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Days: October 2019 discussion ๐ŸŽƒ

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DAYS needs to get realistic about their budgetary concerns and, in the words of Steve Martin, "think small."ย  Stop trying to tell these outlandish storylines that require bigger casts and more or larger sets in order to be successful.ย  Get back to telling stories about people -- three-dimensional, relatable people -- that feel rooted in the everyday.ย  No more brainwashes, and no more back-from-the-deads.

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The only person who seemed to understand the constraints of the production model was the personย who created it. Tomlin's run as HW, for all itsย problems, understood what kind of story would work within the constraints of the model and wrote to it.

Even the initial run of the model, when DH was writing under Tomlin, managed to make it work, and they were initially rewarded in the ratings for it, much like Tomlin's first year or so as HW. Sure, the wheels eventually fell off the wagon both times, but there was absolutely a sense that they knew what they could and couldn't do that has really fallen by the wayside since the 50th anniversary. Beginning about then, I started noticing more and more scenes that felt needlessly cut, moments that seemed simple to shoot but were not shot.

I remember during the Orpheus redux a few years ago, where they were planting bombs all over Salem, and one went off near Marlena's penthouse, apparently breaking the window and knocking Paul unconscious. We didn't see the explosion in any way, just Paul laying in the middle of the room with some ketchup on his forehead, then Sonny running in, Paul wakes up and EXPLAINS what just happened. All it would've taken was a flash of light, a window to smash, and add the explosion sounds in post-production, but apparently this was too much for them. That was when I realized they really were overreaching for their production constraints when they couldn't even pull a scene like THAT off.

If you have to TELL the audience the action in your story instead of showing it, you might as well not bother.

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Exactly.ย  No more explosions.ย  No more natural (or DiMera-made) disasters.ย  No more big events that would require the entire cast to be together at one place, at one time, when episode guarantees make that impossible to do.ย  DAYS doesn't have the money or the time anymore to pull off such stunts with any semblance of believability.


Just get back to what we came for at the start: well-drawn characters, believable stories.

Edited by Khan
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Onย Twitter Gabi making Lani beg for Stefan's heart. Has spark quite a discourse. Many are calling Gabi a racist. I don't see it as racism.ย  I see it as over the top but in character. I was wonder what do you guy's think?ย 





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It's toxic for sure ... I have an account and reply to some folks, I get some entertainment at times but lord it is a ... hot mess. Especially all the stans and tweens who think their opinion is fact (like we all did when we were 16). It's just ... lord ... LOL


Folks genuinely think the show wants folks to 'pick sides' ... they can't understand you can like more than one person ... you can also have issues with who you like ... there's just ... lord is all I can keep coming to ... lord ... it's a mess


Lord. But this is what folks on Twitter do.


But the scene itself was definitely unnecessary. This whole thing has been messy and rushed.

Edited by KMan101
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Any time I turn on any of these soaps I just wonder how in the hell they are still on the air. Especially Days and GH with their atrocious ratings.ย 


I've watched very little amount of episodes since march and when I do I usually just watch Jack. I did watch some of the Gabi and Stefan pairing and liked it. Gabi has her reasoning for her hatred. I don't think Gabi is racist, but the writing from Ron is of course per usual.ย 


Ron sucks at writing the black characters. Well he sucks at writing all of the characters, but nonetheless. From the moment he wrote the half ass cop shooting story that sent the black man that got shot out of town permanently, the rest of the black characters are written as after thoughts as well. Pretty similar to how Abe has always been written. There just to be there. The cop shop folks. Valerie basically just disappeared randomly. All are there just to be there. So this is no different because Lani is not written like a black woman. She written like a damn white girl struggling in college with how overly emotional they write the character. Plus she isn't even a Horton yet. She had no reason to do the begging. Its obvious the writing team has no black writers in them like usual.ย 


The show deserves the tweets storm, cuz like all the soaps, The writing is awful is every aspect. I will not understand NBC renewing Days yet again if they do. I don't understand their reasoning anymore. They're gonna have to peapack the show soon with these budgets.ย 

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I can understand why people didn't Lani begging on her knees to Gabi. That didn't look right, regardless of the history between them.ย  Not to mention, why is Lani begging Gabi to give Stefan's heart to Julie.ย  Lani cares for Julie but she doesn't love her more than Hope, Jennifer, Doug or any otherย  family member/ person who is closer to Julie and has known her longer. It would make more sense if Lani had that type of desperation to save her own mother, Abe, Eli or maybe Val. It shouldn't have been on Lani to be the one to try and beg for Julie to get Stefan's heart.ย 


It looks like they are really upping the ante in the rivarly between Gabi/Eli. But they could have found a more appropriate/less offensive and soapier way to do that. Gabi could demanded that Lani give something up in return for Julie's heart instead of making her literally beg on her knees.ย 


Exactly. I don't like the begging. But if they were going to force Lani to do this, at least let it be for someone that she's closer to like Abe, Eli (if his life were hanging in the balance) or even Val.ย 


Some white writers (especially white male writers) really stink when it comes to writing black characters. (Josh Griffin and how he wrote Ana Hamilton on Y&Rย is another example of this IMO).ย They should be embarrassed by the way that they portray black characters.

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