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The Media/Journalism Thread


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I saw the Faux News threads posted in the politics section. Do they have the morning hosts parrot soft criticism to be seen as "balance" to the hatemongers and propagandists of the evening?


I still see so many faux-leftists who desperately pine for !@#$%^&*] Carlson. I guess they are the type who were cheering this attack on anyway.

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I watched that live. This is the actual context. It lasted about 15 seconds, they shut her down, she agreed and then the entire panel spent the next five hours trashing Trump, calling his response pathetic and demanding his removal.


I have no love for CNN; I know exactly what they are. And these kind of behaviors (especially by Dana Bash, who does this all the time but has become notably sensitized to critique over it and backs down very quickly now, not just this time but last time) should always be called out and disciplined. But context is important for a sense of a larger picture, otherwise people are going to spend their entire day online on social media seeing the worst possible things clipped, breathlessly retweeted, and thinking the media is apologizing for Trump and spinning this for him, that he's invincible, and that is absolutely incorrect. I know what the Beltway media is and have for many years. I also know he put a lot of their lives in danger two days ago and they are pissed. That is what matters to them right now. It is important to understand their current posture while remembering how venal they are.

Edited by Vee
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I watched it, too -- not live, but later -- and you're right: as soon as Dana Bash started in with the "new tone" business, John King pretty much said, "Girl, bye."

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I saw the clip with John King, but that one of their major employees is still trotting this out at the worst possible time, and puts the narrative in the minds of viewers, is why I don't trust them. Similar to their wheeling out Rick Santorum again and again. They can't sell their agenda right now, because Trump has been too much of a car crash to let them, but they will.

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But, she does make ONE good point: most of those dickheads -- which is to say, those who weren't out for Mike Pence's neck -- never had a plan beyond storming the place; and in the end, all they accomplished was, well, nothing.


Say what you will about radical left-wing organizations, but had any of THEY successfully stormed the halls of our government, I guarantee we all would have been citizens of New Wakanda by nightfall -- with a new flag, a new leader and parliament, new currency (with Jay-Z and Beyonce's faces on it), new everything -- and we'd STILL have time for Bible study and a cookout.

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Many years ago, back when she was the District Attorney for Westchester County, Jeanine would appear on CNN, specifically Larry King Live, and while she expressed a 'conservative' view, she was by no means the monster she has become. In that clip above, it's like the last 20 years of lunacy never happened and she sounded like how I remembered her.


It makes me wonder whether Jeanine has ever believed or meant a word that's come out of her mouth. Indeed, she damned her own viewers, how did the irony of that not hit her?

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