the letter was addressed to him and if he could find it, it would surely prove that Kim was going to divorce John and marry him. Dan hoped the letter would help Kim regain her memory but Dr. Lambert told Dan the letter had disappeared. When Susan Stewart, Dan's ex-wife, told John that Dan was looking for the letter, John read it one more time and then burnt it. John and Dan almost came to blows when Dan accused John of taking the letter.


Betsy Stewart, Dan's step-daughter, visited Kim and Kim sensed the child was deeply hurt when she didn't recognize her. Betsy arranged for them to meet in the park where she and Kim met, hoping this would help Kim regain her memory. Betsy happened to mention this to Susan who told John. Betsy and Dan talked to Kim about the hours they used to spend on this park bench and Kim was beginning to get a strange familiar feeling when John showed up. She told John that she heard children's voices but John quickly dismissed it saying it was because their terrace looked out on the park. Kim felt that something was missing from her apartment. - She asked Betsy to care for her goldfish while she went to Centerville.-


As Bob Hughes and his daughter Frannie spent more evenings at his parents Chris and Nancy Hughes' home while Jen, his wife, was caring for Kim, Sandy Garrison, Bob's ex-wife, realized that she still loved Bob. She decided to move out of the Hughes home but Nancy wouldn't hear of it while Sandy's estranged husband Norman still posed any threat. Norman was going back to New York to settle some of the book work in their cosmetic business before it was sold. Norman stopped by to tell Sandy he was doing this because he loved her and had learned to control his temper. Norman tried to convince Sandy to return to New York for one month to straighten the business out but later claimed it would take six months for the business to show a profit before it was sold. Norman made her feel responsible for the failing business but she still refused to go to New York. Norman then told Tina that he needed Sandy to keep him from bankruptcy.


Bob and Jennifer planned a surprise birthday party for Nancy at the Colonnade Room. Everyone was sworn to secrecy and when no one seemed to remember her birthday, Nancy was livid. She was truly surprised to find everyone waiting for her. Even Sandy was there because Jen and Bob both felt she was no threat to their marriage even though Norman had told Bob and Jen that he knew the only reason Sandy wouldn't go back to New York was because she and Bob were having an affair. That evening Norman got very drunk and phoned Bob, learning they were at the Colonnade Room. Norman walked in, drunk and furious, and told everyone Bob and Sandy had been having an affair ever since she came back to town. Bob, Tom and Sandy tried to stop him but as he turned, Norman crumpled to the floor. Bob and Jen worked over him to get a weak pulse after cardiac arrest. Bob accompanied Norman in the ambulance.


Chris and Nancy were discussing the evening when they received a call from the police informing them that Jennifer's car slided off the road and she was killed instantly. Chris called David Stewart to take over Norman's case after he told Bob about Jennifer. Bob was leaving to go to Jen when he was paged to Norman's room and he stayed with him because he felt that was what Jen would have wanted him to do.


Dan told John about Jen and insisted that Kim be told. At first Kim didn't respond, but then she realized that Jen was her sister. She asked to be alone and then called John back into the room to be with her. Although John asked Kim not to attend the memorial service for Jennifer because he felt the stress would be hard for her to handle, Kim insisted on going.


Not realizing that Grant Colman didn't tell his wife, Lisa, about the phone calls from his ex-wife Joyce, so that Lisa wouldn't worry, Nancy mentioned Joyce's demand for two thousand dollars to Lisa. Lisa felt that Grant kept this from her because Joyce was still in his blood. She said he could commit sins of omission as far as Joyce was concerned, but she, Lisa, couldn't.


Lisa told her former daughter-in-law Carol Stallings about the baby and Carol offered to help in the bookstore. But when Carol's husband Jay objected to her having anything to do with her former in-laws, Carol had to tell Lisa she couldn't help her. Lisa then asked Chris to help her find someone to manage the bookstore since her doctor insisted she take it easy during her pregnancy. Chris found that the Garrisons' business was broke and suggested Sandy manage the bookstore for Lisa. After consulting Bob she took the job.


Grant received a call from his attorney in San Francisco reporting Joyce had picked up some of her settlement money. Lisa ventured she was sure they would find out what Joyce was up to soon. The phone rang in the middle of the night and Lisa was afraid to answer it. When Grant picked up the receiver the phone line was open on the other end, but no one spoke. Mrs. Rusconi, a former nurse to whom Grant had spoken in Laramie while looking for the son Joyce had mentioned, had to answer her door and when she returned her phone was no longer ringing. Joyce was at the door with the two thousand dollars in cash and told Mrs. Rusconi her part was over. Lisa and Grant argued bitterly over Joyce and they refused to make up for several days. However after Jen's accident they realized there wasn't time to hold hard feelings for fear there might not be time to apologize.


Joyce called Grant from her apartment in Oakdale telling him she had done something serious that concerned him. Lisa pleaded with Grant not to go, but he insisted that it could be important. Left alone, Lisa fainted.


Days Of Our Lives


Written by: Pat Falken Smith

Produced by: Betty Corday


Maggie Hansen, able to walk without crutches, didn't tell Marty because Linda Phillips would have a greater need for Marty, a double hold: Linda had just lost her ex-husband, whom everyone assumed she was going to remarry, and Linda had convinced Marty her daughter Melissa was his child. Maggie knew Linda's claims on Marty were false since Maggie opened a posthumous letter from Jim to Marty. - Jim died following a head-on collision while he was on his way to the farm to expose Linda. - Jim wrote: "Melissa is no more your daughter than Mike is your son, and there's proof of that." Maggie knew she could be rid of Linda by showing Marty the letter, but she couldn’t hurt him with the news about Mike. After Linda daw Maggie walking and showed Marty, Marty asked Maggie if she was keeping a secret from him. She replied that she would no more keep a secret from him than he would from her. - Maggie wondered why Marty hadn't told her what Linda told him about Melissa. - After a barn dance, Marty could contain himself no longer and told Maggie he knows she can walk. Maggie got up from bed only after Linda told her she was making it very easy to take Marty away.


Unaware that the breakthrough she had been hoping for from her mother was imminent, Laura Horton, with trepidation at leaving her mother, returned to Salem, after a long absence. Linda asked to leave Melissa at the farm while she went to Salem to straighten out Jim's affairs. While in Salem, she promised to keep the law firm open for Mike, but she really wanted it there in case Marty decided to return to the law. Linda also encouraged Mike and Laura to visit the farm to help Maggie overcome her block. Actually, Linda hoped to further increase Maggie's insecurity by surrounding Marty with loved ones from his past.


Alice Horton, trying hard to hang onto her faith that great-grandson David Banning was still alive, tried to convince his mother, Julie. Julie, however, became hysterical, running from the room crying, "I killed him. I killed my own son." Alice questioned Brooke about it, but Brooke said she killed David, confusing Alice even more. Bob Anderson came in at that point. Alice demanded to know what Julie meant. Bob told her the story of the day before David's possible suicide, including the facts of Doug and Julie's affair. Alice was horrified, jumping to the same wrong conclusions as David — that Doug and Julie were lovers while Doug was married to Julie's mother, Addie. Alice told Tom later that she had lost her faith and she never wanted to see Doug or Julie again because she couldn't stand the idea of Julie's making a fool of her own mother. Julie was devastated by Alice’s rejection of her.


Alice refused to believe Doug ever loved Addie, sure he only married Addie for her money. Mike tried to comfort Alice, reminding her she taught them God never gave a person a burden too heavy for them to carry. Don Craig got Doug to go to the lake house to comfort Julie. Julie asked Doug to hold her. He did, just as Alice came down the stairs. Alice asked to see Doug alone. Alice heaped abuse on Doug, refusing to believe the truth. She told Doug she wished Julie had lost his baby. Doug told her it wasn't his: he wished it were, but it wasn't.


Doug's guilt was compounded. He felt he was responsible for Julie's losing both David and Alice. Laura tried to sway Alice by reminding her that she never hated her when Alice found out about Bill and Michael and her. - Michael was Bill's natural son, resulting from a drunk Bill's raping Laura long ago when she married Mickey, not him. - Alice said that was different and refused to budge.


At Laura's instigation, Doug went to Julie again, but the formality of her reception was the final blow. Both were certain they had missed the brass ring forever.


Brooke Hamilton, guilty about destroying both David and Julie, became defenseless and confused when Mike and Bill came down on her hard. Her mind began to ramble, and she took sleeping pills of Julie's she had found, saying, "Well, Julie, what do you know? I've finally done something for you instead of to you..." Tom, Bill, and Don found her unconscious and rushed her to the hospital. Julie, learning Brooke took her pills, felt she would be guilty of Brooke's death too. Brooke recovered, and the Hortons used their influence to keep the attempt out of the papers. Bob then went to Brooke and asked her to release the suicide story, in case David was still alive. If he loved Brooke, as they believed, he would try to contact her.


Julie, to allow the family to get back to the business of living, planned a memorial service for David. Bob took the news to Alice, who told him she would not attend. Tom told Alice he was ashamed of her. He asked Laura to help him. Laura, having got nowhere with Alice, suggested that there was someone who had always been able to reach Alice, the oldest Horton son, Tommy.


Brooke didnt like the idea of the service, either. Julie told her it was something she had to do for herself — she had a living child inside her. Tommy met with Alice and told her that there had to be a time for healing and asked Alice if she could deny Julie that. Alice asked how Tommy could defend Julie after what Julie did to his sister, Addie. Tom asked if Alice wasn't hurting Addie most of all, by trying to destroy Addie's daughter, Julie. Alice finally consented to attend the service, making it clear she was not going for Julie, but for the rest of the family and Brooke.


Julie took Brooke home from the hospital. Brooke claimed nobody gave a damn about her, meaning her mother. Julie replied that people did care if you gave them a chance and suggested Brooke start by getting close to her mother. Brooke reminded Julie nobody knew her mother's whereabouts - Brooke's mother was working at Phyllis Anderson's boutique, using the name Adele Lacey. She read about Brooke in the paper and was very hurt. - Julie told Brooke her mother's drinking didn't mean Adele didn't love her or need her. Brooke later received a letter from Adele, postmarked Salem, that told Brooke she was near if Brooke needed her.


Brooke began to feel David was alive, and refused to attend the memorial service because she wouldn't allow Julie to make David dead. Trish and Mike refused her suggestion that they stay away, too. Laura, finding out about Brooke's intentions, told Brooke she would have her thrown out of the lake house by Bob, if she didn’t attend the service.


Marty asked Maggie if she was holding onto her crutches to hold onto the farm so she wouldn't have to become a lawyer's wife. Maggie wasn't sure. Linda was aware that Laura could reveal the truth about Melissa and Mike, but felt Laura would keep quiet to protect Mike. Linda was now Marty was hers, that it was just a matter of time. Laura and Mike made arrangements to visit the farm. Laura told Marty after the memorial service for David. In the conversation, Marty revealed that Linda had told him Melissa was his child. Shocked, Laura told Marty to keep that to himself, for Mike's sake. Maggie, meanwhile, was sure she had lost Marty to his past because he did not invite her to accompany him.


Doug, aware he had lost his fair lady and her baby forever, went to Neil Curtis to arrange the artificial insemination. Neil pointed out that the scheme wasn't foolproof, that there was an escape clause in the adoption papers, whereby the mother could rescind the adoption, in writing, within 72 hours. Doug refused to be dissuaded. Neil called Rebecca North, Doug's housekeeper, who had, unbeknownst to Doug or anyone, volunteered to be the host mother. Rebecca was inseminated. Doug, meanwhile, had told Rebecca of Robert LeClair's love for her. Rebecca promised to let Robert down easy. Rebecca was engaged to Johnny Collins, an aspiring artist. Johnny had just won an art scholarship to Paris, and Rebecca gave him the money she received for the insemination, telling him it was an inheritance. Rebecca planned to tell everyone the baby was Johnny's. When her time came, she would claim her baby was still-born, but would actually raise it for Doug. Neil asked her why she was so anxious to do this. Recalling the death of her husband and daughter in a car crash while Rebecca was driving, Rebecca said she wanted to give back one of the lives she took. Rebecca missed her period and subsequent examination appeared to confirm her pregnancy. Rebecca was ecstatic.


On a winning streak at the Poker Club, Neil Curtis told Phyllis Anderson they would be married as soon as he had $50,000 to settle on her, as his pre-marital agreement. - After Phyl became engaged to Neil, Amanda Howard told Bob Anderson, Phyl's ex-husband, about Neil's compulsive gambling. Bob and Don Craig urged Phyl to have Neil sign a quit-claim. Phyl agreed, until Neil convinced her it made him look the gigolo. Phyl tore up the agree-ment. - Neil told Phyl he was going to give to her, not take, as Bob and Mary had always done. As Neil hoped, Phyl flaunted the $50,000 at Bob, who still had his doubts. Neil told Phyl he already had $30,000 so they would be married soon.


Smitty, Neil's sponsor in Gamblers Anonymous, was an investment broker. He had gambled clients' money on speculative stocks and the auditors were due. Smitty was in desperate need of $40-50,000, or he would be ruined. Touched, and also to test Phyl, Neil loaned Smitty the $30,000 he had accumulated. Neil then went to Phyl and told her he no longer had the money, refusing to tell her where it went. He then gave Phyl a deadline by which to elope. Torn, Phyl asked Mary's advice, but Mary, who disliked Neil, refused. Neil relented on the deadline and took Phyl to lunch. Sure he had gambled the money away, Phyl's faith was shaken. They decided to call off the marriage.


Greg and Susan Peters, separated because of Greg's need to find himself, overheard Eric, Greg's brother, invite Amanda Howard to lunch. Susan was upset because she had been dating Eric, who said he loved her; Greg was upset because he was in love with Amanda. Recently, Amanda tried to convince Greg to try to reconcile with Susan. Susan told Amanda she didn't need any help with her own husband and Amanda was a fine one to be giving advice when she had made such a mess of her own life. Amanda refused to accept that. Lunch with Eric was more of the same, but when Eric wondered if Amanda wasn't interested in Greg just because she was on the rebound from Neil, she took it to heart and told Greg she was going to date other men. Susan decided to file for divorce. Greg was upset, unsure of his feelings for Amanda or anyone. Greg told Susan he would like a shot at a reconciliation, but she was always out with Eric, so he didn’t have a chance. When Susan saw Don Craig about filing, he, too, urged Susan to give reconciliation a try.


Susan agreed to break a date with Eric to date Greg, to see if there wa anything left. Neil, his engagement to Phyl broken, asked Amanda to see him, telling her he had quit gambling, cold turkey. Amanda agreed. He told her he had broken up with Phyl and asked Amanda to elope. Furious, she asked him what he thought she was, some kind of ragdoll to be tossed aside, then picked up again at his whim? She also called him on his gambling, saying she knew he played poker just the night before. When he pressed her, she told him she had been seeing the owner of the club, J.R. Upset, Neil walked out. Hysterical, Amanda called Greg, who, overheard by Susan, agreed to see her. When she was calmer, Amanda explained the scene to Greg, finally admitting to him, and to herself, that she loved Neil and always would.


Susan went to see Eric to break their date. Eric was very happy when she arrived because he had just received copies of his new book, “Wings of Hope”. Susan and he reminisced briefly about how she helped him write and edit it. When Susan told him she wanted to break their date to keep one with Greg, for a chance at a reconciliation and to fathom her feelings, Eric was furious. He painted an ugly picture of suave Greg luring Susan into bed. He told Susan that if she kept the date, they were through, refusing to listen to Susan's assurances his assumptions were wrong and her pleas that she needed his understanding while she sorted her feelings. Bitterly, he replied he was still in his brother's shadow.


Looking for Neil, Smitty paid a call on Phyl and told her about Neil's loan. While Amanda was calling frantically all over town to tell Neil she wanted to marry him, Phyl went to his apartment. Phyl told Neil she was sorry for her temporary loss of faith and told him she would like to marry him, if the offer still stood. Neil made immediate arrangements to elope, still smarting from his confrontation with Amanda. Amanda leaft a message with Neil's service: "Neil, I love you, no matter how angry 1 get. I'll marry you anytime, any place, because we need to be together." Amanda waited by the phone, until Eric dropped by and persuaded her to go to Doug's Place with him, where he knew Greg and Susan would be.


Neil did the blood tests in his office and he and Phyl went to a patient/friend of his who was a justice of the peace. Neil halted things, suddenly, and whisked Phyl off to buy a wedding dress, pleasing her enormously. Finally, they were married.


Susan with Greg and Eric with Amanda were at Doug's when Doug announced the imminent arrival of a bridal couple. Amanda was devastated when Neil and Phyl were announced. Amanda wanted to run, but Eric convinced her that would only draw the pity of everyone in the room. Amanda finally managed to go to the powder room, where she was joined by a radiant Phyl. Amanda offered her best wishes, then told Phyl she was still in love with Neil. Phyl was generously sympathetic. Amanda then apologized for trying to shake Phyl's faith in Neil by revealing his gambling problem. Phyl accepted the apology. Neil drank too much champagne. Everyone was very civil to each other. Amanda and Eric finally left. Neil and Phyl went to his apartment. As Neil waited for Phyl to join him in bed, he got a call from his service — Amanda's message. Feeling girlish and sexy, Phyl climbed into bed. She was puzzled when Neil asked if she would understand if he didn't — couldn't — make love to her that night. Phyl didn't question him.


Greg and Susan returned to her apartment. Greg was pleased that Susan had arranged for little Ann to spend the night with Mrs. Peters. Greg kissed Susan. She then told him she knew it was over between them; her feelings for him were dead. Disappointed, he left.


The following morning, moved by Phyl's love and lack of questioning, indicating faith in him, Neil kissed her passionately, and consummated their marriage. Bob raged into the Boutique to ask daughter Mary if Phyl and Neil were married. Mary confirmed it, telling Bob Phyl was off having her bank account and stocks transferred to joint accounts. Bob was more furious. Phyl came in, radiant, and he asked what made her so different from the woman he was married to. Phyl told him she was different because she had been fulfilled as a woman for the first time in years. She asked if he had any idea what it meant to win the love of a younger man who desired her. He was aghast that Phyl could talk that way. He retorted that it wouldn't last. Phyl replied that she hoped it would, but if not, she would have had something beautiful. He told her that if it blew up, she was not to come running to him. Phyl replied that she wouldn't, because she wanted nothing to do with anything that reminded her of the sick woman she was in her "perfect marriage" with Bob. He stormed out.


Susan went to Eric and told him she could come to him knowing she loved him for himself, not because he was Ann's father. He welcomed her with open arms. Susan explained that the night she turned to him in the park, she was so desperately lonely and alone, that she was looking for any chance not to be alone, and that conceiving Ann was a godsend because she knew she wouldn't have to be alone. Susan went on that when she married Greg, she was in love with the idea of being in love, and she knew what love was. She was enthralled with the idea of playing house, and now realized that the reason she spent so much time at her piano was because she really wanted a concert career, and her teacher said she was ready for concert training. Susan couldn't admit this desire before because it didn't fit her image of herself. Eric encouraged her. She was amazed at her new-found ability to talk about herself and her desires. Eric and Susan were very happy, but she told him there could be nothing physical until the divorce. Eric agreed. Amanda tried to cancel her message to Neil, but found it was too late.


Dazed, barefoot, torn, tattered, David made his way through the woods to a diner, where he collapsed. Danny Grant, the waiter, took David home, where Danny's sister, Valerie, a student nurse, got David back on his feet. The Grants decided David could stay with them, if he earned his own way. Mrs. Grant did housework; Mr. Grant, injured in the Korean War, was looking for work; Danny and Valerie worked parttime to get through school. David was overwhelmed by the kindness of the black fam-ily that accepted him as David Smith and asked no questions. While reading the paper, David saw the notice of the memorial service for him. He found a bottle of bourbon and got drunk. Mr. Grant returned and told David drinking was futile, as he found out years ago, when he drank because of his useless arm. David tool it to heart, but couldn't promise to stop. Mr. Grant got him an interview for a job. Valerie discovered David's true identity in the paper because of a picture. She and Mrs. Grant didn't let David know they were aware he was David Martin Banning when he returned with a ditch digging job.


Alice Horton turned adamant about not attending the service, until Mickey -  Marty - appeared and asked that she attend with him so he could regain some sense of family. After the service, she refused to speak to Julie or Doug. Julie had decided she couldn't stay at the lake house. Doug offered to take Brooke in. Don gave Brooke a job.


The Doctors


Written by: Robert Cenedella

Produced by: Jeff Young


Dr. Hank Iverson had told Alan Stewart that his marriage to Lauri ended when she informed him over the telephone that she was in love with a man connected with the recording industry in New York where she had gone to cut an album. However the Para-Medical unit, his own brain-child and adjunct to the hospital's trauma unit was in operation thanks to the generosity of Mona Croft. In Dr. Matt Powers' office, Hank appealed to Matt for more funds for the Para-Medical Unit and Matt appeared to be taking him to task in front of Mona for his off-handed attitude toward the sum needed, explaining to Mona that Hank thought up the idea after the Board had voted the trauma unit money. Although Hank protested he had explored every avenue of available grants, etc., Matt replied that, nevertheless, here he was asking for the difference and Matt did not have it to give. Taking her cue, Mona wrote a check to cover the amount needed and left the office with Hank's genuinely surprised thanks. As it began to dawn on Hank from Matt's expression that Mona had been "set up," the door opened part-way and Mona said very sweetly, "All you had to do was ask."


Matt had been asked by an old friend, lawyer Scott Conrad, to recommend a top internist. When Matt recommended Althea Davis, Conrad was somewhat taken aback as he had done some verbal fencing with her in the room of a friend and client who was also an ulcer patient of Althea's. However, having asked for the best and being told it was she, he approached Althea with a request that she testify in a case of serious injury to a client who, having been treated by his doctor/cousin, needed independent testimony on his behalf as the doctor's relationship might make his evidence suspect.


Althea agreed and their relationship, though starting off warily with overtones of doctor versus lawyer, and male-chauvinist versus liberated woman, progressed through testimony coaching lessons to dinner for two in celebration of his winning a satisfactory settlement.


Althea's daughter, Penny',s pursuit of Rico Bellini was a roller coaster of manipulation obvious to Althea, Penny's roommate M.J., Rico's girl Stacy, and even Ricco - at times - However, when Rico showed signs of knowing Penny's game, she diverted his attention by getting angry and accusing him of being too egotistical. When under the guise of wanting to host a get together of the Para-Medical unit at which Hank Iverson would address the young volunteers, the evening proved an expensive mistake, Penny spent most of her time starring glumly at Rico who had arrived late bringing Stacy. Trying again, she invited Rico to dinner at her apartment asking him to bring Stacy so they could all get to be friends as they would be working on the volunteer post together. When he accepted and told Stacy, "We have plans to go to Penny's for dinner," Stacy said Rico didn't call her about it and neither did Penny. Stacy maintained that if Penny meant the invitation, she would have called Stacy. Rico told Stacy she was too sensitive and Stacy countered that he was naive, "She – Penny - knew you'd say yes and I'd say no."


M.J. had called Penny's hand on just this point. As Penny's roommate and friend of both Rico and Stacy, she had been in the middle of these maneuvers before and would be again as obviously if Stacy was not expected to attend, M.J. would have to "get lost" for the evening. She accused Penny of being manipulative and Penny countered that M.J. was too much the opposite and would never "reach out and take what she wants." They cleared the air and agreed to respect each other's differences.


Stacy decided to accept the invitation and she and Rico showed up at Penny's apartment where the table was set - with candlelight - for two and Penny opened the door in an evening dress. Penny set another place and pretended the turn of events was just what she had hoped for in the first place. As she and Rico were leaving, Stacy told Penny, "You must let me cook for the three of us next time."


The charges of manipulaton was also levelled at Alan by Toni Powers after a dinner at Alan's house to which Matt and Maggie, Toni's in-laws, and Toni were invited - Toni's first husband Mike was Matt Powers' son. Alan married Toni when Mike was presumed dead. Toni has a small son by Mike but when he returned and Toni found she was pregnant with Alan's child, she resolved to be free of the two of them and their squabbling. Toni lost the child by miscarriage just as she was preparing to have an abortion. Mike had left the country for a medical assignment in Bogata. - Toni told Alan "if people see us together, everyone will start treating us as if we were together." She said he was building up expectations in the people around them. When she said he was not being fair he asked who was being unfair. "How would you feel toward a woman who treated me the way you have for the last three months?" She replied she couldn't love anybody until she straightened herself out. She added, "I just want to be left alone right now," and Alan replied, "I got the message."


Dr. Tom Barrett, for whom Toni worked as a lab assistant, was overheard by Martha as he made an appointment for a check-up with Dr. Colby at another hospital. When he returned she asked him about his visit. He replied, "I had a routine check-up and checked-up fine." He asked her if she realized that between seventy-five and eighty percent of cancer was caused by man-made substances. When she asked "does that have anything to do with your visit?" - to Dr. Colby - , he replied man might be destroying more than he created. He said he had "an awful lot of research to do."


Mona Croft's return to town had been prompted by her husband Winston's plans to retire and her own desire to invest in enterprises in the community and settle down. Saying that Winston would close the house in Boston and join her later, she also confessed to a desire to see what she could do about her son Steve and Carolee's problems with Dr. Karen Werner, the natural mother of Erich, the son they had raised who was in Karen's temporary custody.


In an effort to get Karen to agree to let Erich stay overnight, Mona had told Karen that she and Judge Bowman, who awarded temporary custody to Karen and who had been appealed to by Steve and Carolee to set aside his decision, were very good friends. Karen learned this was a lie.


When Judge Bowman questioned Erich in his chambers, Erich said "if I don't keep saying how happy I am, she gets angry. When I went to live with Karen, I never did anything right." He told the Judge he wanted to go back to live with his family — Steve and Carolee and Billy and Stephanie.


From the tone of her subsequent interview with Judge Bowman, Karen was fearful that the decision had already been made against her. She went to Matt's office and pleaded with him to go to the Judge on her behalf. He told her he had no standing with the court and it was not his place to interfere.

When Alan and Hank entered Matt's office to tell him the Trauma Unit had had its first emergency — a collapsed roof — Karen told Matt, "there is somebody bleeding to death right here in your office."


That night at home she dressed Erich telling him she wass taking him to a late movie, though it is a school night, saying "There are always exceptions to rules. Tonight is a very special night."


When Mona came to apologize for her lie, Karen said "Everyone wants me to be alone. Everyone wants me to hand over everything I have in this world." Mona realized Karen expected to lose Erich and didn't ask the Judge what his decision was because she was afraid of what she might hear.


That night after an unsuccessful attempt to entertain Matt and Maggie without letting their anxiety interfere with their dinner plans, Steve and Caroleed retire but were unable to sleep. They received a call from Karen asking if Erich was there and saying he had disappeared. Steve called Mona and left her to stay at the house and he and Carolee went to Karen's apartment. When Steve called Ernie Cadman, a detective friend, to the house, jimmy marks on the windows convinced Ernie they had to treat this as a possible kidnapping case and called in the police and the FBI.


When Mona was called by Steve about the latest developments, she mused to Stacy, who she had called to keep her company, Karen "as good as told me she knew Judge Bowman was going to decide against her —she looked like a wounded creature. It makes perfect sense. I'm talking about Karen. She did it. She had Erich kidnapped."


When Mona confronted Karen with the charge, Steve and Carolee, and Matt and Maggie were present. Steve and Matt insisted they all go home but inform the police so they could handle it. The following day Mona and Carolee came to realize that Karen's grief was genuine and each offered support and sympathy to Karen. Their trust was vindicated when a ransome note arrived addressed to Mona, the child's grandmother, demanding $500,000 in two days' time.


Mona called her husband Winston and they arranged to get the money. Scott Conrad was retained by Steve as an advisor on Matt's recommendation as he had acted in that capacity in a previous kidnapping case. At Scott's insistence Carolee reported to work when an emergency at the hospital overrided her excuse of a "slight virus." Conrad maintained everything had to appear to be business as usual to keep word of the kidnapping from leaking out.


Erich, meanwhile, was held captive by a middle-aged couple who addressed each other as "Alice" and "George." Erich was blindfolded, tied and gagged.


The Edge Of Night


Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson


Serena Faraday, whose entire existence was being threatened by her dual-personality "Josie," turned to Dr. Quentin Henderson, a psychiatrist, for help. When Quentin and attorney Adam Drake witnessed one of these eerie transformations in Serena's hotel room, Adam realized the dark-haired woman who had been terrorizing Serena's 8-year-old son Timmy, is not a figment of the boy's dream-world but was actually Timmy's mother! Adam removed the child from Serena's hotel room and placed him in the capable and loving care of Nancy and Mike Karr. The discovery of "Josie" explained so many things about Serena's so-called memory lapses or blackouts which had disrupted her life since childhood. The vengeful, flamboyant "Josie" and the shy, timid Serena — opposite poles of the personality spectrum!


Mark Faraday, Serena's ex-husband, learned of Timmy's expulsion from the Delafield School - Tim had been asked to leave school because his emotional state had become so precarious from his fears that he could no longer study. - Mark, furious that Serena might somehow deprive him of his court-ordered visitation rights to see Timmy, sought out Serena. Recalling her doctor's name, he went to Quentin's office and burst in on Serena's therapy session while she was "Josie" wearing her dark wig. Mark greeted "Serena" but it was Josie who lashed back at him. Mark finally left the office under protest but felt he had a fool-proof case that could win him the permanent custody of Timmy. Serena was an unfit mother because she was crazy!


Adam feared that the little boy would become a pawn between Mark and Serena and be severely hurt in the process. Mark went to Nancy to take Timmy away with him. Despite Nancy's pleading to leave the boy where he felt happy and secure at last, Mark became abusive. Only the chance arrival of Police Lt. Luke Chandler, who had come to the house regarding some information about Nancy's missing son-in-law, Johnny Dallas, forced Mark to retreat, finally. Serena, whose whole emotional well-being was linked with her son's happiness, approved of the Karrs’ temporarily caring for Tim while she struggled to gain control of her emotional health. Although Serena had been told by Nancy, Adam, and her doctor, all rel-able and trusted witnesses of "Josie's" existence, she found it very hard to believe. Yet she knew something was terribly wrong with her and realized she was at least temporarily unable to care for her son Timmy.


It was Adam's belief that Mark really didn't want to resume the actual care of Timmy as much as gain vengence against Serena for what he believed were years of unfaithfulness in their marriage. Furthermore, Mark was known to have a drinking problem and might not be any more fit to be the sole parent responsible for Timmy's care than Serena. Adam, learning that Mark had engaged a highly-reputed Domestic Lawyer Richard Jaffe, admitted things look bad for Serena's maintaining custody of her son. Jaffe was known to take only "sure fire" cases. Adam refused to represent Serena for two reasons. First, because she truthfully needed someone with more experience and second, for personal reasons. He felt Serena was too dependent on him already and out of regard for his close relationship with Assistant District Attorney, Brandy Henderson, Adam doesn't wish to further involve with the confused Serena.


Quentin began therapy with Serena on a regular basis and explained that she was not "insane" as her ex-husband insisted, but that with time she should become a whole, healthy, and integrated person once again. When she had learned to control the appearance of the "Josie" side it would not be long before she would be "cured." As Serena went on relating her love for Adam who would save her from losing Timmy because he loved her as much as she loved him, Serena began obsessively snapping her fingers and Quentin realized that she was on the verge of a personality change. Highly charged emotional scenes triggered the more aggressive "Josie" side to take over and settle what the retiring "Serena" side couldn’t face or handle. "Josie" was the servant of Serena's subconscious and was so important to her that each side fought to protect the other side at all costs.


When Serena was served with a summons to appear in court, Mike Karr, at his wife's request, reluctantly agreed to assist Serena as her attorney. Adam still refused any connection with Serena's case but made a tactical error by having a business lunch with Serena and not telling Brandy. Nancy forced Adam to admit to his real feelings for Brandy and finally putting his natural reticence aside he took Brandy in his arms, kissed her and proclaimed his love for her!


Mike considered appointing a "guardian ad librum" to protect the interests of little Timmy in court. Mike, consulting with Quentin, learned that should Mark succeed in taking Timmy away from Serena it could damage her so severely that Quentin might never be able to get rid of her "Josie" personality. Serena later told Nancy while visiting Timmy that although she could accept the boy being away from her at boarding school she was painfully aware that she couldn’t care for him. The thought of permanently losing her son to Mark was destroying her. The doorbell rang. Mark entered Nancy's house once again and was openly pleased that he had the opportunity to hurt Serena deeply by flaunting his apparent "open and shut" case against her. After he left, Josie emerged and denounced Mark's threats for "her sister" and went to take Timmy away to hide him from Mark.


Phoebe Smith, the adult foster daughter of Police Chief William Marceau, felt that the terrible accident which resulted in Mrs. Geraldine Whitney being hospitalized in her critical comatose condition might have altered her feelings for her former fiancee Kevin Jamison. Still confused about resuming their close relationship she nevertheless knew Kevin could never have been responsible for harming Geraldine whom he loved as if she were his real mother. Kevin, who was a capable crime reporter for the Monticello News, told Phoebe of his concern that Bill might be considering arresting him for attempted murder. After all, he was the one who reported the discovery of her body lying crumpled at the foot of the staircase and it was a known fact that Kevin and Geraldine had quarreled bitterly. Furthermore, Geraldine had contacted Adam about changing her will and cutting Kevin out as her sole heir to the Whitney fortunes.


Everyone at the Whitney mansion grieved for the once vitally active Geraldine who laid in her comatose state, with the exception of Noel Douglas. Noel, who actually married Tiffany Whitney for her money, continued behind Tiffany's back to carry on an affair with Tracy Dallas until he was discovered by Kevin and Geraldine and forced to give up his deception. - Noel entertained Tracy in what he believed was a deserted house and was discovered by Geraldine who expelled them both from her home just before Geraldine's accident. - When Bill, investigating the accident, mentioned that it occurred at a very propicious time for Kevin, Tiffany became upset because of the implications. However Noel secretly visited police headquarters and told Bill of the "private war" between Geraldine and Kevin which led to her faking a heart seizure by taking some pills which had known side effects.


Bill and Luke continued to investigate Kevin as a potential suspect and learn from Mr. Otoni, the karate master, that Kevin lost his temper, injured a fellow student slightly, and was asked to leave his class. Losing self control violated the teachings of the Marital Arts, the karate master further explained. He reluctantly admitted Kevin was skilled sufficiently in Karate to harm someone. This information coupled with the evidence of an unaccountable bruise on the side of Geraldine's neck made Luke press Bill for the arrest of Kevin on the charge of suspicion of attempted murder. - Although there was a remote possibility Geraldine could have hit her head on the banister railing as she fell, it was unlikely that the carpeted stairs would have produced such a bruise. It was more likely the bruise was caused by a blunt instrument or possibly a Karate blow. - Kevin, fearing arrest was near, went to Adam to ask him to represent him.


Phoebe's concern for Kevin prompted her to speak to Bill and relate all she knew, from Kevin's personal investigation, about Noel's affair with another woman. This could account for Noel having a strong enough motive to wish Geraldine harm, but Bill reminded her that it was only Kevin's unsubstantiated word.


Tracy Dallas, learning of the police investigation into the accident of Geraldine Whitney, became frightened and tried to force Noel into giving her enough money to leave town. With Noel's advice "to try hitchhiking" ringing in her ears, Tracy found herself in a desperate corner.


Johnny Dallas, running from the powerful underworld leader Gerald Kincaid's hit man Ewell, managed to overpower Ewell and shot him in self-defense. Johnny called Mike Karr and related the story of his narrow escape, but refused to return home. Laurie, John's pregnant wife, grabbed the phone and pleaded with John to return home, but the desperate man refused, secretly fearing involving the life of his beloved wife in his dangerous struggle to escape from Kincaid's wrath. John went to his sister Tracy's luxurious apartment and asked her to cash a check for $5000 for him from his joint bank account. John planned to use the money to obtain a false I.D. Seaman's card and to leave the country. John called Laurie to explain why he had to withdraw the money from their account. Lt. Luke Chandler tried vainly to have Laurie stall John on the phone long enough to trace the call, but failed. He then dispatched the police to watch for John when he attempted to cash his check at the bank, not realizing that Tracy had already withdrawn the $5000.


Tracy in possession of a negotiable $5.000 check and desperate to escape the Whitney investigation, left a note for John with the doorman telling him that she was leaving town.


Laurie at the point of breaking emotionally phoned Johnny’s best friend, Danny Micelli, and told him that should John contact him, Danny was to tell John to come back because “something has happened to her.” Laurie began driving her car at speeds up to 90 miles per hour on the turnpike but was fortunately stopped, cited, and returned home before she could harm herself.


John went to Danny for help, believing Tracy had skipped town with his money. Danny who had long suffered from an unrequited love for Tracy couldn’t believe that she could do such a terrible thing to her brother without a good reason. Danny failed in an attempt to contact the Karrs about John’s whereabouts because John discovered him on the phone and rushed away bitterly claiming his best friend had ratted on him. John went to a bartender friend, Sal, to ask him to cash another check for him and suddenly discovered sitting in one of the booths – Tracy! She apologized claiming she couldn’t do anything so low to her brother and told him about her involvement with Noel Douglas and the Whitney case.


When Tracy left, John learned from the bartender that the police had issued an A.P.B. on him. Tracy; seeking refuge at Danny’s and fearing her precarious future, accepted his proposal of marriage.


Able to pay his way out of the country, John went to a “travel agent” named Max Barrett whose underworld connections made it possible to help fugitives like Dallas escape the country. On the other hand, Max’s ties with the mob also placed him in a position to contact Kincaid. Fortunately, Walter LePage, who had been acting as the secret informant to the police, learned of the death trap ready to snap shut on Dallas and alerted Mike Karr. The only clue that LePage could offer to Mike about the location of the planned meeting was somewhere on the waterfront. Bill dispatched squad cars to patrol the site and they spot Kincaid entering the building at number 127 Front Street where John had returned expecting to receive his false I.D. Seaman’s card. Bill and Luke rushed just in time to save John’s life and arrest Kincaid. Unfortunately, Kincaid, released on a technicality, followed John, after a tender reunion with Laurie, to the New Moon, where Kincaid’s two hoods savagely beat John into unconsciousness and set fire to the restaurant.


General Hospital


Written by: Richard & Suzanne Holland

Produced by: Tom Donovan


The startling news that Dr. Lesley Faulkner's illegitimate daughter, Laura, did not die at birth 12 years ago, as she always believed, rocked not only the foundation of Lesley's new marriage to Cameron but sent shock waves throughout General Hospital. Lesley confessed to Dr. Peter Taylor, a psychiatrist and a very good friend, that she was relieved that after all these years to finally realize that her baby's death was not punishment for her not being married. - Lesley was deceived by her college professor who was married and later, after the birth of the infant, Lesley's father bribed the attending nurse, Miss Roach, to substitute a dead baby for her living one and convinced Lesley that her baby had died at birth. - Lesley admitted Peter's arguments about finding her daughter could prove to be a terrible shock to both the little girl and her family were valid, but was obsessed with a driving force to seek out her child. Claiming that she only wanted to know that she was all right, nothing more, Lesley finally persuaded her wealthy and influential husband Cameron Faulkner to instigate an investigation to find Laura.


Cam's right hand man, Mac, began an intensive search in the Detroit area at the location of the defunct clinic for unwed mothers. Mac found Laura's probable birth certificate with the mother's name listed as Barbara Jackson. No one could be certain that the unwed mother gave her real name or an alias — or if she kept her child, or gave her up to an adoption agency. The name Barbara Jackson proved to be so common that Cam's investigators had to research into the files of several hundred women with that name in the greater Detroit area. Perhaps Barbara Jackson had moved, widening their search to an almost impossible task! Cam's search for Laura's mother extended ultimately to Washington, D.C. where records of marriage licenses were combed for a possible clue. When Cam's remarks about Lesley's impatience and that there was really no rush to find Laura, Lesley erupted and turned on Cam. For 12 years she had been cheated out of seeing her daughter grow, laugh, or even cry — she didnn't even know if Laura was okay. "I'm her mother! That's what the rush is!"


Cam suggested to Lesley that she come with him on a business trip to New York, but Lesley declined his invitation because of her medical practice demands. She reminded him that when they married they agreed that neither would interfere in each other's demanding life styles or obligations. Cam mistakenly felt Lesley might be afraid to leave town because she might be out of immediate reach should some news develop in their search for Laura. Lesley assured Cam that it was only work, nothing more, that prevented her from going to New York with him.


After Cam's return from New York, he complained that Lesley's little English Style cottage, while cozy enough for two, was just not suitable for his business needs. He prefered a duplex penthouse in The Towers, with a staff of servants who could care for Cam's traveling business executives who periodically met to dis-cuss important international business dealings. Lesley begged him not to force such an overwhelming change in her life — pleading that she needed more time to adjust. Her reaction upset Cameron who reminded her that they had agreed to meet each other's needs half way. Cam felt that there had come more than half way and that there was no one there to meet him.


While Faulkner visited the Mary Sullivan Free Clinic that his money helped establish, he was pleased and impressed with the facilities. Lesley, administering to a sick baby, prompted Cam to ask about starting their own family soon. Lesley answered that she would discuss starting a family only after their marriage was on a firm enough basis to consider the topic. Cam was displeased about what he believed was Lesley's overriding concern for Laura to the exclusion of his needs.


Bobby Chandler, his identity badge proclaiming "Aide," threw his total energies into working at the newly established Mary Sullivan Clinic. Attractive Samantha Livingstone, R.N., Bobby's girlfriend, agreed with Caroline Chandler, Bobby's mother, that he should try to relax more and conserve his energies for his planned entrance into medical school in January. Bobby however had quite the opposite opinion about his life and inviting Sammi to an elegant dining place, he proposed marriage. Although reluctant, at first, to accept, Sammi, who deeply loved Bobby, finally agreed and their engagement was romantically cemented with the placing of his grandmother's engagement ring on her finger.


Although Attorney Lee Baldwin agreed with Caroline that it might be a mistake for Bobby to divide his energies between medical school and marriage, he cautioned her not to interfere in her son's life at the risk of alienating him permanently. Lee then asked Caroline if she would like to embark on a matrimonial sea with him. She accepeted his proposal.


Once Bobby and Sammi became engaged, he realized how difficult it would be to delay their marriage for the four years of med school before having the woman he loved. Even though Bobby completely understood that his mother's objections to an early marriage had nothing to do with her feelings about Samantha as a potential daughter-in-law, only a sincere concern for his health and future, Bobby's intense passions for Sammi couldn’t be easily held in check. He simply would not wait four years. While entertaining Ian Livingstone, Samantha's father, who was a former newspaper editor, Bobby finally, over an elegant desert of cherries jubilee, which Bobby had especially concocted for the occasion, got Sammi to agree to early marriage plans — the second week of November.


Dr. Jim Hobart, embittered over his inability to return to the General Hospital staff in his former capacity as the Head of Cardiac Surgery, had agreed to a six month trial period to prove that he could refrain from drinking. As a further condition, established between Jim and Dr. Steve Hardy, Jim had to agree to attend either AA meetings or enter into intense therapy with a psychiatrist. Jim decided on the latter with Dr. Peter Taylor. Jim's bank account was completely depleted from his months of un-employment. Fortuitously, he had been awarded a limited but adequate financial grant from the Mannheim Foundation which enabled Jim to do follow-up research on patients who received the "Star Edwards" heart instruments implantation, to sustain him and his family through his trial period. Peter suggested to the fiercely proud Jim that when he had recovered and was reinstated to the staff, Peter would send any indigent patient to him for medical care. A "trade" of professional services instead of a fee — Jim agreed.


Once the therapy sessions began, Jim was hit with some hard facts of reality. Peter recommended that traditional analysis techniques, which were not too successful in treating alcoholics, be avoided and a more didactic therapy, referred to as transactional analysis, be substituted. This form of therapy required Jim to immediately face the harsh reality of his life. Alcoholism was a form of suicide. Jim prefered the role of "victim." An adult adjusted to life's disappointments. It was a childish reaction to drink in order to avoid reality - Jim began drinking heavily after his right hand was rendered useless in a car accident preventing him from doing the cardiac surgery for which he was famous. - Finally — the lowest blow of all — Jim lacked self-esteem.


Jim protested Peter's diagnosis and resented the conclusion of no self-esteem preferring to believe that he was blameless while others persecute him, primarily his wife Audrey. Peter hit Jim with Jim's need to show Audrey that he had to feel the center of attention — to hold the dominant position in the household — by subjecting everyone to his whims. Peter insisted that if Jim was to really benefit from therapy, Audrey had to be present at the sessions because she had her "role" to "play" in his life. Jim violently rejected Audrey's participation because he felt she was too hostile. After all, wasn't it Audrey who told Steve about his drinking problem which resulted in his forced resignation from General Hospital? Jim revealingly stated that medicine, namely cardiac surgery, was his whole life.


Audrey, who had grown increasingly concerned for the emotional and physical well-being of her young son Tommy since Jim began drinking heavily, arranged for Tommy to board five days a week at a nearby private school. Jim protested Tommy's absence, claiming that a six year old was too young to be away from home. - Jim was sent away to school at an early age and had borne the scars of rejection throughout his life. - Audrey assured Jim that it was better for Tommy, who did return home on weekends, to be away while Jim was so irritable. Audrey assumed Jim's irritability was a result of his "drying out" from the many months of drinking - Unfortunately, Jim was really secretively drinking but limited his consumption of alcohol to only a couple of drinks. - Lucille Weeks, Audrey's sister, felt helpless, watching the toll on Audrey's health while Jim was constantly caught up in his own consuming problems and ignored the damage he was doing to his wife. Audrey who once loved Jim deeply, admitted to Lucille that he was not the same person that she married.


After a particularly intense session with Peter, Jim went to his favorite bar for a drink to "steady his nerves." Suddenly a patron began to choke on some food, and Jim, realizing the man had only two minutes to survive without oxygen, rushed to his aid. Taking charge of the situation, Jim knew the simple but delicate procedure known as a tracheotomy would save the man's life, but found his hands shake too violently to make the bold incision. Another doctor entered the bar and the patient was rescued. Later Jim retold the story to Peter, referring to the bar as a restaurant, he blamed Peter for creating so much self-doubt that he couldn't operate. Peter told Steve that the prognosis for Jim was negative because he continued to lie to himself. Lee Baldwin was also discouraged by his failures to get Jim into A.A. and his awareness that Jim was lying to himself and to Peter about his drinking. Due to Audrey’s persistence she and Jim were together for a session with Peter Taylor. They vented their hostile feelings: he felt manipulated by Audrey; she felt rebuffed in her attempts to help him. Left alone in order to cool off, Audrey suggested a trial separation to put things into perspective. Jim agreed saying things could not be any worse. Peter and Steve talked about Jim and his alcoholism. Peter told Steve that Jim would be destroyed if he ever learned that the Mannheim Grant was not due to his own efforts and abilities. Admitting to Jessie Brewer and Diana Taylor that she never meant to leave Jim, Audrey told them she felt the worse was over. Back in Peter’s office, Jim declared he was hurt by Audrey’s failure to include him with her weekend at the lake with her son Tommy. When Audrey told him he was invited if he wanted to come, Jim petulantly refused. His paper was behing schedule and her invitation was too late. Later, in the day, Jim received an upsetting letter about the Mannhein Grant. He resolved to get to the bottom of whatever was going on. Finding out that the money was granted to him out of pity, he drank heavily and suffered a bad fall from his kitchen ladder. Audrey found him when she came back from her weekend with Tommy and rushed her husband to the hospital.


The Guiding Light


Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Lucy Ferri Rittenberg


Holly Bauer decided she had to tell Dr. Ramirez the truth about the baby’s real father because Ed’s blood did not cross match with Christina’s. She told him about Ed but begged Dr. Ramirez not to tell anyone, especially Ed, because he loved the baby very much and it would hurt him to know the truth – that Roger Thorpe was really the baby’s father. – The following day, Holly had decided to tell Ed the truth, but as usual, she could not find the courage.


Roger had got a promotion at the Metro café where he was working and had been made manager. With his fiancée Peggy, he made plans for the improvement of the restaurant. When Roger was alone in the café, Holly paid him a visit and told him about their baby and the fact that Ed’s blood did not match. This put Roger in a very upset state, so that when he and Peggy were together again, he was very cross and difficult to get along with. He finally told Peggy that there were things he just couldn’t tell her.


Christina Bauer was still a very sick little girl. She had pneumonia as well as anemia. At the hospital, Holly overheard a conversation between Dr. Steve Jackson and Dr. Ramirez, the doctor in charge of the baby’s case. They were afraid she would not make it. When Roger – the child’s real father – visited the hospital, he told Holly that he had given blood. She took that news as a sign that Roger still cared for her. But when he visited the following day, he and Holly discussed their relationship all over again. She accused him of lying to her – that he never really loved her. He told her to talk to her husband, Ed, that he really loved and needed her. Peggy and Roger postponed their wedding plans because of Christina’s illness.


Hope Bauer begged her teacher and former lover, Alex McDaniels to tell her why he wanted to break off with her. He refused – Hope’s father, Mike Bauer, put pressure on Alex. – When Hope left home in anger over her parents’ actions, she went to her grandmother, Bert. Leslie Bauer went to Bert’s house, where Hope had fled after her argument with her father. Hope refused to talk to Leslie. Hope was remembering what Alex told her what happened when Mike visited him in California. When she finally decided to talk to Leslie, it was only to tell her that she would never forgive her father for breaking up her love affair with Alex. He had no right to go to see him. She did not want Leslie to go to Mike with her decision. She wanted to talk to her father herself.


Chad Richards, Leslie’s old school friend, was still being troubled with blackouts. Although testing had proved nothing, Dr. Jackson wanted Chad admitted to the hospital. When he was stricken at the Metro, he was sent right to the hospital. Dr. Jackson was suspected a brain tumor and had to tell his daughter, Leslie.


Michael and Leslie were still trying to convince Hope that her relationship with a married man was all wrong and that perhaps they were not going to get a divorce. Hope refused to believe her father and took her clothes,left for her grandmother’s house. Later, when she heard that all the family had to be at the hospital because of Christina, she offered to stay with Freddie but told her father that there was nothing further for them to discuss. Leslie told Bert that Mike went to see Alex against Hope’s wishes – and Hope would not forgive her father. She confronted him and blamed him for sending Alex away. Mike explained that it was a school girl crush and that he acted in her best interests – out of his love for her as a father and his desire for her to have a good life. Hope informed him that she was not going back to college, further, she did not want to live at home and refused his offer to help her get a job, saying she had been hired by Roger, as a waitress at Metro.


Chad was back in the hospital for more tests. He told his nurse, Rita, he would feel better when they found out exactly what was wrong with him. At that moment, he had another blackout, called for a girl, shouted her name, “Leslie.” The nurse ran for Dr. Jackson. Chad came out of it, remembering nothing. Later, the doctor explained they believed there was a tumor but since they couldn’t locate it, no operation could be performed. In the meanwhile, Chad could go home.


Dr. Sara McIntyre and her husband, Dr. Joe Werner had decided to adopt T.J. When she learned that Joe had not signed the papers yet, she was annoyed with him. Joe told Sara he had reason to believe that the boy might be the long lost son of their patient, Mrs. Ann Jeffers. When Sara was introduced to Ann Jeffers as Joe’s wife, the woman took an instant dislike to Sara and was very unpleasant. Sara wondered what kind of mother this woman would be to T.J. Certainly the Werners could provide a better and happier home. Sara was convinced that if Mrs. Jeffers was really T.J.’s mother, he should be told and would have to decide for himself with whom he wanted to live.


When Holly saw Ed checking Christina’s chart, she asked him to explain what he saw there. He wanted her to go home and get some rest and when she refused, he arranged for a room at the hospital. Ed was alarmed at the baby’s vital signs and without Holly’s knowing about it, he called Dr. Ramirez. The family had all gathered: Barbara, Bert and Andy – the only one Holly had told the true story about the baby’s father -. Holly told him that it was all her fault that her baby was so ill. It was because of sin. The sin that she and Roger committed. When an exhausted Holly was finally persuaded to take a nap, she dreamed a strange dream about Christina – and awowe frightened. Roger heard from Joe that Christina might die, and he, too, was filled with guilt and was frustrated at their helplessness. Holly found everyone in the waiting room and feared the worst. She was comforted by her mother and Bert. At last, when she went to Ed’s office, she had decided to tell him the truth. She started out by saying that she was responsible for the baby’s illness. Then stated that for a long time she had been lying to everyone except Roger. “Why Roger, what has he got to do with it,” asked Ed. A shocked and disbelieving Ed heard his wife tell him that Roger – and not he – was the father of Christina.


As the whole family waited at the hospital for news of Christina, Dr. Ramirez called Ed into the baby’s room. The news was good. She was coming out of shock, her temperature was down and although she was still on the critical list, she was past the danger point. All rejoiced at the news – but for Ed, his happiness was overshadowed and he was filled with despir at Holly’s statement that he was not Christina’s father. Holly, overjoyed at the word that her baby was getting better, rushed to Ed – and exclaimed that they could be a happy family. Ed was cold to her. Their marriage had been a lie – and he refused to go home with her, ignoring Holly’s pleas for forgiveness. He admitted that he still loved the baby as much as ever but that had nothing to do with Holly’s unfaithfulness. Roger and Peggy, whose wedding had been postponed because of the baby’s illness, planned to set a new date.


Love Of Life


Written by: Margaret DePriest

Produced by: Darryl Hickman


Upset because they intended to rehospitalize him, David Hart had climbed out on a fifth floor window ledge at police headquarters. Arlene Lovett - Harper - was removed from the room but was held in custody while Police Lt. Garfield, Betsy Harper and David's lawyer, Jamie Rollins tried to talk him in to no avail. They next attempt was to put two policemen, one on each side of David, on the ledge to distract and capture him, but when they learned he was engaged to Arlene, she was brought back into the room. David guessed they would try to push him through the window back into the room and backing up, he stepped off the ledge, but pulled himself back up by clinging to the drainpipe. When David then talked about his father, Arlene said she would go with David to tell him off, but David then remembered his father, Mayor Jeff Hart, was dead. - David killed Jeff when the mayor, a corrupt and ruthless politician, violently attacked Cal - Caroline - Aleata, who was at that time David's fiancee.-


Arlene then noticed that the ring David gave her came off in his hand when she grabbed for him as he slipped from the ledge. She told David that he had to put it back on her himself and kiss her. When David came in, he was grabbed and Dr. Joe Cusack, who had been standing by, took him to Rosehill General Hospital. David said he couldn't let them blame Arlene for the fire but Lt. Garfield believed Arlene was indeed responsible for the burning of the Club Victoria and had a warrant for her arrest. He was convinced he could get a grand jury indictment.


Arlene used her one phone call to tell Ben Harper - Ben and Arlene were secretly married before his return to Rosehill. He had since married Betsy Crawford inasmuch as his mother Meg Hart, Mayor Hart's widow, wealthy in her own right, promised a half million dollars as a wedding present. To insure the success of the marriage Meg had delayed the present. Ben was on tenterhooks, fearing his bigamy would be discovered before he and Arlene could get their hands on the cash. - Arlene warned Ben he'd better get her the best lawyer in town because if she had to spend the night in jail, she might blow the whole thing.


Out on bail Arlene was sure Lt. Garfield would dig into her past until he found out that they were married but since they were married in Mexico, the only record was Arlene's marriage certificate, which Ben burnt.


Betsy Crawford Harper wanted only to make a home for her husband. As Ben was making some money of his own as manager of the Piano Bar at Rick Latimer's country club, Betsy asked Van Sterling, Meg's sister, to find them an apartment. When Betsy learned that an apartment would soon be available, she asked Ben to look at it, knowing that Meg intended for them to live with her until Christmas. When the apartment manager called, Meg took the call. She then gave Betsy the message—the apartment was available — and then forbade Betsy to pursue looking for an apartment. Betsy coldly told Meg never to forbid her to do anything, and then she left, to get her head straight. Betsy stayed with Van for a few days but then agreed to go back to Ben for his sake, not because Meg had decreed it. Although she hadn't taken her birth control pills these past few days, Betsy just didn’t remember that in Ben's arms as they made up.


A big party was planned in the Terrace Room to introduce Edouard Aliata's wines, and everyone in Rosehill was coming. Dr. Joe Cusack helped Cal Aliata - Meg's daughter, Edouard's stepdaughter - strengthen her back with exercises so she would be strong enough to attend. Looking back, Cal realized that she couldn't have been warned about loving David, but she needed Rick just as much as she needed David then.


The surprise attraction at the wine tasting was owner Rick Latimer's friend Sammy Davis Jr., who had come to Rosehill to perform as a favor to Rick. Everyone was overwhelmed at being entertained by this superstar and Sammy was sensational as always. After an argument with Meg about Cal and Betsy staying with her, Van was calmed by dancing with Eddie. Bruce, the new Mayor of Rosehill was busy conducting city business.


Meg told Arlene that her contract as the singer in the Piano Bar ran out soon and she was letting her know as they wouldn't be renewing it so Arlene could start looking for another job. Lt. Garfield showed up to tell Arlene that, upon checking into her background in Denver, he had found her union insurance listed Ben Harper as her beneficiary. Arlene told Ben what Lt. Garfield had found out, but if they sticked to their original story, that Ben helped Arlene's brother after his skiing accident and Arlene made Ben beneficiary out of gratitude, they would be all right. But Arlene made such a special effort to fully explain the story to Lt. Garfield, he told Jamie he was suspicious.


David didn’t recognize Arlene at first, when Dr. Keno let her visit him over Jamie's objections. But the engagement helped him remember and gradually things came back to David. He remembered setting the fire at the Club Victoria and called Jamie, asking him to bring the police so he could confess. Jamie arrived with Dr. Keno but when Arlene questioned him, he remembered nothing. Jamie was apalled that Dr. Keno would let Arlene try to drag a confession out of David but was told that Arlene was good for David and could bring on one of his lucid periods.


In calling the address on traffic tickets issued to Arlene in Denver, Jamie found she lived at Mrs. Hurst's with Ben as "Mr. and Mrs. Ben Harper." Jamie waited at the Piano Bar to confront Ben. Ben claimed that they lived together for convenience, that it was all in fun. Jamie promised not to tell Meg or Betsy since Ben was married, but he would check it out with Arlene. Ben went to Arlene's apartment to tell her this new story. Then, planning to stay a while, Ben took the phone off the hook. Having ordered Chinese food, Arlene answered the door and Jamie, finding the phone busy, walked in to find Ben in Arlene's bed. He excused himself and walked out. Worried about what he would do, Arlene visited Jamie who had decided he had to tell Dr. Keno that Arlene was only trying to get off the hook by getting David to confess to arson. Ben had a plan. He had Arlene call Jamie asking him to come to her apartment after she got off work.


Betsy let it slip to Meg that Rick was taking Cal for a ride in the country on Friday. Meg was so infuriated - she resents Rick's attention to her daughter as her own interest in Rick was much more personal than her arrangements as his business partner - that she turned on the bar faucet before she left and then called Rick at Van's as he and Cal were ready to leave, telling him that the Piano Bar was flooded. Cal and Rick postponed their outing till later, but when Joe Cusack asked Cal to a spaghetti feed on Saturday she was unsure of Rick's plans and couldn't give Joe an answer. Meg was present when Cal and Rick rescheduled their drive for Saturday morning so she planned an intimate dinner for two for Friday night. But when she called to invite Rick, she was told he and Cal went for their ride this day and wouldn't be back until late. Even though it was morning Meg sat down with a drink to feel sorry for herself.


Cal found the fall leaves beautiful. She told Rick that Lt. Garfield questioned her about her relationship with Rick inasmuch as David was so jealous of Rick. She went on to tell Rick that she told Garfield she and Rick were just friends at that time, but then Cal confessed to Rick that she felt things had changed, that she loved him, and Rick had been waiting a long time to hear this.


Rick found his car wouldn't start and he planned to walk the three miles back to the Inn where they had lunch. But Cal suggested they could have dinner there and spend the night. Bruce told Rick that a lot of people were concerned about his intentions toward Cal.


Sara Caldwell was going to take care of Charles Lamont and his grandson Johnny while his new bride, Felicia, was working out her problems at her old apartment. Charles called Dr. Bryson, Felicia's psychiatrist, and found she never kept her appointment.


Felicia was sitting in her car, half asleep, wrestling with her conscience, when a hood opened the unlocked passenger door and slided in beside her. When he touched her she woke in terror, jumped out of the car and ran home to her apartment. She then called Charles but didn't tell him what just happened. Obtaining her name and address from the registration slip in the glove compartment of the car the hood went to Felicia's apartment where he attempted to rape her. He didn’t believe her story about being a married virgin. When the hood, who told her his name was Arnie, relaxed a little, Felicia ran for the door just as Charles arrived. Arnie knocked Charles to the floor on his way out. Felicia refused to allow Charles to call the police. He took her home but he continued to be so worried about her, Sara was growing concerned that Charles would have another heart attack. Felicia began to see her attacker's face in the mirror and Charles found her stabbing the air with a pair of shears. Then Felicia was plagued with nightmares of the attacker and called for her father to help her. Charles took her to the Terrace Room to relax. When she told Charles she saw her attacker in the bar, he was gone when Charles returned.


Bruce Sterling told his wife Vanessa that he wished she would find someone else to admire as Eddie Aleata was staying in Rosehill permanently. Van protested but Bruce replied he was aware of how closely Eddie was holding her when they danced at the wine tasting.


One Life To Live


Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Doris Quinlan


Tony Harris and Cathy Craig who had found each other's company tempestuous at best, but fascinating, agreed to attend a concert together. While dining afterward at a quiet bistro, Tony accepted a call from Cathy's father, Dr. Jim Craig, which would alter the course of Cathy's life forever. Viki Lord Riley and Cathy's infant daughter Megan had been rushed to the hospital following a serious automobile accident! Viki was unconscious and suffering from a fractured pelvis and little Megan was in critical condition. Tony rushed Cathy to the Llanview Hospital trying to alarm her as little as possible. When Joe, Viki's husband, learned of the terrible accident he rushed to the hospital. Joe blamed himself, still unaware of all the details surrounding the accident, because he had left Viki alone to babysit while he went out on a news story. Everyone wondered why Viki would be out driving on the stormy night with Megan. However, until Viki regained consciousness, every guess was only conjecture.


Jim had to prepare Cathy for the worst. Cathy wanted to know why Joe wasn't with Viki and Megan. When little Megan, unable to survive the trauma of the accident, died, Cathy lapsed into an unreal state where she believed Megan was really all right. Joe, the natural father of Megan, almost destroyed by his grief over the death of his daughter and his fears for Viki's recovery forced Cathy to finally admit that her daughter was dead. Cathy became obsessed with the idea that Viki always wanted Megan dead — that she always resented her — and that Viki's recent show of kindness towards Megan was an act. Cathy screams, "I had something that Viki didn't have — couldn't have! She killed my Megan and I am never going to forget it!" In Cathy's warped, grief-stricken mind, somehow killing Megan was Viki's attempt to even things up so neither woman would have a child. - Viki's marriage to Joe had remained childless because, unknown to Joe, he had an inherited heart problem which he would transmit to all future children as he did Megan. Even though Cathy and Joe believed that the corrective heart surgery had saved Megan's life, in truth she would have died by early adolescence.-


After the funeral, Cathy felt that she had been left with no more meaning in her life. Jim secretly wondered whether he should have told Cathy the truth about Megan never reaching adulthood, but feared that Cathy would have resented the lies about the successful operation her father told her. Jim was further distressed to learn that his daughter had gone off to be alone.


Steve Burke, managing editor of wealthy and powerful Victor Lord's newspaper The Banner, decided to leave town and search for Cathy in New York where he knew she had friends. Steve was equally griefstricken about Megan's death because it was he who helped deliver the baby in a secluded mountain cabin while Cathy was stranded there on the way to pick up a writer's award. Steve located Cathy at her friend, Patricia Kendall's apartment where he learned to his dismay that Pat was unaware of Megan's death. Steve forced Cathy to realize that her idea of "handling" Megan's death by pretending to people she was alive would never help her to adjust to reality. Cathy reluctantly agreed to return home in a few days. Before leaving, Steve offered the unemployed Patricia Kendall the opportunity for a job interview reminding her that the newspaper business, except for daily deadlines, was not that unlike her former magazine editing job. Pat accepted the offer for the interview and planned to come to Llanview.


After slipping into a severe coma for over a week, Viki began to show signs of recovery. Jim forewarned Joe and everyone else who would come in contact with Viki, that she had to not learn prematurely of Megan's death. In her weakened condition, the shock could have serious repercussions. Viki regained consciousness and told Jim that she had tried unsuccessfully to reach him because Megan was having another serious respiratory attack. Failing to reach him, Viki bundled the baby up and rushed her to the hospital for help. Jim lied to Viki and claimed that Megan was all right. Viki who was in terrible pain from her fractured pelvis began to recover her strength slowly.


When Cathy arrived home and discovered Viki who was conscious hadn't been told about Megan she flew into an uncontrollable rage. "Why is everyone so intimidated by Viki? I guess I was intimidated, too, by Viki until she killed my daughter. If no one else has the guts to tell her, guess l'll have to !" Jim called Joe and warned that Viki had to be told although he would have preferred waiting a little longer. Jim broke the news of Megan's death as gently as possible to Viki who sobbed uncontrollably that she has killed Joe's daughter because she had panicked. How could she ever forget the fact that she was driving too fast and went through a stop sign that night—even if Joe could somehow comfort her. In an unexpected turn, after refusing to ever see Viki again, Cathy suddenly went to confront the unsuspecting Viki.


Tony Harris, strapped for funds, went to Police Lt. Ed Hall and asked his help in recovering some "securities" which were to be his inheritance from his mother. He told Ed about his mother's death in San Francisco and of Dr. Mark Toland's disappearance along with the "securities" that she had promised Tony in a letter in the event she died. She had described it as "a nest egg" that she had never touched. His destitute mother was providing for him as much as possible. Ed regretfully told Tony that no valuable "securities" were found in Toland's room - Tony mistakenly believed that the "securities" left by his mother were in the form of negotiable stocks and bonds. He never realized that his mother really meant to insure a "secure future" for her son, the proof needed to show that Tony was the long-lost son of Victor Lord is his "securities”. -


Ed questionned Dr. Dorian Cramer who had successfully endeared herself to Victor by becoming his personal physician in complete charge of his recovery from his recent heart attack. Dorian and Matt MacAllister who, for their own reasons, wished to one day control Lord Enterprises, both suspected Tony was Victor's missing son. Later when Tony mentionned the word "securities" and the possibility that Toland, who had once been very close to Dorian, might have offered them to her. Dorian, puzzled by the word "securities" being used in both Ed and Tony's interrogation, digged out the hidden Randolph documents and reviewed them. She found a letter from Tony's mother in which she refered to the photos, birth certificate, and letters from Victor as Tony's "security to prove his relationship to the wealthy Victor Lord." Suspicions confirmed! Dorian was convinced of Tony's parentage.


Tony went to ask Victor for a job and found that he and Victor got along quite well. However, since Steve Burke, who was in New York, had to have the final say on hiring Tony, Tony had to wait for his return and Victor sent Tony away. Later Victor decided that he wanted to get to know Tony better and asked Dorian to call the Llanview Motel where Tony was living and arrange a dinner date with him. Dorian, reluctant to allow father and son to have many opportunities to compare pasts lest they might accidentally discover the truth, ignored Victor's wishes. When Victor ran into Tony at the hospital while visiting his daughter Viki, he was surprised to learn that no message was left for Tony at the motel. Tony, already suspicious of Dorian, figured that she, for some personal reason, was attempting to keep him away from Victor.


Steve arrived back from New York and Tony was further disappointed to learn that there was not a vacancy on the paper for him at present. Tony told Steve about his missing "securities" which he believed Toland stole from his mother. Dorian related to Matt that she knew positively that Tony was Victor's son. She encouraged Matt to maneuver himself into the position of executive head of the Washington Office of Lord Enterprises.


Tim Siegel continued to pressure novitiate Jenny Wolek to drop her chosen career as a devoted Sister of the Church and marry him. Vinnie Wolek, Jenny's cousin, obtained a job as a security officer in the hospital. Although he would have preferred being back on the police force, he realized the economy was still shaky and the force was simply not going to hire the men that they had laid off. While working at the hospital, he happened to observe Jenny and Tim together. Tim, who had given up his law studies for the time being, was working on the construc-tion of a new hospital project. As it happened Vinnie and his wife Wanda, who lived in the apartment across the hail from nurse Sheilah Rafferty, encountered Tim who was innocently there, but appeared to be in a rather compromising situation. Vinnie declared war. As far as Vinnie was concerned Tim was a "skirt chaser" —and Jenny was a nun. He attempted to force a showdown when he called a local parish priest Father Costello to come to the Craig house and speak to Jenny. Anna, Vinnie's sister, finally by threatening exile forever from her home, forced Vinnie to cancel the priest's visit and he agreed reluctantly to let Jenny and Tim decide their own future.


Jenny confused over her feelings for Tim prepared to leave on her Order's two week scheduled convocation to think matters over, but deciding she loved Tim, she told him, after she returns from telling her Order, they would announce their engagement.


Ed and Carla Hall pleased with their adopted son's new interest in an active social life began worrying about 15 year old Josh's choice of friends. When Josh brought home his latest tennis partner, Bernice Munson, for dinner, they were surprised to discover she came from a wealthy white family. Josh was adopted from a terrible ghetto situation by Carla and Ed a few years ago. Ed and Carla feared that the group's emphasis on money and material objects might lead Josh to have a warped value system.


Ryan’s Hope


Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Claire Labine, Paul Avila Mayer & Robert Costello


Gambler Nick Szabo had told his stooge Herbie to make Dr. Roger Coleridge feel he had unlimited credit. Roger had had a winning streak lately and Szabo planned to encourage him to further indebtedness. Nick was determined to put the squeeze on Roger in order to force him to reveal what he had on Frank Ryan, the New York cop who was presently running for the post of City Councilman for the Riverside district. - Roger's knowledge of the affair between Frank and Roger's sister, attorney Jillian Coleridge prompted Frank to bring $16,000 to settle Roger's gambling debts to the hospital where Coleridge worked the day of his accident. –


If Frank won the election he would have influence over City contracted and "with a little luck" Nick expected to have some influence with Frank.


Investigative reporter Jack Fenelli called a friend about Frank's failure to file a claim against the hospital when the money disappeared from the emergency room after Frank was severely injured at the bottom of a flight of stairs. The insurance adjuster told Frank she had been in the business for ten years and had never known anyone not to file a legitimate claim.


Fenelli confronted Frank Ryan telling him he had figured it out, if Frank didn’t have the money, he knew who did. With further investigation and pressure Jack uncovered the facts of Frank's affair with Jill and he threatened to keep up the investigation until he had all the answers.


In order to prevent Fenelli from finding out that Frank was assaulted by his own wife and to stop the rumors caused by a previous column written by Jack, Frank confessed the coverup and affair without disclosing Roger's identity as his blackmailer.


Mary Ryan, Frank's sister, was badly shaken by Frank’s disclosure of his affair with her friend Jill and his profession of his love for Jill - Fenelli insisted that Mary be told because his story attacking Frank's credulity had caused Mary to slam the door on a growing relationship between them. –


On reflection, Mary told Frank Jill was the wife she would have wished for him. Mary later told Jill she wouldn't stop liking her, that she realized it was wrong of Frank to encourage everyone to believe he was perfect. Jillian then told Mary that despite her love for Frank she would give him up if he needed her to.


When confronted by Delia who made tearful reference to little Johnny and asked her to give Frank back because she, Jill, could have anyone she wanted, Jill told Delia she was not on the prowl and that Frank was not an object and she couldn’t "give him back."


Mary visited Jack's apartment to apologize but he told her coming there was apology enough. Explaining she needed to argue the whole thing out Mary maintained that Jack didn't have to do things the way he did, that he had hurt Frank's family and his career. Jack replied the public had a right to the facts because they based their judgement on the assumption that a man's private morality was the same as his public morality. Having conceded this point, Mary and Jack were able to resume their efforts to get to know and trust one another.


Bob Reid, Frank's campaign manager and Delia's brother, encouraged by Mary's estrangement from Fenelli, had asked her out twice only to be told by Mary, when he warned her not to get involved with Jack, that she loved him and valued his friendship but he had no right to interfere in her life.


When Bob and Jill and Party leader Charlie Ferris proposed a final push to Frank's campaign in the form of a personal appearance by Frank in a wheel chair to put to rest rumors of Frank's health interfering with his performance of his duties, Delia protested that they had no right to push Frank beyond the limits of his endurance to assure his election. She appealed to Maeve Ryan, Frank's mother, and Seneca Beaulac, the doctor who had taken over supervision of Frank's case, asking them to stop Roger Coleridge from trying to concentrate six weeks of physical therapy into a ten day effort and to discourage the personal appearance. However Seneca expressed the opinion that Frank's enthusiasm and determination could work miracles and gave the project his blessing.


Delia, thwarted, rushed out crying to Maeve "everything will be back just the way it was!" Later Bob arrived at the Ryan campaign headquarters just as Delia, in rage and frustration, had made a shambles of all the papers and posters in the office.


After telling Bob, Mary and Maeve that she was very sorry for her act of vandalism at campaign headquarters, Delia offered to call Frank's constituents personally to put an end to rumors of his bad health. She then promoted even wilder rumors by asking for prayers for Frank's health saying "Frank is never going to be the same again." They - Frank's family and political friends - are "plying him with medicine" and "making him sit up in a wheelchair. I can't stop it."


At the rally, Frank was ready to go onstage in an electric wheel chair - Mary's idea as Frank was unable to operate a conventional one after moving it a few inches - when Delia dropped her purse and deftly disconnected the battery. After a moment of dispair, Frank made a determined effort and operated it manually. He greeted his hushed, awed audience with a proud happy grin and "Hi! How'ya been?"


Seneca Beaulac, upon discovering the reason for his estranged wife Nell's behavior over the past several months - she was living with the knowledge of two life-threatening aneurisms of the brain, one was inoperable - had made every effort to convince Nell to agree to a technique whereby one aneurism could be dealt with through a new procedure under local anaesthetic, infusing a mixture of silicone and iron filings and using an electromagnet to move it to a new position. When the silicone then hardened, it would strengthen the weak walls of the vein. This would increase her chances by better than fifty percent.


When the efforts of Nell's nephew Dr. Bucky Carter failed to convince her to agree to the new procedure Seneca called at Nell's apartment risking her accusations of interference and told her he wanted so many things for her — surf casting at the Cape and sea bass for breakfast — begging her to make the most of her time "have more of it and spend it with me."


Faith Coleridge confided to her sister Jillian that she, “the Snow Queen” had begun to melt. "For the first time," Faith explained, "I want to touch someone and have him touch me." When Jill told her to hold on to and enjoy those feelings, assuring her that Bucky was gentle and certainly responsive, Faith replied, "It's not Bucky, it's Pat Ryan." After an unsuccessful attempt to maneuvre Bucky and Faith together at Lem's Chinese Restaurant, Pat was asked by Bucky not to try to promote them again as a couple.


Search For Tomorrow


Written by: Peggy O’Shea

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim


Wade Collins was angry that his wife Janet had told their daughter Liza Kaslo about their problems. Janet told him she saw him and Karen kissing at the hospital. He denied any relationship and claimed it was only an impulsive gesture on the part of a patient. When Clay, Wade’s brother, visited Karen at the sanitarium, she told him she didn’t have to go to Verde Valley, Wade was sending her to Fairfield. Clay suggested that Wade was doing this to avoid seeing her. When Clay told his new wife, Stephanie his news that Wade and Janet were probably splitting up and he was pleased, Stephanie remembered finding Janet in Clay’s arms. At a party, Clay asked Wade about taking over the Corporation since he was married and that was their agreement. Wade denied that he was serious when he said that. They argued. Janet and Wade left the party early and when they were at home, she told him that he should give up the Corporation and that it would be favor to him if Clay took over. This angered Wade and he accused Janet of mixing in and pointed out the fact that she seemed to disapprove of everything he did, and that nothing short of his leaving would please her, which was what he did.


Wade was packing to leave Janet. They argued about Clay, the corporation and Karen. Janet believed that Karen was manipulating him and that Wade should turn over to another analyst. He refused and reminded Janet he had an obligation to Karen because she took those drugs for his experiment. He walked out. Clay came over to see Janet and apologized for the argument. She told him that Wade had moved out. Clay agreed with Janet that Karen had a strange and powerful influence over Wade. Wade brought Karen back to hospital. When Karen went to her room, Wade and Clay talked about Karen and he told him and he had left Janet because she would not accept his relationship with Kanre. Clay didn’t understand what was actually between doctor and patient.


Stu Bergman called Janet and expressed concern for her. His secretary, Ellie, handed him a heavily perfumed letter, which she was very curious about. Stu told her it was from Constance, thanking him for the car. He admitted having see quite a bit of her during his trip to California. Ellie invited him to dinner but he refused, planning to see Janet.


After devising an invention, Dave asked Clay’s help to put it on the market but he soon became afraid that Clay Collins was going to steal his invention. Dave found out that his invention was being tested but no one would tell him where. He confronted Clay, who said that his firm might use the invention and he would contact Dave when he had more definitie information. Stephanie admitted to Clay that she was sad at the interest he showed Janet. She left crying to visit Raney and Clay immediately called Janet. Dave’s invention had been reviewed by Collins Corporation, and he was called in and offered $1.000 and a $50 raise. Enraged at the small offer, he grabbed the corporation official by the collar, threatened violence to Clay, and stormed out.


Janet wondered to Liza if she should have tried harder to see things through Wade’s eyes and how she could fight to get Wade back. Liza thought Wade had been totally unfair.


Steve Kaslo was trying to study but his wife, Liza, kept interrupting his word. She suggested that he was going to law school to be more accepted socially. At work with Dave Wilkins, Steve got into a fight with him. Dave had noticed that Steve had been troubled by a bad back and advised him to see a doctor. When Steve arrived home early, he found a rependant wife, and she, in turn, was surprised when Steve came in with flowers, by way of an apology.  Liza gave a party for Gary. Steve had a dizzy spell and Gary urged him to see a doctor. With Dave’s help, he convinced Steve to have a checkup. Later, a worried Steve was told the preliminary reports were negative. Steve tried to hid his visit from Liza, but when he was too tired to keep a dinner date with his sister Amy, he told her, emphasizing that he was fine. Steve finally found out the test results - he had leukemia.


Amy Kaslo was making dinner for her friend Bruce, whe she got a call that she had to fill in on a ward. As she was leaving, her roommate, Jennifer came back after obtaining a Virgin Island divorce. When Amy left, an embarrassed Jennifer faced Bruce – she had been angry with him for causing the break-up between her and Gary. – They decided that what was passed should be forgotten and they ended up by going out to dinner together. When they came back, they found out that Amy had returned earlier than expected. After Bruce left, Amy expressed her fears that he didn’t love her as much as she loved him. Jennifer reassured her.


Eric tried to talk to Scott Phillips about his drinking. Scott at first denied that he was still at it, but then admitted that he only had a little. After he told Eric to go to bed, Scott fell asleep, drunk, his lighted cigarette started to burn a hole in his armchair. Kathy woke up in the middle of the night and had a feeling that Scott was in danger but didn’t call him. Scott, at home, woke up to find the chair burning. He quickly put the fire out – thinking of what he had done – and the terrible tragedy that could have occurred. He woke up Eric and told him what happened, at the same time, promising not to drink again. He decided to join AA. When Eric told Kathy about the fire and Scott’s decision to join AA, she was very hopeful. He did attend his first meeting of AA. At the meeting, he was very moved by the stories related by members about their drinking. A 15-year-old girl had become an alcoholic. A former doctor admitted that his drinking lost him his family and his licence to practice medicine. At the end of the meeting, the newcomers were asked to raise their hands. Scott raised his – and led the group in the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer. Scott also tried to get a job for new District Attorney, Paul Zolar. At home, Scott was taking a bottle of liquor out of the cabinet, when Eric walked in. Scott assured him that he was not going to take a drink and to prove it, asked Eric to pour the liquor down the sink. The following day, Scott decided to get a job. He was intimidated by Kathy’s new office; she reassured him that the small one at this new job was only a first step. As he left, John came in and expressed doubt as to whether Kathy wasn’t being premature about Scott. Scott and John finally agreed to forget the past and be friends, and he and Kathy went ahead and were married.


Jo Vincente returned from her trip to Europe. She told her sister Eunice that she met not lovers, but made a friend in London, a Dr. Voorhees and was making progress in letting go of the memory of her late husband, Tony.




Written by: Don Appell

Produced by: Lyle B. Hill


Ginger and Joey Cooper went to Paisley's to keep a dinner date with Tony, who was on an errand for Ned Paisley. Ned invited them into his office to wait for Tony. In conversation, Ginger revealed she was so looking forward to dinner with a man — any man. Ned didn’t take the hint and Ginger gave into Joe's demands for food and they left. In the hall, Joe commented on what a nice man Mr. Paisley was. Ginger wistfully agreed. Ned was puzzled by Ginger's apparent interest in him. Ginger gave Tony a hard time about the missed dinner, despite Tony's apologies. She made cutting remarks about Tony's jumping through hoops for Ned, then was visibly upset when Joe kept saying, « You like Mr. Paisley, Mom. You said so. » Ginger covered to a confused Tony by asking what he expected her to say about his boss in front of his son, then demanded Tony drop it!


Ned had second thoughts about his instant suspicion of his fiancee Eve Lawrence when he found her in her office chatting with Julian Cannell. Ned went to Kate Cannell to check Eve's story. Kate confirmed that Eve had taken a drink in Kate's office to keep Julian from discovering that Kate was drinking. Julian, said Kate, was with Eve to counsel Eve about her drinking. - Eve and Julian were once in love, but Eve, afraid of sex, wouldn't make a commitment. Julian turned to Kate, and on a weekend in Florida, he discovered he loved Kate. They were married immediately. Eve went into a state of shock. She turned to Ned Paisley, who found himself unable to believe in Eve's love for him and rejected her. Eve, an employee of Ned's, found the strain of a business relationship too much after what they'd had and began to drink. Julian, always Eve's friend, to Kate's dismay, pulled her out of it and helped her sort her feelings, helping her to discover she really did love Ned, not Julian. - Ned called Eve to apologize, but Eve, furious, told him an apology wouldn't work this time, that she was sick of his incessant suspicions. Eve hung up and got in her car and started driving, to get away from Ned.


Heather Lawrence Kane, Eve's daughter, increasingly unable to communicate with her surgeon husband Jerry, turned to her music and friend/neighbor Vic Kirby for solace. Heather felt stifled and childish because she was so dependent on Jerry. Vic, a grandfatherly type, told Heather that she made herself dependent by playing the role so well. He counseled: "To thine own self be true,/ And it must follow, as the night the day,/ Thou canst not then be false to any man." Heather, amazed, asked Vic where he learned Shakespeare. He told her his son left a complete set when he ran off. Jerry, late from the hospital again, was upset when he found no dinner waiting. Heather told him it was hard to plan a meal when she never knew when he would be home. She told him she would appreciate a call when he left the hospital, and then maybe dinner would be ready. He agreed. Jerry told Heather he would take her to a coffeehouse nearby for dinner. She quickly offered to fix something at home, but Jerry told her he was taking her to dinner at the place he had chosen. Jerry didn't enjoy the atmosphere of the coffeehouse, saying it was not his kind of place. Heather was quite at home there. Jerry refused to listen as Heather tried to tell him she wanted more out of her life than she was getting. He misunderstood, thinking she would like to change jobs at the hospital for something more challenging and offered to talk to the Chief of Staff. Exasperated, Heather told him not to. She finally gave up trying to talk and joined in a song. The manager, Max, came over and reminded Heather she had a job there singing any time. Jerry was mystified.


Julian Cannell, aware something very grave was upsetting Kate, demanded they talk - Kate, never very secure in their mar-iage because of Eve, found Julian's counseling of Eve during her drinking intolerable, especially since she, Kate, was pregnant. She pictured herself getting fat and ugly while Eve remained her stunning self. Unable to handle it, Kate, with lawyer Tom Conway's accompaniment, went to New York for an abortion. Subsequently, Kate had tried to convince Julian she miscarried and it was his fault because he made her so upset over Eve.- Julian told Kate he refused to take the blame for her miscarriage. Recalcitrant, Kate listened, then again told him he and he alone was responsible for the loss of the baby, then stormed out of the house. Desperate, Kate went to see psychologist, Dr. Terri Kurtz. Kate was angry that Terri wouldn't tell Julian the "miscarriage" was emotionally induced, as Kate claimed. Terri told Kate that she could never tell Julian such a lie. Kate was aghast. Terri said that Kate thrived on emotion, her very nature was emotional, so an emotional miscarriage, rare in any instance, was ridiculous in Kate's case. Terri demanded that Kate start telling the truth or she would return to bed. Kate went into the old story about Julian's devotion to Eve causing such great emotional stress. Terri started to leave, so Kate finally blurted out that she had an abortion. Terri helped Kate talk out her guilt, then told Kate she had to tell Julian. Otherwise, their marriage was built on a lie and could never survive. Kate tried to tell Julian, but couldn't, and told him he had to get away for awhile. Stan Kurtz, guessing about the abortion, told Terri he didn't think Kate should tell Julian because he didn't think Julian could forgive Kate.


Vicki Paisley, finding out Kate was out of town, began a concerted effort to lure Julian to her. He was aware he was being stalked and tried to put Vicki down, but she told him it had been tried by experts and it wouldn't work. She forced herself on him at lunch, one day, when Ned stood her up. They were joined by Tom Conway. Vicki invited Julian to dinner, telling him that Tom was coming, too. Tom backed her up, so Julian accepted. Vickie later told Tom he was uninvited, and he told her he had other plans anyway. As the three of them finished coffee at lunch, Ned appeared, with Eve! Vicki scolded him for standing her up, until Ned revealed he and Eve were married! Vicki was ecstatic; Julian was speechless; Tom wonders what would happen.


When Eve had driven off after talking to Ned about the incident in Kate's office, she had found herself on the road to Charlevoix, the Paisley summer home. When she had arrived four hours later, she had called Ned, telling him how much she loved him. He had left for Charlevoix immediately and had picked up a judge on the way. He and Eve had been married, with his class ring as the wedding band. The two of them were delirious. When Tony broke the news to Ginger, she was shaken, replying, "Eve Lawrence is no more in love with Ned Paisley than I am."


Jon (Jack) Wheeler, confused when Jill Grant Farmer walked out on him at the Inn, went to his mother-in-law, Lena Andrews, for advice. Lena was delighted Jon was in love, but was angry that he had kept it a secret from her and Carrie, his estranged daughter. Jon replied that he was afraid of alienating Carrie further. He rhapsodized about his luck: he came to Somerset to find his daughter and found Jill. Lena was puzzled. She urged Jon to tell Carrie immediately, but he wanted to wait for the right time. Jill, meanwhile, hurt, told Ellen about Jon, and how he always seemed to put Carrie's needs and wants first. Gently, Ellen pointed out that Jill might have reached out to Jon out of loneliness for Mitch and her father, and Jon might have reached out to Jill out of his need for Carrie. Jon appeared. While he was there, he got a call from Lena — Carrie was coming home from Chicago and wanted to see Jon. Jon's unusual delight caused Ellen to fear for Jill.


Carrie Wheeler and Greg Mercer are in Chicago to meet with Peter Goodman, the man Jon alleged was responsible for the accident that crippled Carrie's mother for years before she died. Carrie made her hostility to Goodman clear by saying she thought her father hired him to pose as Goodman. But, as Goodman talked, Carrie became aware she was an unwitting accomplice in the affair. Her mother took her to an amusement park, where Goodman was a barker, almost everyday. Vaguely, Carrie recalled seeing them in each other's arms, but refused to face it. She left, but met Goodman later that night. He telled Carrie he wasn't the first man in Frances' life, but she was available to him, so he took her on. He had no intention of making anything permanent — "Franny wasn't worth it." The night of the accident, money was stolen from the carnival and there was a warrant out for Goodman. Frances had a car and wanted to run away, so Goodman took her. They had the accident that crippled Frances. Jon found them, sent Goodman home with his car and enough money to leave, and took Goodman's place behind the wheel so Carrie would never find out her mother was abandoning them. Goodman told Carrie that the only person who ever really loved her was Jon, that her mother never wanted her. Carrie and Greg returned to Somserset, looking forward to a reunion with Jon. Jill was hurt when Jon refused to let her accompany him to the airport. Jon was cool to Greg, asking about his prospects, suggesting Greg might do better elsewhere. Jon asked if Greg intended to marry Carrie, and Greg told Jon they never discussed it. Jon made it clear to everyone he did not approve of Greg and Carrie's living together. He also told Carrie he had big plans for her and he intended to make up for all the years they missed. Carrie, having been independent a long time, out of choice, told Jon, finally, to mind his own business. Hurt at first, Jon later told Lena he had been overbearing and would butt out, concentrate on his own happiness with Jill. He left Lena to return to his room at the Inn, to call Jill to assure her of his love and to ask her to marry him. When he arrived, his room was ashambles. He was confronted by a man with a knife, stabbed, and robbed. Jon died. Jill identified the body. Carrie came in, and Jill told Carrie about Jon and her being in love. Carrie told Jill she would have approved. The best clue Lt. Price had was the missing half of the gold coin that Jon wore around his neck. Jill had the other half.


The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: William J. Bell & John Conboy


Kay Chancellor invited Bill Foster to dinner and offered him a job at $250 a week, to start in three weeks, when his soon-to-be ex-wife, Liz, would be leaving her job as Mrs. Chancellor's cook to marry Sam Powers and move to Kansas. The country air at the Chancellor estate would be better for Bill and he could use the extra money for his medical expenses. When she overheard her maid Ruth call Bill by his first name, Kay decided she would have to fire Ruth.


Jill Foster found out that Kay had offered her father a job and was angry because Kay could buy anything she wanted. She visited Kay to find out what she wanted from her father but Kaye assured her she was only trying to help Bill during his last days.


Liz got a call from Sam telling her that Bill had collapsed at the newspaper office where he was working. Kay wanted to go with her but Liz insisted on going alone. Kay had her chauffeur drive Liz into town. Brock found his mother very upset and sang to calm her.


Dr. Mark Henderson told Liz that Bill's collapse was simply from overwork and as soon as he had rested he could be taken home. Greg arrived and told Liz to stay with Sam, he would take his father home. Sam then tells Liz they needed to have a serious talk concerning their coming marriage. He realized that she really didn't want to marry him and move to Kansas and told her he would never forget her. Jill chastized her mother when she returned home, saying she didn't care about Bill and spent all that time with Sam. Liz replied that she and Sam were discussing their wedding and it had been called off because they both knew she couldn't go through with it. Jill was surprised when Kay called to find out how Bill was.


The following day, when Kay asked about Bill, Liz told her she wouldn't be leaving after all, and Bill would probably never be able to work again. Upon hearing this Kay asked Liz to leave her alone for the day. Despite Liz's objections, Kay insisted she go. Liz then went home and told Bill she was not leaving and she wouldn't be going through with the divorce. Brock found Kay all alone, ready to drown her misery in vodka. When he told her this was the time to turn to God, she replied "Then let God stop me from taking this drink!" She drank the alcohol as Brock sang to try to stop her, then she smashed the glass. Kay wonders what was going on when Bill refused to leave Jill to live with her as he couldn't work.


Jill finally told her mother that she was going to have Phillip's baby. Jill thought her mother would be happy at the news but Liz was horrified to think that Jill was carrying on with Phillip while he was still married to Kay. "This child will only be illegitimate because of a hateful Mrs. Chancellor" declared Jill. Liz thought she understood how Mrs. Chancellor felt but Jill wouldn’t let anyone upset her. - Jill became pregnant as a result of one night she spent with Phillip long after they had fallen in love but before he could divorce Kay. Jill had encouraged him to stay with Kay until she had beaten her alcoholism and could have a life without him. When Philip finally divorced Kaye and flew back to Jill, Kay met him at the airport and while driving him back to town was so distraught at the news that reconciliation was out of the question, that he intended to marry Jill immediately, she drove the car over a cliff. Phillip lived only long enough to marry Jill in his hospital bed. Jill and her family then moved to the Chancellor house which Kay had relinquished to Philip in the divorce settlement, and Jill had Phillip buried there. But Kay vindictively brought suit against Jill, claiming Philip had obtained her consent to the divorce while she was drunk and thus not competent, and managed to have Phillip's divorce and subsequent remarriage ruled invalid.-


After her radical mastectomy for cancer of the breast, Jennifer Brooks was assured by her daughters that the doctors got all the cancer but she refused to acknowledge their presence. After the process server brought Jen divorce papers from Stuart - both Jen and Stuart filed for divorce before Jen's cancer was detected - their daughter Chris told her father he was very unsympathetic. Stuart visited Jen against her wishes and was surprised to find that Dr. Bruce Henderson wasn't with her - Jen, after years of unfulfillment in her marriage, had left Stuart, and Bruce, who had loved her for years had convinced her they could have a wonderful life together. - Jen steadfastly refuseed to do her exercises or see anyone, particularly Bruce.


A volunteer from The American Cancer Society, a recently recovered mastectomy patient herself, Fran Whitaker, visited Jen. Jennifer was surprised as she'd never suspected her old friend had had a mastectomy. Fran explained that she knew how painful the exercises were but they were necessary. She also assured Jen that her reactions were normal to a point, but she was carrying it a little too far.


Chris and Leslie both havd husbands to go home to, but Lorie, finding herself all alone, called Mark Henderson at the hospital and invited him to dinner. Mark had duty, but feeling that Lorie really needed him, he found someone to cover for him so that he could spend the evening with her. After spending the night, Mark was again frustrated by his performance. Lorie tried to tell him it was because he was not emotionally involved but he replied he was falling in love with her and she should decide whether she wanted to see him again - Mark's problem grew from the traumatic experience he had when his young bride died of an embolism in his arms on their wedding night. He had been unable to have a relationship with a woman since. –


When Fran visited Jennifer again she told her to admit she was afraid which Jen did, saying she was afraid to be alone but she didn't even want her family there because they were too cheerful. Brad, Leslie's husband, told the girls they had been seeing too much of Jen and she should be left on her own a little more. When the girls discussed where Jen would go when she left the hospital, Leslie suggested she should come home. But Peggy told them their father had said the marriage was over and he was dating Fran Whitaker. Peg later visited Jen and told her that since she hadn't done her exercises or got out of bed, she, Peg, wouldn't feel sorry for her anymore.


Bruce visited Jen saying he had to see her to tell her that his divorce from Regina was final this day and he had taken an apartment overlooking the lake in Chicago. He would like her to share it with him, or, if she prefered , he had also taken a hold on another apartment in the same building. He told her again that he loved her for the person she was. Jen told herself that if they had lived together before, she could live with him then. She then remembered the time she quarrelled with Stuart - when Leslie, her oldest daughter was an infant - and she left him and went to Chicago where she was intimate with Bruce, conceiving Laurie, whom both Bruce and Stuart believed was Stuart's child.


Peg was feeling confused and guilty about her mother. Fran visited the girls and asked Chris to tell Jen that Stuart was seeing her, Fran. When Fran next visited Jen, Jen brought the situation up and Fran then asked why she was concerned if she really didn't want Stuart? Bruce again asked Jen to come to Chicago, but she informed him that she would get an apartment in Genoa City. Bruce told Stuart that Jen needed him, prompting Stuart to ask Jen to stay at the house while she recovered. Jen thanked him, but couldn't do that to Stuart and Peg.


Leslie Brooks Elliot had a concert in San Juan and she and Brad planned on making this a second honeymoon. Brad had been having problems with his vision but mentioned it to no one until the problem became severe. He tried to contact his brother-in-law Dr. Snapper Foster - Chris's husband - but when he was not available, he asked Dr. Mark Henderson to see him. Mark told Brad that being a doctor himself he should know that tests had to be made and he should check into the hospital immediately. Brad replied this concert tour was very important to Leslie and he would have the tests made when they returned. One hour before they were to leave, Brad had severe headaches and fell to the floor when he got home. He realized he couldn’t make the trip but would not worry Leslie by telling her what he suspected. He gave her a silver heart inscribed "a picture paints a thousand words, Love, Brad" - a line from the song "if" which Leslie sang often, almost a theme song - and told her that business prevented him from going with her. Leslie was upset but made the trip alone. Brad then called Mark telling him he would check in for the tests immediately because his blindness was no longer peripheral, he had blank spaces in the center of his field of vision. As Brad prepared to leave for the hospital he was struck with the realization he might have seen his wife and his home for the last time. Les called Brad at home early in the morning but got no answer. Brad called Les to reassure her but when he said he was calling from their apartment, Les realized he was lying. After one concert Les wanted to go home where she felt Brad needed her, but he assured her he didn't need her with him. When she was asked to dinner by a handsome businessman, Lance Prentiss, Les was hurt enough to accept.


Jed Andrews brought Lorie the remaining five thousand dollars for her book and asked her if she wanted to publish it under her own name. He also asked for the title. Laurie replied they could publish it under a pseudonym and call it "In my sister’s shadow" - Lorie had always believed she had existed in her sister Leslie's shadow - Leslie was married to Brad, the man Lorie wanted and Leslie, a successful concert pianist, had the fame and recognition Lorie had tried so desperately to achieve. This book, a novel, was based on Leslie's nervous breakdown and recovery, something she was trying to put behind her.

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Thank you as always @FrenchFan !


“Brock found his mother very upset and sang to calm her.”
“She drank the alcohol as Brock sang to try to stop her, then she smashed the glass.”
This sounds campy and hilarious!


“He gave her a silver heart inscribed "a picture paints a thousand words, Love, Brad" - a line from the song "if" which Leslie sang often, almost a theme song”
“If” by Bread – I would love to see Leslie sing this classic beautiful song.

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Beginning with the October 75 issue, the DNS started a column called "We're glad you asked". Mostly they answered questions about past storylines. It is very informative so I will try to scan it.

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Love of life:  an action packed October 1975....the bigamist plot was a huge umbrella story.  I am intrigued with the Eddie/van dancing while Bruce part.  It would have been messy had that been pursued given that Eddie and Meg were formally married.  The Felicia story is also intriguing.


Guiding Light: Rita debuted it appears.  And it seems like Mike/leslie were the tentpole couple while Ed had the angst with Holly.  it appears that Peggy was Roger's chance at redemption.

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All My Children


Written by : Agnes Nixon

Produced by : Bud Kloss


Anne Tyler had asked for and been given a promise by her brother Linc that he would not under any circumstances tell her ex-husband, Paul, that she was pregnant with his child. She insisted she was in a position to support the baby and would take full responsibility. Anne planned to leave Pine Valley and make a life for herself in England because she couldn’t risk the possibility of Paul finding out.


Paul was married to Margo Martin, manager of Anne's Boutique. Margo had proclaimed a non existent pregnancy and had embezzled $6,000 of the Boutique's funds for a down payment on the purchase of a "Grey Market" baby to be picked up at a time consistent with Margo's expected "delivery."


Margo visited Anne’s apartment and insisted that when she, Margo, and Paul start their family there wouldn't be room for both Anne and herself in Pine Valley. Anne angrily retorted "Then you can bloody well leave!" After an angry denunciation of Margo's presumption Anne continued "If I didn't have plans to go to England, I'd stay." Margo had accomplished her purpose, however, of confirming that Anne was leaving the country and was therefore no longer a threat.


Margo’s recently divorced daughter Claudette Montgomery had been admonished by Hal Short while discussing Claudette's employer, Phoebe Tyler, "the way you're dealing - in drugs - and snorting, you won't live to be her age." Hal had, in fact, been using the Chateau, a restaurant owned by Nick Davis, as a drop for his own involvement in drug dealing and was concerned that Claudette’s bold and haphazard use of Nick's place would result in her blowing everything. When he warned her there was a lot of "bad stuff" around, she assured him that what she dealt in is prime — "brought in on a regular basis from California." - Hal's operation was California based. –


Erica Kane Brent, Hal's co-worker at the radio station where he was a disc jockey, had told him that her husband, Philip had left her. Philip had recently learned that Erica signed a contract containing a no-pregnancy clause when she was hired as the Lacey Girl, and he had threatened to use this to sue for a divorce. - As he was not informed of the clause, he would contend that Erica had planned to deny him children. - Erica therefore visited Phil's best friend, Chuck Tyler at the hospital - ill with a kidney disease Chuck was an out-patient on dialysis – and told him of the separation hinting that the real reason Phil wanted out of their marriage was Chuck's wife Tara.


When Chuck confronted Philip and Tara separately, he learned the whole story - Philip had found out he was the natural father of Tara's son and Philip and Tara had planned to tell Chuck they still loved one another and hoped to marry when Chuck's latest illness caused them to postpone their plans.- Tara told Chuck she wanted to continue as his wife "if you'll have me," reminding him of his love for little Philip who had always believed Chuck is his father. Tara added "If Phil and I were to get married, we'd have more pain than happiness." That night, as Chuck looked in at the sleeping child he mused "you can't have anyone in to play because Daddy's sick. I can't blame Phil for wanting to raise you."


The following day, Tara and Philip compared notes in the hospital cafeteria to discover how Chuck managed to piece the truth together. They realized that individually they gave him the information by not knowing what the other had told him. Chuck, whose dialysis had been delayed by a minor malfunction in the machine, overheard as Tara said "I'm trying to convince him I want to stay with him." When Philip asked Chuck to sit down with them, Chuck replied "No thanks. I'm not much as a voyeur," and left. Tara went after Chuck a few moments later but was too late to see him board a bus.


Alerted by hospital aide David Thornton that Chuck did not resume his dialysis session, Dr. Joe Martin, Tara's father, quickly learned that Chuck knew all about Tara's involvement with Philip. - This situation had been a continuing source of dissention between Joe and his wife, Ruth, Philip's adoptive mother. - Fearing that Chuck might be deliberately playing with his life by avoiding dialysis, Joe began inquiries about where Chuck was last seen.

After spending hours musing on a park bench Chuck, exhausted, showed up at his grandmother Phoebe Tyler's house and asked if he might move back into his old room until he found a place of his own. He told Phoebe he intended to leave Tara, then collapsed, exhausted on his bed. Phoebe telephoned her estranged husband Dr. Charles Tyler who quickly informed Joe. After Joe examined Chuck and determined there was no immediate danger, he admitted that his daughter and Philip were indeed in love, as Chuck had said.


When Tara learned that Chuck did not plan to return she called Philip saying that since Chuck was leaving her he was willing to give up little Philip. When Phil replied that it might have been all for the best, however, Tara insisted she would stay with Chuck if he would have her.


On the plane back from Chicago, Nancy Grant told her husband, Dr. Frank Grant, that she had accepted the social work position offered her there. She implied that the virus which kept Frank in their hotel room most of the time was psychosomatic in origin, so he had no opportunity to spend more than a few hours checking out Cook County Hospital as a possible place to continue his own career and no time at all to see Chicago as a possible home. Nancy offered to call Mr. Hollis and turn down the job after all but noted that would end her opportunity for advancement. Frank then admitted he had been pig-headed and suggested she go back to Chicago and start her job, he would finish his second year residency in Pine Valley and join her in six months.


David Thornton had admitted to Ruth that he was a physician in Vietnam but left the profession when he failed to save his brother's life in a field operation under combat conditions. Ruth's suspicions of his amazing competency were confirmed before her eyes when David saved Kate Martin's life by performing an emergency tracheotomy as Kate was choking on a piece of steak at a dinner in her own home, using an ordinary kitchen knife.


Phoebe told Charles that although the circumstances of their being together were far from ideal - Charles had stayed the night at the Tyler mansion for Chuck's sake instead of going to his club - having him there was such a comfort to her.


When Paul Martin learned of Anne Tyler's plans to go to England, he asked her not to go. She told him of Margo's visit and insisted that she understood Margo's jealousy saying, "If you were still mine, I'd be just like Margo, I'd never let you go." When he asked if he would see her again, she replied with a grimness she hoped was hidden from him, "Oh sure, we'll run into each other."


Dr. Frank Grant, on a visit to Chuck and Tara's house, had noticed that Chuck had been behaving strangely and speculated on the reason for Tara's being so upset with his wife Nancy. When Nancy asked if Frank had worked out the details of his future transfer with Dr. Charles Tyler he slipped back into his resentful attitude saying that he finally felt he had a home in Pine Valley and, thanks to Nancy, he would have to pull up roots. Ultimately however, he acknowledged that she should not have to martyr herself for his career. "My turn," he says, "to recognize that turnabout is fair play. I admit that I'm prejudiced about Chicago, but I will try to overcome it."


When Tara went to see Chuck at the Tyler mansion, she insisted that her loyalties were with him. "But not your love," Chuck insisted. "If I can't have it all, I don't want any of it." He told her that this was the moment of truth they had been trying to avoid since Philip came back. He asked her to "have the guts, just this once, to see it like it is. There always has to be a loser and I always knew it would be me." When Tara, stunned, left Phoebe Tyler's house, Phoebe went up to Chuck's room and nervously reminded him that he was due for his dialysis treatment. Chuck told her he was not going to the hospital. Phoebe, distracted, told Chuck that perhaps Charles could arrange for a machine to be brought to the house but Chuck answered that he was nothing but a burden and that he'd rather be dead.


Charles Tyler confronted Joe Martin with his knowledge of little Philip's parentage and admonished Joe for not telling him. He said he couldn’t reconcile Joe's apparent acceptance of Tara and Philip's behavior. Joe replied that he had made it quite clear to Tara how strongly he disapproved. They both hoped that Tara and Chuck could be reconciled, but after a call from Phoebe, Charles told Joe, "I don't know what Tara said to him, but whatever it was — it didn't work.-


Another World


Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch


Unable to convince his sister Marianne that Chris Pierson, the boy she was involved with, was unreliable, and unable to gain their mother Pat's support, Mike Randolph decided he had to deal with Chris directly. He learned Marianne would be at a lecture in Ogden, so accompanied by Pam Sloan, he went to Marianne's apartment to confront Chris. Chris was abusive, angering Mike, and they came to blows. Pam was unable to restrain them, and Marianne arrived, having changed her plans. She broke up the fight, telling Mike she never wanted to see him again. Mike and Pam had talked to Jim Matthews, who began to watch Chris more closely. Jim went to the Frame offices to invite Chris to dinner with Marianne, and Chris said he had to work late. Pam overheard, and told Jim nobody was working late. Jim said he got what he came for and left. Marianne had recurrent nausea, and when she missed her period, she called Mike in panic. Reluctantly, she told him she thought she was really pregnant. He told her to tell Pat, but Marianne felt she couldn't because she obviously broke her promise to Pat to stop relations with Chris. Mike promised to stand beside her. Pat sensed something was wrong with Marianne, and shared her unease with her father, Jim, who told her he was wary of Chris. At Jim's suggestion, Pat talked to Pam, who told her how she had dated Chris until she found out Chris was misleading Marianne. Pam suggested Pat tell John, because John, as the Frame attorney, could threaten Chris with losing his job, if he didn't play it straight with Marianne. Marianne couldn't bring herself to tell Chris she was pregnant, and Chris continued to date other girls behind her back. Mike and Marianne went to Dr. Dave Gilchrist, who confirmed Marianne's pregnancy. Chris told Marianne he would stand by her, but when he didn't meet her, Mike went to Willis' apartment to confront him. Again, they came to blows. Willis broke it up. Mike screamed that Chris'd better do the right thing by Marianne, or Chris would never pull such a stunt again. Willis told Chris if he brought Marianne trouble he was through.


Mac and Rachel Cory, at odds over Rachel's interest in housekeeper Beatrice Gordon's relationship to Alice Frame's adoptive daughter, Sally, made up, and Rachel agreed not to interfere any more. Attorneys Barbara Weaver and John Randolph went to Judge Hallinan to inform her that Sally might have relatives after all. The judge visited Alice, reassuring her that Sally wouldn't be taken away without court action from Beatrice or Beatrice's sons, and told Alice the court would be reluctant to remove Sally from a home where she was obviously happy. Judge Hallinan arranged a visit with Beatrice, to ascertain Beatrice's ability to provide for Sally. The judge was puzzled that Beatrice hadn't told her sons about Sally and that Beatrice was reluctant to talk about herself or her late daughter Jenny.


Iris Carrington had been told by Liz Matthews that Rachel was using Beatrice to hurt Alice. Rachel and Alice arranged for Alice and Sally to visit Beatrice at the Cory house. Beatrice happily anticipated Sally's arrival, but was somewhat distrubed after the judge's visit. When Iris arrived, having found out from Mac that Rachel would be at the doctor and confirming the time with Dave's receptionist, pretending to be Rachel, Iris told Beatrice she had come to explain how Rachel was using her to hurt Alice. Beatrice defended Rachel, to which Iris replied that if Beatrice didn’t stop Rachel, she, Iris, would, and she wouldn't care who got hurt in the process. When Sally and Alice arrived, later, they were all upset to find Beatrice had left, bag and baggage.


Rachel wondered why Beatrice left so abruptly, since she was looking forward to seeing Sally. Rachel had occasion to discuss it with Dave, then asked why his receptionist thought she called to check on her last appointment. Receptionist Phyllis, when questioned, said she thought the person on the phone was Iris, until she said she was Rachel. Later, Dave and Rachel discovered Mac had told Iris of Rachel's appointment, but they said nothing to Mac.


Beatrice finally appeared at her son Raymond's in Scranton. Raymond told Beatrice she drove Jenny away by her obsessive love for Jenny. Gil McGowan, having called Raymond to see if Beatrice was there earlier, was relieved to hear she had appeared. Alice was very relieved to learn Beatrice was safe, because Alice felt she might have driven Beatrice away by not being friendly enough. Beatrice finally decided to return to the Corys' and Raymond accompanied her. Meanwhile, Gil and the private detectives hired by Mac, had been unable to locate a birth certificate for Sally, which would make it difficult for Beatrice to claim Sally. Alice was relieved at the news, but urged the search on. Rachel, learning the news from Scott Bradley, wanted to call Beatrice immediately, but was dissuaded by Scott and Mac. Beatrice told Ada that they had to do what was best for Sally, above all. Raymond accompanied Beatrice to Bay City and met Sally.


Raymond had told Ada and Gil that he and his brother, Charles, felt Beatrice was overpossessive of Jenny, and the overpossessiveness was what drove Jenny away with the first man she fell in love with. Raymond was afraid Beatrice might spoil Sally rotten. Raymond went on to explain that the rift between his wife Olive and Beatrice occurred because Beatrice was spoiling his two sons, Curtis and Henry, so Olive never let Beatrice alone with the boys, which Beatrice resented.


By telephone, Raymond and his wife Olive decided Sally would be a perfect addition to their family. He arranged to meet with his mother in Scott Bradley's office, and told her the plan. Beatrice said she would never agree to it. Later, Beatrice told Rachel she would never let Raymond take Sally away. She would sue for custody first.


Liz Matthews complained to Iris that she never got to see Alice alone because the Frame family monopolized her, alienating Alice from the people she should be with — the Matthewses. Seeing an opportunity to flatter Robert Delaney, whom she had hired again to design a guest house for her, and also sensing an opportunity to make trouble for Rachel, Iris planned a party to raise funds for the Frame Memorial Library. Liz could then get Alice alone and warn her about Rachel, and they would force Rachel to show her true feelings towards Alice. Liz balked at inviting Rachel to the party, but Iris persuaded her that Rachel couldn’t be left out because Mac was such a big contributor. Rachel tried to back out, saying it might embarrass Alice to have her there since they were both married to Steve at one time. Iris persuaded Rachel to attend.


Robert Delaney, architect for the library, awaited final survey maps from Chadwell, the library's location. Willis Frame asked Carol Lamonte to take them to Robert, but when Robert refused to see her, even to get the maps, Carol altered the maps - Carol and Robert were enemies because she broke up his marriage to Lenore. In addition, Carol had been given the library project when Alice was told by Carol and Willis that Robert wasn't back from searching for his ex-wife. As soon as Alice found Robert had returned, she gave him the project because she likes his work and because he was Steve's best friend. - Neil Johnson had Angie Perrini give him information from the maps over the phone. Carol listened. Angie wrote down what she dictated. Robert completed the drawings, without seeing the maps, and Vic Hastings, returned from Washington, took the drawings to Alice for approval. Sharlene Watts, Alice's sister-in-law, pointed out the library was designed for a slope and Chadwell was flat. Back at Robert's office, everyone was searching for the maps when Carol arrived. She tried to steal the maps, but Pam caught her. Angie Perrini recalled Carol was alone with the maps before and after Neil's call. She checked her memo pad and found the figures she dictated did not match those on the maps. Carol, meanwhile, went to Willis and laid the groundwork to get out of the mess. She finally admitted she tampered with the maps, reminding Willis they both wanted Robert to fail. Willis warned that if she did anything to jeopardize his business, he would throw her to the wolves. Angie arrived later to present her proof of Carol's meddling, and found them in bed. She ran out. Carol later admitted to herself she was beginning to care for Willis. Vic, too, took evidence to Willis, but Willis wouldn’t listen, then later asked for a meeting with Vic, Robert, Neil, and Carol. Carol turned everyone against each other, and the meeting's a fiasco. Willis went to see Carol, saying he was aware of what she did and if she ever meddled in his business again, she was out. Vic observed the firm was doomed if Willis and Carol gained control.


Pat and John Randoloh found it hard to communicate. John was touchy about any suggestion Rachel was out to hurt Alice, Pat's sister, and Pat found it hard to believe Rachel had changed. John began working late at the office with Barbara Weaver, often taking her out to dinner. Pat was wary of Barbara. Russ, on a date with Sharlene, found John and Barbara at the Tall Boys. Russ, Pat's brother, didn't like it because he knew Pat was home alone and lonely. When Liz heard of it accidentally from Sharlene, she rushed out, asking Sharlene not to tell anyone else. Liz took it to Pat, who said she trusted John, and didn't want to hear anymore.


Clairce Hobson, distrustful of Iris since Iris had her fired from a job, didn't like Robert's seeing so much of Iris regarding the guesthouse. Clarice warned that Iris was an unscrupulous person. Robert wouldn't listen.


Dennis Carrington suffering chronic fatigue, Iris feared it might be related to his childhood heart ailment. He insisted he was fine. Iris convinced him he should have a check-up.


As The World Turns


Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Wilmore


After realizing that Luke Porter was not good for her, Natalie Bannon returned from Chicago. She told Tom Hughes that she was ashamed of herself for having run away, but she couldn't face explaining her past. Her name was Natalie Porter and she was married to Ralph Porter who died of drug addiction. She had tried to protect him and after he died she wandered around getting involved with the wrong men. She was afraid to trust anyone, but felt she had to come back to Oakdale to explain. Tom still loved her very much and asked her to marry him. They decided to wait until Tom's father, Dr. Bob Hughes, recovered from his wife's death - she was killed in an auto accident on her way home from her mother-in-law's birthday party, leaving Bob to raise their 22 month old daughter Frannie. - Natalie told Lisa Colman, Tom's mother, about her past and would tell Bob later to clear everything up.


Natalie was going back to work at Lisa's bookstore and Sandy Garrison was glad to have experienced help. Luke Porter called for Natalie there and then at her apartment. She told him that she did love Tom and could be happy as his wife. She threatened to call his house if he didn't stop phoning her. Since he couldn't leave his wife before, he'd better stay with Margaret and forget about her.


Luke showed up at the bookstore and after a quiet dinner in the hotel dining room where Natalie told Bob about her past, Luke came to her hotel room. When Natalie insisted she was going to marry Tom Luke promised never to see her again, but he said he loved her so much he couldn’t leave without spending the night.


Joyce Colman called her ex-husband Grant asking him to come to her apartment because she had done something very serious. Grant's wife, Lisa, pleaded with him not to go because this could mean the end of their marriage.


Arriving at Joyce’s, Grant asked why she had been harrassing him and trying to break up his marriage. Joyce asked Grant to look in the bedroom where he found a small sleeping boy whom Joyce claimed was his son. She told him that after she found out who his adoptive parents were she made friends with them and began to baby-sit for the boy. When an emergency arose, taking them to Minnesota they asked her to watch him. She told them she would take him to her family's farm, but brought him here instead. Grant told her that she had to take him back to his parents in Laramie or she could be charged with kidnapping.


Upset at having been left alone Lisa tried to find someone to keep her company. When Carol and Jay Stallings arrived at Lisa's house the lights were on, but no one answered the door. Hearing a crash, Jay entered through a window and found that Lisa had passed out. She was rushed to the hospital and even careful tending by her ex-husband, Dr. Bob Hughes, could not save her unborn child. When Grant was told that Lisa had lost their child he blamed himself for not being at home, but Lisa said that the doctor couldn't assure her that this pregnancy would come to full term even before.


Grant discussed his problem with Judge Lowell who said the problem would be solved if Joyce would return the child before his parents got back from their trip. Joyce would't accept this solution as she wanted Grant to help her seek legal custody of the little Teddy. After Lisa went home Grant told her that Joyce had found his son and had kidnapped him and he was concerned that the child not be upset. Joyce finally agreed to return Teddy to Laramie under one condition — that Grant go with her. Lisa told Alma Miller, her mother, that Grant would have to choose between Joyce and her. She called Joyce's knowing that Grant was there but hung up when Joyce answered.


Grant arranged his schedule so he could go to Laramie with Joyce, much to Lisa's dismay. While Lisa packed for Grant he told her he wanted to meet Teddy's parents to be sure he would be properly taken care of. Lisa asked if Grant wanted Teddy. Teddy's mother, Mary, called Joyce, asking her to keep him another week so Joyce visited Lisa with Teddy.


Norman Garrison, husband of Bob Hughes’ ex-wife, Sandy, refused to let any other doctor attend him because he figured that Bob owed it to him to help him get well. He had accused Bob of having an affair with Sandy and no one could change his mind. Norman was concerned about the cost of his hospitalization since he knew that the business that he and Sandy had was completely broke. He asked Bob to testify that he slipped at the restaurant, causing shock leading to heart failure. He could sue the Colannade Room and wouldn't have to worry about any of his bills. When Norman became agitated because Bob wouldn't agree, Bob told him they would discuss it later. Norman then asked Sandy to testify to the same story, but sne refused to tell a lie. Tom Hughes told Sandy that the business owed a lot of money, but she insisted that she would pay off all the debts the beauty business incurred. When Norman called complaining that they were going to put another patient in his room, Sandy agreed to arrange for a private room.


Bob answered the phone for Norman and as he left the room he heard Norman chastizing the woman, Tina, for trying to ruin everything he was doing by calling. Bob told Sandy that Norman would be allowed to go home soon, but he would need care. Sandy said she would have to do that because he had no other family.


Norman told Bob that he had contacted a lawyer who thought he had a good case, but Bob had to testify. Bob refused to lie, but Norman said it couldn't hurt anything to talk to the lawyer. Norman told the nurse that he didn't trust Dr. Hughes and she had probably heard why he didn't have much reason to.


Having talked to Dr. Devan, Bob told John Dixon that he wanted to see Kim, John's wife and Bob's sister-in-law, since he knew that she was physically well. Bob and Kim discussed Jennifer's death and her daughter Frannie. Bob had Nancy, his mother, bring Frannie to visit Kim which made Kim realize that she had to get out more - Kim Dixon had amnesia resulting from injuries received in a tornado. She no longer remembered that she was going to divorce her husband, John, in order to marry Dr. Dan Stewart. John had used every opportunity to ingratiate himself to Kim. He had gone so far as to keep friends and relatives from visiting Kim. –


Dan Stewart overheard John tell Susan Stewart that he would make sure that Kim is his. Dan confronted Susan and asked her what she and John were up to, but she maintained innocence. When Susan overheard Dan ask to see Kim she told John. John asked Kim to the concert for which he had tickets. She told him that she had a date, but John said they had made theirs first. She broke the date with Dan, blaming her memory. John called his secretary, telling her to get tickets for the piano concert tonight, no matter what the cost.


Over dinner with John, Kim told him she was trying to live her life to its fullest and she planned on seeing Dan some night this week. Kim was surprised that John took this so well. She called Dan, making a dinner date and kept it with no interruptions. Dan told her that just because she didn't remember something didn't mean that it didn't exist. A few minutes after Dan kissed Kim goodnight, John called to check up on her.


Dan felt very good after his date with Kim. Susan commented on his good humor and asked if Kim remembered anything on their date. Dan said that she didn't, but they had a very good time. Susan said that Kim's accident was probably the best thing that could have happened to John. He was getting his second chance with Kim.


When Carol Stallings found out that Jay was foreclosing on Oliver Carson, not because he was a little late paying his bills, but because Jay had planned this all along to get Carson's property, Carol was so furious she refused to have anything more to do with the business. Carol stopped speaking to him so Jay reconsidered and gave Carson two more weeks.


Days Of Our Lives


Written by: Pat Falken Smith

Produced by: Betty Corday


Susan Peters, in the process of divorcing Greg to marry his brother Eric, received a telegram from Eric. He was in Los Angeles, discussing the writing of the screenplay for his first novel, “In My Brother's Shadow”. He asked Susan and her daughter Ann to join him. Since Greg was Ann's legal father, Susan told him of the invitation. Greg told Susan he might only be Ann's legal father, but Susan would not take his daughter out of the state. Greg later told Laura he didn't want little Ann exposed to "that kind of situation," implying Susan and Eric would become lovers. Laura asked if that was the only reason, and Greg admitted his indignation stemmed from his love for Susan, which he had discovered too late.


Greg confronted Susan again, and she told him there was nothing more to say. Greg went to Laura's office, saying Susan wasn't the same person he married, and "Eric's not going to take my daughter away from me." Laura went to see Susan, who told her she was going through with the divorce. Laura asked if Susan really loved Eric. Susan replied that Eric made her feel like a woman. Susan asked Laura what to do, but Laura said Susan could make her own decisions, the right ones. Greg was furious to find a letter from Susan saying she was taking Ann away for awhile, that what Ann needed was love from both parents, not courtroom drama. Susan told Greg to grow up, as she was trying to do. When Greg asked Bill what he should do, Bill said, "Take Susan's advice."


Amanda Howard accepted a luncheon date with J.R., the owner of the Poker Club. J.R. told her he used to use the excuse of reporting on Neil Curtis to see her. - Amanda was still in love with Neil Curtis, but found herself unable to cope with his compulsive gambling. In an effort to help Neil, Amanda arranged to find out when Neil played poker, in order to act as his conscience. - Neil saw them at lunch, and asked Amanda what she was doing dating such a "disreputable" person. Amanda reminded Neil he gave up all rights to interfere in her life when he married Phyllis Anderson. Plagued by fatigue, Amanda went to Tom Horton for a check up. Since Tom was away on a consultation, Tommy Horton did the exam, and follow up. Amanda was extremely anemic and had lost weight. Tommy asked her if she had some emotional problem that was troubling her, since there were no physical reasons for her condition. Tearfully, Amanda told him the whole story of Neil and her -Amanda and Neil became involved while Neil was caring for Amanda's late husband. After a stormy period following her husband's death, Amanda and Neil were to be married; however, on the eve of the wedding, Amanda found Neil with another woman, and subsequently tried to commit suicide. She "recovered" and she and Neil went their separate ways until it seemed his engagement to Phyllis was over. Amanda tried to reach Neil to tell him she would marry him, but he had already eloped with Phyllis. – Amanda told Tommy she wondered if she ever really recovered from her suicide attempt. She also observed that she and Neil seemed drawn to each other somehow, a "real love-hate relationship." Concerned for Amanda, Tommy invited her to dinner. Tommy checked with Greg about Amanda's condition, and Greg confirmed Amanda is in a highly emotional state. Greg asked Amanda about her anemia, and she explained she had it since childhood, along with brief blackouts and occasional severe headaches. He and Tom arranged for a complete neurological work-up.


Matters at the Hansen farm appeared to be getting worse for Maggie and Marty. After Marty told Laura that Melissa was his daughter, she felt compelled to go to the farm for Maggie and Mike's sake. Maggie was upset to learn Laura was coming and said she didn't need therapy from anyone, especially Marty's ex-wife. Marty wondered how long he could go on being two men, and felt more and more like Mickey. Maggie rejected Marty's lovemaking, and he went outside, where Linda was waiting. She offered comfort, saying Maggie might be coming to realize she didn't know her husband anymore. Marty said all he wanted was simple happiness.


Linda went to Maggie and told her a frustrated man was easy pickings. Maggie demanded Linda leave, but Linda refused. Maggie asked what it would take, and Linda demanded Jim's letter. - Linda's ex-husband, whom everyone thought she was going to remarry, learned Linda was pursuing Marty, and left for Brookville to warn Marty and Maggie. On his way, he was in a head-on collision that resulted in his death. However, before leaving Salem, Jim mailed a letter to Marty, which Maggie intercepted. The letter explained Linda's duplicity, warning she might try to convince Marty that Melissa was his daughter. Jim wrote: "Melissa is no more your daughter than Mike is your son, and there's proof of that." Maggie hadn't shown Marty the letter because it would hurt him too much. - Linda told Maggie the letter was a lie, that Bill and Laura had an affair, but everyone was keeping the sordid secret. Linda said she could always prove Mike wasn't Marty's son. Linda returned the letter, daring Maggie to give it to Marty. Linda reminded Maggie that doing so would destroy Marty and she, Linda, would be there to pick up the pieces.


Desperate for the truth, Maggie agreed to let Laura come. When Laura arrived, Maggie asked if Laura was there to help her or Linda. Laura told her she believed she couldn't walk because Maggie would never lie selfishly. Maggie then told Laura that Linda was after Marty.


In answer to Maggie's question, Laura told Maggie that Mike was not Marty's son, but Bill's. Linda intruded and flaunted the whole thing at them. Laura was sick. She decidesd to leave, meeting Marty on the porch. Laura told Marty that the only person who could help Maggie was he, and he had to send Linda and Melissa away, cut all ties with the past. Marty told her he had some memory flashes and could remember the love they once shared as husband and wife. Laura was upset.


Convinced Maggie was unreasonably jealous of Melissa and Linda, Marty told her he would ask them to leave, but he wouldn't forego his responsibility to Melissa. Maggie replied that if that was the way he felt, maybe she should leave. Sensing discord, Mike asked Maggie if he could help. Maggie said she would love to tell him, but it would destroy all of them.


Back in Salem, Laura asked Tom Horton's permission to tell Marty the whole truth about Mike and Melissa. Tom felt that the information would destroy Marty. Laura replied that they then had to all be prepared to be blackmailed by Linda. Laura then explained that Marty was beginning to have more and more memory of the past, and she and Tom speculated that nature had created a bypass of the blocked memory passages and soon Marty's past as Mickey Horton would come flooding back. Laura suggested to Tom that Marty Hansen would be better able to stand the news about Mike than Mickey Horton could. Tom agreed to Marty's being told. Bill volunteered to tell Marty, saying it was his place as his brother.


When Bill arrived at the farm, he told Linda he was there to tell Marty the truth about Mike and Melissa. Linda threatened to tell Mike, but Bill said he would tell Mike himself. Trapped, Linda offered to leave. Bill said that was not good enough, but Maggie told him she would be all right if Linda left. Bill told Linda there was to be no more blackmail or contact with Marty ever. Linda agreed to that, and packed. Marty marvelled at Linda's unselfishness. Maggie overheard Marty muse to Bill that perhaps he, Marty, was being drawn to Linda without realizing it. Maggie told Bill it was hard to be the selfish, jealous wife while Linda got off with being the beautiful martyr. After they left, Maggie told Marty they would be happy again and brought up adoption. Marty told her she had won one victory and he would have to think about bringing another child into the house for Maggie to be jealous of. Meanwhile, Linda had told Maggie that she would have Marty one day: he was becoming more and more like Mickey Horton, and when he was Mickey again, Maggie wouldn't be able to fit into his life. Marty told Maggie she was no longer the woman he married: she replied he was no longer the man she loved.


Back in Salem, Linda told Bill she was going to keep Mickey's law office open so he would have something to come back to. Viciously, Linda asked why Bil was always so considerate of his brother's wives. She went on to bring up Kitty Horton, saying when Bill didn't fall in love with them, he murdered them. Bill left.


Valerie Grant, having seen David's picture with the notice of the memorial service Julie arranged for him, showed it to her mother, Helen. They knew David was David Olson Banning, not David Smith. The women shared their news with Danny and Paul, and as a family they decided that David's mother had a right to know he was alive. Paul told David they knew who he was and asked why he was running away, how he could let his mother think he was dead. David painted Julie as a hussy who was carrying the child of a man other than her husband.


After the memorial service, Doug once again asked Julie to live with him until a divorce from Bob, then marry him. But before she could say anything, he told her about the artificial insemination - Certain he had lost Julie forever after David disappeared, and desirous of a brother or sister for his daughter Hope, Doug arranged with Neil Curtis to inseminate a host mother. Doug was unaware that Rebecca North, his housekeeper, volunteered. - Julie said that it wasn't fair, that some unknown woman should be carrying the child she always wanted to give to Doug. He left. In her room, wracked with grief, Julie imagined she heard David, and was hysterical when Bob checked on her. She screamed she was going to be herself and stop trying to please everyone else. Julie asked Bob for one good reason she should stay and live with him. She called Doug to come get her. Rebecca didn't like the news, fearing she would be out of a job and lose her baby in the process. Not knowing where to turn, Rebecca called Don Craig, who came over. She blurted out the whole insemination thing to him, as well as her fears of losing everything. He offered legal help if she wanted it.


Just as Doug and Julie were ready to leave, Paul Grant arrived and told them David was alive and living with his family. Julie felt she couldn't go with Doug, because doing so would give grounds to David's untrue conviction that the baby she was carrying really was Doug's. Julie broke the news to Bob and asked to stay at the lake house until David's was ready to see her. He agreed, saying she couldn't help what she felt for Doug. Doug said a final goodbye.


Rebecca was relieved when Doug returned alone, but he suggested she leave, find a life of her own, anyway. Robert found Rebecca crying, and in trying to console her found out she was pregnant. She told him it was Johnny's baby. Robert later offered to pay her way to Paris, where Johnny was studying art. Rebecca refused, saying Johnny never wanted children. Robert told Doug Rebecca was pregnant. She told him the same story about Johnny, and when Doug asked why she risked pregnancy knowing she would lose Johnny, she told him of the death of her daughter and husband, and her desire to replace one of the lives. Doug, who had expressed grave doubts about being able to love the new baby he was expecting, cheered up, and said they would turn the whole place into a nursery.


At Julie’s suggestion, Paul Grant went to the Hortons to tell them David was alive. Brooke Hamilton overheard, and set out to find David, despite all pleas to stay away for fear David would run away again. Brooke located the address in the phone book, and went to the Grants’ , where Valerie asked her to stay away. Brooke was incredulous to learn David had a job digging ditches. Valerie finally convinced Brooke to leave. The following day, Brooke went to the construction site, but David was working elsewhere. Meanwhile, Paul Grant alerted Bob Anderson to Brooke's searching for David. Paul was afraid Brooke might go to the site. Bob rushed over, and demanded Brooke leave with him. Brooke asked him how much it was worth to him. Bob dragged her off, and went to Phyllis' with her. He was beside himself with anger and frustration. He sent Brooke in, and she proceeded to lash out at Phyllis, saying everyone in town was laughing at her because Neil only married her for her money. Brooke's mother, Adele Lacey, Phyl's shop assistant, overheard, and was shocked and humiliated that Brooke could talk that way - only Brooke and Julie knew Adele was Brooke's mother. - After Phyl ran out, Adele asked Brooke how she could be so evil. Brooke retorted it had to come from her unknown father. Adele told her her father was a fine man. Brooke persuaded Adele to let her move in with her.


Don Craig convinced Julie that staying in the lake house was a futile gesture, that David might never return, and the house had brought her only unhappiness. Julie moved to the Inn, and found an apartment big enough for her, the baby, and David. She was elated at this positive step to independence. At the Grants' invitation, Julie visited them. She was deeply moved by the love there, and found it a good place for David to get his head together.


Finding out from his foreman that Brooke was looking for him, David asked Danny who finked on him. Danny and Paul told him it was a family decision, and no matter what David thought, it was unfair to his family to let them think him dead. When David threatened to run again, Paul told him there were no strings, but they hoped he would stay.


Brooke, recalling her mother told her that her father and she went to school together, started searching through her mother's old yearbook. Adele, realizing what Brooke was up to, and having recognized Bob Anderson as Brooke's father, tore out the page, but didn't hide it well enough. Brooke found the page. Brooke went to the Grant house again, but found David's on a date with Valerie. - after the movie, David and Val went the cafe where Danny worked. They discussed the debilitating effects of joblessness on Paul, and David promised to find a way to have Bob offer Paul a job without making it look like payment for caring for David. - Brooke went to the lake house to get the rest of her clothes. She found Julie packing. Julie pleaded with Brooke to stay away from David. Brooke again asked what Julie would pay. Julie called Brooke on her lack of gratitude for all she and Bob tried to do for her. Brooke threw dresses and jewelry at Julie, saying she didn't want them. Julie again asked her to stay away from David, or she would get a restraining order. Brooke laughed. Julie said she would stop Brooke. Brooke pointed out Julie's pregnancy, then ran from the room. Julie ran after her. As Brooke went out the front door, Julie fell down the spiral staircase, and laid unconscious for a long time. Finally, the ringing of the phone roused her - Don calling to find if she was ready to leave -, but pain rendered her unconscious again. After several futile attempts to reach, then use the phone, Julie collapsed again. Don surmissed Julie had to be with Doug, so gave up calling until Doug told him he hadn't seen Julie that day. Brooke, meanwhile, returned to the Grant house, telling David she loved him and only told lies to protect Bob Anderson. David told her her lies caused him to lose his mother. Brooke went to Doug's place.


Don and Doug rushed to the lake house, and found Julie unconscious. They called an ambulance. Don called Tom Horton, who was trying to convince Alice she was wrong about Julie. When Alice got the news, she blurted, "May God forgive me," and insisted on accompanying Tom to the hospital. But first, she called David, who tried to beg off, but Alice told him she expected him at the hospital immediately. When David arrived, he saw Doug, and demanded, "What have you done to my mother?" Doug coldly told David to ask himself that question.


Don went to Doug's Place for Bob, and Brooke overheared Don tell Bob Julie fell down the staircase. Brooke trailed along to the hospital, telling David she thought Valerie was very nice. David asked what he was to do with that information. Brooke left. Don Craig, sensing Valerie was interested in David, asked if she wasn't asking for trouble. Valerie replied that she was not afraid.


Unable to get a fetal heartbeat through a stethoscope, Tom ordered special equipment but he and Bill had to both admit the baby was dead.


Bill tried to tell Julie her baby was dead. but she refused to believe it, accusing Bill of trying, like Alice, to punish her. Julie isnsited that when she fell, she protected the baby She could feel a heartbeat and movement, Julie told Laura. Nobody was able to reach Julie and Tom was worried because her mental recovery could be impaired after the natural abortion he was hoping for occurred. Greg pointed out that they had to watch for infection, in which case a Ceasrean section would be necessary.


Alice, who had refound her faith, took the baby’s death as a sign of God’s punishment for Julie’s past. Doug realized that the one person who might reach Julie was Alice. But Alice was still convinced the baby was Doug’s and refused. Doug told her all further contact between them were over.


Out of guilt, David visited Julie when she asked to see him. She told him she approved of the Grants and understood why he preferred to live in a house where there was love. Later, Julie told others she was content to wait until David was ready to return to her. Val found David in the chapel. He told her he didn't feel anything, except guilt. Val assured him he did feel; he just needed time.


Brooke offered sympathy to Bob, then told him Julie was running after her when the fall occurred. She told him, "I've destroyed everything else. I'm very sorry, but I can't even expect you to believe that." Don took her home and they found Adele passed out — drunk. Brooke told him Adele was her mother, and if Adele could't go to work, she would tell Phyl, "Sorry, my mother has the flu today." Brooke said, "I've been doing it all my life." Seeing Brooke in a new light, Don admitted he would have to take another look.


When Marty heard about Julie, he decided to go to Salem, feeling he could help Julie by explaining to David how Julie tried to get him back. He refused to let Maggie accompany him, saying it was more important she work on her therapy. When Maggie asked if he remembered the facts about David, he defensively told her he got it from his files. Meanwhile, Linda persuaded Don Craig to keep the law offices open, so she wouldn't close the door on Mickey Horton or "Cut Alice Horton's last ties to her son." Don was moved by her compassion. When Laura learned of Marty's impending return, she asked, "Who is coming back to Salem — Marty Hansen or Mickey Horton?" Maggie told Mike she was not going to let Linda have Marty, no matter what she has to do.


Laura entered the law offices in time to hear Linda telling a client that Mickey would be back soon — permanently. Angrily, Laura reminded Linda of her promise not to contact Mickey. Linda retorted that no promises were extracted from Mickey not to contact her. Don interrupted them and took Laura for coffee. Aware she was distressed about Mickey's imminent return, he encouraged her not to dwell on the past, that Mickey was Marty Hansen. Laura looked at him skeptically. When Marty/Mickey arrived, Linda asked if it was all right to tell clients he would be back. He was not sure. She gave him a file of pending cases.


The Doctors


Written by: Robert Cenedella

Produced by: Jeff Young


When wealthy Mona Croft received a phone call from one of the kidnappers of her grandson Erich - a followup to a ransom note cut from the pages of a newspaper demanding $500,000 -, her son Steve took the phone asking if he might be the one to deliver the money as the strain might be too much for his mother, causing the plans for the ransom drop to go awry with the resultant danger to Erich.


Suspecting that Steve might be trying to stall in an effort to afford police time to trace the call, the woman calling shouted angrily and bitterly, "You blew it! Forget the whole thing," and hung up, leaving everyone to worry and hope for further communication.


Dr. Karen Werner, Erich's natural mother, at first resentful of detective Ernie Cadman's insistence that she reconsider everything she had told him regarding the night Erich was taken and any possible incidents in her personal and professional life which might provide a clue or a motive, realized that a patient she was treating for migraine had questioned her about her relationship to her ex-mother-in-law Mona Croft whose picture appeared in a gossip column in the "National Tattler," the paper from which the ransom note was composed.


After Cadman left, Karen called her records clerk at the Kingsbury Out-Patient Clinic and as Carolee Aldrich, Steve's present wife who raised Erich entered Karen's apartment, Karen said, "I know who kidnapped Erich."


Although urged by Carolee to calm down, Karen, grabbing her coat says, "I am going after my child." Carolee, giving up her attempt to call Steve, - she realized Karen did not repeat the address she received over the phone from her clerk - hurried after Karen and managed to catch up with her as Karen emerged from the parking garage of her apartment building.


As Carolee jumped into her car, Karen told her of a plan forming in her mind as she drove for a bluff they could work in order to get into the kidnappers' house. Karen, as the woman's physician, intended to tell her a story of having cross-prescribed her pills. With Carolee posing as her nurse, they managed to convince the woman that her life might be in danger. Hearing his mother’s - Carolee's - voice, Erich, who had been disoriented from his ordeal - present and past - bit the hand of the man holding him in the bedroom - the other half of the husband/wife kidnapper team - and calling out, hammered at the locked bedroom door.


Urged by his wife to shoot Karen and Carolee and ultimately even Erich, the man, George, finally threw his gun through a window and restrained his wife from going after it, enabling Karen to call the police after she told Carolee to comfort Erich. At the hospital, Erich was found to be in shock and suffering from dehydration, but his problems were obviously serious — not physically, but emotionally. Ann Larimer, Erich's pediatrician and his psychiatrist Dr. Wilson, suggested that Steve spend the succeeding nights in Erich's hospital room, an action usually reserved to a child's mother.


Subsequently, the question of Erich's custody, not resolved, Dr. Wilson urged Carolee and Karen to visit Erich together to present a united front. When Erich was bewildered by their joint appearance and covered his ears as they told him they were friends and visited and talked about him together, it became evident that the situation had to be resolved. When Karen visiting Erich told him he would soon be going home, he asked, "Which home?" He became upset saying "My home or your home." When Karen, not ready for this confrontation, said she had to leave as his nurse M.J. came in, he repeated, "Which home — you didn't tell me which home."


Finally Karen decided not to wait for the Judge's decision and to tell Erich she was letting him go because she loved him. She asked him if he could like her, "just a tiny little bit, because I am letting you go?" He turned his head listlessly. Karen said "Goodbye liebchin" and left. When Steve urged Karen to stay in Erich's life she said, "Once I give him up, I should have just give him up. He thinks I bet-rayed him," that "none of this would have happened except for me. He's right. Someday he's going to ask why. Why I hurt him so much —with my love."


Erich’s nurse, M.J. Match had told Alan that she was not being coy but that she wanted to think over her attitude to a fast developing relationship between them. When she told Toni Powers that the dates Toni knew she had been having with Alan were "on the verge of becoming more serious," Toni, who was sepa-rated from Alan, told M.J., "I love Alan. I don't love him in that way anymore. I really want a life of my own." Reassured by Toni, M.J. was given breathing space when Hank Iverson requested Alan attend an out of state conference on the Trauma Unit. Alan agreed to go.


Matt and Maggie Powers had been forced to speak to their daughter Greta about the fact that her grades were down as a consequence of her neglect of her homework in favor of dating. She agreed to knuckle down and hit the books asking immediately thereafter, "Can I go out tonight?" When they told her no, she called to break a date with Billy Aldrich - Steve and Carolee's son - suggesting when he asked if he could talk to her that he "Come over really late" and "throw pebbles at the window." She took Billy up to her bedroom talking rather loudly and was of course overheard by Matt and Maggie. They realized that she was subconsciously reaching out to them, that she was fast approaching womanhood but sought their protection.


When Carolee and Steve talked with Billy about the episode, he told them he had felt shut out since Erich's kidnapping, "No one would listen to me except Greta Powers." Carolee assured Billy that he was a very important part of the family and that they wanted to know his thoughts and feelings. Steve agreed that Billy had to not allow present or future preoccupations to make his efforts to communicate seem short circuited. Carolee went on to say, "Sometimes you have to say 'Here I am, right in front of your nose Dummy, listen.”


Dr. Tom Barrett had been told by Dr. Colby that he had only a matter of months to live. He asked, "What's wrong with God? Doesn't he know doctors are supposed to find cures for diseases, not get them?" He insisted he was not through yet, that if he could only build a significant foundation with his new research project for some other guy to build on that, "maybe some baby being born right now won't have to face its mortality at my age."


Maggie had insisted to Matt that something should be done about the concern of Tom Barrett's fellow workers with regard to his personality change, and their suspicions regarding the state of his health. She insisted that Matt might be placing too much emphasis on Tom's privacy and not enough on his welfare. At that point Tom called Matt to say that his trip to Denver on "vacation" had been inspirational, so much so that he was coming back to Hope Memorial in the morning, and that Matt should see to it that Toni and Martha, his assistants, be on the job extra early to help him in the lab. Matt told Maggie "O.K., I've joined the club." He believed that Tom might indeed be seriously ill, but, "Until he comes to one of us, there's nothing we can do."


At Erich's homecoming party, Karen deliberately arrived late telling Carolee and Steve that it was best if they told him in the morning that she had been there. However, she slipped away to watch him sleeping and when he woke she said "You don't have to tell me that you love me. Not even that you like me. There's nothing much that we can do about our feelings. But I love you and I always will." As she got up to go, Erich kissed her. Karen came down the stairs and said to the group of remaining guests who had assumed that she'd left, "Thank you, thank you for a lovely party."


Rico Bellini was puzzled over the way Stacy behaved when she gets a call from her parents. He asked her what her folks were like and was told that her mother was shallow. "She dresses 15 years younger than she is." Rico countered that at most it was a bit embarrassing to have to witness. When he asked about her stepfather she changed the subject. When later he insisted that she had a problem that was tearing her apart, she told him they were in a relationship where only one of them was giving. She said she couldn't respond. She said there were no strings on her and told him to get out. Rico called Penny Davis for a date. She asked if he found her in the Yellow Pages under "Diversion," but agreed to meet him at Pete's.


Hank Iverson had refused Alan's invitation to double date or come along with him, on a date Alan had with M.J. Match upon his return from Chicago. On their date that night Alan and M.J. spotted Hank in a bar just as Alan had asked M.J. to leave and go to his apartment. Hank joined them and introduced Wilma, who greeted them with "Hi, I'm the woman your friend just picked up." She said she had just got fired and came to the bar to get drunk but she hated the stuff. She said to Hank after a time "You're a nice guy, but we're both too proper, so — the hell with it, Huh?" — and left. Hank told M.J. and Alan that he was still in love with his wife Lauri who had left him and said he would go off and mope by himself. When Alan asked M.J. once again to go to his place she replied, "As that lady just said, 'the hell with it.' I want to go home."


The Edge Of Night


Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson


The soap last aired on CBS on Friday, November 28th.


Johnny Dallas, reunited with his wife Laurie, decided to pay a nostalgic visit to his closed restaurant, the New Moon Cafe. Unknown to John he was followed by the underworld leader Gerald Kincaid and two of his goons. They brutally attacked John and while John laid unconscious on the floor, they set fire to the cafe! Kincaid, pleased that he had "squared accounts" with John, arranged with one of his hoods, Lenny, to fly to New York in his place thus establishing Kincaid's alibi. Kincaid then went to his office and accused Walter LePage, the former mob leader, of being the secret police informant who led them to the waterfront in time to save John's life. LePage paid with his life!


Danny Micelle and Tracy Dallas, Johnny's sister, anxious to tell everyone the good news about their engagement arrived at the New Moon just in time for Danny to pull John from the flames. Tracy, following Danny into the burning restaurant, was overcome by smoke inhalation, but was dragged to safety - the reason John wasn't killed by smoke inhalation, the doctor later explained, was that he was lying on the floor away from the heavy layer of smoke - Kincaid's henchmen had ironically saved John's life by leaving him on the floor! - When Police Chief William Marceau and Lt. Luke Chandler discovered LePage's body they were positive Kincaid was responsible. Yet, if Kincaid did leave for New York … he had an air-tight alibi.


Mrs. Serena Faraday, suffering from the torment of a dual-personality, sought therapeutic assistance from Dr. Quentin Henderson. He suggested Serena might want to go, at some future date, to the apartment where her opposing personality "Josie" lived and somehow bring the "Josie" personality into some tangible reality for Serena. Serena, deciding to go on her own, arrived and discovered Kincaid. He had been lying low until his "return" from New York. Kincaid, believing Serena was "Josie," was surprised to see her without the dark wig. Serena managed to secretly call attorney Adam Drake and told him of the terrifying circumstances. Kincaid, sensing something odd about "Josie," started to rough her up and triggered a personality change where Serena retreated and Josie emerged. Fortunately Bill and Luke arrived and arrested not only Kincaid, but the truculent Josie as well.


Josie refused to talk to the police or cooperate without her attorney — Adam. Callled to Headquarters, Adam convinced Josie she had to help to clear herself of any suspicions regarding her involvement with Kincaid. Josie told the police that Johnny Dallas wasn't responsible for the police informant Ernie Casper's death because the phone tap didn't work. The information about Casper came from another source. John was cleared of all charges against him! Ironically, Laurie and John owed it all to the very woman who had tried unsuccessfully to break up their marriage.


John made plans to start all over again and to restablish his New Moon Cafe. He and Laurie could look forward to the arrival of their baby. Unfortunately their future looked clouded again when Bill and Luke asked John to testify in court so that they could pin not only the attempted murder and arson charge on Kincaid, but LePage's murder as well. Laurie was fearful, but John emphatically stated Kincaid tried to kill him twice and threatened his beloved wife and unborn child — "Just name the day!"


Assistant District Attorney, Brandy Henderson was overjoyed with Adam Drake's declaration of love for her, but suddenly was plunged to her depths when she learned that since Adam's wife, Nichole, couldn’t be considered legally dead for five years, Adam was still a married man! - Nicole disappeared while she and Adam were honeymooning in the Carribean when the criminal world planted a bomb on their yacht to kill Adam. The explosion shattered not only the ship but Adam's life when he was the only one rescued, drifting on some fragments from "The Sprite." - Brandy realized Nicole had been gone for eighteen months and calculated that they would have to wait another three and one half years to legally marry. She contemplated the idea of living with Adam should he suggest it.

Little Timmy Faraday, Serena's son, who had been living with Nancy and Mike Karr temporarily while Serena struggled to "integrate" her two personalities, expressed a desire to see his good friend Adam Drake again. Adam was sympathetic to the boy's needs and invited him to spend the weekend with him at his recently renovated barn in the country, hoping that his other visitor wouldn’t mind. Adam, who had been asked to be a witness at the custody hearing of little Timmy, shared everyone's concern for the eventual outcome of the boy's future.


Mike planned to base his defense case on Dr. Henderson's expert testimony. Since it was Mark Faraday and his lawyer Richard Jaffe's intention to make Serena appear an unfit mother because she was "mad," Mike was somewhat resassured by Quentin that Serena was not insane. Quentin added, " not true, or I would have had her institutionalized." Mike was shocked when "Josie" showed up for Serena's therapy session. It was Mike's first exposure to Josie and he told Quentin that if the "Josie" personality turned up at the custody hearing, he would certainly lose the case! Quentin, highly optimistic that Josie's attendance at two therapy sessions was really a good sign, reassured Mike that neither Josie nor Serena wanted Timmy to go to Mark. It was unlikely that Josie would do anything to jeopardize the custody suit.


John Dallas, excited over a possible new location for his restaurant, was surprised when he was served with a subpoena to appear at the Faraday hearing. Even more upsetting —Nancy Karr was also subpoenaed to testify against Serena. Everyone gathered at the Monticello courthouse in Judge Sussman's private chambers, at the appointed time, everyone, that was, except Mrs. Faraday! Mike anxiously awaited her arrival, fearful Josie might return instead of Serena. To his relief, Serena rushed in, slightly out of breath, upset over her tardiness caused by a traffic snarl. Judge Sussman called for the opening statements and cautionned Quentin, Mike's first witness, that although the proceedings might appear informal, she expected the same serious and truthful testimony that one would demand in a more formal trial.


Adam began to piece the circumstances together leading up to Mrs. Geraldine Whitney's near fatal fall. Acting on behalf of both Kevin Jamison and Geraldine, Adam opened up his own investigation. He suspected Noel Douglas, Tiffany's husband, of having planned a rendevous with Tracy that night believing that the rest of the household had gone on to Washington D.C. Having seen Geraldine's private dossier on Tracy's life of prostitution in Chicago, Adam concluded Noel had as much of a motive to harm Geraldine as Kevin allegedly had - after a fierce quarrel between Kevin and Geraldine, Geraldine had intended to disinherit Kevin. –


Adam had Kevin pretend to be Noel over the phone and by tricking Tracy, they confirmed their suspicions that she and Noel did go to the house that fateful night. Tracy later called Noel and discovered he wasn't the one who called her and becomes frightened about this new turn of events. Despite Noel’s prompting to "pull the plug" on the life supporting machines that kept Geraldine alive and his general discouraging demeanor, Tiffany encouraged Kevin to leave on an interview trip of doctors whose patients had recently recovered from their comas.


Tiffany poured out her grief to the comatose woman who she loved more than her own mother and was stunned when Geraldine opened her eyes. Noel, fearing a recovery, secretly entered Geraldine's room and pulled the plug on the machine! Dr. Lacey later called to tell them that although they had a brief scare when one of the nonvital machines was unplugged, Geraldine had shown further motor recovery and was moving her hands.


Danny and Tracy set their wedding date tentatively for December 1. Tracy panicked when Bill and Luke questioned her about knowing Noel Douglas. She called Noel and confessed to having returned to the Whitney Mansion after they were thrown out by Geraldine to beg her not to expose her lurid past to either Danny or John. She sobbed "I pushed her down the stairs.. I didn't mean to."


Kevin returned to tell Tiffany the results of his investigation. When Tiffany learned of a woman in a Paris hospital, Hopital St. Terese, who had recovered from a coma, she contacted the doctor by phone hoping that she would gain formation regarding their patient's recovery. The woman had recovered from her coma, she learned, had no memory of her past. Tiffany asked Kevin to fly to Paris and speak personally to Dr. Calmette the attending physician. Hopefully he would discover what brought about the woman's miraculous recovery. Although Kevin felt all his research was futile, he couldn’t refuse Tiffany.

Kevin, whose sum total of French was the limited vocabulary needed to order a basic meal in a restaurant, was relieved to find that Dr. Calmette spoke fluent English. The doctor described the events that led up to the woman's entering the hospital. She had been discovered on a small island near the island of Guadeloupe. It was originally believed that she was mentally retarded because she could not speak. Later, in the hospital in Guadeloupe, she spoke to the doctors in French. Assuming the woman to be of French nationality, they sent her home to France to be treated. When Kevin detailed the circumstances surrounding Geraldine's coma, Dr. Calmette was very sympathetic, but doubtful that his "mystery woman’s” case had any solutions to offer towards a cure for Geraldine. He told Kevin that the woman really felt an American doctor, named Jordan, was the one that “cured” her and Kevin should interview him as well as speaking to the patient.


Silhouetted against a Parisian skyline, in an attractive flat, strewn with half-completed fashion drawings, the bewildered and haunted “mystery woman” gazed out into the frightening and unfamiliar world. Outside of her two doctors, Calmette and Jordan, she had no close friends. When she learned of the young American, Kevin Jamison’s unexpected visit, she puzzled for a moment – jus a moment – over his slightly familiar sounding name, but dismissed it. She was a lonely and isolated woman whom, although she spoke fluent French, Dr. Calmette believed was actually either of American or Canadian nationality. The idea of someone from America coming all that way just to speak to her, excited and flattered her. The insistent knock she had been waiting for came. She rushed to greet her visitors – first Dr. Calmette, and next, the young American who sood in her doorway dumbstruck! He had come clear across the world to confront a living ghost – Nicole Travis Drake!


General Hospital


Written by: Richard & Suzanne Holland

Produced by: Tom Donovan


Dr. Lesley Faulkner aided by her wealthy and powerful husband's fortune and connections continued the search for her missing daughter, Laura. Laura had been "stolen" from her at birth by the attending nurse Miss Roach under the direction of Lesley's step-father who wanted his daughter to be free to realize her full potential without the concerns of an illegitimate child to hamper her. Lesley claimed emphatically that once she knew Laura was well and with a loving family she would be satisfied. When Mac MacLaughlin, Cameron's right hand man, finally located Barbara Vining – formerly Jackson -, Laura's "present" mother, he pretended to be taking a marketing survey and gained not only entre to the Vining household but a good look at Laura. She had the identifying birth mark on her neck — no mistake — the child was Lesley's daughter! The father's name is Jason, 38 years old, and an assistant professor of history at a nearby university. Lesley was stunned to learn her child was living only five miles away from her. Cam's fears for Lesley's increased demands were realized. She was not content with a mere description ... she had to see her.


Cam warned Lesley she was deceiving herself if she believed she could just see her. He told her that the progression from only wanting to know about her to seeing her to finally wanting to claim her would end to tragedy and heartbreak for everyone concerned. Lesley would not face the question — "What will happen to Laura if she is suddenly told her loving parents are not really her parents?" Lesley insisted that that would never happen.


Cam felt excluded by Lesley who was totally preoccupied by her desire for Laura. He stated, "There are only two things that mean anything to you — your career as a doctor and being a mother — where does that leave me? I wanted a wife!"  


When Cam refused to give Lesley any more information so that she could see her, Lesley hired a private detective to locate her daughter. The detective took her to a drugstore where she secretly observed Laura. Tears welling in her eyes, Lesley saw her child for the first time and whispered inwardly, "Hello Laura." Cam, teaming of Lesley's encounter, was livid! She countered with, "All I did was just look at her!" Cam again warned that not only might Laura and her family suffer if Lesley continued, but that it would wreck her life and their marriage too.


Lesley, aware that Laura's thirteenth birthday was on December 11, plotted to somehow meet her daughter and to speak to her. Learning of Lesley's plan, Jessie Brewer, Lesley's closest friend, tried to point out the dangers she might encounter which could ultimately destroy her marriage. Lesley defensively stated, "Jessie, I love my husband, and I love my daughter! Why does there have to be a competition?"


Clad in an exquisite fur coat, Lesley waited for Laura in the park adjacent to her school and engaged the girl in conversation. Lesley generously gave the impressed Laura $5.00 to treat her girlfriends to pizza and commented, "I'll see you around the neighborhood."


Young Bobby Chandler and nurse Samantha Livingstone finalized their wedding plans for November 10. Diana Taylor prepared a lovely engagement party for Sammi in her home and Bobby asked attorney Lee Baldwin to be his best man at the ceremony. Lee suggested to Bobby as a new husband that he should prepare a will and take out life insurance to protect his future with Sammi. Bobby, aware of his responsibility, agreed and submitted to a physical examination from the insurance doctor.


The lovely but simple double ring ceremony took place in the Chandler living-room with Beth Maynard acting as Samantha's maid of honor. The blissful couple left for an idyllic week long honeymoon on Sugar Loaf Key in Florida. Although Bobby insisted he was all right Sammi worried about her husband's constant need to relax and avoid strenuous activities.


Bobby and Sammi returned to set up housekeeping in the Chandler estate gate house, rent free. The newlyweds were even more ecstatic when Caroline, Bobby's mother told of Lee's, proposal of marriage. When Bobby opened his accumulated mail, he discovered in a letter from the insurance company that he had been denied insurance because he flunked his physical. He tried to assure Sammi that it had to be a clerical error but he secretly made an appointment to see Dr. Steve Hardy about another physical examination. Bobby, a pre-med student, was alarmed by his chronic fatigue and loss of appetite. He asked Steve to arrange the additional testing to be done at another hospital so that nurse Samantha would not become alarmed.


Steve requested Caroline to fill a vacancy on the hospital "Survival Committee" also known as the "Human Rights Committee" and she agreed. The committee iwa made up of community leaders, citizens, and doctors who evaluate patient case histories and decide which patient's life should be extended by the hospital's limited life-support machinery resources. Caroline was surprised to learn that Bobby's former high school principal, Mrs. Hazel Lawrence, was one of the members of the committee.


Lee arranged a romantic dinner for Caroline and presented her with a beautiful diamond engagement ring. She accepted his ring and, removing the wedding ring presented to her by her first husband, Jack, who was deceased, Caroline placed Lee's ring on her finger. Lee, who had cared deeply for Caroline since their school days, accepted her decision to wait until May for their wedding date. She refused to listen to Bobby's suggestion to set an earlier wedding date in December.


Bobby received a preliminary evaluation of his physical exam from Steve, and learned that he was suffering from slight anemia and that his white blood count Was above normal. Steve arranged to have more special blood tests made at an independent laboratory. Caroline was disturbed when she finds her son irritable, fatigued, and complaining about a painful arm.


As Dr. Jim Hobart began to recover from his serious fall off his kitchen ladder while inebriated, his wife Audrey had to also learn to deal with the realization that her husband was drunk that night. Audrey felt she might have "deserted" Jim when she took her son Tommy to the mountains—that she failed him. Dr. Peter Taylor who had been treating Jim for his acute alcoholism with an intense therapy method told Audrey, "The responsibility belongs right in Jim's lap."


Steve, who felt betrayed by Jim's admission that he had been drinking all along, despite Jim's promises to remain sober for a six month trial period to regain his position on General Hospital's staff, refused to consider all pleas that as Jim had hit "rock bottom" and had truthfully faced his need to drink, there might be a true rehabilitation. Lee, a reformed alcoholic, tried to make Steve see how important hope was for the future to help Jim recover.


Once Jime began telling the unvarnished truth to Peter, Audrey and more importantly himself, he worried about being despised. Diana reassured Jim, "The ugliest truth is prettier than the fanciest lie — Audrey loves you very much." Jim told Steve he was anxious to leave the hospital because he felt he had come to terms with himself but in the artificial setting of the hospital he couldn’t be sure his new attitude was real. He told Steve he really almost believed he was keeping his bargain about not drinking. - Jim had been on the wagon for twelve days, but under the pressure of his therapy he began secretly drinking limited amounts. - Steve "engineered" his co-veted Manheim study grant. Steve explained to Jim that when they asked him he only gave Jim the recommendation he believed he deserved.


Steve told Peter that he was willing to accept Peter's evaluation about Jim. Peter told Steve that Jim had truthfully faced his problem and there could be some hope for Jim's future. Jim stunned Audrey by confessing he had continued to drink during his probationary period. But he was hopeful that the accident's nearly taking his life and his enforced drying out in the hospital would help him stay free of drinking. Jim wanted to finish his research paper and to "try to be for himself."


The Guiding Light


Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Lucy Ferri Rittenberg


Everyone noticed the strained and preoccupied mood of Chief of Staff, Dr. Ed Bauer but the family believed that it was a post-crisis reaction to the weeks of tension he had been under while his infant daughter Christina struggled to survive her near fatal pneumonia. How could they possibly suspect the real reason for Ed's remoteness, at a time when he and Holly should be closer than ever, was Holly's revelation that Christina was not his! Her confession about Roger Thorpe being Christina's natural father prompted Ed to question Holly about the circumstances surrounding the baby's conception. Holly desperate to regain Ed's love insisted that although their marriage had started on shaky grounds Ed had always been a good husband and father.


When Christina was released from Cedars Hospital, the family was overjoyed. Ed didn’t accompany Holly and the baby home surprising the family. Later that night, Ed, who loved Christina as much as if she were his own child, told the distraught Holly he could no longer be her husband, and made a bed for himself on the livingroom sofa. Barbara Thorpe's surprise early morning visit to her daughter Holly exposed Ed's new sleeping arrangements, but Holly tried to explain it away by saying Ed had been restless at night and didn't want to disturb her.


Ed told Holly that he had been thinking and realized that he had been a stupid, blind fool...that although Holly ha re-peatedly assured him that she "cared" and "respected" him she had never mentioned the word love. "You loved Roger — dreamed about him — you just 'existed' with me! If I thought, in spite of all the lies, you really loved me ..." He told Holly he could no longer go on being her husband. He told Holly no one need ever know about Christina but he couldn’t go on living with her. Ed left the vanquished Holly. Unable to remain in her home so crowded with memories, Holly went to her mother and step-father's home with Christina and flatly announced her marriage was over — that they had separated.


The news of Ed and Holly's sudden separation travelled quickly through the family. Bert, Ed's mother, tried vainly to understand her son's surprising decision, but Ed declined to make any explanations for his behavior. Newly hired nurse Rita Stapleton, sensing something serious was bothering Ed, brought him some coffee in his hospital office and privately confided that while she lived in Texas she suffered a serious personal upheaval and, feeling all alone, was grateful for a friend to confide in.


Roger Thorpe, anticipating his forthcoming marriage to nurse Peggy Fletcher sometime during the Christmas season, was stunned when he learned of Ed's separation from Holly. Roger told Peggy that he loved Billy, her son from her first marriage, as much as if he were his own son, and that he would like to legally adopt the boy once they were married. Peggy assured Roger that Billy adored him and would probably respond enthusiastically to the idea of Roger becoming his legal father and "not just the husband of his mother." When Ed learned of Roger's plans to adopt Billy, he vowed to somehow stop it, smarting, "He – Roger - already has a child — a daughter — and you don't know anything about that Peggy. Oh God, I'm not going to stand by and let it happen!" Later when Holly defended Roger's affection for his future "son," Ed erupted, "Roger is wining Peggy's life in the same way he has ruined yours - Holly's - and mine." Ed intended to confront Roger as soon as possible.


Andy Norris, Holly’s brother, confided to Pam Chandler the real reason he couldn’t allow his recently written story entitled, “Valerie’s Story”, to be published, despite the interest of a publisher. Suspecting the story might be about someone very close to Andy, she asked him and he admitted that her suspicions were correct. Andy confided he felt "too drained" from the months of writing to begin all over on another story or to make the needed changes in “Valerie’s Story” to cover up the identity of the person it depicts – Andy’s story was actually an account of Holly and her affair with Roger. She had made her brother promise he wouldn’t publish the story and further jeopardize her relationship with Ed or with her family. Holly further demanded that their mother never be allowed to read the story. –


Leslie Bauer warned her husband Mike that his daughter Hope would one day realize her lost love, Professor Alex MacDaniels, really didn't love her as much as she thought and eventually Hope would return to her family. However, if Mike continued to interfere with Hope's desire for independence, she would become distrustful of all her father's genuine attempts to help her and turn against him altogether. Leslie explained there was nothing Mike could do — "Only have faith in her to get her bearings."


Their concern for Hope's well-being was further complicated by Leslie and Mike's realization that singer Chad Richards, who worked at the Metro where Hope was employed as a waitress, was in an unstable condition because of his suspected brain tumor. Hope, lonely, adrift, and depressed, had turned to Chad for friendship and moral support. However, Chad, fearful of his potential to become uncontrollable when one of his "episodes" occurs, rejected Hope's overtures for a closer relationship.


Chad arranged to visit Leslie while Mike was at home, because he was concerned about Hope's future - Chad, sensing that his memory of Leslie, treasured since their high school days when they briefly went steady, had an adverse effect on him and possibly tended to trigger his uncontrollable "episodes," had avoided being alone with Leslie. - Just as Chad arrived, Mike, only having just learned of his brother Ed's separation from Holly, was busy outside consoling his mother Bert. Suddenly, clutching briefly at his left temple, Chad reverted to his high school relationship with "Les." Confused by Leslie's reaction to his attempt to kiss her, Chad became physically aggressive. He pinned her arms against her rendering her completely helpless and clamped his hand over her mouth preventing her from screaming for Mike. Her blouse torn, terrified by Chad's relentless attempt to force himself on her ... Leslie collapsed! Mike rushed in and punched Chad which brought Chad back to his senses and he left immediately, bewildered and apologetic for the hospital. Dr. Steve Jackson, Leslie's father, arranged to take Chad to New York for special tests to locate his suspected tumor so they could operate and remove it.


Mike told Leslie that he had found out that he had taken her too much for granted and that she was "everything" to him. Leslie begged Mike not to blame Chad because he wouldn't have done anything like that if he had been well. Hope rushed to Leslie to ask her about Chad's case and Steve's prognosis, only to discover her stepmother bruised and nursing a sprained ankle. Mike and Leslie lied about Leslie's condition, claiming Leslie injured herself in a fall. Hope was, insistent, against her father's wishes, about visiting Chad. She stated, "You can't give me any good reasons why not to go — I thought you were his friends too, but you sure don't act like it!"


She visited Chad and told him she had grown to rely on him. He told the insecure girl she was really "worth something" and he appreciated her concern and desire to stand by him during his operation. Chad confided to Steve that he was fearful his tumor might be malignant. He had so much to do with his life — his mother was an invalid and his father was unable to work much — and he had to make things right with Leslie. Chad pleaded, "You've got to get me through this Dr. Jackson."


Ulcer patient Ann Jeffers recalled the strange manner of Drs. Joe and Sara Warner when she briefly met their foster son T.J. and she asked Joe to explain. Joe told her of their mistaken conviction that she was T.J.'s mother - Ann showed a photo of her curly headed three year old son whom she deserted to Joe. He felt the possible resemblance between T.J. and her son meant that T.J. was her son and he and Sara prepared themselves for the possibility that they would have to give him up. - Ann told Peggy that since Joe and Sara showed that much confidence in her, it had rebuilt her own self-esteem and that she would like to speak to Sara and apologize for her former caustic behavior.


Love Of Life


Written by: Margaret DePriest

Produced by: Darryl Hickman


Felicia Lamont received a call from Arnie, the hood who tried to rape her several weeks ago and had been harrassing her ever since, telling her to look in her son's book bag. When Johnny returned from school Felicia found an obscene note in his bag. Johnny accused Felicia of having put it there herself since he knew nothing about it. Charles questioned Johnny as to his activities since having left school and Johnny admitted to having put the bag down while he played football. Felicia suggested to Charles that her attacker probably had put it there and if they went out he would surely follow them and Charles could see for himself that this was not her imagination. They went to the terrace room where Edouard Aleata engaged Felicia in talk about her painting. Arnie went to the bookstore where he asked Charles for some pornography out and was told they didn't carry such books. When Felicia told Charles that this probably was the hood, Charles said she was too jumpy and imagined every person and voice to be her attacker.


Felicia took Eddie to her studio where he admired her paintings and asked to buy one for the Granary. The doorbell rang, causing Felicia to jump, but when Eddie answered it he found a delivery boy with flowers for Felicia. Felicia commented that they were lilies which were funeral flowers. She told Eddie to take the painting he liked and they would settle on a price later. Charles told Felicia they should be celebrating the sale of her first painting rather than worrying about who sent the flowers.


Eddie took Felicia to the granary where he asked her help in deciding on the best place to hang the painting he bought from her. Eddie drew Felicia out of her depressed state with questions and flattery. Felicia said that Edouard had helped her find her true self and she could only express it through her painting. When Felicia returned home bubbling over with enthusiasm Charles bursted her balloon. He agreed that she should get back to her painting and other interests, because she had spent too much time brooding over her attacker. Charles said that he hadbeen worried about her sanity, immediately driving Felicia into another state of depression.


Edouard had a family party celebrating Cal's recovery - Cal's back was broken in a car accident -. He invited Joe Cusack as a partner for Cal. The evening was enjoyable, but when Joe wanted to take her home, Cal told him that she was meeting Rick for a drink at the Piano Bar. Meg, Cal's mother, asked her to move home when Ben and Betsy leave at Christmas time. Cal replied that she thought she had better not after all the disagreements they had. Cal disagreed that Beaver Ridge was the only thing that was important to Rick - Cal knew that she was an important part of Rick's life -. Upset, Meg asked Jamie Rollins, her lawyer, about her business arrangement with Rick Latimer. Jamie told her that although she only owned forty percent of Beaver Ridge because Rick wouldn’t give up the controlling interest she had an equal say and equal liability in the business. He told her that financial arrangements made by one were binding to the other, but this would be more of a problem to Rick because his capital was all tied up in Beaver Ridge. Meg hinted at this to Rick. Eddie called offering Rick champagne but he said he couldn't afford it. Eddie called later to say that Meg had placed a full order. Rick canceled a dinner date with Cal, deciding that he had to straighten things out with Meg. Bruce Sterling, Cal's uncle, told Rick that Cal was de-ressed because she didn't know where she stood. Meg overheard Cal make an appointment for noon and Carrie Johnson, Meg's housekeeper, confirmed Meg's suspicions that Cal was seeing Rick. Over lunch Rick told Cal he had some business to settle and would like to keep their relationship quiet until then.


After Jamie found Ben Harper in bed with Arlene Lovett, Ben's secret wife, Arlene made an appointment with Jamie to lure him to her apartment where she drugges his drink. Ben put Jamie in bed with Arlene and took photographs of them in suggestive poses to be used as blackmail insurance. Worried, Di, Jamie's paramour, sent Bruce to look for Jamie. Bruce discovered Jamie in his car having been drugged, but having no idea what had happened. Jamie refused to call the police saying he had to think this out first. The excuse he gave Di was that after having a drink he fell asleep over his work at the office. Jamie began to put things together — remembering lights going off. He told Arlene that he would see her in jail before he let Ben blackmail him. When he talked about telling the police Arlene said they would show the pictures to Di.


David Hart wanted to confess, freeing Arlene of all arson charges, but was told by Dr. Keno, his psychiatrist, that he had to be judged competent by a panel of three doctors. Ben showed Jamie a picture and told him that he would send one each day to his house, each one worse than the last. Jamie asked Dr. Albertson, Di's obstetrician, if a shock could be detrimental to her or her baby and was advised that he tell her anything himself that might be upsetting if she learned it elsewhere.


Betsy Harper had found herself ill and told Ben, her husband, she suspected that she's pregnant. He insisted that she find out right away. Betsy mentioned having seen Jamie at Dr. Albertson's. Jamie went to the Piano Bar to tell Arlene that he would show Di the picture and tell her the whole story. When Jamie wanted to tell Di instead of waiting for Ben, Arlene threatened to phone before he could get home. Ben felt that Jamie was bluffing and was too concerned to tell Di. Ben mailed the first picture as Jamie went home, but Jamie had to put off telling Di when she had a fainting spell. As he started to tell her in the morning, David called saying he could make a legal statement and would confess to burning the Club Victoria - mad at Rick because Meg convinced him that Rick was trying to take Cal away, David started a fire in Rick's club while Arlene was passed out in the office. Police found Arlene's soot covered dress and charged her with arson. - David told the story with all the details and Arlene was cleared of charges.


Jamie still wouldn’t make any deals with Arlene to forget telling Di and the police about Ben and her. Ben told him he sent the picture and asked for six weeks reprieve. When Arlene asked Jamie for six weeks also, he wondered what would happen in six weeks. Di was upset at finding Jamie with his hands on Arlene's shoulders a second time. She blew up, saying Jamie had turned to a younger woman. Jamie explained that he was working very hard for her and the baby and got himself into a jam, but would explain. Di had a severe pain and asked Jamie to call Dr. Albertson who insisted on bed-rest and no stress. When Jamie went for a prescription he stopped by to tell Ben and Arlene that they had won for the time being.


Jamie had Rick sign the insurance papers so he could receive his money for the Club Victoria. Rick said that he had some other business he'd like Jamie to take care of, but not until he had the check in his hands. When Jamie brought Rick the check later Rick asked for the partnership papers for Beaver Ridge, but before he could explain to Jamie, Meg arrived and, upon seeing the check, wanted to make a list of all the projects she wanted to start at Beaver Ridge. Rick told her that things would remain as was for a while.


Meg was trying to forget the argument she had with Betsy. Betsy told her that she was ruining Ben's life by promising him the half a million dollars and then enforcing more stipulations on him. She threatened to expose Meg as a liar unless she made good her promise to finally give Ben the money after Christmas since the six month probation for their marriage would be up.


Betsy told Ben that she was pregnant and Ben was livid, blaming it all on her. Meg asked what was wrong and Ben said that Betsy was just being emotional. Arlene told Carrie, her mother, that she was free and Carrie mentioned that Betsy was pregnant. Arlene asked Ben why he was trying to ruin everything when they only had six weeks before he received the $500,000 from his mother and they could leave town together.


Cal planned afamily party at the Terrace Room on Friday evening for Ben and Betsy. She and Rick decided it would be better if he was not invited. Arlene heard about the party and called the entertainer for the Terrace Room, asking him to call in sick and suggest that she play Friday night in exchange for fifty dollars, keeping this from everyone. Ben made the announcement that Betsy was going to have a baby when Arlene appeared. Meg took her aside, suggesting strongly that she go back to the Piano Bar where she belonged, but Arlene explained that that night she was to "do her thing" in the Terrace Room and Meg should stay around to watch.


One Life To Live


Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Doris Quinlan


Jenny Wolek attended a convocation of her Order intending to tell her Superior of her intention to leave the Sisterhood to marry Tim Seigel. Tim was to follow by evening to bring her home. However, when she arrived at the Mother House, she was unable to see Sister Elizabeth for more than a few minutes. There had been an earthquake and flood in South America in the Amazon region and the Order was planning to leave on a chartered plane at midnight to begin a campaign of emergency aid including innoculation. Sister Elizabeth in haste asked Jenny to help check supplies and when Tim arrived he found her in her nun's habit. Tim had read a newspaper extra about the earthquake and when he questioned Jenny, she said she had a duty to go. "I'm still a nun. Please forgive me."


When Sister Elizabeth entered the room, Tim told her that, "Jenny came up here to tell you she's leaving the Order." Sister Elizabeth left them alone and Jenny told Tim she would be back as soon as they had finished. Tim was concerned about the danger to Jenny. He had read that the people were practically in a state of revolution — a group of nuns in the hill country disappeared and hadn't been heard from in months. He asked Jenny, "Why do I get the idea that if you get on that plane, I'll never see you again?" Jenny tried to reassure him and he said finally, "I believe you, Jenny, and I think I even understand." They agreed that Tim would move into the apartment he had rented in the hours she was at the convocation and he would prepare it for them to move into when they were married upon her return.


When Tim first told his mother Eileen of his plans to marry Jenny - believing them to be imminent -, Eileen insisted, "Until you came on the scene, she hadn't the least intention of leaving the sisterhood. She'll feel guilty and blame you." Eileen suggested he was marrying Jenny in rebellion because she – Eileen - thought it was wrong. Tim countered with the accusation that Eileen merely did not want him to leave home. "Julie - his sister - is moving to Florida, and there's only going to be me around here." He asked her, "What's more important to you —the Church or me?"  When he returned without Jenny, he told Eileen they were still planning to be married. He told her he was going to South America after Jenny.


Cathy Craig had accused Viki Lord Riley of hating Cathy's daughter Megan and wanting her dead. She shouted "You can fool other people, but I know that you always resented her, wanted her out of the way, and now you've gotten what you wanted, haven't you?" Tony Harris found Cathy in a bar after she left the hospital after seeing Viki. He asked her to dinner and took her home. He told her he didn't have much sympathy for poor little rich girls – Viki - but urged her not to make hating Viki a way of life. He told her "You're beginning a new life and so am I. Let's begin it together."


Tony had seen an ad in Victor Lord's office advertising for information on the heirs of Dorothy Randolph - Tony Harris' mother -. He came upon Matt McAllister with the paper in his hand. He wondered what the connection was. He laft for San Francisco - the ad was in a San Francisco paper -. Matt and Dr. Dorian Cramer were both aware that Tony Harris was Victor Lord's son. They had been suppressing the evidence of Tony's paternity and trying to get him to leave town because they wished one day to control Lord Enterprises. Dorian had managed to get Victor Lord to confide in her that he had been unfaithful to his wife Eugenia and had inflected a great hurt on the woman he loved - Dorothy Randolph -, that he thought Dorothy would impede his career and that he lived in a purgatory of doubt and guilt and longing for the son he'd never even seen. He mentioned that she had died six months ago in San Francisco and when Dorian let slip a reference to the personal notices he asked how she knew about that. She replied that his attorney probably had told her. Victor agreed with Dorian that upon his return to Llanview, he had to tell Viki about his son, but when he did return to a scene whereby Viki was devastated over recounting to him Cathy's accusations, he told her only half of what he had planned — that previous week when he was in Washington, Dorian and he were married.


Patricia Kendall accepted a position on The Banner replacing the hospitalized Viki. Tony and she had a series of near encounters but, aside from his calling Cathy while Patricia was staying with her, they had not been aware of each other. When Tony Harris returned from San Francisco, he called on Dorian at Llanfair and as she answered the door, he greeted her with, "Hi Mom!" When she apologized for the condition of her house, saying that as he could see she was moving, he told her to cut the pretense and asked her how long she had known that he was Victor Lord's son. He told her, when she pretended surprise and asked him if in fact that was so, to call Carter and check out his pedigree. He replied he had seen the ad in the San Francisco paper that she went out of her way to keep him from seeing.


Continuing with her bluff, she told Tony that Victor was in Washington D.C. and offered to accompany him on the 10 o'clock flight but he countered that he was not quite ready to present himself to his father. When he asked her why the offer, she said she wished to be there as Victor's doctor and reminded him that Victor had two heart attacks already, asking if he wanted to be responsible for another. When Victor phoned, Tony insisted that she not tell him anything yet.


Sincer her marriage to Victor Lord, Dorian had wasted little time making her presence felt at Llanfair. She addressed a picture of Victoria saying "you're going" as soon as I could manage it. She mused about a covered-in porch and prepared a list for remodeling. When Victor's butler told her he always stayed up for Mr. Lord's return she dismissed him for the evening with the reminder that she would be doing that - all these plans were unknown to Victor, as yet. –


Finally she brought Victoria, on a visit to her at the hospital, a lavish bouquet which she had ordered the gardener at Llanfair to cut from the greenhouse - the point of which was not lost on Viki. - Dorian told Viki "I don't think it would profit either of us to ask if you're pleased," but insisted that they both were concerned with the welfare and happiness of Viki's father. She asked Viki to suspend judgement, and Viki replied that she was willing to let the future take care of itself. When Dorian inquired about the state of Viki's health, Viki told her that according to the x-rays she should be walking by now - Viki was suffering from a fractured pelvis, the result of an automobile accident in which Megan, the infant daughter of Cathy Craig and Viki's husband, Joe Riley, was fatally injured. –


Joe told Viki that her father still cared deeply for her. He reminded her that they still had each other and promised her that as soon as she was well they would begin to plan for a much-wanted child of their own. - Joe was not aware, as were Viki and Dr. Larry Wolek, that Joe had an inherited heart problem which he would transmit to his children. Megan was a victim of this disease, though Joe and Cathy did not know it was ultimately fatal. –


Cathy Craig made plans to look for an apartment in an effort to escape surroundings where she was constantly reminded of Megan. She offered to make room for Patricia Kendall. Patricia agreed saying she had not looked on her own because signing a lease and moving furniture was a little too much of a commitment for her at present.


Tim Siegel had received a letter from Jenny Wolek and knew that she arrived safely but was upset over what the letter didn't say. Disappointed, he had a beer in a bar and encountered the ever-present Sheilah Rafferty.


Ryan’s Hope


Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Claire Labine, Paul Avila Mayer & Robert Costello


Election Eve: Ryan’s Place erupted into a madhouse as Channel 7's Eyewitness News announced a projection with 47% of the vote in, declaring Frank Ryan winner of the special primary for Councilman for the Riverside District of New York. As flash bulbed pop, Delia Ryan, wife of the councilman-elect posed beside his wheelchair - but Frank, recovering from "a fall down a flight of stairs" at Riverside Hospital, knew it was Delia who caused his "accident." Learning he had resumed his affair with his former law professor Jillian Coleridge, Delia was driven to violence during an argument with Frank. During his slow recovery Jillian had been Frank's campaign supporter and spokesperson — she rep-resented him on a television interview while he was immobilized in the hospital. –


Jack Fenelli, an astute investigative reporter - and Jillian's former lover - overheard a remark by an enthusiastic supporter that Frank could set his sights on a Congressional seat the following year, and whispered in an aside to Mary Ryan, Frank's sister, "If only he can avoid tarnishing the image. What he doesn't need right now is a scandal."


At the height of the celebration, Dr. Nell Beaulac collapsed unconscious due to a leaking aneurism in her brain - it had recently been discovered that Nell had two aneurisms - one is operable, the other, at the junction of two arteries, was not. - She was rushed to Riverside Hospital by her estranged husband, prominent neurosurgeon Dr. Seneca Beaulac, and her nephew, intern Bucky Carter. Dr. Clem Moultrie performed emergency surgery. Ironically, Dr. Ed Coleridge and his son Dr. Roger Coleridge were in California observing a new procedure using silicone injections to strengthen the walls of a weakened artery. This procedure was useless in Nell's case but Seneca, on the telephone, instructed Ed and Roger to continue observing as the procedure was valuable to other potential victims.

Ironically, Roger Coleridge forced Clem out of the scheduled trip in order that he might be the one to perform the surgery on Nell. Roger assumed that the doctor who performed this technique on the wife of Dr. Beaulac would have the edge to be appointed Chief Resident, a position for which both he and Clem Moultrie were in contention. When Roger returned from California, he stormed into the hospital asking for the second time "How did you manage to pull that off, Clem?" Maintaining his composure Dr. Moultrie replied "The hard part was getting you to steal my chance to go to California."


Roger’s determination to make "no more mistakes" in his race for the Chief Residency suffered a setback when he was summed by gambler Nick Szabo and pressured to reveal what he knew about Frank Ryan. Szabo had promised some "friends" he would deliver Frank Ryan and as his overtures to Frank had gained him nothing, he was seeking "leverage." Roger's refusal, because "if Frank goes down, I go down with him," prompted Nick to tell Roger a discomforting story about a certain "Doc Griffin," a drug dealer who double-crossed his cohorts and made a deal with the cops for protection and immunity from prosecution in return for his evidence. After some time had passed, he was in an accident. Says Nick, "his hands got all broken up. I gave him a job in my Funeral Home. He does pretty well."


Roger’s continued silence resulted in a visit from Szabo's henchman "Herbie" which was interrupted by the return of Roger's father, Dr. Ed Coleridge. However a second encounter occured in an alley where no interruptions ensued and before Herbie administered the long threatened beating, he cautioned "Anybody asks you, tell them you got mugged."


Jill’s visit to Frank's hospital room after the election was interrupted by a triumphant Delia who announced to Frank "You're coming home!" With the aid of Frank's father Johnny Ryan, Delia had persuaded Dr. Beaulac that Frank could continue as an out-patient as Ryan's Place, where they would be staying, was across from Riverside Hospital. They had installed a special elevator and Mary, who lived at home would continue as a parttime therapist to augment Frank's scheduled hospital therapy. After Delia left, Jill told Frank this would give him the chance to turn around. If he decided to leave Dee, it would be his last time to spend with her and his son little John. Jill urged him to go home and think over his decision to spend his life with her. She urged him to take this opportunity to face the consequences squarely.


Mary, meanwhile, had spent the night with Jack Fenelli, telling her mother "We loved each other. It was time." Maeve asked "How could you give your love to a man who won't make a committment to you?" Later Johnny told his daughter he was afraid that "Jack Fenelli will feed off your spirit till you're as empty as he is" then ran off to some new conquest. When Jack later came into Ryan's Place, Johnny ordered him out. Bob Reid, Delia's brother, witnessed this and surmised what had happened when Mary then stormed upstairs to pack because she wouldn’t stay in a place where Jack was not welcome. Bob, Delia and Frank tried to persuade Mary to stay but she was adamant. Jack, however, persuaded her to talk to her father and brought her back to Ryan's Place. He asked Johnny "What's more important? Your contempt for me or your love for Mary?" When Johnny said he didn’t approve of the situation but didn't want Mary leaving her home in anger, reminding Jack he did not put her out, Jack replied he was right and Mary was the one who had to choose. Saying I know a good thing when I see one - Mary's relationship with her family - Jack apologized, "For anything I may have done to create a problem in your household." Johnny answered "Lets just say we're glad Mary's home." Turning to his daughter Johnny added that he didn’t want to drive her out again, "so Fenelli is welcome." When Mary went upstairs, Johnny told Jack, "One last thing. If you go on causing my daughter trouble, I'm going to hold you responsible."


A badly beaten Roger Coleridge arrived at his sister Jillian's apartment and as Faith went to get her medical bag Roger told Jill about his gambling debts and Nick's insistence on getting the truth about Frank. Jill lent him the $4,500 but on Thanksgiving day she learned from Roger that it wasn't enough, Roger was forced to tell Nick about Frank as an "interest payment." Jillian realized Frank had to be told as soon as possible.


Nell Beaulac’s sister, Diana - Bucky's mother - had learned from Seneca that Nell had suffered a definite impairment on her right side. Diana was frightened and puzzled when Nell unable to control the movement of her right hand, dropped a glass containing a present of an orchid the "Dancing Lady" which Diana had given her. Diana pretended nothing out of the ordinary had happened, although Nell was aware of her condition, having tried and failed to stand with her weight on her right foot. Seneca speculated to Bucky that Nell couldn’t face the threat of the remaining aneurism and the possible permanent impairment even if she lived.


On Thanksgiving Day, in her room Nell related the story of the death of her well beloved but aged dog "Ollie." She ended the story with a quote from her father about the dog's dying, "I'd be so grateful if he'd just admit what's happening to him." She said she wouldd like to visit the place where "Ollie" was buried come summer and asked “Will I be alive next summer?" When Seneca could only say he hoped so, Nell said, "I don't want to pretend anymore."


Sometime before her operation Nell received a "present" from Seneca, one Kenneth Castle, a lab technician whom Seneca interviewed on Nell's behalf to assist her in her research. This quiet appearing young man had been labeled "strange" by Faith Coleridge and his actions regarding her were strange indeed. Unknown to her, Castle had been observing her with Pat Ryan through binoculars as they picnicked in the park - Faith and Pat were then lovers, and Faith showed obvious signs of being the more committed -. Witnessing the horseplay between Pat and Faith on duty and listening to Faith's revealing banter with Pat, Kenneth took a blossom from the plant Pat had given Faith, and progressed to stealing the key to her room from her purse and having a duplicate made. He entered her room at the hospital and stole a scarf belongong to her escaping after Pat and Faith went to the Nursing Supervisor for a key when they were unable to open the door. Faith found the key on her table inside and was frightened by a feeling that things, were out of place.


Search For Tomorrow


Written by: Peggy O’Shea

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim


Stu Bergman took Jo Vincente to see the old run down Hartford House Inn. Because of its fascinating history to the town of Henderson, Stu wanted Jo to be a partner in renovating this old landmark. Ellie, Stu's secretary, was upset that he was selling Westside Auto so Jo asked her to share their dream.


Steve Kaslo, having found out that he had leukemia, decided that he had to live his own life and chose not to have chemotherapy. He felt that if he was nasty to his wife Liza she would think he was returning to his former self and wouldn't be upset when he left. Liza was depressed, but her brother, resident Gary Walton, told her to remember Steve loves her. Gary told Steve that his father, Dan Walton, died of leukemia, but was in bad physical shape. Time was of the essence. Amy Kaslo, Steve's sister, remembered that Steve had a checkup and looked up his lab report. Finding that he had leukemia she went to Gary who stressed that Steve didn't want Liza told. Amy told Steve she knew and wouldn't leave until he agreed to therapy.


Having been thrown together, Bruce Carson and Jennifer Pace Phillips found that they had deep feelings for each other. They agreed to avoid each other for Amy's sake. Amy was beginning to feel that Bruce wasn't spending as much time with her as he used to, but Jennifer blamed it on Amy's hospital schedule. Bruce finally told Jennifer that they couln't go on pretending and he was going to explain it to Amy, but Jennifer said she was bad news for men and Amy was her best friend.


Amy was having trouble with a queasy stomach. She asked her friend Sandy, a lab technician, to run a pregnancy test "for a friend." Sandy was so busy that it would be several days before she could give Amy the results. Bruce could no longer stand being separated from Jennifer. She tried to send him away, but he insisted that he would always love her. Finally Jennifer could no longer deny herself. Bruce agreed not to mention her when he spoke to Amy. Gary Walton saw Bruce with Jennifer and fell it was his duty to warn Bruce that Jennifer was bad medicine.


After spending Thanksgiving with all their friends, Amy talked about a home and children. Bruce suggested they not see each other because she wanted more than he could give her. She said she still had to finish medical school and could change if she was doing something wrong. Finally she asked if there was someone else. Bruce hesitated and then admitted there was. After Bruce left, Amy sobbed her heart out.


After an argument with Clay Collins, his employer, over his invention, Dave Wilkins was fired. Steve said the workers were willing to strike so he can get his job back, but Dave felt it was a matter of principle. They stole his invention and he wanted compensation. Wendy Dave's daughter told him that Clay, her new step-father, made her mother cry. Dave felt that Clay stole Stephanie from him as well as his invention. Stephanie had decided that the biggest mistake she made was to fall in love with Clay because he could hurt her. When Dr. Newman saw that Karen got agitated after Clay's visits she forbade him to see her. Clay saw Karen anyway and told her that Wade loved her and she could have him because Janet, Wade's wife, was only a substitute.


Stephane told Wade Collins that Clay was more determined than ever. He was not only angry but also in love with Janet. Wade offered Clay his fifty-one percent of the Collins Corporation if he would move the headquarters from Henderson. Wade told Clay to stay away from Janet or he would kill him. Clay visited Janet saying she knew there was more to their relationship and that he only told Wade the truth. She ordered him from the house, asking him to never come back. Janet agreed with Wade that Clay was unstable.


John Wyatt, Wade’s lawyer, presented the contract to Clay who refused to sign it saying he would take what he wanted anyway. Clay blamed this turn of events on Stephanie and asked her for a divorce. Stephanie followed him to the bar wanting to talk things out, but was rewarded with a mild beating. Dave was there to comfort her after receiving a call from Wendy.


Finding out that Clay had rejected his offer, Wade went looking for him. After drinking too much Clay visited Janet, trying to convince her that she was all he wanted. In the struggle Janet fell, hitting her head. Clay was lifting her to the couch when the door opened and Clay protested that this was an accident. Clay picked up the phone, but moaned and fell to the floor.


Janet awoke and picked up the blood covered shears from the floor. Dazed, she rose to hang up the phone and saw Clay lying on the floor. Stu came to find Janet kneeling beside Clay with the shears in her hand screaming. She couldn’t remember what happened. Wade arrived as Lt. Frankovitch was ready to take Stu and Janet downtown to make a statement. John met them there and after everyone was questioned they went home. JANET couldn’t sleep because she kept remembering Clay and she had a terrible headache. She still couldn’t remember, but decided she probably had stabbed Clay with the shears. She insisted Wade go to the hospital to his patients.


Dave was ready to leave town, but Steve insisted that he had to stay after making so many threats on Clay's life or they would think he was running from guilt. District Attorney Zolar told Lt. Frankovitch that the pressure from all sides was terrible. The opposition claimed he was shoving this under the rug so his own political party wanted a conviction or he would loose his job. Lt. Frankovitch had to supply him with enough evidence to convinct Janet Collins. Stephanie made a legal statement saying Clay and Janet were having an affair. Two detectives arrived with a warrant for Janet's arrest. She was taken away in handcuffs.


Stephanie and Wendy were the only family who attended Clay's funeral. Stephanie sent Wendy home with Dave, going to the cemetary by herself. Dave said he was honest enough to admit he felt guilty for the way he felt the night Clay was killed, but she hadn't admitted that yet. Stephanie was pleased to hear that Janet had been arrested for Clay's murder. Janet was booked and although Liza, Jo, Eunice and Stu were at the police station, she was permitted no visitors. Janet felt tremendous humiliation at having to go through the ritual of being searched and finger printed. When Wade and John arrived, she found that the District Attorney was having her booked on a charge of murder. District Attorney Zolar refused to set bail so Janet had to remain in jail. When John asked him why, he replied that Janet's unstable mental condition made it impossible to let her out. Zolar would have her tested by a psychiatrist, but he couldn't do it for several days. John accused Paul Zolar of being another Sam Hunter, but Zolar denied any political finagling - the last acting District Attorney, Sam Hunter, was appointed through the syndicate in exchange for political favors. Sam was killed in an explosion meant to hush him up. –


Janet tried forcing her memory but could only remember Clay coming to the house drunk, trying to force himself on her, and her struggling to get away. She was sure that she had killed Clay. Wade thought that she did too, but he was sure it was self defense. John had seen Zolar who refused to reduce the charge. Arraignment was in the morning and if she got bail her case would come to court in about a month, but if she was held in custody it would be two weeks. When John said Zolar could still refuse bail, Janet pleaded with John to do something because she couldn’t stand being in jail. John suggested he question her at the arrignment explaining that Zolar could question her also.


When Dr. Newman noticed how moody Karen was she asked her if she had anything she would like to talk about, but when Karen remained cool Dr. Newman let her go to the day room. Noticing Clay's death in the paper, Dr. Newman requested that all newspapers be removed from the sanitarium.




Written by: Don Appell

Produced by: Lyle B. Hill


Heather Lawrence Kane did not find her job as assistant patient relations counselor at the hospital fulfilling. The last straw was a recalcitrant youngster who refused to be entertained by Heather. Jerry, Heather's surgeon husband, observed the incident, then took over, humiliating Heather who quit her job. Heather would like to be a singer. Jerry was horrified at the prospect, telling Heather such a career was unbefitting a doctor's wife. Over his objections and with the encouragement of her mother, Eve Paisley, and Ellen Grant, Heather took a job at the coffeehouse near the cabin. Jerry was furious that she'd go against his wishes. Friend Vic Kirby urged Jerry to let Heather try. Jerry attended the opening, but didn’t stay. Heather returned home at 2 a.m. to find Jerry asleep on the couch. She woke him and he told her, "No more singing." He didn’t want her in "that place with those people." Confused, Heather reminded him he encouraged her to find something to make her happy, and then he objected. Jerry asked when they would see each other, since he worked days and she would work nights. He wanted things the way they were, telling Heather the situation was unacceptable to him and it was the last time he would wait up for her.


To bring Heather to her "senses," Jerry did grocery shopping when unnecessary. He told Heather he might as well move to a hotel, where he would "at least have room service to come home to." Heather replied she didn't realize she would have to join the cook's and waiter's union when she married Jerry. Jerry ordered her not to go to work but she did. Later her employer Mac told her he had located an apartment for her. She said she would let him know. Another night, when she found she would get off early, she called Jerry, but he was uncooperative.


Unable to tell Julian she had an abortion, Kate Cannell had gone away to think things out. Knowing Kate was away, Vicky Paisley arranged a dinner alone with Julian, who was aware Vicky was stalking him. Julian told Vicky there was no chance for her because he was in love with Kate, and besides, he didn’t like things that came too easily. Hurt, Vicky wondered aloud if Kate shared his feelings, and if she was really alone, where she was. Julian demanded an explanation and she told him about seeing Tom Conway with Kate the last time Kate went away - Kate, never very secure in their marriage because of Eve, found Julian's counseling of Eve during her drinking intolerable, especially since she, Kate, was pregnant. She pictured herself getting fat and ugly while Eve remained her stunning self. Unable to handle it, Kate, with lawyer Tom Conway's accompaniment, went to New York for an abortion. Subsequently, Kate has tried to convince Julian she miscarried and it was his fault because he made her so upset over Eve. - Julian asked Terri Kurtz if Kate was alone, and was reassured, but he went to Tom Conway to find out if Vicky's charges were true.


Tom admitted he was on the same plane to New York by accident and only had lunch together. Julian asked Tom if he was with Kate when she "miscarried," and Tom said yes. Julian asked what happened, and Tom told him Kate fell while ice skating. Julian demanded the truth, saying Kate never learned to skate. Reluctantly, Tom told Julian Kate had an abortion, reminding Julian of the emotional state Kate was in regarding Eve. Julian was devastated, telling Tom he had no feeling for Kate, that she had no right to destroy their baby, something that was part of both of them. Kate panicked when she learns from Terri that Julian was seeing Vicky and Tom. Kate intended her next call to Ted to be her last, but Ted, sensing Kate was on the brink of suicide, talked her out of it, saying she and Julian still had a chance, if Kate would just return and tell Julian the truth. Julian was not ecstatic at the news of Kate's imminent return, worrying Ted.


Eve Lawrence Paisley, dropping ad copy off for Kate, saw Julian instead, and sensed he was deeply troubled. She asked him to let her help him as he did her. He mused that he might have been happier with things that might have been, referring to the love he and Eve once shared. Eve told him they had to deal with today as it was. She told him she was in love with Ned. When Eve told Ned she feared for Julian and Kate's marriage, Ned asked how Eve would feel if Julian were free. Eve told Ned she loved him, Ned, and it would have no effect on her at all.


Terri’s husband, Stan, visited Julian, and Julian told Stan he would take Kate back, if she told him she had an abortion, but Julian didn’t think she would. Kate returned and Julian begged her for the truth. Kate told him she had an — accident. All hope gone, Julian told her she had an abortion and stormed out of the house. Julian agreed to one more meeting. Kate gave him the publisher's job so she could go into analysis, but no other progress was made.


Needing to talk with someone, Julian called Eve, who volunteered to visit him in his new apartment. Ned was at a meeing, so Eve left a note carefully explaining where she was and asking Ned to call. Eve caught herself feeling excited at going to see Julian. Kate, meanwhile, invited Tom to dinner and tried to seduce him. He refused, saying the time was not right. Eve was shocked to learn of Kate's abortion. Julian explained Kate thought pregnancy would drive him away. Eve felt some guilt about all this, but Julian reassured her. Julian then remarked that he and Eve had something very special. Eve said they never hurt anyone but themselves. Moving closer, Julian told her he wouldn't have missed it for anything. Eve moved away.


Jill Grant Farmer, depressed and confused since her lover Jon Wheeler was murdered by a burglar, asked her mother Ellen why she couldn’t hold on to love. Ellen had no answer. Jill left Somerset to join her brother David, a lawyer in Hong Kong. Ellen found herself alone. Ellen shortly received a letter from Jill with news that shocked Ellen at first. David, her son, was living with a Chinese girl, Li Ling, and they had a three month old baby son. Ellen blurted out her confusion to old neighbour Sarah Briskin, who helped Ellen put it into perspective by saying different countries had different customs and the children would work it out in time.


After son-in-law, Jon Wheeler's funeral, Lena Andrews began to lock up her house, when she heard someone creeping along the gravel outside. Lena peeked out a window and saw a shadow. The intruder used a switchblade knife to unlock the door, but the chain lock prevented entry. He tool a bolt cutter from his pocket and started on the chain, but was frightened off by the sound of a dog barking. Lena called the police in the morning, infuriating Lt. Price. He and Sgt. Evans elicited a description from Lena. As it turned out, the dog who frightened off the intruder was a recording Lena turned on. The police got a boot print with a star outside Lena's.


Robberies and muggins continued. Sarah Brisken, another elderly lady was robbed, beaten, and almost assaulted by a man with a switchblade, who had kindly helped her home with her groceries. The security guard at Paisley's captured a purse snatcher, who was strung out on drugs. Fred Collins was the police's prime suspect, until Lena and Sarah said he was not the man. Lena was setting herself up as bait by saying, in the newspaper, that she could identify the man. He studied the article, running his knife around the edges. Somerset residents were beginning to panic. Ellen ran into a very nice young man at the grocery. She dropped her groceries and he helped her. Uneasily, Ellen refused his offer to help her home.


The young man, Dale Robinson, seemed to appear wherever Ellen was. He asked if she had a room to rent. She said not, then apologized, saying she was not ready to become a landlady. Dale found out where she lived and went by late one night. Greg Mercer, under guise of doing an article on young people's hangouts, against Carrie's wishes, Was searching for Carrie's father's murderer. According to Heather, the police composite he had resembled Dale.


Ned Paisley, exasperated by his sister Vicky's flightiness and disregard for the business, of which she owned half, suggested she take an interest, offering her the job of fashion coordinator. To conciliate Ned, Vicky agreed to think about it. Rejected by Julian, and finding Tony Cooper attractive, Vicky took the job, provided Tony showed her the ropes. Ned agreed. Over drinks, Vicky impressed Tony by recounting European adventures and flattered him by offering to show him a boutique that selled European men's wear that she assured him would look smashing on him. Ginger was jealous, and Tony tried to assuage her by saying he could go to the top by helping Vicky. Ginger bought it.


The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: William J. Bell & John Conboy


When Brock Reynolds took Bill Foster to the senior citizens home Bill agreed to do small accounting for them which seemed to give him a purpose. Then Brock took his mother, Kay Chancellor, there to see how pitiful their surroundings were. She was having the day room painted and equipped with color TV, new furniture and games. Brock hoped that this would make her realize that she would someday be old too. Kay saw Bill on a regular basis, taking him books and trying to make his last days more pleasant.


When Jill, Bill’s daughter, found Kay fixing his lunch she ordered Kay from the house. Kay heard Jill exclaim "My baby" as she bumped into a chair and Kay then realized that Jill was probably pregnant. Kay confronted Brock but he claimed the child was not his and she realized that it was Phillip's. Kay told Brock that the reason she wouldn't give Phillip a child was because her son told her he had wished that she had died instead of his father and then left for nine years and she couldn't bear that again. When Kay could find no one to confirm her doubts that Phillip was the father of Jill's baby she told Jill that she assumed the baby would be born in the spring. Since this was the first time Mrs. Chancellor had seen her since her pregnancy had begun to show, Jill told her to assume what she would.


Greg Foster, lawyer / brother of Jill, told Jill that she would have to prove the baby was Phillip's, not Brock's, since she lived with Brock if she was to try for an inheritance for her child. Jill was adamant that she never slept with Brock and although Greg believed her she had to find a way to prove this. Kay never would believe that this was Phillip's baby, and she couldn’t understand the inscription Jill had put on Phillip's gravestone — "always remember how much we love you."


Liz Foster was having a hard time accepting Jill's pregnancy because she realized how hard it would be to raise a child without a father. Liz finally told Jill that she was concerned for Jill and her grandchild. Jill asked Bill to call Mrs. Chancellor when she couldn't stop thinking of Phillip to ask if she could visit his grave. Not being able to refuse Bill, Kay consented. Kay went to the grave to tell Jill to stop spreading the rumor that this was Phillip's child because she wouldn’t have his reputation ruined. Jill said that it was Phillip's and she was sure that it would be a boy which she would name Phillip Chancellor Foster. Kay vowed that she would stop her. Jill was upset that her baby wouldn't know the love of a close family. Brock had told her that a child knew love when he saw it between his mother and father. Brock asked Jill to think about his being closer to her and her baby as she really needed him.


Kay was berating Jill; telling Liz that she felt sorry for her because being a good decent woman she had to find it hard being the mother of a girl who was having an illegitimate child. Liz finally could take no more and told Kay how hard Jill's life had been. Although she was the youngest Jill helped Liz put the boys through college by being a hairdresser. When she took the job as Mrs. Chancellor's companion she was well paid, but she earned her money by working long hours trying to help her with her drinking problem and then she never spent the money on herself. Liz said she was fearful of a young impressionable girl being thrown together with a good looking man who had no real marriage or wife. Liz accused Kay of putting temptation in front of them and not accepting the fact that Jill's baby was Phillip's child. Kay had helped Liz make up her mind to stand behind Jill.


Brad Elliot realized that his staying behind had hurt his wife, Leslie, because her concert tour in Puerto Rico was to be their second honeymoon, but after his vision problems became very intense he checked into the hospital where Dr. Mark Henderson could find no evidence of the brain tumor they suspected. Knowing that Les could only get a plane home in the morning, Brad intended to be there when she arrived, but Les was offered a ride on a private plane after her concert ended. Not having been able to reach Brad at home or the office from Puerto Rico, Les hoped to find Brad there but the apartment was empty. Brad arrived telling her he loved her and asking her to trust him.


When Jennifer, Leslie's mother, mentioned that she hadn't seen much of Lorie - she was in New York finishing up with a publisher, the details of her new book "In my Sister’s Shadow" that paralleled her life with Leslie -, Les jumped to the conclusion that Brad was with Lorie, but a talk with her straightened things out. Then Les hit upon a new explanation. She asked Brad if he decided to see if he could make it as a doctor again. - Brad was once a neurosurgeon who gave up his former life when his illegitimate son died on his operating table and even though he did his best, he blamed himself. - Brad assured her that he loved her and needed her trust. The cortisone Mark gave him was working so far.


Leslie was thinking about Lance Prentiss flying her home from Puerto Rico in his private jet and admitted this to Brad, but refused to give him any details since he wouldn’t tell her why he stayed in Genoa City instead of spending a second honeymoon in San Juan. Unbeknownst to Leslie, Lance Prentiss was arranging his business schedule so he could be in Dallas for her next concert series.


Jennifer Brooks had recovered after her mastectomy, but had made no move toward Stuart, her husband, or her lover, Dr. Bruce Henderson, although each had offered to make her a home. Chris rented her an apartment and her daughters Chris, Laurie and Peggy took her home from the hospital.


When Lorie got back from New York she told Mark that she missed him and hadn't thought of Brad at all - she had been in love with Brad and never been able to get him out of her mind. - Mark suggested living together, but Lorie said everyone was and to be different they should get married. Mark asked Stuart's permission and Lorie ran to tell Jen who immediately called Mark, asking to see him. She told him that he and Laurie couldn’t get married and that he had to trust her without questioning. When Mark said they would get married with or without her consent Jen was forced to tell them her reason. She left Stuart one year after Les was born and went to a friend who gave her all of the things she thought Stuart didn't. When she went home she found that she was pregnant. That man was Bruce Henderson, Mark's father. Neither Bruce or Stuart knew and she didn't want to hurt Stuart or Lorie.


Stuart told Lorie he was happy for her and would finance the large wedding Lorie decided she wanted. Chris, Les and Peg went to Lorie's to surprise her with a party. Lorie asks Leslie to be her matron of honour. Mark wondered if any woman who had slept with two men could possibly know who fathered her child. Mark was surprised by the party at Lorie's. Chris made a toast, wishing them many children. Lorie took Mark aside to tell him that she was not ready for children and wasn't sure she ever would be. The wedding date was set: New Year's Eve. Lorie asked if he was upset by her revelation about children, but Mark proved he was not by asking her to elope. Lorie held out for a big wedding.


Leslie told her mother that Lorie had paid her a compliment by asking her to be her matron of honor and that the wedding was set for New Year's eve. Lorie was disappointed that she didn't get to tell Jennifer first, but she asked her help in the selection of a bridal gown. Jennifer finally was able to reach Mark. She asked him how he could possibly consider marriage after what she had told him. Mark said she couldn't be certain that Bruce was Laurie's father, but Jennifer insisted she was as certain as any woman could be. Mark said that a blood test might prove that Bruce wasn't her father. He knew his father's blood type, Stuart's was on file at the hospital since his coronary and when he and Lorie had their blood tests to get their marriage license he could compare them, but Jennifer insisted that it would be too late.


Mark went to Lorie's where he asked her to do him a favor. The blood bank was very low and he would like her to come down to the hospital so they could both give blood. Lorie tells him how squeamish she was about such things and then decided that the new Lorie would think of others, not herself. Lorie told Leslie that she was so lucky to finally have found Mark: that she had never felt like this about anyone before. Les told her to put her past behind her because there was no reason why they couldn’t be close. Lorie called Greg Foster, telling him that she had committed her book and wanted him to get her out of the contract with the publisher any way that he could. She gave him the book to read and told him that he would understand why it could ruin Leslie if it were published.


Brad knew that something was bothering his mother-in-law, Jennifer Brooks, and assumed it was her mastectomy. He insisted she have lunch with him since she hadn't been out of her new apartment. He told her that she was letting this ruin the happiest time of Lorie's life. At lunch, an old friend of Jennifer's, Sylvia, came to the table to tell her how marvelous she looked and that no one could ever tell which breast had been removed, but that she was probably out buying all new clothes since her old ones wouldn't fit right. Jennifer stated that Sylvia was misinformed and that she felt perfectly fine until Sylvia joined them. Jennifer and Brad were both amazed that she could handle a tactless inquirer so well.

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Finally, last month of the year ! Hope some of you will have enjoyed the ride back to 1975

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New schedule beginning on Monday, December 1st.





11 :30 – 12 :00 am



Love Of Life


12 :00 – 12 :30 pm



The Young And The Restless


12 :30 – 1 :00 pm


All My Children

Search For Tomorrow


1 :00 – 1 :30 pm


Ryan’s Hope



1 :30 – 2 :00 pm



As The World Turns

Days Of Our Lives

2 :00 – 2 :30 pm



2 :30 – 3 :00 pm



The Guiding Light

The Doctors

3 :00 – 3 :30 pm


General Hospital


Another World

3 :30 – 4 :00 pm


One Life To Live


4 :00 – 4 :30 pm


The Edge of Night




All My Children


Written by : Agnes Nixon

Produced by : Bud Kloss


Tara Martin Tyler went to Chuck who had been staying at the Tyler family residence since he walked out of the hospital and refused further dialysis treatment upon learning that his wife Tara and best friend Philip Brent were lovers continuing a relationship which began for them in high school - on the eve of Philip's leaving for Vietnam, he and Tara, unable to find a minister or a Justice of the Peace to marry them, exchanged vows in a small chapel. Philip was mistakenly reported killed and Tara, pregnant with Philip's son, accepted Chuck Tyler's offer to marry her and raise her son as his own.- Saying that she did Chuck a terrible injustice, and would regret it the rest of her life, Tara reminded Chuck that there was someone who needed him very much. She read and then gave him to read a letter from little Philip his five year old son - Chuck was the boy's legal father and the only one little Philip had ever known as his parent -, which he had asked the nursery school teacher to help him write. Little Philip had sent a drawing of his birthday cake and said "get well so you can come to my party." He wrote about Santa Claus and asked Chuck to help him learn to ride his two wheeler. Touched, Chuck agreed to go back to dialysis.


Told by Tara of the reason for Chuck's decision to live, Philip speculated that Chuck might change his mind about giving the boy up. When Tara said it was not likely that Chuck would change his mind about either little Philip or her offer to stay with him, Philip exploded, "I sure as hell don't like the way its being presented. If Chuck decided he didn't want a divorce from you, you stay with him — if not, I get you." He told her he was going to a restaurant convention in New York for his father, Nick Davis, and that she had to make a decision while he was away and stick to it.


Joe Martin, Ruth’s husband accused Philip of walking out on his wife, Erica Kane Brent, as one more way of pressuring Tara to walk out on Chuck. However, after Philip left for New York, Joe told Tara his daughter, that whatever the outcome she had to be sure she had opened every door possible so that she could someday tell her son that.


Ruth Martin told hospital aide David Thornton about Philip and Tara. Thornton told her he had been married himself once and that when he was in Vietnam - only Ruth knew David had been a surgeon in the war and gave up practicing as a doctor when he couldn't save his brother's life under combat operating conditions - he got a "Dear John" letter the week before he was due to come home and tried to get himself killed. Ruth said she felt guilty about her overprotective attitude toward her son and the dissention it had been causing between Joe and her. David assured her that she seemed to have the kind of marriage that could withstand anything. However Joe, upon learning that Philip received confirmation of the fact that little Philip was his natural son from Ruth, accused her of meddling and lying to him by omission. He spent the night at the hospital instead of coming home to talk things out with her as she asked.


Kate Martin was angry with Ruth when she learned from Phoebe Tyler of the separation and Chuck's attempted suicide. She was sympathetic, however, when she learned all the circumstances and told Ruth and then Tara that she felt sorry for all concerned.


Kate’s son, Paul, Martin, had pleaded with his ex-wife Anne Tyler not to go to London but she was adamant. - Anne was pregnant with Paul's child though Paul was unaware of this and she planned to live in England permanently and raise the baby on her own. - Ruth, remembering Anne’s symptoms, visited Anne to wish her ban voyage, and left convinced that Anne was pregnant. She mistakenly assumed that Nick Davis was the father as Nick and Anne, once married, were seeing a lot of one another after Margo Martin announced that she was pregnant. - Margo, Paul's present wife was in fact planning to secure a baby on the Florida "Gray Market" with funds she had embezzled from her job as manager of the "Boutique." –


Ruth told Nick that Anne had evidenced an air of finality when she said goodbye. Nick hurried to the airport to try to stop Anne and told her when he found her there, "I came to cancel your flight." Nick offered to marry her and raise the child as his own, Paul didn’t need to know. Anne refused his offer but Nick got her to go to the coffee shop at the airport and pressed his case. He asked her to trust him and promised that everything would work out. He urged her to stay in Pine Valley and raise her child surrounded by people who loved her, not among strangers, "One parent in a foreign country," but with family roots and a sense of belonging. Anne gave him her baggage check and they left the airport together.


Kitty Shea Tyler, Anne's sister-in-law, who worked at the Boutique which Anne Tyler owned and Margo Martin managed, confronted Hal Short about the "special" soap he had been buying through the Boutique. She was horrified to learn that the syndicate has been smuggling cocaine, making her appear to be Hal's contact. When Hal pleaded with her to give him time to stop the chain, she warned him that she would retain the bar and go to the police if the operation continued. He said the syndicate had threatened his life and her marriage - Kitty had not told her husband, lawyer Lincoln Tyler, that she was formerly married to Al Shea - Hal Short - who was sent to prison in California for his involvement in the drug scene. - She repeated, "I won't be a pusher," and Hal warned her, "Kitty, those men are killers." Kitty retorted "So is the product they deal in."


Lincold had asked Kitty to try to get some time off work to accompany him on a business trip to New Orleans but Margo said she couldn’t manage without Kitty as this was their busiest time of the year. Kitty attempted to refer to her past life at dinner with her husband, but Linc again refused to listen to anything she had to say about her life before he met her.


Hal warned the syndicate middleman that if he put any more pressure on Kitty, he, Hal, would "go to the 'Feds' himself." The syndicate agent replied that Linc was not going to like hearing that Hal's marriage to Kitty was still legally binding. Hal obtained an interlocutory decree but the lawyer he retained, Howard Stone, was notorious in circles-in-the-know for not following through on obtaining final papers once he had his hands on the client's money. Hal  - Al Shea - was in prison at the time the divorce would have become final. -


Paul Martin, visiting Linc at his apartment learned that Anne had cancelled her trip to England. After speaking to Ruth who had told him of her belief that Anne was pregnant with Nick's child, he confronted Anne and learned that she was indeed pregnant.


When she told him that she was planning to marry Nick he said that all the time he thought she was running away from him it was Nick she was running from. He insisted that if he – Paul - hadn't hurt her she wouldn't have turned to Nick and begged her not to marry but to wait. When Anne refused, Paul urged Ruth to speak to Anne. When Ruth told Anne that she trusted her judgement, Anne broke down and told Ruth the truth making it obvious that although she had accepted Nick's proposal she had not reconciled herself to a life without Paul but only believed it was the right and sensible thing to do. Paul, she said, could grow to love Margo's baby and later grow to love the mother. Ruth told her, "My heart goes out to you but only you can decide."


Erica had consulted Linc at his office about having him represent her when Philip sought a divorce. She made it clear that she would fight the action and Lincoln, unable to decline the case gracefully, agreed to talk to Erica further after his return from his trip. When Erica overheard Hal Short telling his syndicate contact that Kitty was the best thing that ever happened to him, she was puzzled that Kitty had kept what was to Hal at least a very close relation ship secret.


On his return from New York, Philip asked Tara to dinner at the Chateau and gave her a present of a small diamond pendant which she agreed to wear. Earlier that day Philip gave little Philip a Christmas present of pup tent which he helped the boy to erect in his back yard. Chuck, meanwhile had asked Claudette to shop for a pup tent as a present from him - Chuck was planning on taking little Philip camping when he was well enough. –


Hal Short called Kitty and despite her anger at any contact from him, insisted that he had to see her. When she agreed to let him come to her apartment he told her that they were still legally married.


Another World


Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch


Marianne Randolph, pregnant by Chris Pierson, continued to have morning sickness. Chris had promised to stand by her. He brought her a list of doctors who did abortions. Marianne said she would rather get married. Chris pointed out the difficulties: he was working full time and taking courses at night, so he would never be around; his salary was inadequate. Marianne said Willis would give him a raise and her parents would help them. He gave her the list anyway. Finally, to mollify Marianne, Chris agreed to marry her, but made her promise not to tell anyone just yet. Meanwhile, Chris had cleared his things out of the Frame offices and packed his things at Marianne's. He told her he had to go back to work, which he did, to get the rest of his things. He then waited till Marianne left the apartment and cleared out those things.


Pat Randolph, Marianne’s mother, was finally convinced by Dave Gilchrist and her brother Russ that Marianne needed her. Pat took her father Jim with her to see Marianne. Asking if they could help, they were surprised by Marianne's gay mood. Marianne blurted out that she and Chris were going to be married. Pat burst into tears. She said they were too young and asked how they would live. Marianne said she should have known Pat wouldn't want her to be happy.


A few days later, it became clear to all who had contact with Chris that he had run out. Marianne refused to believe it and went to the Frame offices. Willis, to gain time, told her he sent Chris on a confidential assignment to Ogden. Contacted by Willis, Mike took on the responsibility of telling Marianne. She was devastated. Mike said Marianne had to tell Pat she was pregnant. Marianne was ashamed to let Pat know she broke her promise.


Finally, Marianne went to see Pat, asking to spend the night. Pat, who had found out about Chris's leaving says Marianne would get over it, and it was high time she started dating other boys. Marianne said she couldn't — for the time being. Gradually it dawned on Pat that Marianne was pregnant. Pat promised to stand beside her, but insisted they tell John. Marianne threatened to run away if Pat did. John, finding out from Willis that Chris had left, found out Marianne was with Pat and went home. He offered the same sympathy — she would get over it — which was too much for Marianne to bear. She left the room, puzzling John. He was angry nobody confided in him. Pat and Marianne discussed solutions: Pat was totally against abortion because of her experience at Marianne's age – she aborted as a teen and the abortion left her sterile before it was cured -; Pat favored having the baby at home or away, then dealing with the other problems. Marianne couldn't deal with it.


Glenda Toland visited Marianne. Glenda told Marianne that Chris did the same thing to her the year before. Her solution was an abortion, but any decision had to be Marianne's. Glenda promised any help Marianne might need. To try to salve John's feelings, Marianne agreed to have lunch. John told her she would get over it. Marianne hinted she might hurt John. He said he was proud of his kids, always had been. Marianne left, saying someday she would be able to explain what she couldn’t tell him at the moment..


Mike told Marianne that forcing Pat to keep her secret was wrecking their parents' marriage. Marianne went to John's office to tell him, but he was too busy to listen. Barbara Weaver told him he should have taken the time. Barbara went to see Marianne and found out Marianne was pregnant. Barbara asked why John hadn't been told. Marianne said she couldn't hurt her father. Barbara pointed out that Marianne was erecting an artificial barrier by not giving John enough credit for his love for her. Barbara warned she might lose her father forever.


Marianne decided to go to New York for an abortion. Mike insisted on driving her, and Glenda accompanied them. Marianne hoped this way John would never have to know. Barbara asked John if he might not expect too much from his children. He said no, that he and Pat had always trusted Mike and Marianne and the kids had never let him down. Marianne called Pat to tell her they were spending Christmas with Glenda's family in New York. Pat got a phone number from Mel, Mike’s friend. She was distressed to find it was a hotel number. Pat finally reached Marianne, begging her to come home for Christmas. Marianne didn't tell Pat about the abortion, but when Pat got conflicting stories, she guessed. Pat told her suspicions to Dave Gilchrist, who accompanied her to New York the day after Christmas. Marianne was in the hospital, expecting the operation the following day.


Raymond Gordon, Beatrice’s son, was filing suit to gain custody of his niece, Sally Frame, adopted daughter of Alice Frame. Ada and Gil McGowan persuaded Ray to slow down. Beatrice vowed she wouldl never let Ray have Sally because Sally belonged with people who loved her, ignoring the fact that Alice loved her. Beatrice said she was not going to lose Sally as she did her daughter Jenny. Raymond went to Alice to explain his position. He felt that Sally belonged in a home with a mother and a father, not with a widow. Alice, upset, went to John to find out Ray's legal standing, and while there learned of Beatrice's intention to file suit. Seeing Alice was very upset, John encouraged her to take Sally to St. Croix until proceedings began. Judge Hallinan gave permission, so Alice and Sally left immediately.


Iris Carrington, realizing she needed a pipeline into the Cory house, convinced Liz Matthews to make peace with Rachel, who accepted her apology, but not her friendship. Liz found out Beatrice had Scott Bradley as her lawyer and reported it to Iris, who had Scott over for dinner. Iris told Scott she knew everything, hoping to get more information from him. Iris said she "hoped" Rachel didn't push Beatrice into this because she was so fond of Alice and felt they had to protect Alice. Scott told Iris that Ray forced Beatrice's hand. Sensing he was being pumped, Scott refused further discussion.


At Rachel’s urging, Beatrice talked with Ray, and when he realized how much Sally really meant to his mother, he agreed to drop his suit. Ada reminded them that a court suit could be very traumatic for Sally, especially since she didn’t know Beatrice was her grandmother. Beatrice decided the time was right to tell Sally and went to see her. Beatrice was outraged to find Alice and Sally were in St. Croix. Willis, not agreeable to even letting Sally and Beatrice see each other, conveniently forgot to tell Beatrice. Beatrice was afraid Alice wouldn't bring Sally back. To help Beatrice see all the facts, she and Scott met with John and Barbara. The meeting was a disaster because John maintained Alice, as Sally's legal mother, had the right to take her anywhere she wanted. Beatrice, angry, renewed her intention to file suit, despite Scott's urging some kind of out-of-court agreement.


Jim Matthews assured Beatrice Alice wasn't being malicious, that Alice only wanted some time alone with Sally. To reassure Beatrice, he called Alice. When Alice learned how Beatrice was told of the trip, she was upset, assuring Beatrice she would return with Sally before the holidays.

Rocky Olsen, the Cory stableman, had located a pony for Sally. The boys inadvertently showed Iris the photos of the pony. Iris called Liz saying the pony was proof Rachel was determined to take Sally away from Iris. Beatrice tried to stop the purchase, saying people would misunderstand. Dave Gilchrist arrived for lunch, and he told Rachel he thought the pony was a great gift. Beatrice repeated that Liz and others might misunderstand. Rachel declared that she was not going to let Liz Matthews dictate her gift giving. They asked Beatrice about the "others," and Bea reluctantly explained how Iris drove her away by threatening to tell Sally she was her grandmother in a hurtful way. Rachel asked Beatrice not to tell Mac. They decided someone had to speak to Iris. Since Beatrice and Rachel couldn't, Dave volunteered. Iris, when she learned he knew what she did from Beatrice, asked who Dave believed. He replied, "Beatrice." Iris, trying another ploy, asked if they couldn't resume their friendship. He said he would be willing, if she would stop interfering in people's lives. Iris said somebody had to protect Mac. Dave left; Iris threw a drink at her portrait.


Carol Lamont, finding herself increasingly fond of Willis, tried to find out what was wrong with Alice because Willis wouln't tell her, but it seemed to take so much of his attention. Nobody would tell her, so finding Sharlene Watts, Willis' sister would like a part-time job, Carol gave Sharlene a job. Sharlene, however, suspected the reason behind the job.


Iris and Liz planned a fund-raising party for the Steven Frame Memorial Library. The real motivation was to get Alice and Rachel together so Mac could see Rachel's true feelings for Alice. Robert Delaney, library architect, was to be guest of honor, a device to flatter him because Iris was interested in him. Clarice Hobson, Robert's mistress, tried to warn him about Iris, but Robert accepted Iris' flattery. He constantly broke dates with Clarice to have last-minute dinners with Iris. Neil Johnson, Robert's associate and a good friend of Clarice, warned Robert he could lose Clarice if he kept it up. Robert turned the party arrangments from their end — slide shows of the library sketches —over to Neil. Iris was furious! "People don't appreciate what I do for them." News that Alice was out of town was all Iris needed to cancel the party.


Vic Hastings, Alice’s choice to head Frame Enterprises after Steve's death, and Robert took the final sketches of the library for Alice to approve. They were stunned to learn from Sharlene that Alice was gone. They went to Willis's office, where Vic demanded to know why Willis didn't tell him. Haughtily, Willis replied he didn't discuss Alice's personal business. Vic asked how he was to run the company well when such fundamental things were kept from him. As they argued, Carol arrived for an appointment with Willis : the new project she was to design. Vic demanded to know about the new project and why Carol was to be the architect and not Robert. Willis started his "Robert is unreliable" speech, and Robert walked out, Vic following. Carol upbraided Willis for criticizing Robert in front of her because he thought she instigated it. Carol told Willis to give Robert the new project. She told him he was more important than her work. They went to bed. Later, Willis admitted self-doubts, saying he wished he could trust people, but that when he has, he was gotten trounced. Tenderly, Carol offered to help him.


While in St. Croix, Alice Found out from Sally that she was born in Sarasota, Florida. When they returned, above Willis' vehement objections, Alice gave the information to Gil. Rachel, finding out what Alice did, admitted she would never have done it. Beatrice arranged to meet with Scott to do the paperwork for her suit. He and Gil urged her to wait in lieu of any birth certificate. Beatrice, upset, again went to Jim, who encouraged her to tell Sally she was her grandmother. On the verge of telling Sally, Beatrice backed off because she was not sure without the birth certificate. Gil later reported they had located it, and Jennifer Gordon was Sally's mother. Beatrice immediately called Scott, who urged her to hold everything until he and Alice and she met. Alice brought Sally back for pre-trial hearings.


In the meeting, Scott pointed out the awful trauma to Sally if she was asked to choose between Beatrice and Alice. Scott asked why Sally couldn't have both a mother and a grandmother. Beatrice agreed to letting Sally live with Alice. Beatrice would be allowed all the rights and privileges of a grandmother. On Christmas Day, Beatrice told Sally how they were related. Sally had suspected and was delighted to have a grandmother.


Iris, learning of Alice's return, put her party in the works again. She went to personally invite Alice, but Alice didn’t want to go. Iris said it was a chance to show everyone Rachel's true colors. Jim and Russ defended Rachel. Iris said to Alice that only they two knew the real Rachel. Willis, meanwhile, went to Mac demanding Mac keep Rachel out of Alice's affairs. Mac said Willis should take his own advice.


Lenore and Wally visited Helen. Lenore asked that nobody be told of her presence because she didn't want to run into Robert. Lenore, finding out about Marianne from Pat, offered to take Marianne in until the baby was born. Lenore urged Pat to tell John, because she lost her beloved Robert by keeping a secret from him.


Russ took a gift to Helen's and found Lenore alone. He took her to dinner at an Inn none of their friends frequented. Lenore was devastated to see Robert there. Robert, stunned, wished inwardly Lenore would go away. She ran out.


Robert had stood Clarice up again to go to the Inn with Iris. When Clarice found out, she left him, saying, "I don't know why I bother." Lenore, alarmed at the change in Robert, went to see him, to attempt some kind of explanation of why she left him. Robert walked out and went to Iris', where they decided to get drunk, sealing their bargain with a passionate kiss. Iris was upset because she wasn't invited for the Corys' Christmas – it was Mac's idea -.


As The World Turns


Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Wilmore


The soap expanded to an hour on Monday, December 1st, airing from 1:30 to 2:30.


The only way Grant Colman could get his ex-wife Joyce to return Teddy, her son to his adoptive parents was to go with her to Laramie, Wyoming. Joyce was going to tell them that she was Teddy's real mother and she wanted him back. She insisted on speaking to Mary Ellison alone. Although Joyce couldn't bring herself to tell Mary, she did ask when they planned to tell Teddy that he was adopted and raised some questions in Mary's mind. Mary told Brian, her husband, that she was uneasy, but didn’t know exactly why. Joyce asked Grant to go with her to break the news. After Grant visited the Ellisons many times himself, he told Mary that Joyce would probably file a claim for Teddy. When Mary showed him the adoption papers he pondered over them. Mary was sure that Grant was all right and it was Joyce who is causing all the trouble. Brian visited Grant, impressing on him that they would fight for Teddy. Grant finally told the Ellisons that he thought Joyce was unstable and he felt Teddy would be better off with them. He told Joyce, but she vowed that it wouldn't end yet.


Dick Martin had left the District Attorney's office and gone back into private practice. Joyce called to ask the name of a good lawyer, but finding that Dick was in practice himself asked him to represent her when she returned from Laramie the following week. Grant told Lisa, his wife, that he had decided the Ellisons could provide the kind of home he wanted for his son. Lisa planned a Christmas cocktail party to celebrate the end of a stressful period for them both. Hearing that Grant had just returned from Laramie, Dick told Grant that Joyce called him from there asking him to represent her. Lisa overheared him. Lisa wanted Grant to call Dick and find out why Joyce needed a lawyer in Oakdale, but Grant explained that it was unethical for one lawyer to question another about a client. Lisa visited Dick herself, but he hadn’t seen Joyce yet. Lisa protested that Grant couldn’t go on like this, but he replied if Joyce would ignore him for awhile he would be all right. Grant sent Teddy a truck for Christmas.


Joyce later told Dick that she was pregnant when she left Grant a little over four years ago. After finding Teddy she wanted the Ellisons to give him back because she was confused when she gave him up. She didn’t know how Grant felt, but she wanted her son.


Natalie Porter and Tom Hughes decided their wedding would be a small one in Tom's grandparents' living room. They waited for Grant to return from Laramie and Tom's father, Dr. Bob Hughes, to recover from the sudden death of his wife. Nancy Hughes wasn't satisfied until everything was just right, so she took charge of the wedding. Only family was invited and Nancy baked the cake. Natalie asked Bob to give her away and Lisa to be her matron of honor. Tom asked Grant to be his best man. Although it was simple, the wedding was beautiful. The phone rang during the ceremony and Chris Hughes asked the caller to wait a minute, but when the ceremony was over the caller hung up.


After the beautiful ceremony, Tom and Natalie went off to the desert, but they were glad to be back in their new home. Natalie was convinced that she would be happy. When flowers arrived for Natalie that weren’t from Tom, she pretended a call to the florist, telling Tom that they said to keep them since they didn’t know who was supposed to get them. Natalie knew who sent them.


Sandy Garrison asked Carol Stallings if she would work at the book store while Natalie was on her honeymoon. Carol accepted over Jay's protests. Carol was elated when she found out that Jay was not going to foreclose on Oliver Carson, but then found that he was not going to keep his promise. Jay blamed his secretary for letting the information slip out, but Carol was disillusioned. Jay tried to make up, but Carol again found out that Jay was trying to obtain the property by putting a twelve and a half percent interest rate on Mr. Carson's loan which would make repayment very difficult. Carol suggested that she would stay out of his office, but he couldn’t run her life either. Jay grew up without any Christmas traditions and was glad that Carol was going to show him how families celebrated. Even though Natalie had returned to the bookstore it was very busy and Carol consented to working for awhile at Sandy's urging.


Susan Stewart kept Dr. John Dixon informed on Dr. Dan Stewart's emotional state, which seemed to be a thermometer, telling John how Kim was reacting to Dan. When Dan was very happy John suggested he took some time off so he and Kim could travel. Although Kim felt very kindly towards John since her amnesia resulting from a blow to the head during a tornado, she had been told she was going to divorce him and marry Dan. Kim felt like a rope in a tug of war and asked her brother-in-law, Bob Hughes, if Jennifer had said anything before her accident to give her a clue to which direction her life should go. Kim began to feel sorry for John since everyone seemed to dislike him. When John found out that Kim was distressed after a date with Dan - he kissed her goodnight -, he told all her friends and relatives that Dan was bad for Kim and to leave her alone. John happened to be at Kim's when Dan came to apologize and they got into an argument which resulted in Dan hitting John. Kim ordered Dan from the apartment and let John spend the night. John persuaded her to let him move back home, but promised to keep it a secret until she told Dan. John didn’t keep his promise and told everyone that was concerned about Kim that they were to be husband and wife again. Kim tried reaching Dan, but he was in surgery. When she did tell him he was heartbroken. Kim told Betsy, Dan's step-daughter, that she hoped they would be friends even though things wouldn’t work out between her and Dan.


Kim told Bob that John had come home to live, but she wondered why he was against John. Bob explained that he only wanted her to make up her own mind without John forcing her into a decision. Kim said she felt uncomfortable with Dan, but John had been kind and understanding. John and Kim had have lunch in the cafeteria since John had such little time, but Kim and Dan were both so upset when they met that neither could eat. Susan could see that Dan was upset and tried to make the holidays happy for Betsy and Emmy since Dan was so depressed. She told her mother it had been months since she had had a drink and she owed that to Dan because he took the time to listen when she wanted to drink.


Norman Garrison, Dr. Bob Hughes' ex-wife's husband, was loudly accusing Bob of having an affair with Sandy, but refused to let anyone else care for him since his heart attack. Every time he made some progress he got upset and caused a setback. Bob asked Dr. David Stewart to see Norman, but David became upset himself when Norman started tearing Bob down. Norman asked John Dixon to pressure Bob into testifying that he slipped in the Collonade Room, but John refused.


Upon auditing the books for the Garrisons’ business, Chris Hughes found that there was a substantial amount of money missing. He didn't want to bother Sandy until he knew more about it. Tina called Norman to say that she was in Oakdale with no money and was worried about him. Norman warned her not to come near the hospital. Sandy visited Norman early in the morning to see if there was anything he needed before she went to the bookstore. Although she had taken on the added expense of a private room for Norman he was not satisfied. Tina sneaked into Norman's room upsetting him for fear someone would see her there. He wanted her to leave before his plan was ruined, but Tina couldn’t understand why she had to stay away if he loved her and was going to marry her. Bob picked up Norman's chart at the nurse's desk, but as he got to Norman's room remembered that he didn’t have his stethoscope and used the stairs to go to his office, Norman was so furious he shouted that this trouble was all over his wife. The nurses didn’t investigate because they thought Dr. Hughes was with Mr. Garrison. Tina sneaked out and when Bob returned he found that Norman had had another heart attack. All efforts to save Norman failed and he died. Even though Norman was a difficult patient Bob found losing him hard.


The preliminary reports were conflicting since the nurses said Bob was in Norman's room. John was puzzled when he returned from a conference and decided to get to the bottom of it. The nurses said that if Dr. Hughes said he forgot his stethoscope, he did, but John wasn't convinced. They said the argument lasted about ten minutes and they didn't see anyone enter or leave Norman's room. John called Sandy to ask if she argued with Norman while she was there and if she returned later in the day. When she replied negative to both he told her this was just routine hospital questions. John told Dr. Prescott he was still trying to figure out the reports on Norman Garrison's death. Both the nurses told him that they heard the argument and saw no one enter or leave Garrison's room, so Bob had to be wrong. He asked Dr. Prescott to think about it a little longer before calling for a hearing by the Board.


Lisa and Nancy attended the law firm's Christmas party. Lisa told Dick Martin that she told Grant she had been to see him even though Grant had asked her not to. She wanted to know if Dick had decided to represent Joyce, but Dick didn’t know yet what his decision would be. Bob told his father that he was considering going away for a few days during the holidays, but then decided to stay home. Frannie, his daughter, was two years old on Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve was at the Hugheses' as usual. Natalie was happy to have a large family to share the holiday with. Bob told Nancy, his mother, that he had decided to take her up on her invitation — he and Frannie would move in.


Days Of Our Lives


Written by: Pat Falken Smith

Produced by: Betty Corday


Julie Anderson, hospitalized after a fall down the stairs at the lake house, felt that everyone who told her her baby was dead was just trying to punish her. Julie insisted the baby was alive, that she could feel a heartbeat and movement. Desperate, because the longer Julie refused to face reality, the longer it would take to recover, Doug took on the job. He told Julie her baby was dead. Julie replied that she never thought Doug would want to hurt her. She then told Doug that she had been feeling contractions all morning. Doug called Tom. Doug met Julie’s grandmother, Alice Horton, in the hall and told Alice that he had done his job, then she had to do hers. Alice would go to Julie and tell her she, Alice, knew the baby wasn't Doug's - Alice, finding out about the old affair Doug and Julie had while Julie was married to Scott Banning, believed that the affair continued while Doug was married to Julie's mother, despite reassurances to the contrary. Alice believed Brooke Hamilton's lies that the baby Julie was about to have was Doug's, not Bob's. - Alice overheard Tom and Bob in the hall. Tom told Bob he needed a name for records and funeral arrangements had to be made. Bob replied that he knew, that he had been through this before. Doug suggested Bob let someone else do it. Bob said, "No, it's my son." Alice was stunned.


Julie refused medication, despite pain from broken ribs and the contractions, saying medication wasn't good for the baby. Alice got permission to be with Julie. She told Julie that only a foolish old woman – Alice - and a strange young man - David, Julie's son - could believe the baby was anyone's but Bob's. Alice gained Julie's forgiveness, and convinced Julie to take the medication. David went into Julie, and seeing her pain, he asked if the pain was worth it for him. Julie replied, "Yes!" After the baby was stillborn, a son, Doug tried to paint a happy future for Julie and him, saying they would have other babies. Julie turned away, no feeling, no emotion left.


After Bob convinced David the baby was his, not Doug's, David went to Julie and offered to share her new apartment. Julie told him no, saying she didn’t want to lean on anyone but herself. She told him Brooke needed someone. Doug told Don Craig he intended to marry Julie or nobody.


Rebecca North, Doug’s housekeeper, pregnant with Doug's child through artificial insemination, admitted to Robert LeClair that she was wondering where she would be if Julie and Doug got together - Although Doug and Robert knew Rebecca was pregnant, she had told them it was her fiance's child. Johnny Collins was in Paris on an art scholarship. Rebecca had told them Johnny didn’t want children, so she would raise her baby alone. When her baby was born, she would say it was stillborn, then be able to raise it when Doug adopted it. - Robert, in love with Rebecca a long time, offered to marry her and be her baby's father. Rebecca said she couldn't marry anyone. Robert said he would marry her any time.


Julie insisted on attending her baby's funeral, against everyone's objections. She had to say goodbye to her baby. Julie told Laura she didn’t want any more children because it hurt too much to lose them. Doug, torn about attending the service for Julie's sake, realized he couldn’t go - he resented the baby that came between them; he was afraid of what David would think. Julie was disappointed.


By mistake, a student nurse handed Julie a baby. The student told Bill, who had to pry Julie's fingers away. When Valerie Grant told David about the incident, David wondered if maybe Julie really didn't want to give him up as a baby either. He decided to move in with Julie. Laura felt Julie would reject the offer, for fear of clinging to David, smothering him. Bill observed that it was the same reason Julie sent David to military school after Scott Banning's death.


Doug asked Julie to marry him and raise their children. Julie said they were not their children: Hope was Doug and Addie's and the new baby was Doug and God-knows-who's. Admitting she was afraid of children, Julie told Doug their dream of a child together was a dream: there would never be "their baby" ever.


Alice, Valerie, Don and David went to Julie's apartment to make it ready for her. They discovered a nursery all ready for the baby. They agreed it had to be dismantled before Julie got back. Alice and Valerie were packing baby things when Julie arrived early. Julie accused them of trying to take her baby away, telling Val, "My grandmother is glad my baby is dead." She ordered them out. Nobody could convince Julie to get rid of the nursery. Julie later regretted her treatment of Alice. Finally, Bob convinced Julie that she couldn’t continue to keep the nursery and offered to take care of moving the baby things. Julie agreed. Brooke visited to apologize for her part in the accident that killed the baby - Julie was running after Brooke at the time. - Julie told Brooke simply that she fell. Brooke offered to help Julie pack the baby's things and give them to someone who needs them. Julie was grateful.


Don Craig, realizing Julie needed to reconcile with Alice, pointed out that Christmas was the time for forgiveness, and begged Julie to give Alice a chance. Tom, meanwhile, was saying the same things to Alice. Julie called Alice, and they reconciled. Julie reminded Alice that there was another person Alice needed to make peace with — Doug. Alice went to see him, asking forgiveness. Doug told her the Hortons were his family, and he wanted to spend Christmas with his family.


Brooke Hamilton, determined to claim David, went to the Grant house, where David had been living since his accident, and, overheard by Helen Grant, made nasty accusations about Valerie and David's relationship, driving Val to tears. Helen, upset at the upheaval in her family since David's arrival, and worried that Val and David might becoming more than friends, asked husband Paul to talk to David. Paul talked to Valerie first, making sure she was happy and assuring her of their love for her. Valerie assured Paul she and David were no more than good friends. Paul talked to David, who soon realized Brooke had been around again. David said Paul knew he and Val were just good friends — and he would give up the friendship rather than hurt Val.


David then talked with Helen. David told Helen he wanted to stay, but couldn't if he thought she didn't trust him, which she could. David then talked with Val. He asked if he had said or done anything that could be misinterpreted. Val said not. David mused that things that were once special between them are suddenly embarrassing. Val agreed. Things wouldn't be the same between them anymore.


Trish told David how Brooke went crazy after his accident, and urged him to call her. He arranged a meeting at Doug's Place. Meanwhile, Adele, Brooke's mother, told Brooke that the reason she drank was she was afraid Brooke might find out Bob Anderson was her father. Adele asked Brooke to stay away from the Andersons, not hurt them. Brooke met David and told him it was her fault about the baby, but Julie probably already told him. David asked what she meant, that all Julie told him was to go to Brooke because she needed him. Brooke, stunned, said, "She always wins." When David heard the story, he rushed out. Brooke started drinking. When nobody else could reach her, Bob Anderson tried. Brooke asked if he was trying to be a father to her. Brooke made a scene, so Phyllis and Trish took her to the powder room. Brooks asked Phyllis how long it took her to convince Bob that Mary was his. She called Bob a phoney. Don, meanwhile, told Bob that Mrs. Lacey, Phyllis's shop assistant, was Brooke's mother and Adele had been a closet drinker all Brooke's life.


Bob and Don took Brooke home. Bob discovered his old high school yearbook, then remembers where he had seen Adele before. They talked. Bob reminisced about the beautiful summer they spent after graduation, recalling that both had their first intimate relationship with each other. Later, Bob took Adele to lunch. He said he had recently seen Brooke's kindness to Julie, a side of Brooke he didn't know existed. He said he had always been too stern with Brooke and realized she was reaching out to him.


Brooke went to see Don, asking her rights as she finally knew who her father was. Don asked if Brooke wanted her father for love or to shaft him. Brooke said she wanted money. Don refused the case. Adele told Phyllis that Brooke, her daughter, was a liar, and apologized for the damage Brooke had done to the Anderson family. Phyllis accepted the apology. Phyllis alluded to the closeness between David and Bob, saying David was like the son Bob never had. Phyl thought it would be nice if Bob had David to inherit the business. Adele asked Phyl not to tell Brooke about all the Anderson money.


Brooke called the Grants and found David had taken Val dancing. Brooke showed up at Doug's Place and forced herself on Val and David. Brooke eventually drove Valerie away. Brooke then told David she was two months' pregnant with his child. She said they could get married. David said he was not ready. Brooke said that she would go away and have the baby and give it up — like Julie did him. She then said she would have an abortion. David told her an abortion was her decision because he wouldn't take the guilt: he had all he could handle. Alone, David mused that a baby was the one thing a man couldn’t run away from.


Brooke asked Adele if there was any chance she and Bob might have a chance. Adele didn't think so. Brooke told Adele she was pregnant and suggested that Bob might like a grandson to take the place of the sons he had lost. Brooke said Adele could make that happen.


David, after talking with Bob, reminded Paul that false pride was debilitating, then told Paul there was a job for him at Bob's plant. Paul made an appointment with Bob. Bob told Paul he wouldn’t hire him, but was sending him to the head of the bookkeeping department. Paul got the job.


Not knowing where to turn about Brooke, David went to Tom. David told him Brooke was pregnant, and asked how he could believe her after all the lies she had told. Tom offered to try to get her in for an exam. Tom went to see Brooke, who was outraged that David told him. She refused to have an examination. Brooke then called David. She told him that what was between them was none of his family's business. Having failed the first time, Tom returns. She accused him of just trying to make sure "Brooke the tramp" really was pregnant to save his grandson's skin. Tom didn’t understand her hostility. He asked why she thought she was pregnant. She had missed two periods. Tom explained that could be due to the traumas she had been through lately — thinking David dead and her suicide attempt. Tom said she didn't want anything to hurt her baby. She agreed. He asked her to have a check-up, because the baby was part of him, too, and he wanted her to do it for his sake. She agreed.


Paul, noticing something had been bothering David, found out about Brooke. Paul went to Brooke and told her David felt responsible about the baby, but he also felt trapped. He urged Brooke to let David come to her, because any other way wouldn't be out of love, just to give the baby a name. Brooke suggested that would be enough. During an appointment with Dr. Mel Bailey, Brooke asked how she was going to prove the baby was David's.


Brooke told Adele her pregnancy was official, before she noticed Bob was visiting. Finding David was the father, Bob told Julie, who was angry. Julie didn’t want David forced into a marriage with Brooke, but after talking with Don, she decided it was David's decision. Having found out the situation from Tom, Alice told David she would welcome a child of his. David told Brooke he was not ready to marry her. Brooke replied she didn't want anyone to talk him into anything, but she couldn’t wait forever for a decision. David planned to move from the Grants'. Val felt Brooke was behind the move, saying Brooke was bad news for David.


Amanda Howard, having undergone a series of neurological tests at Tommy Horton's instigation, refused to accept the results — she had to have immediate surgery on a mass at the base of her brain. Amanda recalled that her mother underwent similar surgery on a malignant tumor to no avail. Amanda asked how much time she has sans surgery — six months to a year. Amanda refused further tests or surgery. Amanda demanded that nobody be told about her, but Greg Peters had been privy to the whole thing. He found himself playing an interesting game.


Susan Peters, Greg’s estranged wife, had taken her daughter Anne away to try to figure out what to do. Greg suspected Susan had gone to Hollywood to join his brother Eric, whom Susan had recently found she loved, beyond the fact that Eric was Ann's real father. Unable to reach Susan, whom he loved, Eric returned from Hollywood, where he had been writing a screenplay from his first novel, In My Brother's Shadow, which fictionally portrays the night he encountered Susan in the park, which resulted in her pregnancy and little Ann. Eric wanted to know where Susan was. Greg honestly didn't know. Greg asked Eric if he knew truly what he was in for in marrying Susan. He said Susan was never a real woman sexually, that he always felt Susan had sex with him out of duty only. Greg asked if Eric had considered the effects on Susan of putting the park incident on the big silver screen. Eric admitted he had much to think about.


Tommy Horton interpreted Amanda's refusal of surgery as another suicide attempt. Greg agreed it was a possibility. Tommy asked if Greg loved Amanda. Greg did. Tommy asked how far Greg was willing to play his game - pretending not to know about Amanda's condition -. Greg was puzzled, so Tommy asked if Greg was willing to go so far as to propose marriage and paint a glowing picture of their future and children, in order to make Amanda want to live enough to save her life. After thinking it over, Greg proposed to Amanda, and began his picture of their future. Amanda didn't know what to say. Greg mused to Laura that he hoped he was strong enough to love Amanda only to lose her.


Unknown to Eric or Greg, Susan Peters was at Mrs. Peters' house. Susan was wracked by grave doubts about Eric's love for her, wondering if subconsciously he only wanted her because she's Greg's wife. After slugging Greg for snide remarks about the night in the park, Eric dropped in to wish his mother a Merry Christmas. Susan threw her doubts at him. He assured her she was wrong. Susan told him she was unsatisfactory in bed. Eric said real love, understanding, and tenderness would overcome any problem. Greg, too, dropped by and was ecstatic to see little Ann. Greg told Susan he planned to marry Amanda. Susan, eyes brimming, wished them well.


Phyllis Anderson Curtis overheard women gossiping about a friend who was married to a younger man. Meanwhile, Neil met a young woman at the bar in Doug's Place. Phyl saw Neil take a slip of paper from her. Neil said she was an old friend. Neil jumped at Bob Anderson's offer of the lake house, but Phyl was reluctant to live there because of all the bad memories. He told her he had had it redecorated, but if, after seeing it, she still couldn’t live there, they would sell it. To sweeten the pot, he suggested they had her daughter Mary live with them. Phyl asked Mary, who was reluctant, until Bob suggested he would feel better if there were someone to watch over Phyl there. Mary accepted the offer.


Phyl gave Neil’s father Nathan $10,000 to help with his pest control scheme. Nathan asked her to let him tell Neil. Nathan went to Neil's office and found him alone with Elaine Forest, the girl from the bar. Nathan, guessing what Neil was up to, begged Neil not to risk the best thing he had ever had. Neil took the advice, sending Elaine away. Neil was amused to find he was more married than he thought. Phyl loved the redecorated house.


Phyl, after dismal lunch with two catty "friends," found Neil talking to Elaine Forest at the bar. Phyl pretended Elaine was an old friend of Neil's. Later, Neil saw Amanda running from Tommy Horton's office. When Tommy refused to tell him anything, Neil said he would get it from Greg. Alerted by Tommy, Greg rushed to pull Amanda's file, but he was too late. Neil demanded why the hell he wasn't told about Amanda!


Marty Hansen, in Salem for Julie's baby's funeral, took a stuffed lamb to his "daughter" Melissa. -Linda Phillips had told Marty that Melissa was his daughter in an attempt to win Marty away from his wife Maggie. Marty, however, had been sterile since early adulthood, a secret kept from him to protect his legal son, Mike, who was actually Bill Horton's son. Marty was also Mickey Horton, but suffered amnesia following open heart surgery. He took the name Marty Hansen, and subsequently married Maggie. Lately, Marty had been having memory flashes, which meant that the blocked passages were being cleared naturally. - Marty told Linda that it felt good to be in his old law office again. Meanwhile, Mike told Maggie that she was driving Marty away with her suspicions about Linda. Mike said he did the same thing, pressured his dad, when his dad was really Marty Hansen. Maggie admitted Mike could be right, in reverse — she was pressuring Mickey Horton. Maggie called Linda, to see if she had seen Marty. Linda said no, even though Marty was right there. When she hung up, Marty kissed Linda. He said he had something to prove to himself and he did: "You were the mother of my child and nothing more."


Marty returned to the farm, more determined than ever to make a go of his marriage to Maggie. Maggie told him of her call, saying she did it out of jealousy and she realized that what he felt for Linda was for Melissa, not for Linda herself. The following day, Linda used the excuse of a business call to tell Maggie Marty was with her during Maggie's call. Linda hoped the information would make reconciliation more difficult, and it did.


Maggie and Marty found themselves at odds over where to spend Christmas: Maggie wanted to stay on the farm; Marty wanted to go to Salem. Suspecting Marty wanted to go to Salem to see Melissa and Linda, Maggie told Marty of Linda's phone call. Marty told her he saw and kissed Linda. A phone call from Mike caused Bill to suspect Linda's behind Marty's plans. Bill confronted Linda, who replied she wouldn’t stop Marty from spending time with Melissa. She demanded Bill tell Marty Melissa wasn't his and get off her back. Marty, meanwhile, told Maggie she needed more confidence in herself because the kiss meant nothing. Linda, Bill in the background, called and left a message with Maggie — she and Melissa would be gone for the holidays. Furious, her suspicions confirmed, Maggie told Marty she knew he wanted to go to Salem to see Linda and Melissa, not his family.


Marty called Alice to tell her they were staying on the farm, even though it would be a mite lonely. Maggie, happy, apologized, and said she was going to try very hard to walk for him for Christmas. Marty went to the orphanage and arranged for a girl resembling Melissa to spend the holidays with them. Maggie was thrielle with Janice, the orphan, asking Marty to adopt her. Marty reminded her they would have to follow orphanage rules. On Christmas Day, Maggie tried to walk for Marty. She managed one step. Maggie was disappointed, but Marty was ecstatic, saying he knew she believed in his love for her.


Acting on information given him by Trish, Don Craig located her father, who deserted her mother before Trish was born. Trish wanted to go straight to Arizona, but Don pointed out the man had a wife and three children. Don suggested she write first, but Trish felt it would just give him another chance to reject her. She decided to go.


The Doctors


Written by: Robert Cenedella

Produced by: Jeff Young


Dr. Althea Davis’ involvement with lawyer Scott Conrad had culminated in their making love in her motel room in Denver where she was attending a physician's convention. However she found that she had been drawn into Scott's life at a time when his wife Eleanor Conrad, who was schizophrenic following a post partum depression which led to a psychotic break from reality, was in one of her periodic "highs" of sweetness and gratitude which followed her "lows" of anger and chaotic destruction. Scott admitted that he had led Althea to believe that he was divorced and had custody of his daughter Wendy - a girl a few years younger than Althea's own daughter, Penny -, who was at boarding school. Althea had told him that she loved him and was with him at time being, "not tomorrow, not someday when things get better." When Eleanor ran away from the Wellington Sanitarium where she had been a patient for fifteen years, Althea checked out of her motel room to return with Scott and Wendy to await news of the search for Mrs. Conrad at the sanitarium. She called Matt, who was worried when he found she was no longer staying at the convention site, to tell him that she was all right but couldn't go into her reasons for delaying her return or her change of plans because there were other people involved.


Eleanor’s psychiatrist Dr. McIntyre was sympathetic to Conrad's involvement with Althea for Scott's sake but cautious about the possible effects ultimately on his patient, whose steady improvement was his primary concern. Wendy, at first resentful of Scott's relationship, was herself in need of Althea's friendship as a breath of normalcy and as a support for her father whom she loved dearly. She told Althea, "Sometimes my mother wants to hurt me but I still love her. Because you - and Scott - loved each other very much, even if my mother was miraculously cured tomorrow, we could never be a family." Scott promised Wendy they would go to Althea's for Christmas dinner. Wendy had told Althea, "I never had a good Christmas, never in my life. But — neither has my mother."


Penny, Althea’s daughter, had been included in the dinner invitation and surmised that it was her introduction to the Conrad family. In her capacity as volunteer for the paramedical unit Penny had been instrumental in saving the life of a young drug addict Joan Pederson. She called in the Trauma Unit when she discovered the girl had O.D.'d and though Joan had received life saving emergency treatment, she was still in a coma. Joan's neighbor, a political philosophy student, was at first contemptuous of Penny, referring to her as Cynthia Normal, an A-plus student type making lots of brownie points among the poor and downtrodden, until she snapped back at him, "Why don't you go back in your room and eat the lead paint off the wall." He told her he was impressed, but she assured him that the feeling was not mutual.


Matt attempted to contact Joan Pederson's parents but was dismayed to find that they were out of touch on a walking and mountain climbing tour in Europe.


Rico Bellini once more asked Penny for a date when he was rebuffed by Stacy Wells and then canceled it when Stacey callEd begging him to accompany her to Steve and Carolee's house because her mother, Doreen, and step-father Jason Aldrich were in town and she couldn’t face them on her own. Penny, angered, accepted a date with Jerry Dancy - Joan Pederson's neighbor who had advocated letting her die as she wanted to because she was "not relevant" - which she would not have otherwise had considered.


Tom Barrett was told by Martha that she shared his anger and fear - over his impending death; he was the victim of a fatal disease: milofibrosis -. He told her that the closer it got, the less he believed it. Martha, who had fought so many petty verbal battles with her boss, put her arms around him in loving friendship and the tough, recalcitrant, sometimes overbearing young doctor said, "Thank you Martha. Thank you. I love you."


Althea Davis, knowing that Tom was probably fatally ill, but unable to get confirmation from Matt Powers or Martha, the two people at the hospital who knew definitely about his condition, invited him to dinner but he did not respond to small talk or her efforts to reach out to him. He did say that he didn't want to talk about his research project because nothing would come of it anyway. The following day, Althea asked him to speak to a patient of hers, a Mrs. Shaw, who was suffering from rhumatoid arthritis and was refusing to take her medicine or consider physiotherapy treatments. "You might encourage her," Althea said, "you see Mrs. Shaw doesn't want to live."


Tom went into Mrs. Shaw's room as Althea and the nurse waited outside. Tom told her that though the pain was great the inflamation in her joints was at its worst and, would lessen with time and physiotherapy treatments. When she said she wanted to die, he told her gently, "Never say that. You don't mean it, you know. I know, I'm going to die pretty soon." She was shocked and asked "Why you and not me?" He told her he didn't know, that he had much less time than anyone including himself thought even after he knew. When she again said that she wanted to die, he shouted, "You give me your pain and I will live! I don't want to die." As Althea came into the room he repeated "I don't want to die," to Althea and collapsed.


Althea, Scott and Wendy's plans were brought to nothing by a phone call to Scott from Dr. McIntyre. Eleanor Conrad was to be allowed to come home for Christmas. When Scott visited Althea to tell her, they quarreled. Althea, though expecting this news, was unable at first to accept it gracefully and she and Scott traded recriminations but finally resolved to swallow their disappointment and make the best of it.


Wendy too was angry but more ambivalent. She asked her father after hearing the news, "How do you feel now that you've gotta spend Christmas Eve with your wife and not your lover?" He replied that they would have to cope with their disappointment and do it in such a way that she didn't know they were coping.


Penny asked her mother "Is there anything I can do for you, short of going over and shooting Scott's wife?" When Althea insisted she didn't hate Eleanor, Penny said that she "hates Stacey a lot." They told each other, mother and daughter, that they loved each other.


When Althea reminded Penny that she had to keep on loving people Penny agreed that "It's better to fall in love than get eaten alive, right?" and suggested they sing Jingle Bells and open their presents. On Christmas day Penny told Althea that she had decided not to attend a party at the hospital for Med students not going home for the holidays. When her mother remarkd on her unselfishness Penny insisted that if she were really selfless she would not even have mentioned the party but that she couldn't afford to lose the brownie points she would make if Althea knew. Althea told her daughter that they were alike in that both of them were afraid of the gentle and good emotions. Althea urges Penny to go to her party. She was going to the hospital to be with Tom Barrett.


Martha arrived at the hospital in a Santa suit, beard and all, to present Tom with an illustrated book of medical photographs, a lovely work of art which turned out to be a contributors copy. Two years before, the publishers requested some photomicrographs and Martha could display for him his "own bacilli — in living color." Hank Iverson congratulated Tom on being a published photographer "no less."


When Tom again collapsed, Martha and Althea offered to leave him to Matt and M.J. but Tom, recovering from a spasm of pain, insisted that they stay. When Matt asked what he feelt he replied "Martha's kiss and nothing since then." "Matt, all of you — I love you so," as his hand fell to the bed.


The Edge Of Night


Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson


The soap first aired on ABC on Monday, December 1st, airing from 4:00 to 4:30.


Mike Karr representing Serena Faraday in her struggle to maintain her custody of her little eight year old son Timmy struggled to explain to Judge Sussman in her judge's private chambers about Serena's competancy. Mike called Dr. Quentin Henderson, the psychiatrist who had been treating Serena, to the stand. Quentin explained the inner conflicts of Serena's multiple personality problem. How on one side there was the quiet conservative Serena, while her other side "Josie" was the antithesis. Richard Jaffe, Mark Faraday's attorney, convincingly destroyed Quentin's credibility as an impartial expert witness when he pointed out that Quentin's sister, Assistant District Attorney Brandy Henderson, was a very close personal friend of Attorney Adam Drake - Mike Karr's law partner - who happened to be a distant relative of Serena's - Adam learned about Serena's existence from friends. Serena was Adam's wife Nicole's only living relative. Nicole was lost at sea while the Drakes were honeymooning in the Caribbean. Against his better judgement he became deeply involved with the seriously troubled woman and had grown very attached to her highly vulnerable little son, Timmy. –


The damning testimony continued. Nancy Karr was forced to relate under oath her frightening confrontation with "Josie" in Serena's hotel room. Nancy had to testify that Timmy had locked himself in the bedroom and that Nancy feared what the consequences might have been if "Josie" had succeeded in getting into the bedroom. She told the court how they struggled and of pulling the dark-haired wig from Josie's head only to discover that it was Serena!


Further destructive evidence was given against Serena. Johnny Dallas, victimized by the evil, criminal underworld leader Gerald Kincaid who planned to entrap him into spying on his father-in-law Mike Karr, Head of the Crime Commission, was forced to relate the part that "Josie" played. Jaffe, elated by Dallas' testimony, pushed home the point that "Josie" was more than just a "flamboyant personality. She was a known consort of dangerous criminals."


Mike finally scored some points. He described Mark Faraday as a so-called devoted father who only paid his son, then living away at boarding school at the time, three weekend visits in the entire year despite the Faradays’ generous visitation rights. He pointedly asked Faraday, "Do you honestly want to be a full-time father or is your only motive really to punish and to take away her - Serena's - most precious treasured object?"


Jaffe’s final witness was a surprise to the gathered friends and supporters of Serena. Jaffe, without a formal subpoena, arranged to have Timmy Faraday appear in court. He asked the highly articulate child to describe his feelings about his "Aunt Josie." Tim, telling of her frequent visits to his school, trembled with fear at the "dark-haired lady who just stood, watching him play." He admitted to having frequent nightmares which Jaffe was quick to point out have forced the boy into such an emotional state that he was asked to leave the school. The final blow was his pathetic relaying of the scene preceeding his locking himself away from "Aunt Josie" - the locked door had already been confirmed by Mrs. Karr - because he feared "Aunt Josie" would "kill him!" Serena's tenuous emotional calm was destroyed. Bursting into uncontrollable tears — screaming to the surprised Judge, "I can't … She flees from the chambers and out of the Monticello Court House!


The hearing was forced to adjourn temporarily ... leaving a gloating and smuggly victorious Mark Faraday and his attorney to casually saunter out of the Court House, optimistically speculating on the final outcome of the custody hearing. Jaffe commented to Mark that he hoped he really was sincere about being a full-time father to his son, because it looked like he has won. As Mark left the protection of the Court House portico and began to descend the steps to the busy city street, suddenly a dark-haired woman called for him to stop! Before the astonished eyes of over fifty witnesses and an amateur photographer taking pictures, "Josie" raised a revolver and, stating that she had "a message from her sister," shot Faraday at point-blank range, straight through the heart, killing the surprised man instantly! Suddenly losing all her momentum, she handed the gun to Adam and desperately pleaded, "Adam, you will defend me, won't you?"


Josie was immediately taken into custody. She raved on "I'm tough! They can't take the kid away, I fixed that ... I saw through that hearing." Then she began a repetitive chant, "Poor Mark is dead ... Poor Mark is dead ..." Adam was convinced that Serena was either temporarily or completely insane. When Police Chief William Marceau questioned the chanting woman, she responded, "He deserved to die. He wanted to take her kid away — she is my sister. She is stupid, I have to take care of her!" Brandy Henderson mused to Adam how "life can change so in just a few seconds."


Little Timmy, totally unaware of the disastrous turn his young life had just taken, was happily watching the children's hour of T.V. programs at John and Laurie Dallas' home when he saw an inappropriately placed news bulletin describing his father's shooting. The terrified boy cried, "Laurie! Laurie! I want Adam!" Taken back to the Karrs’ where he had been staying temporarily, Timmy clang to Adam for love and for support. Adam visited Josie who demanded Adam be her lawyer despite the fact that Serena had engaged Mike as her attorney in the custody suit. When he flatly refused, Josie slapped his face. Josie did willingly agree to make a tape recorded statement, boldly confessing to having stolen the gun from Kincaid's apartment where she knew he had secretly hidden it for emergencies. When confronted by the realization she might go to prison, Josie retreated and suddenly before the astonished eyes of Bill Marceau and Lt. Luke Chandler, Serena emerged apparently totally unaware of all the horrendous events that had taken place since she ran from the Court House! This time a desperate Serena appealed to Adam for help and protection — if not for her sake, then for Timmy's. Adam reluctantly agreed he would defend Serena.


Meanwhile, the D.A. of Monticello, Ira Paulson assigned his newest, most aggressively ambitious young assistant district attorney Draper Scott to handle the Faraday case. It was their opinion that Serena was only faking her insanity — that the whole "dual-personality" disguise was just a clever plan to do what she really wanted to do all along — murder her husband! They planned to go before the Grand Jury and asked for an indictment for Murder I.


Brandy who was deeply in love with Adam and learning of Paulson and Scott’s plans was even more upset to learn that she had been selected to prosecute the case! She and Adam would once again be forced into court on the opposite sides of the bar of justice - During the highly emotionally charged Martha Marceau trial, their budding personal relationship nearly disastrously ended forever. - Adam impetuously proposed that they entered court as husband and wife! Despite that fact that Adam was not legally free to marry Brandy because his wife Nicole's body had never been recovered, he was willing to chance a bigamy charge to reassure Brandy that their love was strong enough to withstand the assault of a messy court baffle.


Yet, unknown to Adam and Brandy fate had already dealt the final card for their game of love. Kevin Jamison, sent by Tiffany Whitney Douglas to Paris to explore all case histories of miraculously recovered comatose patients, had discovered that Nicole Drake was alive and well! He recovered from the shock and agreed to bring Nicole back to Monticello despite the protests of her doctor and her companion/friend, Dr. Clay Jordan, who believed she should write her husband and let Adam come to Paris to reclaim his wife.


Tiffany was surprised and puzzled when Kevin mysteriously told her he was returning with the recovered woman — but nothing more. Tiffany, who had become more and more disgusted by her husband Noel's constant drinking and gambling, felt she had no one but Kevin to turn to for support during the dark days that had followed her mother-in-law Geraldine Whitney's "accident." Although Geraldine had shown some change in her comatose state by sitting up, showing her spinal injuries were not as severe as once thought, no real show of awareness could be detected until Christmas day when Geraldine, possibly moved by Tiffany's prayers, appeared to cry.


On the wedding day of Johnny Dallas's sister Tracy to Danny Micelli, John gave his best friend a part ownership in his restaurant. Despite the fiery destruction of the New Moon Cafe when Kincaid's hoods tried to kill John, John and Laurie made plans for the grand re-opening at a new location. John was disturbed when he found Noel in Tracy's bridal dressing room. Noel had come to gloat about Tracy's secretly confessed admission of pushing Geraldine down the stairs resulting in the old woman's hospitalized state. John later fiercely defended his sister to the police insinuations that Tracy was Noel's lover and visiting him at the Whitney Mansion the night of the so-called accident.


Tiffany cheerfully greeted the long-missing Nicole and agreed to somehow gently tell Adam about Nicole's miraculous discovery over cocktails that evening. Nicole was intellectually aware that Adam had been "seeing other women" over the past eighteen months but still felt emotionally like a newlywed. She panicked at the last moment before Adam was to arrive and rushed out of the Whitney Mansion. Prompted by a sympathetic coffee shop waitress to seek out old friends, Nicole was irresista-bly drawn to the Karrs’ nearby home. Nicole lingered in the shadowy park, coat collar turned up against the frosty night, when she noticed a man returning to his parked car. Suddenly as Adam prepared to start his car, he noticed the familiar shape of the woman standing in the shadows, and called to her … only to have her run off. Adam, shaken by his encounter, returned to the Karrs’ home and agreed to have Nancy call and cancel his date at the Whitneys’, so he could go home to recover. When Nancy called Tiffany, she and Mike learned of Nicole's startling return!


Nicole, accepted waitress Esther’s hospitality and spent a lonely Christmas Eve sleeping on a cot in the diner. Mike contacted Bill who started a "discreet" investigation for the missing Nicole. Christmas day, neighbors, worried by a light in the closed diner, contacted the police and a patrolman discovered "Esther's friend" was Nicole. She was taken to Bill who called the Karrs.


Mike and Nancy, who had extended an invitation to Adam, Brandy and others for a holiday open house, had to tell Adam about Nicole. Mike explained to early arrival, Quentin, and he agreed to help. Adam and Brandy arrived. She was wearing a magnificent fur coat - initialled "B.D." inside - and a large diamond engagement ring — both gifts from Adam. It was an awkward moment ... the Karrs were caught between Brandy and Adam's joyous news, and their secret news about Nicole.


Mike insisted on detaining Adam on "confidential matters," and Quentin diplomatically suggested taking Brandy home to pack for her weekend at Adam's barn. Alone, Mike gently began by reminding Adam of his old obsession ... that he couldn't really accept his wife's death for many months ... then changing his tact, he told of having just received news that could be considered nothing short of miraculous! Adam, totally drained as he gradually began to absorb Mike's words ... hardly daring to whisper his thoughts ... "Is Nicole alive?" As Mike explained everything — Brandy, suddenly returned to retrieve her forgotten purse and keys — asked, "What has happened?"


General Hospital


Written by: Richard & Suzanne Holland

Produced by: Tom Donovan


Dr. Lesley Faulkner continued to be driven by her obsession to regain the daughter stolen from her at birth thirteen years ago. She conveniently arranged to be at the drug store where she knew Laura frequently went after school hours. Since Laura adored reading about the lives of famous, wealthy people in fan magazines, Lesley bought two magazines for the delighted girl. When Laura's mother, Barbara Vining, discovered the generous gifts to her daughter, she was alarmed. Learning that Dr. Faulkner also gave Laura a substantial sum of money to purchase a pizza for all her girlfriends, Barbara insisted that Laura not take any more gifts from a stranger! Laura claimed that Dr. Faulkner was not a stranger because she was famous and produced an article in Photo about the well-known international jet-setting Cameron Faulkner and his wife Lesley.


Cameron Faulkner fretted Lesley had become irrational in her desire for "maternal possessiveness." She told Cam she planned to soon reclaim Laura. Cam warned that even if the courts would agree that the baby was kidnapped from her long ago the court would still consider the child's present interest first, that Laura believed she was with her mother. If Lesley persisted, all the publicity would destroy Laura. "No. I love Laura. I'll never let her suffer any pain," Lesley defended herself. Cam countered, "What if Laura learns that she is illegitimate. She is intelligent and sensitive." Lesley shut her mind to everyone's pleading and only listened to her heart.


Lesley again arranged to be conveniently on a park bench where Laura went after school. But this time she was greeted by a woman who spoke to Lesley. When Laura arrived she introduced Dr. Faulkner to her mother! Lesley was stunned and barely recovered enough to wish them both goodbye. Barbara was really alarmed by all the attention Dr. Faulkner was showering upon her daughter and told her husband Jason that it was all too coincidental — first Cameron Faulkner's man came to their house for a marketing survey and second Dr. Faulkner seemed to be too interested in their family. Barbara confronted Mr. MacLaughlin and demanded to know, "Why is our family the target of some sort of investigation?" She admitted that she and her husband had become alarmed, that they felt they were being "threatened in some mysterious way." Mac denied any sinister overtones, but later called Cam and told him there might be trouble.


Lesley engaged an attorney of a notorious and dubious reputation, Curtis Baxter. Baxter encouraged Lesley to believe that she had a valid case and should sue to regain Laura. He recommended she present herself to Laura's present "parents" and offer them a chance to give up the child. This way the court would see Lesley's "motherly concern" over the child's welfare. He also warned her she should tell Laura before she read it in the newspapers herself. Baxter optimistically cheered Lesley on - the first person to date to really encourage her - by saying, "Let's go get back the child they stole from you!"


Barbara Vining was further alarmed to learn that Laura had gone to General Hospital all alone to see Dr. Faulkner about becoming a hospital volunteer. Laura learned she was a little too young for the job, but when she shyly asked Lesley to attend her belated birthday pajama party so that all her girlfriends would know that she really knew a celebrity, Lesley of course willingly agreed. Barbara knew nothing of her daughter's impromptu invitation and was surprised to open the door to Lesley. Lesley had brought a magnificent long Junior Miss gown for a birthday gift. Lesley gently kissed Laura goodbye and left.


On Christmas Day, Lesley upset Cam by ignoring him in preference to phoning and speaking to Laura about the Christmas gift she sent her. Hurt and enraged Cam stormed out of the house. When the doorbell rang, Lesley rushed to the door to discover, not Cam, but Barbara Vining on the threshold! She had come to return the lavish $300.00 electric typewriter, which the Vinings felt was a totally inappropriate gift for Laura. Barbara demanded to know Lesley's interest in them and why! Lesley tearfully poured out the whole story of her baby's birth and the switching of Barbara's dead child for her living one.


Barbara told Jason the whole story of Lesley's claims and explained that the nurse, Miss Roach, had brought her the baby a day later claiming she needed rest after her long and difficult delivery ... and that Miss Roach had been reluctant to give her the baby. Worse — what if Laura should ever learn that her parents were married after she was born, because Jason, stationed on a destroyer half way around the world wasn't able to be with Barbara in time to be married sooner? Barbara cried, "they have so much money ... they are going to take her away!"


Bobby Chandler’s blood tests returned from the independent laboratory and Dr. Steve Hardy evaluated them completely. Alarmed, Steve called Bobby into his office and insisted on a bone marrow test. The results confirmed Steve's fears. Bobby had "Malenkov's disease" — a disease which affected the production of white blood cells. It was a rare and always fatal disease with no known cure. The twenty year old, new-lywed, prospective "honors" medical student would tragically die within the year! Bob was stunned by the brutal reality of his fate. He needed time to think and so requested Steve not to tell anyone about his illness just yet — until he could come to grips with his own feelings. Then, he believed, he would be better prepared to face the emotional strain of having to comfort his mother, Caroline, and his young wife, Samantha. Steve told him that he shouldn't expect to be bedridden until the end and with immediate treatment he might be lucky enough to obtain a state of remission. This will illuminated all his symptoms of fatigue, loss of appetite, and muscular pain. Steve and Bobby concocted a convincing story that he contracted Infectious Mononucleosis and had to be placed in Memorial Hospital, which was across town from General Hospital, so that he would receive the needed complete bedrest. To make his charade easier, they drastically limited his visiting time to only two hours a day. Both Sammi and Caroline fears allayed that the mononucleosis would soon be cured, believed the entire story. Lee Baldwin became suspicious and pushed Bobby for the truth. Lee promised to keep the secret.


Dr. Jim Hobart and his wife Audrey continued to have their therapy sessions with Dr. Peter Taylor. The main question that seemed to loom up in both Audrey's and Jim's mind was, what sort of person would either of them become after the therapy was completed? Audrey felt she had stayed with Jim throughout his drinking problem only because he needed her. Jim believed Audrey had only married him out of the gratitude she felt when he saved her young son, Tommy's, life. Jim, working again on his Mannheim Foundation research paper, was completely recovered from the effects of his serious accidental fall in his kitchen while drunk. He had remained "on the wagon" since that near fatal accident. Jim realized he had been to blame for his own actions and completely absolved Audrey of all part in his own "self-made" destruction. He told Audrey that he needed someone to blame, and that she was just convenient. Audrey felt that she had been completely taken apart during the therapy sessions by her own self-examination and by Jim's questioning. She feared that when the time came — when Jim could stand on his own —where would that leave her? Did she need just to be needed?


Young Beth Maynard, R.N., has disturbed her sister, Diana Taylor, R.N. with her unorthodox attitude towards men and sex. Beth invited handsome Dr. Carl Bradley, a first year resident, to her sister's for Christmas dinner, and later to her apartment for the entire even-ing.


Guiding Light


Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Lucy Ferri Rittenberg


Popular lead guitarist Chad Richards was prepared for his serious brain tumor surgery. Leslie Bauer, Chad's one time high school sweetheart, having recovered both from her minor physical injuries and the more serious emotional scars of Chad's brutal physical attack, paid him a conciliatory last minute visit - while suffering from one of his frequent blackout "episodes" caused by the brain tumor's pressure, Chad, an otherwise gentle and reserved man, unknowingly assaulted Leslie! Leslie was lying on the floor injured and unconscious when her husband Mike rushed into the living room and saved her. - Chad's head was shaved and he was given the required medications. Fearful of falling asleep and perhaps never awakening, Chad was reassured by Dr. Tim Ryan and Dr. Steve Jackson, Leslie's father, that the staff at Cedars Hospital would do everything in their power to save his life. Steve made the incision into the brain tissue and exposed the tumor. Able to remove it "cleanly" the tumor had been sent to the lab for analysis. To the collective joy of everyone, it was benign!


Throughout Chad’s hospitalization and the very long hours of the delicate operation, attractive young Hope Bauer awaited for news about Chad. She had grown to rely on his advice and friendship since she had become alienated from her parents - Mike, rather tactlessly, ended Hope's dubious relationship with her college professor and had regretted and suffered for his hasty actions ever since. - Mike was impressed with Hope's tenderness and emotional support of Chad's father who had to just sit and wait helplessly for his son's recovery from his delicate surgery. Finally the news was brought to the gathered family and friends — Chad was all right, his father could actually go to the recovery room to speak to his son!


Chad began the slow process of recovery involving the sensitive repair of neurological pathways through the facial and the numerative area of the brain. He was upset when he couldn't tell Tim what time it was or count to ten, but was reassured that all would soon be normal again. The really difficult part for Chad to accept was his sudden memory of his actions, while he had his "episodes." He vividly recalled smashing his guitar — but even worse — he recalled his attack on Leslie! Chad simply found his memories so humiliating and shameful that he couldn't bear to face either them or Leslie. Despite both Leslie and Mike's assurances that they understood and forgave Chad, he felt his only recourse was to leave Springfield.


Dr. Ed Bauer had stunned the entire Bauer family by separating from his wife Holly. Ed and Holly had only just been through a terrible ordeal while their baby daughter Christina recovered from a near fatal bout with pneumonia - Unknown to the entire family, Holly who was totally exhausted by the baby's illness and overwhelmed by the guilt of her life of lies, confessed to Ed that Christina was Roger Thorpe's child and not his - Ed's mother Bert, brother Mike and even his mother-in-law Barbara Thorpe, all desperately tried to make sense of this stunning separation. Everyone believed the marriage had weathered its rough beginnings to finally settle down and become a happy and secure marriage. Barbara confided to Ed, "I can't find the words. The dreams for how good Holly and Ed's marriage would be for Holly. Holly would settle down and mature, that you – Ed - would receive a certain vitality from Holly. I love you like a son.",


Ed was enraged that Roger who had hurt so many people could seriously entertain marriage to Peggy Fletcher, someone Ed sincerely believed could only be hurt again by Roger. Ed confronted Roger at the Metro Restaurant where Roger was the manager and demanded that he tell Peggy the whole sordid truth about his relationship with Holly or Ed would!


Barbara, while tidying up her son Andy's garden cottage, discovered the unpublished manuscript of “Valerie's Story”. Despite Andy's words of refusal to allow his mother to read the story haunting Barbara, she read it anyway. Barbara was immediately impressed by the heroine's similarities to Holly. When Barbara confronted Andy, he wass upset to learn that his mother had betrayed his wishes. He hotly denied his story was about Holly - Andy, who in fact drew from Holly's life and her affair with Roger to make his story have a ring of verissimilitude, sincerely regretted writing it at all. - Andy tore up one copy and burnt the remaining manuscripts in front of his mother. He then asked her to forgive his hasty decision, but he had to leave town and resume his vagabond existence. Pretty Pam Chandler, who helped Andy while he wrote his story, was upset when she learned of his imminent departure. She felt her expressed "cooling" of their relationship might have contributed to his decision.


Since Ed felt he had allowed Roger enough time to tell Peggy the truth and Roger hadn't, Ed then made certain pointed remarks to Peggy. He cautioned her that she should know everything about her intended husband, that she should know about Roger's relationship with Holly. Peggy, sensitive about Roger's less than exemplary past, was deeply troubled by Ed's remarks. She confronted Roger who denied any further revelations in his past about Holly other than what Peggy already knew. Peggy later told Ed that "Roger is a different person than he once was ... that it was a very painful time for Roger and that I resent your innuendoes." Ed confronted her by saying, "There is still more to Holly and Roger's relationship that is why Holly and I broke up!"


Rita Stapleton, R.N., was surprised when she met Peggy's fiance Roger because they knew each other when Roger worked in the oil fields in Texas. Rita was a private nurse to the wealthy elderly oilman, Mr. Granger, who owned the oil field where Roger worked.


Ann Jeffers, who was released from Cedars hospital, attended a dinner party at Drs. Sarah and Joe Werner's home. She was impressed with the warmth and love displayed for their foster son T.J. whom they soon hoped to adopt. Ann, although physically recovered from her ulcer attack, emotionally needed to repair her self-image. She was delighted when Roger accepted her application for the job as the hostess-greeter at the Metro Restaurant.


Realizing whatever Ed had been hinting at should really be learned from Roger, Peggy confronted him. He reassured her that despite Holly insisting on seeing him, even though she was married to Ed, Peggy was the only woman he ever truly loved. It was Peggy who "gave him the strength to change from his old ways." Reassured of Roger's love for her, Peggy told him that she need not hear more. Peggy decided to speak to Holly and learned that Holly and Christina had left to visit her Aunt Grace for the holidays.


Love Of Life


Written by: Margaret DePriest / Paul & Margaret Schneider

Produced by: Darryl Hickman


When Arlene Lovett – Harper - found out that Cal Aleata was giving a party for Ben and Betsy Harper in the Terrace Room she maneuvered things so that she could entertain there. Upset over the news that her secret husband was responsible for Betsy's being pregnant, Arlene drank too much. Ben was terrified when he saw that Arlene was wearing her wedding ring. He used a call from Arlene's mother to lure her to the office where he tried to take the ring from her finger. The ring fell to the floor in the scuffle just as Rick Latimer and Jamie Rollins entered. Rick and Ben escorted Arlene out as she protested that she wouldn't leave there without "it." Left alone in the office, Jamie found the ring under the desk and later returned it to Arlene asking for an explanation. She claimed they were married in Mexico, but Ben got a divorce before returning to Rosehill. To prove that she never wanted to hurt Jamie, she gave him the negatives - Ben drugged Jamie and took compromising photos of him and Arlene in bed. They threatened to send them to his wife to be, Diana Lamont, knowing that Jamie would do anything to protect her since she was forty years old and pregnant with her first child. –


Arlene was hurt that Betsy was pregnant with Ben's child, but he said that she wouldn’t be much longer. Betsy couldn’t understand why Ben and his mother weren’t happy about the baby. Carrie, the housekeeper and Arlene's mother, suggested that Ben was scared. Ben came home with the news that he was offered a good job, but had to turn it down because it was in a remote area and consisted of a lot of traveling which they couldn't do because of the baby. He told her that his friend found himself in the same position, but his wife got an abortion.


Ben confessed a lot of his problems in an after hours bar. After overhearing that he was going to come into a lot of money after Christmas, Ben was suckered into a poker game where he signed markers to play. He lost heavily and a couple of days later was called by Ray to say that he owed almost six thousand dollars and couldn’t play again until he payid up. Ben explained that he was flat broke and didn’t get any money until after Christmas. Ray would take a thousand dollars on account. Ben went to Meg with the story of buying a pin for Betsy to make up to her for the way he had been treating her. Meg thought he was lying, but Ben gave her the sob story about her never having been a real mother or having a home and father. Meg bought this and gave him the money. Ben was going to take Betsy out to keep her happy after coming in so late. Arlene wanted to see Ben, but was furious when Ben said he would be over after Betsy went to sleep. Arlene threatened to lock the door so Ben took her keyring. Carrie found the key in Ben's jacket pocket and suggested that Betsy should be more curious about Ben's late hours, but Betsy insisted that trust was the most important thing in a marriage. Ben sent the key back to Arlene with a note that said he had had a copy made. Arlene called for Ben, but her mother answered and was concerned over the tone of Arlene's voice. Carrie visited Arlene and seeing the keyring confronted Arlene with the fact that it was the same one which made her think that Ben was cheating on Betsy.


Arlene begged her mother not to say anything about her and Ben because it could send her to jail. She asked Carrie to trust her because she knew what she is doing. Carrie told Meg that she would have to quit because of what she knew. Thinking that Carrie meant her problems with Rick, Meg apologized for burdening her and asked her to stay. Carrie decided that she might be able to help Betsy by staying there.


David Hart, ater getting Arlene off the hook by confessing he set the Club Victoria on fire because he was mad at Rick Latimer was being transferred to a private hospital since he could afford it. He asked Jamie to take care of his legal affairs and see that Arlene was taken care of. Jamie took her the message that David "will always love her and to keep his mother's ring." When told that he was being moved, Arlene went to visit him. She told him that she was in love with someone else and had to return his ring because they couldn't be engaged. David said they had always meant so much to each other because they made each other feel needed. He would like her to keep the ring as a symbol of their friendship. Arlene said that she might not be in love with David, but she did love him.


As the rift between Rick and Meg built, Jamie found that he couldn't be lawyer for both sides of the business. He decided on Meg, not because she had the most money, but because he felt that she was right. Rick was feeling dominated by Meg, not only in their business venture of Beaver Ridge, but in their private lives too. Meg felt a strong attachment for Rick but he was in love with Cal Aleata, Meg's daugh-ter. Rick felt emasculated and asked Meg if he could buy her out. He needed to have the knowledge that he could make a go of Beaver Ridge by himself. Meg avoided giving an answer and talked about new living arrangements for them if she would buy the Priestly estate.


Rick had agreed to see Cal at the Granary, but Cal wasn't sure that they could keep their relationship a secret much longer. When Cal told her Aunt Van about seeing Rick, Van considered telling her that Meg was involved with Rick, but her husband said it was only conjecture. Cal told her stepfather, Edouard, that she and Rick didn't want to sneak around any more. Eddie cautionned Cal with a story from his past. When he was young he fell in love and became involved with a woman twenty years his senior who suddenly left him for a man her own age. He only wanted to save her from the terrible hurt he went through.


Joe Cusack was trying to set up a clinic for the poor and wanted Cal to help him by volunteering time, not as a medical aide, but to calm people and use her connections for fundraising. Cal was too involved with Rick, but suggested that Joe see Meg for money. Joe broached Meg who claimed she didn't have time, but gave Joe a check for five thousand dollars if he would persuade Cal to work full time at the clinic - Meg thought that if she threw Cal at Joe it would keep her away from Rick. - Joe did want Cal to work at the clinic, but he told her that was integrity versus necessity, idealism versus practicality, and integrity and idealism won. He would not try to commit her body and soul to the clinic for money. He tore up Meg's check.


Rick was feeling pressure from Meg as she insisted on having the Priestly estate and setting him up as a squire for all Rosehill to see. Rick asked his son, Hank, if they could get by in a smaller house and with a lot less. Hank agreed that being together was what counted. Cal asked Rick to the Granary and although Rick wanted to be sure that everything was settled and right Cal was ready to give herself to him.


Eddie found Cal and Rick in his bedroom at the Granary. He asked to speak to Cal alone, telling her that this was not the use he had intended for the Granary. Cal explained that this was the first time Rick had made love to her and they hadn't planned it. Meg overheard Cal say that she would like Rick invited to the Christmas Eve party at the Sterlings' and was chastising Van for encouraging Cal's involvement with Rick when Sarah Caldwell, Van's and Meg's mother, told them that it was time they ended their childhood feud.


Ben was invited to a cardroom by Ray, but only had 200 dollars for him, explaining that he had expenses, but would receive his $500,000 in a few days. Ray gave him a big marker. Meg’s present to  Rick was a set of keys to the Priestly estate and his name on the deed. Ben arrived at the party late, laden with gifts for all.


Felicia Lamont took a frame out to Eddie, who bought her first painting, and saw the man who tried to rape her. Eddie went after him and then took Felicia home where Charles apologized for Felicia's imagination, but Eddie said he too saw the man. Over lunch Charles thanked Eddie for the change in Felicia as he had her interested in painting again. When the parking lot attendant found that all the tires on Felicia's car had been slashed, Felicia went into a state of panic and purchased a gun which Charles insisted was too dangerous to have around a house where a small boy lived. Eddie tried to talk her out of it, but Felicia insisted that she had to prove she was not a mental cripple. When in her studio Felicia opened the drawer for a handkerchief, all her lingerie was replaced by a note saying he would see her again.


One Life To Live


Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Doris Quinlan


After his first stunned exclamation, Victor Lord, upon learning that Tony Harris was the son he had been searching for, began jubilantly to welcome Tony to the Lord family. He offered Tony an apartment in the west wing at Llanfair, mused that they had to take steps to tell Viki, arranged for Tony to take the Lord name and began finding a place in the business - Lord Enterprises - for him. He was quickly squelched by Tony's asking him, "Where were you when I needed you?" Tony continued to berate Victor, saying that while his mother scrubbed floors, Victor was building his empire and drinking his hundred year old brandy. When Victor expressed regret he was told that it came about thirty years too late. "Never having been rejected," Tony continued, "you don't know what rejection is, what abandonment is." Tony exited saying, "Sit tight. You're about to have your first taste of both."


Viki Lord Riley, back at home after her release from the hospital - Viki was injured in an automobile accident in which Megan Riley, the daughter of Viki's husband, Joe and Cathy Craig was killed -, asked Tony to her house and tried to find a way to make peace between him and her father. She told Tony that in some ways he and Victor were alike and reminded him that her father tried over the years to find Tony's mother. Tony insisted that he couldn’t believe that, and that even if he had found them it would have been in character for Victor Lord to have paid off the woman he professed to love and taken Tony away from her.


Viki learned from Tony that he had endorsed a check for $25,000 sent to him by Victor to the "Citizen's Activist Committee," a group the Banner, Victor's newspaper, had been editorializing against consistently. She recognized Dorian's hand in what was obviously a mistake on her father's part and told Joe that it was apparent that Tony and Victor were on a collision course which she felt helpless to avert.


Cathy Craig, who blamed Viki for the death of her infant daugher, Megan - neither Cathy nor Joe were aware that Megan was the victim of an heriditary disease transmitted by Joe which would have proven ultimately fatal even had she survived the accident - had begun a new life at the urging of Tony Harris that they took up their lives together.


Tonys “ward” Japanese-Vietnamese Michiko had left the Llanview Motel which she shared with Tony to live with a young Japanese-American student who was as unlike Tony as possible - they said their good-byes just before Tony left for San Francisco to learn that he was Victor Lord's son. In that same motel, Tony and Cathy made love. –


When Tony came to the apartment Cathy was sharing with Patricia Kendall, he came face to face with Pat who had tried to avoid seeing him as she had become aware that Cathy was falling in love with him. Tony recognized Pat as the girl he knew in Rio de Janeiro ten years ago when she was with the Peace Corps. He was on leave from the Merchant Marine and they had a quarrel when she wanted him to stay as he was due to ship out to Hong Kong. She checked out the next day and left the country.


Dr. Jim Craig’s secretary, Carla Hall had recognized Pat as the wife of Paul Kendall, a fugitive suspected of being implicated in the bombing of a Federal building - Pat has told Jim that she was married, but separated from her husband Paul and that she had a nine year old son, staying with her mother in Pine Valley. – When Carla mentioned the name to Jim, feeling certain that he too had made the connection, he told her that the group was purported to be nonviolent and urged her to keep this knowledge just between the two of them. He said she was here to make a fresh start, "Let's give her the chance."


Carla had been having her own troubles at home with her adopted son Josh. She asked her husband Ed to speak to him. Ed told her he had only fifteen minutes to spare as he was going out to attend a retirement dinner and insisted that he didn't think the situation was as bad as she was making it sound, but agreed to speak to the boy. He told her he had laid the law down and that Josh had agreed to cut down on his spending. Carla said that he wasn't with Josh long enough to get any argument. She asked him if he didn’t think that maybe he just swept things under the rug. Ed told her that she might be making an isolated incident too important. Josh apologized for his attitude towards her, but Carla remained uneasy over the strain between herself and Josh that had been building up for months. She thought that Josh felt differently about her than he did about Ed.


Eileen Siegel had been suffering a strained relationship with her son Tim over his plans to marry Jenny Wolek, a young novitiate, who was in South America on a mission of mercy with her Order - Jenny, a young nun who had not yet taken her final vows, was the cousin of Vince Wolek and Anna Wolek Craig, two of Eileen's best friends. - Eileen felt that Tim would be hurt when he came to realize that Jenny's commitment to the Church Was very deep and that she would regret her decision to marry Tim when she returned. Eileen invited Sheilah Rafferty to come over hoping to rekindle a romance between Sheilah and her son but, when she left the room, they fought - Tim had been seeing Sheilah when he was depressed about Jenny's indecision at first and later, over her going along on the emergency flight.-


He told Eileen that he didn't mean to sound cruel, but that the way Sheilah felt about him was Sheilah's problem. When Eileen asked for Jenny's address and told Tim that he might read the letter she sent, if he wished, he replied that he was suspicious of her motives but told Eileen to go ahead and write to Jenny and get to know her better, because she was going to be seeing a lot more of her.


Later Tim apologized to his mother and asked her to try to remember how it felt when she was young and in love. She told Tim finally that she did remember and though she did not approve, she would try to be more understanding. Later, as Tim went to his room, Eileen heard a news broadcast. The revolution that had been brewing in the disaster area had broken out. The hospital in La Costa, where Jenny was working, had been destroyed by bombing, and there were thirty-five known dead, among them nine of the twelve nuns stationed there—their bodies burned beyond recognition.


After attempting to arrange a flight and entry into the war torn area where Jenny was last seen - even to the point of asking Steve to assign him a temporary job of special correspondent for which he was not qualified - Tim agreed to sit tight and wait for word of Jenny. Joe Riley finally brought word that Jenny was not listed by the government as one of those killed but that the survivors left for the boarder through jungle almost impossible to penetrate and they were officially classified as missing and presumed dead. Joe told Tim that he shouldn't give up hope and Tim replied "I'll never give up." However Joe told Steve that some of the bodies were unidentifiable and they might never know what happened to Jenny.


On the strength of an interview with the editors for the position of reporter for the Chronicle which had gone exceedingly well, Tony quit his temporary selling job at the Book Mart. However, Dorian managed to persuade Victor that Tony's working for a rival newspaper would make the Lord name a laughing-stock. Victor called the publisher Harrison Bingham and told him it would be personally embarrassing to him – Victor - if he hired Tony. Victor had also stopped payment on the check for $25,000.


On Christmas Day, Dorian displayed for Viki her gift from Victor — a sable coat — and he told her that she was having her portrait painted. Later at Llanfair, Dorian told Steve she didn't mean to criticize the way The Banner was run and then proceeded to offer a few "suggestions." Steve obviously on the defensive was told by Victor that he'd better get used to getting suggestions from Dorian every now and then. Victor was thinking of putting her on the Board of Directors.


Steve who had witnessed a love scene between Cathy and Tony, called Cathy and asked to see her. Tony was angry when Cathy agreed to see Steve, he had admitted to being jealous and possessive where she was concerned, and asked if she was going to run to Steve every time he called. When Cathy asked Steve at her apartment if he was ready to tell her what he needed to speak to her about he says, "I've made up my mind about something — I'm leaving Llanview."


Ryan’s Hope


Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Claire Labine, Paul Avila Mayer & Robert Costello


Conuncilman-elect Frank Ryan had answered Nick Szabo's threat to blow his political career out of the water by sending Jillian Coleridge, his paramour and former law professor, employed by Riverside Hospital to Albany, to find ties linking Nick to the holding company that owned the five apartment buildings which the Riverside Hospital proposed to buy for its expansion plans. By exposing Nick, a notorious gambler behind a thin front of respectability as a businessman, Frank hoped to de-fuse the situation for the tenants who were being squeezed out and force the hospital to back off from the negotiations. However, despite a personal appeal by Delia, Frank's wife and the mother of Ryan's infant son, John, Szabo intended to spread gossip which couldn’t be traced back to him through the Riverside District among Frank's constituents about Frank's three year affair with Jillian. As reporter Jack Fenelli had pointed out to Mary Ryan, Frank's sister, the Party was considering grooming Frank as a replacement for scandel-plagued Fred Preston in Congress. But Frank's image was crucial and "a boy scout doesn't have a lover on the side" and "the average citizen isn't in any mood to excuse a politician who lets him down."


Frank’s first step, when his determination not to submit to blackmail by Szabo made it inevitable that the truth would come out, was to tell his parents. When his father, Johnny Ryan, asked how he would have continued his affair for three years, Frank replied that he hoped his passion for Jill would pass, that Jill would get tired of him or that his feelings would change. He said that Jill had been unselfish and only wanted what wa's best for himself. Johnny asked, "Does she think that she's what's best for you?" Johnny came to say that no matter how the family felt, they stood behind Frank. He paused on his way out of the room and asked, "There isn't anything else is there?" When Frank said there wasn't, Johnny remarked, "Well that's a blessing anyway." When Frank was upset by his father's pain, Maeve told him, "He's your father, he's disappointed. He could never have done what you've done these past three years."


When Frank told Bob Reid, his best friend, campaign manager, and Delia's brother - the only family aside from the Ryans she had -, he met with astonishment, anger, and bitter disillusionment on Bob's part. At Frank's mention of Charlie Ferris, the Party's District Leader, Bob exploded, "You've been running around on my sister for three years and you're wondering how to tell Charlie Ferris?" Speaking to Delia, Bob said he feels like he had been ripped off and refused to consider forgiving Frank. He offered Delia his place to take the baby but Delia insisted that she would stay at the Ryans’. When Bob left saying that Delia was always welcome to come to him, and Frank came back into the room saying he hoped to talk further with Bob, Delia told Frank "I think you just broke his heart."


Frank’s family - with the exception of Delia and Bob - arranged to express solidarity by waiting in the office of the district leader's meeting room as Frank was about to tell them about his vulnerability and offer his resignation. Just as it became apparent that the leaders were about to accept his resignation, Delia came in to the meeting and pleaded for their understanding saying that she was partly to blame for not supporting Frank's career and ambitions, thereby driving him to Jill - before leaving the house, Frank told Delia he was leaving her and little John. - She said that Frank had confessed to her the night of the rally he attended in a wheelchair - a lie - that they were closer than ever - another lie - and that Jill was really a thing of the past with Frank - she hoped -.


The leaders, relieved, agreed to back Frank, of course, and when he confronted Delia alone, she told him she lied because she didn't exactly think the truth would help him and who was he to tell her not to lie. When he told his mother Maeve that Dee had trapped him; tied his career to a dead marriage, Maeve replied that she loves Jill but she loved Delia and little John too. She asked, "Who's to take the responsibility and make the sacrifices?" and added that, "love just isn't enough." When Jill went to see Frank she told him she thought he had already made his decision. "Frank, this was a banner day for the truth, and there it is — you're married and you're gonna stay married."


Jillian’s sister, Faith Coleridge was not a little upset and sympathetic over the situation because she was in love with another Ryan, Pat, and did not want to cope with the idea of the inevitability of their breaking up. In the meanwhile, Kenneth Castle, laboratory technician and architecture buff, evincing a weird attraction to Faith - he has entered her room twice with a duplicate key he had made, written her anachronistic poetry and stolen her I.D. card in order to have a poster made of her picture -, had discovered an unknown room in the hospital by poring over old blueprints and prowling locked corridors. In a room giving all the appearance of a former morgue, lit by gaslight, he set to work installing Faith's picture and sweeping cobwebs to create a "special private room" where he could "do his own thing."


Nell Beaulac had remarked to Dr. Clem Moultrie that her "death is on the other side of a thin blood vessel." - Nell had survived an operation treating an aneurism of the brain with no apparent permanent damage. However, she had a second aneurism, at the juncture of two arteries, which was inoperable - and, "There doesn't seem to be any way to practice dying." That, however, was just what she apparently proceeded to do.


Upon her release from the hospital with her husband staying with her - Seneca had promised her he had no expectations of anything else but to be with her -, she tempted fate by sitting in a high wind on a railing outside her apartment high over New York City streets which was not much more than ornamental. Bucky, her nephew, gave her a green sports car for a Christmas present and she risked her life and his by driving it at top speed at night, in bad weather along the Long Island express-way.


When Seneca reminded her that although she felt happy and perfectly safe doing these things she wasn't and neither was Bucky. She told him he had made her care. "Everything I see, everything I touch is one more thing to lose and there you are at the center of it all. I love you — I've never stopped loving you."


Faith and Pat went to Bob Reid's office at Police Headquarters to report the latest incident — Faith's admirer had tried to enter her room but the chain held. He left a present — a mirror. Asked what the police could do about it, Bob said "Not much — until some crime has been committed." He offered to call hospital security and have them check her out a little closer. As Faith and Pat left, Delia arrived to ask Bob to come to Ryan's Bar — it was Christmas Eve. While Delia was assuring Bob that the affair was really over, Frank phoned Jill. Bob went to Ryan's with Delia and offered his hand saying "Merry Christmas, Ol' buddy."


When Frank called, Jill insisted that he not call her again but at Frank's therapy session, as Delia and Mary were in the room with Frank, Jill slipped a note into Frank's overcoat, hanging in the corridor. At home Frank admitted that Delia was right in believing that he had been looking up and down the hall in the hope of catching a glimpse of Jill but insisted that he was trying to forget her. Just then Delia's hand came upon the envelope in his pocket.


Search For Tomorrow


Written by: Peggy O’Shea

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim


Amy Kaslo got the test back from her lab technician friend saying she was carrying Bruce's child. Finally she couldn’t keep her secret from her roommate, Jennifer. When Jennifer saw how miserable Amy was, she suggested an abortion saying that she might have to drop out of school which would someday cause her to resent the child. Jennifer, who had fallen in love with Bruce, finally broke down and told Bruce what was wrong with Amy. Bruce wanted to come right out and told Amy that he knew she was pregnant, but Jennifer insisted that Amy would figure out she told him and was the other woman in Bruce's life. Dr. Webber commented on Amy's lack of color and suggested that women don't have the stamina to be in medicine at all let alone working also. He insisted that she have the whole GI series, but Amy was concerned because she knew that he would find out she was pregnant and kick her out of medical school. She told Gary Walton why she couldn't have the tests.


Bruce talked to Jo Vincente about Amy and was advised to tell her that he knew she was pregnant. Amy informed Bruce that she intended to keep the baby which she considered a love child, but when he asked her to marry him she said she couldn’t because he loved someone else and things wouldn't be right. Steve suggested that Amy was trying to prove she could make it on her own, but advised her to get an abortion.


Gary Walton and Steve Kaslo told Steve's wife, Liza, that he had mononeucleosis to cover up for the fact that while he wouldn't check into the hospital, Steve had finally become an outpatient. When Steve had his second treatment he had an allergic reaction to the drugs as Liza walked in. Liza was getting mad at her brother for using experimental "wonder drugs" on her husband. Gary kept making excuses. When Steve was switched to a new drug he again had a bad reaction. This time he lost the feeling in his arms and legs. Gary took him to the hospital for tests and treatment, but Liza felt that she was not being told everything. She asked Amy to use her grapevine to find out what was wrong with Steve. Gary said that Steve's excuse would not keep Liza from finding out he had leukemia.


Janet Collins, a suspect being held for the murder of her brother-in-law Clay Collins, was arraigned. Lt. Frankovitch testified that Janet herself said, "Oh my God, what have I done?" as she was escorted to the police station. Janet testified that Clay came to see her already drunk. They struggled and then she remembered no more. The judge bound Janet over for trial and released her on her own recognizance. Janet returned home, but she was terrified that she would have to go to prison. Her husband, Wade, swore to her that she wouldn’t ever have to go back to jail. Wade was surprised to hear that she would be tried on a homicide charge, but he decided to take things into his own hands.


Wade called Lt. Frankovitch, saying that he wanted to confess. They called John Wyatt, but Wade waived his rights and told the Lieutenant that Janet was having an affair with Clay which made him very angry. He had it in for Clay for a long time, but Clay refused to stay away from his wife. He and Clay struggled and when pushed to the floor, he grabbed the scissors and struck Clay in the back twice. He then panicked and ran from the house leaving Janet there alone. John arrived and was furious to think they would believe Wade's story, but Lt. Frankovitch was smart enough not to accept a false confession though Wade had added credibility to Stephanie Collins' sworn statement that Janet and Clay were having an affair. Wade told Janet that he had hurt her case instead of helping it, but Janet believed that she probably had killed Clay and blocked it from her mind.


Janet remembered struggling with Clay and then remembered falling. Wade remembered the bad headaches Janet had and suggested that she could have struck her head when she fell. He asked Dr. Bob Rogers to help him by taking a series of skull X-rays. There was a recent hairline fracture that Bob said could have been the result of a blow to the head when she fell. Janet remembered that she woke up on the couch and so Wade theorized that someone probably had killed Clay while Janet was unconscious.


Bruce Carson, news reporter, gave John his first clue. The Collins corporation board members were concerned about the running of the company. The workers were upset that Dave Wilkins was given the shaft by Collins because he was capable of running the construction portion of the business - Dave invented a sorter while he worked for Collins, but Clay wouldn't adequately compensate Dave for his patent. He kept after Collins until he was fired. He threatened Clay many times and to add fuel to the fire, Collins married his ex-wife. - John also found out that Clay and Stephanie had a big fight in which Clay was mad enough to tear her jacket. John passed this information to Lt. Frankovitch. District Attorney Paul Zolar was mad that the case was no longer cut and dried against Janet. Dave Wilkins was brought in for questioning as he was leaving town. He said he went to the Club where Clay was drinking, but couldn't get close to Clay so he went to a small bar for a drink. An officer came in with a pair of gloves covered with blood found in Dave's apartment. Dave claimed he went hunting and slew a rabbit, but had to remain in jail overnight while the lab ran tests on the gloves. Not only was it rabbit blood, but the bartender remembered that Dave didn't leave until the football game on TV was over at eleven thirty and Clay was killed at eleven o'clock.


Stephanie was brought in for question-ing about her argument at the Club bar with Clay. Stephanie confessed to her lawyer that Clay asked for a divorce, but he was drunk and she didn't feel that he meant it. She got in her car and drove north. She finally remembered that on the way back to Henderson she was stopped for speeding and given a ticket. A search produced the ticket which they took to Lt. Frankovitch and District Attorney Zolar. She was ticketed two miles outside of Watkinsville coming back to Henderson at the time Clay was killed.


As they trimmed the tree John was very depressed after having gott Janet's hopes up by telling her that Dave and Stephanie were suspects to have them fall to nothing. Janet was frightened at the hearing. All the experts testified as to what they found including the pathologist who said the blow could have been administered by a woman. Stu Bergman, Janet's father, had to testify that he came home to find Janet kneeling over Clay's body, screaming with the scissors in her hand.


Wade received a phone call from the sanitarium where Karen, his ex-fiancee, was recovering - Karen at one time worked for Wade as well as being engaged to him. She took some experimental drugs and had been mentally ill ever since. Clay had been using Karen to try to break up Wade's marriage the past couple of months. For some time Janet couldn't believe the terrible things Wade would say about Clay, but just before his death Janet discovered that the hostility that Wade had for Clay was well founded.-  Dr. Claire Newman told Wade that Karen had been having nightmares and knew that Clay was dead even though she had all the news-papers removed from the sanitarium. They administered sodium pentothal and asked Karen about the day of Clay's death. Karen related that she went to the Collins house and found Clay kneeling over Janet. When Clay was told that she was there to see Wade because he had told her to, he tried to convince her that she had killed Janet and he had to report it to the police. Terrified, Karen picked up the scissors from the sewing basket and stabbed Clay as he dialed the phone.


Awake, Karen rememberd nothing and Claire reminded Wade that they couldn’t testify as to what Karen said under influence of the drug because it was privileged information. The District Attorney wouldn’t believe Wade without Claire's testimony and Wade walked for hours trying to find a way to clear Janet. Finally he told John and Kathy that they had to question everybody who saw Clay that day and they haden't done that yet. Kathy asked Scott who Wade could have seen at the sanitarium and he reminded her that Karen was there.




Written by: Don Appell

Produced by: Lyle B. Hill


Eve Lawrence Paisley, after taking elaborate precautions to let husband Ned – who was at a meeting - know where she was going in a note, went to visit her "dear friend Julian" at his new apartment. Julian had left his wife Kate, after finding out she had an abortion. Julian and Eve recalled old times, their old love. Uneasy in her remembrances, Eve used the excuse of worrying about Ned to move away from Julian. Eve phoned Ned, but there was no answer. Ned picked up the phone too late. Finding Eve's note with Julian's phone number and request to call, Ned picked up the phone, then put it down, an act of trust in the woman he loved. Julian thought Eve's concern about Ned was a device to keep from thinking about them. Julian said he and Eve made a big mistake. Eve assured him she married Ned for love, not on the rebound from Julian. However, Eve couldn't deny she loved Julian. When he plaintively asked what went wrong between them, Eve tearfully reminded him it was her fear of sexual involvement that drove them apart. Only with Ned had she been able to work it through. Eve told Julian it was too late for them, that she had a future with Ned and she was happy. She begged Julian to be her friend, "Help me; don't hurt me." They faced their mutual attraction and Eve was glad to find she could admit it without guilt. Julian indicated he had lost his confidence. Eve urged him to have faith in himself and in marriage because he would find someone. Julian felt two bad marriages might be too much to overcome. Eve returned to Ned.


Eve, the following morning, asked Ned why he didn't call. Ned replied that he was never going to be jealous again and he didn't want to intrude while she was trying to help her good friend Julian. Eve told him she and Julian recalled warm memories, but she knew she loved Ned. The housekeeper found them acting like lovebirds and suggested a honeymoon. They planned an extended world tour.


Ginger Cooper, continually upset by husband Tony's long hours at Paisley's, was torn. She wanted Tony home, but she also wanted him to succeed. Recently, Tony was assigned to teach beautiful Vicky Paisley, Ned's sister and partner, about the business. Ginger was jealous, despite Tony's assurances Vicky was harmless. Ginger took their son Joey to see Julian to discuss claiming a prize he had won from a contest sponsored by the Register. Joey told Julian he liked what Julian did and wanted to be a newspaperman just like Julian.


Julian had a dinner meeting with an "ad-man" who turned out to be an attractive woman, Sylvia. At the restaurant, they ran into Kate, dining with Stan and Terri Kurtz. Stan had just been trying to persuade Kate that there was hope for her marriage. Kate and the Kurtzes left. Sylvia noted Julian's wife was very attractive. He replied, "She was my wife." Saying she had been there, Sylvia noted that the best way to get over an old romance was to start a new one.


Tony Cooper was promoted to manager by Ned, so Tony could run the store in his absence. Ginger and Joey were delighted until Tony said it would mean longer hours. Tony was sure Joey wouldn't mind, but Joey said he didn’t see enough of Tony. Working late again, Tony called Ginger, who was very angry because Tony had promised to be home early because it was a special day for Joey — his first report card. Ginger accused Tony of putting everything else before Joey, and he didn’t even know Joey existed. Joey overheard. Tony hung up when Vicky arrived with a champagne supper. Vicky asked if Ginger thought they were having an affair. Tony replied that he didn't give a damn about what Ginger thought.


Joey, seeing Ginger crying, called his friend Julian and begged him to come over. Julian agreed, and the three of them spent a quiet, happy evening. Julian left when Tony finally arrived. Joey accused Tony of not loving him and went to bed. Tony followed and reassureed Joey. Tony apologized for the late hours, but said they were for a good purpose. Tony won Joey over by promising to be home early the following day so they could cut a Christmas tree and trim it. Vicky couldn't quite understand that when Tony begged off lunch with her to go home early.


Heather Lawrence Kane, finding a lack of fulfillment in her life with husband Jerry, had taken a job singing in a coffeehouse, causing trouble between Jerry and her. She accidentally woke Jerry when she got home one night. Jerry told her she had given her farewell performance, saying her "job" was demeaning to him. "The name Jerry Kane means something in this community, and I won't let you undermine it." Heather replied that she had to find some way to be herself, not just some extension of him. She told him she had found an apartment and was moving out in the morning. Jerry said she would regret it, which she admitted. Heather told him she had a long way to go, but she couldn't get there from being Mrs. Jerry Kane. As Heather packed, Vic Kirby dropped by. He was upset Jerry wouldn't bend. Vic said Jerry would come around, but Heather doubted it. She gave Vic her address and phone number, telling him it was all right to give it to Jerry, because this time he would have to come to her.


Heather had sublet Bobby Hansen's apartment, which was filled with momentos of early movies. Bobby began his collection as a child when he contracted polio, which had left him with a limp. Bobby found Heather charming. Jerry demanded Eve talk some sense into Heather. Eve refused to interfere, but was shocked by Jerry's attitude. Heather told Eve that the separation was a time for everyone to figure things out. She said she was taking one step at a time and it seemed solid to her. Bobby dropped by, and Eve asked if Bobby was the reason for the separation. Heather said no. Jerry dropped by. He wanted Heather to come home where she belonged and be the girl he married. Heather said she was not the girl he married. She pointed out that he had a fulfilling, busy life, but for her being Mrs. Jerry Kane wasn't enough.


Ellen Grant, unknowingly, was being pursued by a young man, Dale Robinson. She was just surprised when he kept turning up. Dale, a grade student, was looking for work. Dale followed Ellen home from the coffeehouse one night. They spent a nice evening, during which Dale pointed out the many valuable things Ellen had. As he was leaving, he fixed her door and a window latch. Ellen found herself intrigued by this young man who had been all over the world.


Greg Mercer, wanting to help find Carrie Wheeler's father's murderer, began searching the coffeehouses and other hangouts. He had a police sketch, given him by Sgt. Evans, without Lt. Price's permission. Heather and Greg agreed the sketch resembled Dale. During the night, Sarah Brisken's apartment was almost broken into again. Carrie Wheeler, fearful for Greg's safety, used the occasion of covering a story on Sarah to tell Price what Greg was doing. Price blew his stack and assigned Evans to cover Greg, when Greg said he would continue anyway. Greg and Carrie fought about the whole thing, and Carrie ran to Lena Andrews, her grandmother. Greg called in the morning and they talked, deciding only that their days of playing house were over.


Dale tricked Ellen into a ride to work on his motorcycle. When Stan Kurtz saw her, he told her she looked marvelous, that there had been a glow about her lately. Dale used Ellen as a reference to get a job as a physician's assistant at the hospital. Ellen was angry, saying he should have asked her permission. After dinner, Ellen asked why she felt he was trying to sell her something. He replied that perhaps she was in the market to buy. Ellen decided to rent him a room, David's old room. He asked to see a picture of David. Ellen showed him the photos Jill sent from Hong Kong. Ellen admitted to prejudice - Lai Ling. Dale said prejudice was simply the result of social pressures. Greg was forced by Heather to show the police sketch to Dale. Dale took a pencil and slyly made the sketch resemble Greg.


Jill Grant Farmer, visiting Hong Kong, found it hard to accept David's relationship with Lai Ling, by whom David had a son. Lai Ling urged Jill to examine her prejudice because one day she and David would marry. Lai Ling revealed she was born in a wealthy home, but left at age 15, when her father picked her husband. Lai Ling told Jill that in Hong Kong, Jill might find an awakening, and urged that if Jill needed standards, she let her heart choose them. Lai Ling received a mysterious phone call.


Vicky Paisley’s Chrismas party brought relationships to a head. Kate, arriving with Tom, hoped to find another chance with Julian. Julian wass just polite. Kate, having just told Terri she didn’t need therapy, just enough hate to make her forget Julian, told Julian she was in therapy. He didn’t take her bait. Vicky fawned over Tony, angering Ginger. Julian calmed Ginger. Subsequently, Ginger got drunk watching Tony with Vicky. Loudly, Ginger told Vicky to keep her hands off Tony. Julian, again stepped in, getting Ginger out. Jerry Kane arrived alone. Heather and Bobby Hansen, arriving in 30's dress, brought the party to a halt. Heather sang a song, perched on the piano. Angry, embarrassed, Jerry left. Bobby toasted Heather with her slipper: "To the reigning Princess of Somerset and the future Queen of Broadway." Still upset with each other, Greg and Carrie arrived. Greg didn't like Tom Conway's attentions to Carrie, so he flirted with another girl. Carrie resisted Tom's pleas for a date, until she noticed Greg. Carrie took Tom's phone number, saying she might call him very soon. Ellen arrived with Dale. Vicky effused over his good looks and youth. Ellen insisted he was only her escort. Vicky noticed Ellen enjoyed dancing with Dale.


Dale dressed as Santa, telling Ellen he was going to collect old toys and money for poor kids. Coincidentally, Florence, a friend of Sarah Brisken's, was attacked and robbed by a man dressed as Santa. The elderly tenants in their apartment building were considering buying a big old house and establishing a quasi-kibbutz. After Sarah's second attack and the one on Florence, they agreed to look at a house Lena Andrews had found.


The Young And The Restless


Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: William J. Bell & John Conboy


Lorie Brooks had decided to try and stop publication of her new book which paralleled her sister's life. As she was happily engaged to Mark Henderson she wanted to protect Leslie's peace of mind by not bringing up her stay in the sanitarium. Greg Foster told Lorie that since the manuscript was already in the galley stage it was virtually impossible to stop its publication. Lorie was going to tell Leslie, but she had already left for her concert series in Dallas, Texas.


Leslie arrived in Dallas to find flowers from her husband, Brad Elliot, and Lance Prentiss, the business tycoon who flew her home from Puerto Rico in his private jet. Lance asked Leslie to join him in his suite after the concert to meet all the people he had flown in from California. Lance had Leslie sing so that Mr. Kincaid could see her as an all-round performer. Mr. Kincaid told Leslie that she should think about acting and he would call her when he found the right property. He felt that "someone somewhere is writing a book right now meant for you."


In order to prove his theory that Lorie was not his half-sister, Mark asked Lorie to help out the blood bank. He took the news to Jennifer, Lorie's mother, that while her blood type is O, Bruce, Mark's father, had type B, and Stuart, Jennifer's husband, had type A, and Lorie also had type A. He went to Lorie's apartment and suggested that they celebrate their marriage which would take place New Year's Eve. While Lorie dressed, he got a message from his answering service saying there was a mistake and the blood type on the sample he requested was B, not A. Mark rushed to Jennifer's without telling Lorie he was leaving. Jennifer insisted he tell Lorie that he couldn’t marry her, but without explaining why. When Mark told Laurie that he was leaving town she couldn’t believe that he wouldd go without her because he couldn’t deny that he loved her. Jennifer visited Mark to find out if he told Laurie, but Mark continued his packing. He called Snapper Foster and explained that he was leaving town, but Brad Elliot, his patient, was suffering from nephritis of the optic nerve. Cortisone was giving him some relief, but he insisted that Leslie had to not be told.


Lorie was blaming herself for Mark's leaving and hoped her father would come back from Mark's with an explanation, but Mark refused to shed any light on the situation. Jennifer assured Lorie that it was probably a per-sonal problem. Stuart wondered how Jennifer found out that Mark was leaving. He called Bruce Henderson to see if Mark has talked to his father, but Bruce had no answers either. Lorie remembered that she had been left by every man she had ever cared for and decided to get away for a few days.


Stuart Brooks told his daughter, Peggy, that he had asked her mother to spend Christmas with them. Jennifer accepted his invi-tation. Peggy's grades dropped when her family seemed to be falling apart, but thanks to her teaching assistant, Jack Curtis, her grades were rising. Although she had been warned about him, she seemed to be falling for him and either couldn’t or wouldn't help herself.


Jennifer was very nervous about going back home because she was not sure how Peggy would take it. Peggy told Chris that she was not sure herself how she felt about her mother, but when Peggy saw Jennifer, they fell into each others arms, happy to make up. The day was even better when Lorie arrived home for Christmas.

Not knowing that Brock Reynolds had already proposed to Jill Foster, Kay Chancellor told her son that if he would marry Jill to provide the "poor illegitimate child" with a name, she would see that they never wanted for anything. She assured Brock that she was only thinking of the child and was tired of all the hatred between herself and Jill - Phillip Chancellor divorced Kay and married Jill who was pregnant with his child. Phillip died of injuries acquired in an auto accident which Kay caused. Kay later had the divorce ruled invalid and voided Jill's marriage. Kay refused to acknowledge that this was Phillip's baby. –


Liz Foster was against Jill marrying Brock because she didn’t love him, but later saw that all the things Mrs. Chancellor was offering were what Phillip wanted — name, house, and money. Jill told Brock that things just weren't the same and she couldn’t marry him. They decided to remain friends and Jill explained to her family that she couldn't do that to Brock.


Chris Foster found her father-in-law slumped on the floor using his oxygen to recover from a severe attack. She wanted to call Snapper, her husband, but Bill wanted to keep this a secret. Chris told Snapper later and he was checking his father when Jill came home. He needed a warm dry climate, but they didn’t have the money to move.


Brock finally convinced his mother that it was her drinking that drove Phillip away. He waited patiently, but finally fell in love with Jill. She loved him then, loved him still, and had to learn to live with the guilt. Kay finally accepted the fact that Jill was carrying Phillip's child. Kay offered Jill one million dollars for her baby. She would take the child and raise it as her own with Phillip's name. Jill said everyone knew how unstable Mrs. Chancellor was and she was a lousy mother to Brock. Kay said that Jill could only give the child love, while she could give him love, the Chancellor name, and wealth. Would Jill condemn this child to the same poor existence as she had when someday he would learn what he missed? Jill left confused. She visited Brock who said that his mother had changed and would probably be a wonderful mother this time.


Jill accepted Kay’s offer. Kay would raise the baby out of town and it was best that Jill didn’t know where. Kay had arranged for a doctor and private hospital in a town two hours away. She gave Jill five hundred dollars for immediate expenses and suggested she go today since the baby could be born any time. Jill wrote a letter to her Mom and Dad and was ready to leave when Liz came home. She caught Jill sneaking out, but before she could get an explanation, Jill went into labor, Liz grabbed the letter on her way out to rush Jill to the local hospital.


When Dr. Atwated checked Jill, he told her that it was false labor, but he was keeping her at the hospital since she would probably go into labor within 24 hours. Liz couldn’t understand why Jill was so anxious to leave. She called the family and then read the letter she picked up as she left the house. Jill explained in it that she had to go away for a few days and had decided to give up her baby since she couldn’t offer it a real home. Liz couldn’t understand why Jill would give her child up since love was the most important thing to a child, not material possessions. Jill asked her family to remember that she loved her child.


Kay brought a Poinsetta to the hospital as an excuse to find out if Jill had changed her mind after Liz reported that she wouldn't be at work because Jill was in the hospital. Jill would keep her promise even though she couldn’t leave town. When Liz tried to persuade Jill that her baby would not resent her for keeping her out of love instead of giving her to a family that could provide for her materially, Jill let it slip that there was money involved and it would mean that her father could live longer in a warm, dry climate. Liz figured out who had offered the money and asked Jill how she could deliver her child into the hands of a woman like Mrs. Chancellor.


Chris met Kathy Simmons, twenty-two, who had just had a mastectomy and explained that her mother had just had this same operation and a period of blues was not unusual. Kathy said she could accept it, but her husband couldn't and she was not sure that he ever would. Chris told Snapper who saod that if this continued he would see what he could do. After Dick spent a lot of time discussing everything else, Kathy decided she couldn't take his rejection. She explained this to him and suggested that he visit their relatives alone and think this through. He hesitated slightly at leaving her alone through the holidays, but then said he would call when he got things settled in his own mind. Chris and Snapper saw Dick Simmons in the hospital cafeteria on Christmas eve. He explained he was going to see Kathy before going to his family's for the holidays, but he couldn't get up enough courage. Snapper insulted Kathy, saying he didn’t blame Dick for wanting to find a whole woman, making Dick stand up for Kathy. Snapper told Dick to go to Kathy if he really loved her. Dick called their families and told Kathy that everyone would be there in the morning.


Brock found that his employee, Joann Kryzynski was just exactly what she said — one of the hardest workers he had ever had.

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