Members Vee Posted February 13, 2019 Members Share Posted February 13, 2019 I don't have a problem with pairing up two characters who used to be part of different popular couples. That can be ballsy and sometimes it works. But it can't be too incestuous, and it has to have a real foundation. I could buy Luke and Felicia as a doomed fling and midlife crisis for them both, which is what it appeared to be written as for much of its time. But it went on way too long and was given way too much weight. It destroyed her character for years. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted February 13, 2019 Members Share Posted February 13, 2019 That was the thing for me - for most of that period I just didn't feel much presence from her. She felt checked out, or artificial. I don't ever know how to feel about her as an actress because I don't think she really wants to be the type of actress that she is. She did seem to be better with the Labines. I haven't watched much of GH in her recent stints so I'm not sure sure how she is now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members titan1978 Posted February 13, 2019 Members Share Posted February 13, 2019 I love Kristina Wagner and Felicia. But she has never really had an edge, and Luke needs that to bounce off of. That tragedy, even as an undertone is where Geary does his best work. They just were not good couple material. That absolutely did happen. I even recall when she lost a few pounds, maybe 10 to 15 after the Lucky fire story and all of a sudden they bought her some stylish new clothes and had her hair styled more sexy and she got new show publicity photos. She was back in their good graces for losing a little bit of weight. She looks great right now, and she seems to be happier. As bad as the show is her character is being used better than she has since the Nikolas backstory was created. Laura is the only woman I thought Stefan had any chemistry with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members carolineg Posted February 13, 2019 Members Share Posted February 13, 2019 Laura never was my fave...I preferred the Brenda and Carlys but I felt a presence about her. She was LAURA. I never got the Luke hype. Sure, they had chemistry for days but he was mostly unattractive and not nice to her, but again I was a huge Sonny fan so's just like 0 growth over decades is not a good look... Till this day VM or Genie can read a phone book to me and I'd be intrigued. Sonny and Luke are just albatrosses they will never get rid of. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Planet Soap Posted February 13, 2019 Members Share Posted February 13, 2019 That's unfortunate that the actors were so eager to run from the couple paring that made them a household name. Ironically, the charachter of Luke suffered without Laura as he became a cynical, "cool man" drunk. Having began watching GH around 2006, I had no clue Luke was the show's IT man in his heyday. Now he's running over Jake, marrying Tracy and split personality? Laura on the other hand is coming off as strong and into her own on Frank Valentini's GH compared to the victim she often had to play under Monty, Riche, and Guza's watch. The hard truth is that star actors sometimes shouldn't be involved in the writing of their charachters. It's also interesting how GH shifts between male charachters as the star of the show. Steve Hardy, then Luke, Robert, Sonny, now Jason. I suppose it balances out the stong female stars on other soaps (Reeva GL, Stephanie B&B, Erica AMC, Viki OLTL). (Meanwhile, Victor remains the star of Y&R) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members carolineg Posted February 13, 2019 Members Share Posted February 13, 2019 I thought labine's Geary/Luke was great. This scene with young JJ is amazing. So real... Please register in order to view this content Lynn Herring and Kristina Wagner were wonderful...Obvs so were Vanessa and Kimberly. Maurice was good too lol this is the scene I was referring to. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members titan1978 Posted February 13, 2019 Members Share Posted February 13, 2019 I have always felt she goes for the emotional core of her scenes, and Tony sometimes (or a lot of the time depending on the writing) goes big. I never felt like Genie played Laura as anything but grounded. I loved Luke back in the day, and didn’t necessarily have to watch them as a duo. They worked just fine for me apart. But together and written equally they really did do stellar work. Action stories or emotional heartbreak. They played it all really well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted February 13, 2019 Members Share Posted February 13, 2019 Some of my favorite soap fantasy scenes. This is probably my favorite of the Nola fantasy scenes - it taps into the old Hollywood vibe that Lisa Brown and Michael Tylo exuded without the amateurish vibes of many of the other elements of the Nola storyline. Please register in order to view this content I wasn't really a fan of most of Marland's ATWT fantasy sequences, as they were either too goofy or too on the nose, but the one where Sierra has a nightmare of Craig and Tonio having a threesome with Lucinda is gold. (it's not as explicit as it sounds) I can't remember the episode it aired in but I will try to find it. It's on Oakdalian's channel... I've posted these over and over but I just love them. They're so much fun, allowing Randall Edwards to show the level of sparkle and charisma that often felt suppressed. As someone who hated hated hated KMG's Faith in this period, it was the only time I could ever actually enjoy her scenes (especially the bitch Faith one - KMG was always more comfortable playing Faith as a huge bitch anyway). The "please understand - her husband Tom has only been dead 15 years" line and the bit where she asks if she can at least have Pat made me howl. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted February 13, 2019 Members Share Posted February 13, 2019 I'm sure everyone's already seen these clips, but they are periodically muted on Youtube, so if you haven't, here they are. The B52s on Guiding Light. GL was trying very hard to move into the youth soap market in this period, which viewers didn't seem to mind, but I do wonder how their mostly conservative audience felt when they heard "Throw That Beat in the Garbage Can." It's nice to see Ricky Wilson. (I love the shot at 1:58 of the very beautiful Maeve Kinkead and Robert Newman, then reigning as the bitch goddess and boo hiss bastard of Springfield, haughtily rocking out to the sounds of the day) Please register in order to view this content And here's Jennifer Holiday. I think that's Rebecca Hollen doing the sassy head shake... Key Largo. I remember the first time I saw this, I thought, "Will they reference Nola's Casablanca fantasy?" And sure enough, they did. It always makes me smile. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Darn Posted February 13, 2019 Members Share Posted February 13, 2019 I really have no use for music performances on soaps. They just kill all momentum for me, especially when characters who would never know or like a particular artist are suddenly raving about them. Or when an actor just wants to show off their marginal skills *coughKassieDepaivacough* when it doesn't suit the character and is never referenced before or after the performance. That said, I love this cheesy version of We Belong Together from OLTL's disastrous prom musical (why were Layla and Cristian going to prom?). Everyone is auto-tuned (Meghann Fahy is the only one who sounds legitimately good) to death but it's a good mix. Please register in order to view this content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Franko Posted February 13, 2019 Members Share Posted February 13, 2019 Sorry, one more question about GH couples in the '90s -- What derailed Felicia and Mac? I wasn't watching from 1996 onward, but they were favorites of mine in the early Riche era. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members carolineg Posted February 13, 2019 Members Share Posted February 13, 2019 Ryan for the first wedding-he tried to bomb? the wedding then Maxie got sick and she slept with Frisco. And her cheating with Luke derailed the later Felicia/Mac marriage. So basically Felicia being slutty lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members BetterForgotten Posted February 13, 2019 Members Share Posted February 13, 2019 Mac was completely derailed as character by the late 90's honestly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DeeeDee Posted February 13, 2019 Members Share Posted February 13, 2019 Why didn't they try pairing Tony & Felicia? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Planet Soap Posted February 13, 2019 Members Share Posted February 13, 2019 Not to keep the thread focus solely on GH, but this was a great point. They dressed Laura and ESPECIALLY Luke terribly in the 90s. Luke didn't have a decent haircut or wardrobe in the 90s till around the Liz rape story line. Yet, Bill Eckert, Geary's other character, was dressed way better. Well, acting is #1 and they were very compelling in that regard. Now that two Carlys are on GH (Maura West and Laura Wright), I'm starting to notice several parallels between Sarah Brown's Carly and 90s Carly Tenny ATWT. Both debuted around the same time, 1995 & 1996. Both denied their child his natural father: Michael & AJ, Parker & Hal. Both ran through several men despite being in love with someone else: Carly Tenny: John Dixon, Hal & Brad while in love with Jack; Carly Benson: Tony, AJ, and Sonny while in love with Jason. Please register in order to view this content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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