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B&B: May Discussion Thread

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Just watching Mondays episode.

Such a good episode! No Liam/Hope/Wyatt/Quinn! I didn't have to fast forward.

Brooke and Ridge scenes were pointless and boring. Yawn!

Same goes for Katie and Bill. Although, I liked Katie and Donna. Barley see Donna anywhere. Girl got no story!

I liked how bill handled the news. He don't give a damn, Katie! Used to love her and now I can't stand her.

OMG ALI! She's gone crazy. does she understand her mothers death was an accident?? Poor Taylor = ( Disappointed Ali didn't do anything, stab her, Ali!

Btw.. Why the hell is Throne wearing a tie with that shirt? It looks awkward.

Did Throne really dump Taylor cuz of crazy Ali? Wtf! Girl is 20.

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Oliver is the only one that gets through to Ali, and I like it. His being a little older than her works, because she listens to him.

His convincing her to forgive Taylor, Good Job!

Shut up Ridge! If one way $Bill is willing to try, why can't ypur whiny *ss?

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Taylor drove while drunk, why should Aly forgive her? If Aly does forgive Taylor though, why should she be okay with Taylor with her father... In the real world, most people wouldn't be asked to accept the person who accidentally killed one of their parents being with the surviving one.

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For her own peace of mind. I know from personal experience that hating someone so intensely does nothing but hurt you the most. By letting go of that anger and forgiving Taylor, she will allow herself to move on and ultimately be happier without that heavy burden always on her shoulder
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I thought today's episode was beautifully handled. HT/AP were perfect. I'm glad they didn't have Aly turn into a shrew and Oliver's influence and advice goes a long way to avoid making him look like a complete gold digger. HT really moved me today. How refreshing to actually have a character accept responsibility for her actions instead of blaming someone else. I do like Taylor/Thorne together so I hope they move forward. Of course, Aly's acceptance won't be immediate nor should it. It was great to have Aly realize that Taylor helped her father move on, so he could be there for her. After the camp from Friday, this was extremely well executed with raw emotion.

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Ridge is being really unrealistic right now. He should have known that if he didn't marry Brooke he wouldn't have a say in who helps raise his son. I'd hate to have $ Bill around my kid too, but that's how it goes.

I felt really bad for Aly today. I wish they had had Taylor do six months in jail. As it stands, I can't blame Aly for feeling like Taylor got off too easy.

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This show can still be very good and deliver character driven drama - in true B&B fashion with gamp galore included.

The Aly/Taylor stuff is beautiful - and I never expected this to play out on-screen.

The rest: yada yada yada. But we've seen worse on this show and in soaps in general.

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I am awaiting Katie's heartbreak (literally) before tuning back in, but why would Bill being around RJ be so bad? He's a butthole? So what? Ridge is a wishy washy dirty looking fool.

Ridge's concern for RJ, a kid Brooke can't even be bothered with, boggles the mind.

But I'm looking at the bigger picture. Katie's defective heart will be broken into a million little pieces. Yes, the downside is we will have to suffer thru Heather and her snot, but you have to give to get!

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Well, I think it's because Bill is into extreme sports and wants to involve RJ. I had the impression that's part of the reason Katie wants sole custody of Will too. Bill did mention motorcycles and how air balloon rides today. I guess we weren't supposed to see the hot air balloon rides as dangerous, but given that recent story of people burning to death...I don't know, I wouldn't appreciate anyone taking my child on a motorcycle, but when RJ is with Brooke, that's her responsibility. Ridge is either going to have to accept that or marry her himself.

I guess I don't see Ridge as any more wishy washy then Brooke or Katie. Maybe even less so, because he was never really into Brooke once he found out she was with Bill. He was only marrying her because she was ever so subtly holding RJ over his head. Actually, she still is, given she was playing coy about letting him come home from boarding school.

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