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General Hospital November 2019 Discussion

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Yep. The story collapsed overnight and was never mentioned again - in part, I think, bc fans hated the Amnesia Lulu story where she was living and flirting with Milo. Nobody but Ron and Frank wanted Derk Cheetwood in a substantial role. Once they lost Milo's body they lost interest in Deception.

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I thought Deception was just a fragrance company, too.  (A spa?  Called Deception?  Say what?)


And I'm sorry, but I am not here for Genie Francis reliving her "Bare Essence" glories as investor Laura or whatever.  Working at a fragrance company?  Really?


Laura should be doing something with more gravitas, like going back to school and eventually become a therapist or counselor.  With her history, it'd make sense for her to work with troubled kids.

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At first I thought it was brave of Jessica Tuck to go without makeup — but after 5 minutes, I got over that, and thought “Damn, get some foundation on her STAT!” She looked really rough.


Kelly Monaco cut back on the makeup, but not completely. Smarter way to go.


And yeah, I’m callin* Jessica Tuck stunt casting at this point. Frank V. NEVER knows when to get rid of a character. He keeps bringing them back, and it’s all forced and awful.

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OTOH, I'm glad Jessica Tuck is one who hasn't forsaken her soap roots.  She might not be down for another, long-term role, but at least she's willing to return.

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It was a fragrance company at first.  By the time it was a cosmetics company I’m pretty sure Jax had taken it over from Lucy.  Laura and Carly were fighting over it at one point if I remember correctly, with Sonny siding with Carly over Laura.  It was during the brief period after Guza was fired but before Phelps replaced Riche.


It was going to be a spa when Ron was writing for the show, it was one of the things in play post the 50th anniversary stuff.  Lucy and Laura were involved With Scotty I think, but the plans were scrapped and they wrote all three of them out for a bit (or years with Genie).

I loved Deception back in the day.  Lucy was great as a schemer with a little bit of power, but not enough that she didn’t still need investors and partners.


I also really miss the stuff with ELQ, and how Lucy had a play there thanks to asking for a small percentage in her divorce from Alan.

Laura was doing something related to counseling when Lucky died.  She was even treating a kid that kept making her sad about Lucky.  She had than incident with the train (where she maybe was contemplating suicide), then never went back to work again at the hospital as far as I can remember.  It would be a natural for Laura to be a counselor.

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Late 2000 and early 2001.  I just read through these recaps for the episode count.  Sonny had a share of Deception so Carly was working with Laura on it and of course the two butted heads.  They fought over the face of Deception with Laura wanting Elizabeth and Carly wanting Gia.  Eventually, Carly screws up with Sonny by trying to do something to get him out of the mob (I don't remember the specifics of this exactly).  The two break up and Sonny sells his share back to Laura, leaving Carly out (Tamara Braun had taken over by this point).

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I am pretty sure Jax did not take over Deception.  Katherine was still running Deception when Jax hired Lucy and stole Brenda away from Deception to have them both work at Jax Cosmetics.  And that's where Lucy/Brenda worked until Brenda had her breakdown.   I am not really sure what happened to Jax Cosmetics..  I assume Jax still owns it?

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