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Oh good, we're on the same page.

I have to admit, I haven't tuned in once since the TJ, and nothing I've read or seen so far gives me any interest in tuning in. It all just feels like a bunch of wacky plot points strung together without any emotional impact whatsoever. I haven't heard a single positive thing about any of the stories, and the most emotion I can muster about this whole Steveno thing is an extended eyeroll. Speaking of eyes, did Steve get a second bionic one or is this one glass? 

To even give Rolf a bloody motive to brainwash Steve into thinking he's Stefano is too much to ask now? This is basic storytelling stuff and we're completely missing it. I can't.

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He's evil and does evil stuff. Isn't that enough for you? What do you want, Carlivati's blood?!?


I've said it before but I've said it again - I'm almost 100% that it'll turn out that "Adrienne" who died was actually a brainwashed Bonnie and now Adrienne is running around town with Bonnie's memories. When this'll be revealed, Will will be released from prison because... reasons. Yeah, he still killed a woman, but no one cared about Bonnie so he'll be magically released.

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IKR?  If this show would just GIVE us an explanation for why Rolf has done what he has done!


At this point, I just have to assume he did it, because he missed Stefano and Gina so darned much.



I'd go another way: Adrienne KNOWS she's Adrienne, but she's pretending to be Bonnie, because they're afraid whoever actually killed Bonnie might've wanted to kill Adrienne instead.  But the even bigger twist would be how Adrienne, as Bonnie, gets Justin to fall in love with her, not knowing it's her.  If you know what I mean.

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Too interesting, so they definitely won't go that way.

If it involves any remote character work, Ron won't do it. As @te.said, what do you want? Ron's blood? If you make him think for more than two seconds about his story, he'll pop a blood vessel.

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  • Eric and Sarah receive upsetting news about Mickey
  • Ben informs Ciara his legal situation just got worse
  • Kate blasts Sonny when she learns he shared a kiss with Evan
  • After hearing the news about Mickey, Nicole tries to comfort Eric
  • Xander becomes suspicious of Ciara                                                                                     

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Days of Our Lives Dec-9-13 spoilers

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I disagree Vaughan is boring. Brooding and angry Eric doesn't work. Greg is more than capable. I guess nice guy = boring? When you have Chandler Massey smirking about pizza in scenes, don't tell me Greg Vaughan is boring. He never phones it in.


If Nicole were written anywhere near like she used to be maybe people like @Soapsuds wouldn't find her a bore. I'd never associate the word boring with Nicole Walker, but we are a far cry from who she used to be. Just look how much life Ari had in playing Mask Nicole/Kristen .... Nicole and Eric balance each other. She shouldn't be insecure at this point. He should also be more forgiving. His anger should be with Sarah. Why does she get off? The REAL Nicole Walker would have twisted the situation into her advantage. I'm tired of this merry-go-round they seem to have with Eric and Nicole. Ron just keeps repeating the same story, just slightly different (look at all the crazies who have come after Marlena in the span of two years for a few months time).


I was thrilled Nicole was coming back this year but now seeing this ridiculous [!@#$%^&*] again, I wish Ari had said "nah I'm good". You can tell she's even struggling to cry anymore because this is the same crap she was given and likely why she ran for the hills (that and she was following her man)


The other real problem is writing for plot and fitting the characters in. Ron's always struggled with this. I can see why some fans hate Ericole. They haven't been written well in a long time. Ron seems to be sticking the status quo other regimes decided for characters that just don't work for them.


It's kinda funny to see some folks on Twitter who were gungho about this time jump and were calling things amazing and fire now starting to be more tepid and more wary and less excited. Why? It's the same damn show it was before the jump basically. All the same problems still exist.


Clearly this was more slapped together than I wanted to admit. Even Ron basically seems to have admitted just throwing things out there and seeing what sticks (he didn't say it that way but that's how I took some of his comments about story ideas for the jump).


And why did the show become Sarah of our Lives?

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