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GENERAL HOSPITAL April 2019 Discussion

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Nice to see Bobbie on again with Liz

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 Thank you! I'll take the crumbs at this point  


I'm not really here for Dawn of Day or whatever the hell it's called. But I kind of like it's causing conflict for Jason and Sam (shocker opinion, I know). But I still don't care about this cult [!@#$%^&*]. Not one bit. 

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I can't agree with this more. Jackie definitely hasn't been able to find Bobbie for awhile. Lynn was my MVP in the anniversary episode.


Elizabeth Hendrickson's Margaux has to be one of the most baffling, useless, "there is no remote justification for why they exist' characters in quite some time - and that's saying something. Was she always so cold and flat on AMC? I don't remember her time on there very well but she's like a reanimated corpse on GH. Just terrible.

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Agreed on Jackie/Bobbie ... and agreed on Lynn and Kristina. They still just embody those same characters. Lynn looks fantastic (and Kristina still looks great too) and I loved Lucy sticking by Kevin's side (I thought they wrote her lines well and I loved Lucy basically acknowledging she can't pass judgement on anyone ... lol)

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I agree about Jackie. I only watch GH for special episodes where the vets pop in so I can't comment on storyline and what's making sense. However, when I see Jackie not quite finding Bobbie I think I know why: none of her screen partners are there anymore aside from Leslie Charleson and when was the last time Bobbie and Monica had a scene? Even the odd scene with Maurice Benard is better because of that historical chemistry. When Bobbie and Felicia share a scene, Jackie finds Bobbie...but when Jackie is with Laura Wright, it's not Bobbie and Carly. They don't have the historical chemistry that she had with Sarah Brown or even Tamara Braun. Brad Maule is gone, Tony Geary is gone and those are the people Jackie shined with. 


Lynn Herring always finds Lucy. She was great in this episode.

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That's a good point about Jackie/Bobbie. "Lost" would be a good word to describe how she seems to play Bobbie sometimes. I think she feels lost sometimes.


She does recapture a bit of Bobbie with Felicia. I liked the Bobbie and Liz interaction (I liked her quip about Lucy only having a need for Bobbie around Nurse's Ball time and it felt just so ... in character) but, like Bobbie with Monica, these two never get scenes together anymore ... and I agree that while she and Laura Wright seem comfortable together, they just don't have that ... bond. Sarah Brown and Jackie were excellent together and you can still see the chemistry and bond between her and Tamara Braun. I liked the few times they had Bobbie lend a mothering shoulder to Kim. (to be fair, Jackie/Bobbie was basically side lined through most of Laura's stint as Carly ... and even when Bobbie/Jackie were on the show still on contract I don't feel like they gave them much on-screen time ...).


She did shine with Geary and Maule.

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You're so right. The word is "lost"...I think a lot of that comes down to the writing. Bobbie was/is an extremely warm, vulnerable character (much as JZ appears to be in real life). But what the current writing misses is the mix of energy and vulnerability that was quintessential Bobbie prior to the JFP years. In Bobbie's current role as 'talk to' she deflates into this matronly position that, although useful in a utilitarian way onscreen, fails to honour the character. If they had Bobbie actually visibly working, mentoring younger nurses and doctors, patients etc, it would give her the opportunity to be energized. 


And yes, she really worked with Geary (even when he was lazy, she made him better in a scene) and Maule (in my view her best screen pairing). 

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I hope everyone likes my new signature banner! I had to honor the best aging duo in daytime, Mac and Felicia! A simply gorgeous couple. 

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When she goes to close the door behind Elizabeth, it's like she's completing each movement and beat with the door in a weird robotic fashion and looks like she's trying to not mess up. See below. Not to mention, her eyes or face were "refreshed" yet again. It's distressing to see her like this. It just makes me sad.


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I wonder if she has a hard time remembering her lines and her beats? That's what I get out of her performances sometimes. They are hollow and void of emotion because she is barely getting the words out so she can't invest in the actual performance. Take this example from December. Does it not look like Jackie is mouthing her lines in the background of this shot for her moment with Sonny that happens shortly thereafter? She is clearly struggling and is zoning out regardless but I'm pretty sure I see her mouth moving.



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See I think she seems more like Bobbie in the christening clip than she did in the anniversary episode with Liz.


It’s not about the plastic surgery for me either.  And I only really noticed it because Lynn and Kristina are still playing their characters, in character but older.  Jackie just can’t make Bobbie come to life with limited screen time and no good writing.


I really am a fan of hers and the character. She used to play more nuanced when she was in nurse mode or friend mode.  It’s all the same note now.  Has been for years.  Whoever described it as matronly is right.


It really just about broke my heart when she had that surgery when Sarah was still there that really changed the shape of her face, and very clearly was trying to sex up Bobbie again.  The clothes got sexier, she went back to longer and darker hair.  I sometimes wonder if that was a reaction to having a daughter on the show that was college aged?

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Incredibly ridiculous and useless anniversary episode.


A tribute to Gail without even one clip? Instead we got a stupid letter mystery and a 10 second shot of Gail’s picture on the wall. A clip with Scotty, Lee, and Gail would have helped so much instead of 20 people standing around the nurses’ station. 


Is the budget so low so low they can’t even pay someone to research for good flashback clips? Half of the episode had characters who didn’t belong there, and while it was good to see Denise Alexander, they could have avoided the walk down the hospital hall that highlighted how much weight she gained and that she hobbles around.


The whole thing was a shi_tshow.

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It does.


I never noticed those moments you pointed out. Hmm. 


Jackie seems ... over it, checked out ... lol. I can't say I blame her. She's used promisingly for a little while then forgotten again and pops up to be trotted out for the anniversary. It seems hard for her to get back into having the energy she used to as Bobbie. I get it. They really should, and could, use her better. We should have had years of Bobbie mentoring nurses, etc. Sigh.


I hate what she's done to her face too. Not as bad as it once was, but she didn't need to do all that work. She looks completely different. I think that's part of her not 'feeling' like Bobbie a lot of the times, if I can be honest. I feel like Frons and JFP did a number on her ...

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