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Y&R December 2019 Discussion Thread

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I wish they would go ahead and give the job to Janice Ferri Esser and/or Natalie Minardi Slater -- presuming, of course, the ladies would be interested.

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I wonder if people like that or Sara Bibel would be afraid to take the gig in fears they'd end up fired. It doesn't seem like it's easy to be HW for this show. Maybe seeing the level of interference causes people not to wanna rock the boat. Could also be Steve Kent and other higher ups wanting a more proven name. The HW choices all suggest that. The only wild card was MAB. Being realistic, giving Dena Higley a chance makes sense when you look at who is available from the pool they will be willing to look at. They won't hire a Hogan Sheffer from outside of soaps, no newbies, nobody black so it's limited to the merry go round writers. Carlivati is taken right now (unless they try to steal him during the contract lapse), I believe David Kriezman has another gig as well, Megan McTavish seems retired and Barbara Bloom is currently working at GH. I'm not sure who else from the merry go round is currently available. I also feel like Pratt currently has a gig. 

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You figure Janice Ferri Esser has been with Y&R for 30 years a SW and Natalie Minardi Slater 21 years as a BW/AHW (with another 7 years as production staff previously) - they probably see what's happened to the HW's before them and figure there's an awful lot of risk and little reward. Their episodes are head and shoulders better than the rest, and maybe that's good enough for them. 

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I mean...at least Meg Bennett has history with the show, but Guza would kill everyone over the age of 50 except Victor who'd become 10x more obnoxious and somehow be viewed as the town hero all the while. Hard no.

Much as I know a lot of people weren't thrilled with them, I wouldn't mind TomSell giving it a go. As much as their DAYS went off the rails after their heavy hitters left, and they had a tendency to add bizarre new characters (the Ozark chucklehead crew), their first year at DAYS at least had some thought and planning put into it, and had more actual romantic/sexual dramatic elements to it, which I haven't really seen in the same way since anywhere. Really, their main problem was that their plans fell apart after Eileen Davidson, Ali Sweeney, and James Scott all left in quick succession, and they scrambled (poorly) to fill the void.

I know they're very different shows, and that they tend to go a little too far toward high camp, but I recognized something in them, thematically, and in the structure of their stories, that was somewhat more akin to how Y&R used to be (on a much less sophisticated level, of course).


And yes, I do realize this is a deeply unpopular opinion to hold. But I think I would rather them to Godfather Guza.


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I don't know about Gary Tomlin -- he's either too campy or too boring -- but I'll certainly take him (and Christopher Whitesell) over Bob Guza ANYday.


Hell, I'd take the job, even if I had to do it for free (in exchange for creative control).  I just want to get in there and write Y&R (or DAYS).

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You and me both, believe me.

I just know the people we're now stuck with in the writing game. And honestly, they're among the least offensive of a bad lot. At least Whitesell knows how to structure a story effectively. Something that's sorely lacking at Y&R right now.

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I just clued in that they spoke to Dumb Dena and I am going to sh*t.

WHO the hell thinks this woman is fit to run a writing room?? She tanks every show she works at! Sure the ratings go up the first few months, but...

I am at a loss for words. The stank in the food chain at Sony and CBS is putrid. What the HELL are they thinking???

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That's what they're thinking.


They don't care about the long term anymore.  They just want someone to give the ratings a jolt.  They'll worry about down the road, down the road.

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