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Y&R: April 2017 Discussion Thread

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Also the major pimping of Ravi is inexplicable. Are we really to believe that this CEO who has lusted for Ashley and asked her to dinner would be so consistently rude to her? Not a chance.


Forcing RAsh is futile. Get me CAsh instead. DG/ED really worked well together before the trade to DAYS killed it. Plus it raises all sorts of drama with B&S! AND the Abbott/Barber ties. 


Other than Tessa, who intriguing, and Reed, who has a boatload of ties and is defined with his music, the other newbies are extremely bland and too many of them: Juliet, Scott, Ravi, Jordan, The Mean Girls. That's 8(!) in less than 4 months. Surely seeing Chilly and the Bella reveal, which writes itself, would have been worth far more than these screenwasters. 

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OK. So the latest 'real Newmans turn on Victor' is merely a short-arc to send EB on his break - presumably to promote his book. Forgive and forget when he returns - like the wretched Jolin reunion. BTW - What a bizarre interview on CBS This Morning. EB handled it well, but the questions were not at all what I would've expected and far too short. 

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I've mentioned it before but it's also so weird how over the years his accent has gotten heavier and heavier.  From that clip they showed - from the early 80's, he had an accent but it's nothing like it is now.  I thought he was doing it as part of the character, but his accent during the interview was far heavier - so it's it's not part of the character....it's just gotten much heavier over the years. 

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The show needs a continuity editor: Ashley telling Tracishe regretted blowing off Ravi, but he had fun with his college friends. Um, didn't Ashley join them for a drink after she walked out on the 'phone guy'? Just weird. And why make Ashley a hypocrite by doing the EXACT SAME thing to Traci! 


Nikki/Tessa scenes were surprisingly good - those actually felt honest. And yeah to Philly!


Boo to writers for making Victoria so hostile to her sister. However, when Victor does something to Abby, it will be Victoria's heart that is broken for Victor's machinations towards another sibling she hates. Gosh, it would work so much better if Victoria's revenge on Victor was HELPING Abby to gain control of NE. For a character Sally clearly wants to showcase, she has done nothing but make Victoria even more unlikable, if that's possible - the bad attitude towards Reed, Billy and Abby - terrible and all could've been written in a positive way and still reach the same result. 

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Yeah, except they could've put together an Abbott breakfast. We haven't seen that since Sally's first day - so much for that promising start. It's always great to see BM, but using her to push RAsh was far beneath her and the character's value to the show.

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