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Days: December 2019 Discussion Thread 🎄

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Rest up them forearms, cuz Ben's on today...  


But in all shallow seriousness, well done Chandler. You got your groove back. 


Ugh. Add him to the list alongside Greg Vaughan of performers who induce deep sleep.  I guess I should be happy DAYS finally found a villain outside the DiMera family, but this low-rent podunk white trash con man is not something we should fear. Point and laugh, yes, but not fear. The fact that Kate Roberts bumped uglies with him is horrifying. #YouCanDoBetter 



This 100% 


Reilly 1.0 was over-the-top but still rooted in strong emotions and utilized history and family units. Since then, it's been shock and awe just for the sake of shock and awe. 


What stinks about this tactic (including Ron's gimmicks) nowadays is that everything comes off as cheap. Not just cheap like DAYS' dime store budget, but cheap as in unpolished. Soaps in the 90's had more of a polished, finished look to its overall production. They had the budget as well as the know-how to make it look good, plus they had the time to shoot multiple takes instead of these one-and-done shooting schedules nowadays. 



Good question. If it's brainwashing, why not implant Stefano's memories into baby Mickey?  That's his best shot at finally sucking on some Marlena tittie. After all, it's Salem and Marlena never ages so I'm sure she's still lactating. 


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I'd love it, though, if Ciara was to find out about Ben and Will and lose her damn mind.  In fact, she should find out right before she finds out her mother has been brainwashed again.  That way, in exchange for keeping silent about Princess Gina, she could extract a promise from "Hope" to get revenge on Ben for breaking her heart.



I absolutely think Ron Carlivati is beyond sick for having a gay man fall in love with the man who (tried to) kill him.


But -- oh, hell -- why not?


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That is true when you think about it


We have to believe that some sex starved con didn't try to get with a cutie like Will just because some hillbilly that think he's Tony Soprano told them not to? I don't buy it.


I do think JR is a good actor, and has been doing a good job as Clyde though,

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Back when Ben was "reformed" and looking for work, I thought Carlivati missed a golden opportunity to capitalize on RSW's physical attributes by not having Ben get a job as an "exotic dancer."  Carlivati could've even had Ben's new boss, your garden-variety sleazy club owner (who is later revealed to be back-from-the-dead D.J. Craig), force him to exploit his notoriety as the "Necktie Killer," kind of like how Dr. Sam Sheppard billed himself as "Killer" Sam Sheppard in his post-trial professional wrestling career.


Ben could've come out onstage, always acting as if he's getting ready to strangle his next victim, when the music changes and he goes into his dance instead.  Then, as he collects the dollar bills being stuffed down his pants (or whatever), he drops neckties everywhere as a sort of calling card.  In fact, that's how Ciara could've figured out why Ben was flushed with cash all-of-a-sudden: she sees in another woman's possession a necktie that she earlier spotted Ben buying from a store at Horton Town Square.


Seriously, if I could come up with this [!@#$%^&*], what's Carlivati's problem!?

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Yeah no love for Will. This story is about redeeming killer Ben so Ciarra is ok to [!@#$%^&*] him without the fans being upset about it.

really?....it must be since we haven't seen Will's backside or frontal. Teehee.....

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Jason 47 updated the production schedule on his site  http://www.jason47.com/days/productionschedule.html

When Days went on Haitus Nov 27th, they have filmed thru the episode that will air on August 26, 2020


Now I know the show is on break Til Jan 13 2020 and The show wont air two weeks  (July 27-Aug 7) because of the Olympics

But the show will still be nearly 8 months ahead when production resumes. Will this ever get better? Cant they take til April off and be like 4.5 months ahead. Something closer to air, Damn. 

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At the very least, neither the network nor Sony (nor Corday, for that matter) should be allowed to offer their "notes" on the writing, nor should Ron Carlivati be required to implement them.  Because, honestly, what difference would any notes make with this production schedule?

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That would be the smart thing to do, but I don't see that happening. The only thing I could see them possibly doing is at least slowing down the taping schedule.

Lmao don't give him any ideas.


Bringing back DJ might be the biggest mistake they'd ever make. It would be up there with Erica's un-abortion on AMC.

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This whole Ben/Will thing is typical Ron tbh; objectify the hot guys and make it as gay as possible without pulling the trigger and enjoy your maximum titillation. It's weak in this day and age, daytime or no daytime. I get that Corday or Sony or whatever might not let them but who is left watching? This is 2019. Just do it or don't waste my time with the tee-hee onscreen towel dance.

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IDK what made people think simply "jumping ahead" in the story would make Ron Carlivati a better storyteller.  Yes, you could cut to the proverbial chase.  However, the deficiencies in crafting compelling stories with relatable characters won't magically disappear.

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