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Y&R: Charles Pratt Jr. Interview

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Wow... one point in his favor is that he doesn't lie and pretend to honor the history and structure of the show.

I guess Sharon going crazy isn't going away.. though I thought most of last year when she was back on her meds and being repaired was interesting. Sharon can be interesting sane, just takes a writer with imagination to make it happen.

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People are gonna have a field day with this one. He is sort of right about the kids and the notorious, systematic neglect of the youth canvas, but this dumb story (while compulsively watchable at times) is not the way to go. It's hilarious how candid he was about the stories he didn't like/doesn't care about.

Truer words were never spoken.

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Being honest, I don't really think the article is that bad, by Pratt or delusional Y&R headwriter standards. I even almost agree about Sharon (other than the BS that it's interesting to see her be crazy). And Fairman seems to have gone to Hooked on Phonics and learned how to almost do an interview.

I'll give it a solid C.

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