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Days:October 2018 Discussion Thread 🍂 🎃

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I enjoyed today's show. I was glad to see Will and Sami interact, and that she knows he got his memory back. I think she gave him some good advice. I do think this situation with Will/Paul is becoming pitiful. I know that Will doesn't want to be mean, but asking Paul to move into a wheelchair accessible apartment with him knowing how he really feels is doing too much. Will going to this length to try and falsely prove something to Paul will only make things worse later on. Paul's reaction thinking that was what Will really wanted to do was sad.


I did like Brady scenes with Paul. I hope Brady and Eve will end back up together. I think that if Brady could forgive and settle down with her that would show growth on his part. 


And while I don't really want to ship Ciara/Ben, (because he's a serial killer), I do see chemistry between them. There was quite a bit of chemistry when he told her today that how she helps him "meant a lot to him." I do think she did the right thing by telling him to leave. Now that she's back together with Tripp it is awkward for them to be living with Ben. It's bad enough they also live with Claire who is after Tripp. I do wonder who framed Ben. I think maybe it ends up being Wyatt.

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I don't want to ship Ciara/Ben either but I do see the chemistry and I like them together. I wish I didn't. LOL. I don't really enjoy seeing a serial killer/and/or/rapist be "redeemed". They should have just thrown Clyde under the bus and had him really be the killer of Paige and Serena. And they could say Ben only fired the gun in the air to scare the midwife. It's flimsy but this is DAYS after all where people die on the regular (remember Jack's organs being donated?) and come back like it's nothing.


Not current but I keep up. The Will/Paul stuff sounds sad. I'm so disappointed we're just right back into Wilson. This triangle, if truly written well, could have lasted years. Sigh. But it also doesn't help that Sonny's not likable anymore. (And I guess Christopher Sean chose to leave unfortunately)


I like that Brady and Paul were allowed to become brothers and somewhat close. Brady's so much more tolerable with his real family. I've always liked Brady/Paul scenes.


I hope Tripp isn't thrown under the bus to prop Ben and Ciara because that isn't needed. Claire as a character feels so empty to me. I need them to do better with her.

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Yeah. I wish Ben was just a con man/thief type of character and not a killer and then I'd feel more comfortable shipping them. And I think they may end up throwing  Wyatt and/or Tripp underneath the bus to help Ciara/Ben get together.  I'm already seeing fans of Ben/Ciara attacking Tripp calling him a scumbag and saying they don't see chemistry between Tripp and Ciara. Even, though I believe they were the original love story, (and had chemistry) until the writers kept dragging down their budding romance by inserting Claire into their storyline. (I think they did this because they didn't really know what to do with Claire and Theo had exited the show. Plus, they want to create some type of rivalry with Claire/Ciara that isn't really working, IMO.)


Some people especially the Ben/Ciara fans think that Tripp is framing Ben. I think he may be innocent and that maybe Wyatt is the one who did it. Though, I like Wyatt and do not want to see him thrown underneath the bus. I could see a situation where Wyatt framed Ben, Tripp finds out about it, and decides to keep quiet because he doesn't like Ben. I could see Ciara finding out about this and this causing her to dump Tripp. And then both Wyatt/Tripp suffer so that Ciara can get with Ben. 


I would rather have seen Wyatt/Tripp in a triangle with Ciara, then seeing one or both of them thrown under the bus for Ben. 

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I'm bored as hell! Everyone on the scene right now is making nothing but idiotic, unlikable decisions. There's no real reason to tune in at the moment, there's no hook anymore. I don't even think there's a character to root for, and if there was it would be a trivial situation that lasts a week and the "good guy" would come out of it looking like a sanctimonious, hypocritical martyr.

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Will is clearly not a pec man or else he would gladly lay his head against  Paul’s plump pillows 

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P.S. +1 on letting DAYS episodes pile up and binge-watching later. I have to put myself in the mood to feel claustrophobic watching them on those tiny sets. 

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LOL...so true.....the Will and Paul scenes have been painful to watch and then when Will told Double Chin Sonny that he was the one he wanted and that Paul wasn't Sonny.....was painful.....Paul IMO is greater than Sonny. I guess Will wants a annoying/wimpy hairy fat guy in Sonny....

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Seriously? I don’t think he’s boring at all. Seems pretty riveting to me hehe


And I have NO problem shipping Ben and Ciara. The serial killer is already redeemed in my eyes. If I’m going to accept all the other crap that goes on in soaps, I’ll accept a redeemed serial killer — especially when he’s that hot.

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