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GH: March 2014 Discussion

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Sorry I didnt watch the Laurelton story and heard conflicted review about the whole thing but I feel like iM watching the dud Pierce Lawton/victoria Broyelard story on KL all over again. An even more boring version of that story actually.

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Considering Dr. O is COS to begin with, what's another criminal act? I cannot see how this removes that clown from the hospital. It's all just too ridiculous.

Carly waking AJ? lol. Did her eyes circle around her head? That was so damn hilarious. Carly learning Sonny did it [something she already knows] is valuable information to her how exactly? Tell you what, GH, let's go for meaningful and have AJ tell Carly about Connie - THIS IS INFO SHE DOES NOT HAVE! Sooooooooooo not gonna happen.

Dante is arresting Britta on what grounds? To get her to talk? Yeah, Guza's cops were much worse than Craptini's blink.pngblink.pngblink.png

Anna and Woodpile scenes were horrendous. Poor Fin!

FF Silazzzzzz and Spam. There just is no point to them or his back story at all. Just opens the door to yet another newbie. PUKE! He and Spam look like jobless bums and ME seriously needs to put on some pounds. Even watching a little of these 2 makes me cringe. Oh, and didn't care about Mills either. This is a fail of epic proportions! But let's carry on. Crappy are like dogs with bones. They refuse to let go. If it's their idea or creation, it must be a good idea, and eventually, the audience will adjust.

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Silas's apartment is hideous. What's up with the walls? It looks like Danny painted them. I still can't believe how awful ME was yesterday. The Mr. Rogers sweater only made it worse. And god, what was that scene with the sappy piano music where Silas talked about his memories of seeing Nina on campus? Who the hell cares?!

A baby getting kidnapped by a psycho? What a fresh storyline. Zzzzzz!

Det. Cue Cards is awful but he's trying so hard. I find it endearing. ph34r.png Plus I'm blinded by the pretty. But my god, I do not care about Nathan's pain over Nina. Zzzzzzzzzzzz!

Ava looked fabulous in that red top yesterday. I also liked what Carly had on and her hair is at a great length right now.

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Except, this time, we don't even have Bobbie begging Terri constantly to tell her what is wrong.

If Sam ends up paralyzed and trapped on a yacht with an insta-psycho Silas, I am so out.

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Come to think of it, when Easton was on Days of our Lives back in 1991, as Tanner Scofield, the back story there was that his mother had killed herself when he was 4 or 5. (I can't remember if it turned out that she was murdered).

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I hope that they keep Benjamin as his middle name, although I assume they won't. Brit's place in his birth should not be minimized or trashed completely, if only for Rocco's sake. Our society minimizes the relevance of surrogates. The pain and suffering these women often endure after giving up the child tells a very different story. Actually, our society downplays the pain and grief of all birth mothers. For better or worse, and regardless of how it happened, Brit is Rocco's birth mother, if not his biological mom. For his sake, Dante and Lulu should allow a relationship, or at least a minimal amount of contact and recognition.

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