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Bill Cosby

Marco Dane

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I don't. I only view Janice that way. I wanted to reserve judgement until I could see how Cosby reacted when questioned directly. Now that I have, I think he's guilty. I just don't like to make snap judgements. Just what is wrong with wanting to see BOTH sides of the case before rendering a decision?

Edited by alphanguy74
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Re: Stacey Dash, she guest starred as a friend of Denise's who fears she may have contracted an std. I suppose they may have rehearsed their scenes in private (and for a predator, where there's a will there's a way), but when it comes to the set of TCS, I doubt that he'd sh!t where he ate. Too risky. On a busy sitcom set where he's EP with people constantly buzzing and knocking for him, a bunch of kids running around... this setting isn't really conducive to his m.o. He can't exactly wine and drug a girl in his office in the middle of the day and throw his coat over her on the couch. I really don't see why she felt the need to throw her name in this for anything other than attention. And the fact that she wasn't a victim is irrelevant. A sick priest or scout leader can't molest every child with whom he makes contact.

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I wonder why this sh!t sticks to TV personalities, and not music artists. I mean, we don't see oldies radio stations pulling the Mamas and the Papas and the Ronettes off their playlists. Chuck Berry was sued by several women because he installed hidden cameras in the ladies bathroom of a restaurant he owned, and James Brown was arrested for wife beating MULTIPLE times. I also think stories like this get much more traction today than 20 years ago, because with social media, there's a crapload of people with nothing better to do all day than sit behind their computer and be offended.

Edited by alphanguy74
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Using that logic, Jerry Lee Lewis would have continued to have a huge career after marrying his underage cousin, since many at that time were just getting TV sets, let alone any of the social media of today.

All the men you listed had long faded from public relevance before most of these events.

Edited by DRW50
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I think he's guilty as hell but even if he weren't I wouldn't necessarily expect him to be threatening lawsuits. Defamation is almost impossible to prove and the bar is higher for public figures. The suits would go on for years and would keep coming back up in the news. Guilty or not, he wouldn't want that. I would expect some kind of statement by now besides that mess the lawyer put out. It seems like Cosby's management is stuck in some bygone era where they think they can make this go away. After all, that strategy worked for decades. Cosby needs to her himself a crisis PR firm and ditch whoever is representing him now because they just keep screwing up. I'm beginning to wonder if he raped someone on his PR team and she's hanging him out to dry as sabotage because that's the only excuse for how badly this has been handled.

That post from Michelle Hurd is the first time we hear of him doing this at The Cosby Show right? That means that some of these actors had to have seen or heard something. This is going to start splashing on them.

I found it interesting that Jon Stewart took a shot at Cosby on The Daily Show a couple of night ago. Nothing serious just an ad-lib but when he starts losing other comedians, especially stand-up comedians who worship him, he's toast.

Edited by marceline
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I think it's as simple as no one telling Bill Cosby what to do. He thinks it's still 1989 and he still rules the world, that he is America's patriarch. I don't think anyone is going to make him bend on this until and unless he (or his family) decides he has to. That's how he comes off in the two appearances on-camera where he was forced to address them. Threatening one reporter, mutely shaking his head at another. A denial of reality other than his own.

That being said, his speaking on it in Florida surprised me. I think he may be getting rattled. In another week or two he may be trying to do Diane Sawyer (or far worse, Barbara). Or he may double down.

Edited by Vee
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I agree he needs a better PR firm, but he's so old and rich, he just may not give a crap. Many people subscribe to the "stay quiet and let it blow over" philosophy. I'm convinced that what we're seeing is him being given the benefit of the doubt because of his public image, but that is quickly wearing thin. That's what I certainly did. That's why I didn't believe Janice Dickinson, that's why people thought Michael Jackson molested those boys, it was easy to believe because he was such a circus freak.

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