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Y&R: April 2017 Discussion Thread

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I said that's the last I heard it talked about on-screen.


The past speaks for itself. It's been almost 40 years of story about Phillip Chancellor heirs, not Gary Reynolds heirs. Kay didn't encourage, or even ask Brock to get involved with Chancellor but she groomed Phillip 3 for the role. Why would that be if it was Gary's legacy? 


The writer's pen can make Gary the founder tomorrow but it still doesn't change my argument all that much. But how many viewers know who Gary Reynolds was? Viewers would be like WTH? But say they did it anyway. How does that help Devon?


Philip grew the company into a huge corporation and Kay killed him. He was still entitled to at least half in a divorce. And since Kay knew nothing about running a company in those days Kay would have been paid out. And it weakens Devon's right to it. It would be Brock & Mac over him. Kay cheats on their father/grandfather Gary Reynolds with Judge Arthur Hendricks (Devon's grandfather) and somehow Devon's entitled the company that Gary founded? Makes more sense for Devon to have the company his father founded.

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I agree. I'm not the one trying to change history.


I wasn't happy with how they did Kay's will, but I've accepted the outcome and I'm fine with how things ended up. It's the fans of the Devon, the one that was left with more than any other, that are so unhappy. Why don't you tell them to let it go? I didn't bring it up they did.

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It's the very same show that made ret-conned Katherine's life to make Devon her grandson and leave him 2.5 billion dollars. Is that preposterous too?


Or is it just anything that happens on-screen that doesn't support Devon being entitled to everything Katherine owned silly, or not credible?


All soaps are ridiculous at their core. Absurd situations take place daily. Big deal.

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It is!! So ludicrous.


BTW Katherine does have other biological grandchildren, whose birth we even witnessed on screen. Guess what, they are white and they did not get a dime or any airtime whatsoever out of Katherine's death.


This show has serious, disgusting, long-standing problems when it comes to racial equality. But Devon being Kay's grandchild and inheriting her money is ridiculous in its own right.

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All Katherine's children and grandchildren were mentioned in her will. All! They all got a boatload of money. Why people insist on perpetuating this falsehood is beyond me. 


And none of those characters were onscreen during her death. Why would they get airtime out of it? 



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Yes the other's got a boatload of money while Devon  received a couple cruise ships full. Nina, Phillip, Chance, Mac, & Brock had to SPLIT of 1/4 of the $$$. Baby Dylan received no mention or money. While Devon got a full 1/2 of the $$$ all to himself. Mac got 1/10 of what Devon received . And Devon was treated unfairly? How would you feel if only got the boatload of money?


None of the other characters were on screen during her death because they didn't cast them. They had 9 months to do so and they didn't do it. A number of them would've returned if asked. They were the ones treated unfairly.

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This was actually a pretty good episode minus Chelsea and Nick boring the crap outta me. Loved everybody mixing it up at the top of the Tower (the idea of that set is still so dumb to me though....isn't it just the top of the Athletic Club with no pool?)


That bathroom scene with Hillary, Vicki, Juliet vs Ashley was gold 

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 More B&S vs Jabot, specifically Ashley vs Vicki drama please


Philly are the only couple on the show with sexual chemistry. Cane sneaking up on them was good, he works best as a sneaky grifter not whining and being paranoid over accidental betrayals


Must Mariah and Jordan ruin every Hevon scene with their misery & blah? Still a good scene


Speaking of misery Lily is annoying. Glad Hillary's finally going to call her out for how she acts with Jordan


Too bad Ravi ignored Juliet because I'd actually be here for that pairing


Jack/Nikki/Victor redux is 1000x more interesting than watching Auntie slober on Gloria or Nikki whine about being fed up with Victor all day but doing nothing different




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Devon sure did but @Aback said they didn't get a dime and that's untrue. 


Why cast characters just to sit at a funeral and be gone the next day? Those new faces might as well be day players. The show should have used her death to relaunch her family. I agree with that. 

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The writers have tried so many times to make Jack/Nikki a couple and it has never worked.


Can't wait to see Victor blow up on Monday.


I finished EB's book this week and it is really good.

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