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Hollywood Sexual Harrasment/Assault Thread


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I've noticed that he seems to be good friends with Eggert and Sara Gilbert (who has a very prominent media platform).

Chachi might want this to go away but I don't think it will, especially if bigger media platforms pick this up.


One of these days Bill O'Reilly will wrap his head around the fact that it is a new day and he's no longer in charge of the narrative.



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I wonder if Alexander Polinsky will go to the press, as he had threatened to do earlier. Here's his latest tweet:




In other news, good news for the cast and crew of a certain show who won't be losing their jobs, save one:



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I don't remember if anyone mentioned it, but Gary Goddard, who is close to Singer, recently took a leave of absence.




If this is coming i guess it was coming for Singer no matter what but I do wonder how much Anthony Edwards coming forward had to do with it.


If he's really throwing things on set then it makes me wonder if he was spiraling out of control for a long time. 


It makes you wonder just how much power he has in Hollywood. Clearly not that much if he's being fired, but enough to get through what a lot of directors wouldn't have, especially since he's never really been a huge box office director compared to some, has he? 

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It's crazy. The Fox execs warned him that "they would not tolerate any unprofessional behavior" before he even started. So they were willing to take a risk on him knowing he could implode at any point. 


I'm sure there's an expos茅 coming, and he's been contacted over the past few weeks to respond to various claims as journalists vet stories from his alleged victims in preparation for pieces. He has a longstanding rep for being unstable (remember Halle Berry reportedly telling him to "kiss her black ass" on the set of X-Men?), so the coming bombshells have to be pushing him over the edge.


Speaking of Singer AND Spacey, look at this:




Edited by Faulkner
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I think Singer's days have been numbered since Weinstein and Spacey. It was inevitable after that - the stories about him are everywhere and have been around forever.


What makes me curious is wondering how many people will be caught in that net. Seann William Scott was linked to stories about Singer's circle and various creeps for years. OLTL's Brandon Routh was Singer's Superman. Two young, cute writers Singer hired onto X2 and Superman Returns - his MO for hiring young guys he likes in bit parts or positions on various films - went on to do genre films like Trick 'r Treat and Krampus, and one is now doing the Godzilla sequel with Millie Bobby Brown from Stranger Things.


And Matt Bomer - who Singer wanted for Superman right off of GL, and who the studio refused to cast because he was 'too gay' - is married/partnered to Simon Halls, Singer's longtime publicist who just cut ties with him. It would not shock me if this hits them all.

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Seann William Scott. I hadn't though of him in years. Looking at him used to give me the creeps, although that's just based on seeing him onscreen, I know nothing of him in real life. 


Routh seemed like a real nutjob and a mess when he was on OLTL but he seemed to turn his life around and I have enjoyed what I've seen of his work on the CW shows. I would hope he's clear of it, but I guess we never actually know these people though. This year has taught us that, along with many other terrible but important things...


In other news, MSNBC has dumped Sam Seder after a 2009 tweet about Polanski. I read at AV Club that there was a big push from the alt right to make this happen. Given the right wing bent of NBC News, I can believe.



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I actually liked Krampus a lot, after spending years dismissing the guy who did it as another mediocre young dude with bland writing skills who only got jobs for being Singer's boytoy. But we'll see what happens with all these folks.

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