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Riverdale: Discussion Thread

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I am excited too even though it is gonna be hard for me to accept some of the changes they've made, and not sticking to the canon on certain things.


Glad to see Josie & the Pussycats on the show even though they didn't cast the Cabots (Alexander and Alexandra) or Alan. I am hoping they are at least mentioned or have cameos along with other characters like  Midge, Nancy, Chuck, and Ethel. 

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They have what seems to be a fine cast - Cole Sprouse has come a long way - and an interesting idea. Like a million other shows in the intervening 25 years, they also seem to be cribbbing very heavily and explicitly (they have, I think, acknowledged the debt) from Twin Peaks to update Archie, while also going off the very well-received new comics by Mark Waid and Fiona Staples, which I keep meaning to read. They even have Mädchen Amick from Peaks as one of the kids' parents.


The problem is twofold: For one thing, most shows that attempt to emulate TP fail or are received tepidly at best. Wayward Pines has continued despite massive odds possibly due to financial and scheduling reasons in addition to some good reviews, but it hasn't been wholly embraced - and it's one of the relatively few debatable 'successes' to try TP's approach in over two decades. It doesn't usually work when you deliberately calculate a formula, which is what they seem to be doing here.


Further, so many CW shows or youth shows on network and cable in general these days seem to be so weirdly handled - unless there is a very solid, episodic genre hook that will play in syndication they seem to be either rejected and trashed, or embraced by a niche audience and then burned through fast by networks that can't seem to blow through them fast enough. Riverdale appears to be presenting as serialized but more of a soap than a genre show. I think an audience might love it but the network may, once again, bore quickly. Or they'll try to rush it and turn it in into an ADHD-paced show, which is what happened to the sad 90210/MP revivals on the CW a few years back. Or the audiences will hate it too. I don't know.


I'll give it a shot because I like the idea and the cast, but I have little no faith in basic cable or network programming these days, especially for the youth market. They always want it fast, cheap and relatively bland. But we'll see.

Edited by Vee
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  • 2 months later...
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5 things to know about the RIVERDALE pilot. The show will premiere in 2017 and they are definitely calling it Archie meets Twin Peaks. I don't know much about the comics, especially the recent ones, so I won't comment a lot about them making Archie so hot (it feels a little sad that he had to be turned into your --almost-- typical young adult lead, when I've always felt Archie was something different than that) but K.J. Apa is so freakin hot and he looks like a human version of Archie, so we'll see.

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I watched him on New Zealand soap opera Shortland Street. I'm so happy for his success. Best thing is, he can really act, too. He got some major stories during his soap years, (murder cover up, and suicide attempt among them), and he never disappointed. He's set to be the biggest import from my soap, and I couldn't be more thrilled.

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I can't help laughing at EW, as always desperately trying for hipness and never quite reaching it, trying to show us how edgy this show is because it makes Mad Men references. I can't think of a faster way to date a show, especially since Mad Men last had pop culture relevance 4-5 years ago, long before it left the air. And Mad Men itself was a show that was extremely limited in scope and was full of stereotypes - why should I care if someone mentions Betty Draper? Betty Rubble has about as much pop culture relevance, if not more. If they mention Betty Rubble, will EW bust a nut?


"This isn't your grandpa's Archie" 


No, because that didn't get passed off as something brazen and daring while the people making it went around bragging about how they were ripping off other shows. 


It's just like Twin Peaks. It's just like Pretty Little Liars. Apparently what it isn't like is Archie.

Edited by DRW50
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  • 5 months later...
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The synopsis sounded like cheap trash to me, especially the part about Ms Grundy and Archie. I'm sure it will be lapped up by many as anything by overhyped Berlanti is, but I'm just sorry that Archie Comics seems so determined to make themselves into interchangeable sleaze. And I'm tired of shows claiming to be Twin Peaks. 

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I haven't watched it yet, but I will within the next few days. They put it on a stupid night, Thursdays, when TGIT has my full attention. This show would've fit perfectly (on my schedule) on a Monday. 


I am NOT here for the alleged Archie/Ms. Grundy pairing either. I prefer my Ms. Grundy to be old, crotchety, and strict. Not screwing Archie. That's what Betty, Veronica, Cheryl, and Valerie were for. 


Speaking of Valerie (and Josie and the Pussycats), I still don't get why they made Josie Black when Valerie already is and in the comics, she marries Archie. 


This show is gonna probably drive my ass mad with all the inconsistencies and not matching up with the comic books.

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