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Tyler Perry's 'If Loving You Is Wrong'


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I'm kinda sad Louise is leaving.

Kelly looking at Ramsey with all that thirst had me in tears!  Natalie might buy that house since he's trying to sell and unload quickly and Kelly helped her see how much money she could get for a house... I see that happening.

Brad will forever be my fave, I just need her out of the hospital and there is NO way from that one ep. where Ese found lipstick on Eddie until this most recent ep. one entire week has passed! Ugh, their time frames are horrible.

Pete is ridiculous but that PD seems to have a nice handle on that term.


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Pete is dumb as hell. Like serious, he doesnt have a DVD player at home? I did like that he stood his ground and didnt break with Eddie even though he looked like he was going to cry and piss his pants


Lucian has $200K. He and Natalie arent married so he didnt need to tell her. As long as he's paying child support and taking care of that kid, then she doesnt have much to say.


Eddie....I didnt like how he was talking in front of Brad's kids. He should have been checked for that. Speaking of which, we see those kids way too much. They talk too much too and that little girl especially cant act.


Esperenza....was she even in this episode? She has no story. They bring her out every other episode to remind us that Eddie wants her in between he sleeping with other women


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He snatched and choked her! What a bitch ass

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LMAO! Right! I was in tears when he told them to get their asses out of there... like NO CHILL! Those are not even your kids! Eddie is just so ride or die with Brad and I ain't mad... I'm really not.

They really do. But we see their kids and Joey and sometimes Natalie's more than every other kid... like we haven't seen Justus a lot -- maybe once and we have not seen Ese's kid, Mika, since last season.

I believe thats he wasn't -- they barely show her and Natalie sometimes we don't see her but we sure as hell see Alex and Kelly every damn episode and they're not really doing anything with those stories. Kelly's in a thirst trap and Alex hyperventilates whenever she sees Brad and then everyone coddles her.

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 I hated Alex! The nerve of her! I knew Kelly shouldnt have trusted her ass! She should have stuck by Marcie instead of trying to be neutral while primarily supporting Alex. Alex turned on her with the quickness. Tramp bitch!


Randall is such a punk ass. At this point he and his whore deserve each other.

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surprisingly this show isnt that bad. Its a tranwreck but an enjoyable one. Much better than Have and Have Nots. Time moves slow but stuff actually happens. The whole fallout of Marcie finding out Randall cheated has been carrying this show though. She's the breakout star withthe rest of the stories either being weak (Eddie shooting Ben) or nonexistent (Travis trying to get back with Kelly; Esperenza)

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Ha, I knew you would be raving at that scene Cheap. I'm all fired up for Kelly to just leave that bitch twisting in the wind where she belongs because she was NEVER a friend. Like, Kelly's going to stop you from jumping on some d*ck. Puh-lease! I could not stop laughing at her trying to go in on them and then kicking all of them out of the room but I would have told her skank/whore a** off and then left. I wouldn't have even given her the option of kicking me out.


In Natalie & Ese's defense, when they initially went to check on Brad in ep. 1 when it came back, he threatened to run over Esperanza so I wouldn't be that gung ho to check on him., Granted he did say all of that in anger, but at the same time when the series first started, they all talked about how their kids brought about their friendship.

God I love me some Eddie. I mean I hate him, but he;'s so damn good to look at which is probably why he gets more of a pass on me than Randal's smug/ew a** ever could.

I may not have liked him initially and I definitely couldn't buy him as a pair with Ese but I was in tears about Quan and Julius. He was so funny in that car abd maybe he even took acting lessons on his break because he's gotten a lot better to me.

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