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Your daily (or nightly) thought


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The People's Choice Awards are on TV tonight.

While admittedly they were always the lowest rent awards show; does anyone else remember when they had soap opera categories and Julia Roberts made a point of saying that she was a fan of DAYS?

This year they'll award :Social Star of the Year, Beauty Influencer of the Year, Social Celebrity of the Year, and Animal Star of the Year.  One doubts that more than 1% of the people would choose these winners, let alone recognize them if they walked into a supermarket.

Edited by j swift
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The Ny Post has an "exclusive" about the breakup of Presley Gerber (son of Cindy Crawford) and Lexi Wood (daughter of nobody famous).

The post knows that these two wacky kids broke up because Lexi posted on Instagram “She could have anyone in the world, but she still chose you every time. All you are now is a crease in her past, a scar on her chest, a memory that fades faster than a photograph of you in a sealed box, hidden.”

My question is, (given that she's an Instagram model - a career that seems to only exist in tabloids), does she really keep photos in a box?  Why not keep them in cloud storage, or even a usb key?

And why do young people caption their Instagram as if they are submitting a proposal to write Hallmark cards?  I blame teachers who decorate their classrooms with those inspirational posters from the mall, rather than actual art.

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Memes are so often attributed incorrectly that I had thought the quote about words becoming destiny was written by Ralph Waldo Emerson.  But, here's an interesting read on the etymology of the quote @slick jones


In conclusion, based on current evidence it is reasonable to attribute the words of the modern saying to Frank Outlaw; however, QI has not yet located direct confirmation in the form of a book or interview with remarks by Outlaw. Also, the expression probably evolved over a long period of time from precursors such as the 1885 cite and the 1897 cite that shared multiple attributes. Ascriptions to other figures such as Emerson or the Buddha have no known substantive support at this time.

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Yep. At times, I feel people should often do a critical self-examination on their own part instead of coming across as sanctimonious. I'm a f*ckin' clown and I don't give two sh*ts what you think. Bitches ain't payin' my bills or taxes up in here. No ma'am, no sir. Not on my watch they ain't. Nuh-uh. Nope. Nada. Zilch. Boom. Peace.




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So, I just got off the phone with my personal injury attorney. I am so glad that he has experience in other areas of law. He sent me a draft of the lawsuit that I'm bringing against the real estate company/owner as well as the condo owner for my injuries that happened earlier this year. My life is an open book, so I don't feel I'm sharing too much information, but it is healthy to talk about it. In the lawsuit draft, I was shocked at the amount of money, and my jaw dropped to the floor as I have no expertise in this kind of thing. I've never had to "endure" such an injury this badly. It left me traumatized to the point that I'm talking with a therapist. Hell, even talking with physical therapists helps me. Lastly, I'm very appreciative of this message board because instead of wallowing in hopelessness or despair, it gave and still gives me comfort as the old Noel is starting to resurface again. Not instantly, but in small doses, as being snarky has been a part of me since seven years of age. This message board has helped me to heal. So ... Toups ... Errol ... if you ever read this post, thank you. I'm not going to tag you guys but thank you. No, I'm not a whack a doo. I'm sure some here don't care for me and that's fine. I wasn't born on this earth to appease to anyone, but this a part of the package that people get to have, lol! Surprise!

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 I'm just joshin'. 

What was I talking about again? Oh yeah, the rough draft of the lawsuit. Yeah, I was floored at the money amounts. My attorney asked if the compensation was fair, and I told him that I trusted his instinct and that's all in his hands. I don't want to know until I'm served with the papers by some dude who wants to act all Mr. Barney bad ass. Yeah, Mr. Tough Guy. But for me, I can't place money value on life. How much is life? What is it worth? It just feels weird to be asked that, you know? So yeah, I told him I trusted him, but I also asked him to examine all facets that these imbeciles have stripped away from me and to ensure they will never do this to anyone ever again. In all honesty, it's just a sad and unfortunate situation which could have easily been prevented. However, not taking responsibility and accountability pisses me off even more.

Which leaves me back to my daily thought: In monetary value, how much is life worth?


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