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OWN picks up Jamey Giddens scripted show!


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Watching the latest episode now and way to go to get a product placement - "Hey I use that service too!". Sure you do honey. I also eat frozen meals.


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God have mercy on those poor souls unfortunate enough to become our enemies!


Why did I expect Robin Givens to start singing Poor Unfortunate Souls? Also, what the hell is with her delivery? Is she out of breath? Does she have asthma, because there's medicine for asthma Robin Givens!

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Lol I was laughing with my partner last night about how long it takes her to get her lines out. It may be campy as hell, but I can tell she had fun with the role so it still makes it entertaining for me.


I really dislike Rondell and the actress who plays her.


Wasn't expecting the investigator to get outted for having a full blown affair with her partner where she was contemplating leaving her husband. Yikes. I think they're done for good.

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I like that this show isn't too dark. Some nighttime soaps there is always a lot of really dark stuff going on. Like on Empire people are getting killed off/beat up all the time. On this show that doesn't happen. I'm glad this show is a bit lighter than that. 


Stephanie makes me laugh sometimes. I laughed at the conversation she had with Lori, after she told Lori she had set her up.I also like her and Greg Peters together. (Though I liked his chemistry with him and Rondell as well.)


I think that Amara/Titus will make their way back together. I was wondering when we would get a backstory on why she cheated on Titus. IMO, he is very sexy and more appealing than Damian, who I think comes across as creepy. It sounds like she felt neglected because he was working all of the time but she is an attorney too and probably worked a lot as well. I wonder if there is more to the story of why she cheated or if that is it. 

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Actually, I think this show might work much better if it were darker. The ratings aren't stellar so maybe darkness and crime would pick it up a bit. Like a modern day "Edge of Night" show (Stephanie's mom does like classic episodes afterall, lol)?  Also, perhaps inadvertently, the show depicts a dark city skyline reminiscent of Edge 1980 opening, along with theme music that sounds more "crimey" than soapy.


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The show definitely was A LOT darker in tonight's mid season finale.. Some of the stuff that happened was sad (Poor Senior) and it had introduced one or multiple mysteries.


Overall, I still prefer not to have a very dark show and most episodes so far weren't like tonight's. Though, I do wonder if there will be more dark episodes going forward. But several people were talking about tonight's finale and it is trending again tonight on twitter (6th highest twitter trend right now).

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