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Netflix: One Day at a Time

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LOL it is. I love it. And how everyone just listens at the curtain, or she can hear everything .... because, well it's a curtain. LOL


Ah. I didn't think it was a laugh track. The crowds reaction to Rita couldn't have been.


Yes it is (Todd Grinnell). They even have him in a towel in one episode. He makes himself very at home with the Alvarez family LOL

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I didn't care for the opening though. It reminded me of Chico and the Man.  I thought the first episode was rather dull. RM carried the first episode. The actress playing Bonnie Franklin's role reminds me of Eva Longoria. The daughter isn't funny and rather dull. The son has potential and new Schneider looks like an average guy and not the fix it man the original was.  I couldn't take the back and forth between the spanish and english dialogue....LOL....I know they are Cuban but still.....I hope this show grows on me because I loved the original.

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The touching moments were done really well throughout the season (yes, I finally finish Season One

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) but I think, the humor became more assured with every episode. 

Pilot episodes are tricky, especially for sitcoms. You have to lay out exposition to introduce the characters and the situation without making it obvious that this is what you're doing. Pilots can come off either slightly clunky or slightly self conscious. The latter can be said of this series, still as pilot episodes go, this pilot episode was pretty decently done and the humor only got sharper from each episode after.


Abuelita (Rita Moreno) is high energy and was ready to go from the pilot and Penelope (Justina Machado) was steady, and reliably good and funny in every episode and the Mother/Daughter dynamic was 'good to go' from the first episode and only got better.

I think the humor and personalities of the kids blossomed with each episode--as illustrated in the Sex Talk episode. Within episodes, I could see the actors quickly develop chemistry and the relationships began to solidify seamlessly, including with Schneider and Dr. Berkowitz. 


There was a nicely-done cameo that occurred in a later episode.


I loved the Quinces episode! There were some poignant moments in early episodes that almost made me cry, to the point of my eyes welling up, but by the last several minutes of the Quinces episode, it was full on tears!  

Overall the first Season was really thoughtfully done. 

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I dropped the show last month - through no fault of its own, just because I'm always lacking time to watch stuff these days, but I binged a few episodes this evening, and I'm still in love. Just when you think it's a silly, light-weight comedy, they get you in the feels. The episode with Alex interviewing Abuelita to get info on her youth in Cuba was so beautifully done, and of course, you have the other plot with Elena's discomfort accepting an honor on the basis of her ethnicity. I just can't get over how well they integrate real issues without it feeling forced at all.

The relationships between the characters are great. Schneider and Dr. Berkowitz feel like they belong now. The bond between Abuelita and Alex is sweet, and Alex has yet to be annoying or precocious. Elena's weirdness is layered, and I'm so glad the cute baseball player was legitimately interested in her and not there to play a stereotypical fckboy role. They're just hitting it out of the park in such an unassuming way.

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I never thought Schneider "looked" like a child molester because of his mustache, and I would assume most viewers didn't. I also thought, for whatever faults the original ODAAT had, they never made themselves into the Schneider Show, and actually worked to avoid the most obvious cliches, like pairing him off with Ann. 


I wasn't even really that much of a fan of the character, and the new Schneider is alright (although he's a tad one-dimensional and other characters work better in the foil role, like Ann's doctor boss), but it's a shame hipper-than-thou critics always need to remind us of the inferiority of old shows so we'll remember how precious and discerning they are.

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