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GH: March 2014 Discussion

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She just kidnapped a baby in front of a police officer. Of course her immunity will likely apply to future crimes as well. You are so right in calling for backup especially considering they are on an island and the only way off is via a launch boat. He could have had a squad team ready to pick her up on the other side

especially if Nina is played by a red head Michelle Stafford, Im only sure that we will learn the two were switched at birth. RC will use how Nina is a redhead like Bobbie and Carly is blonde like Madeline to beat how obvious it is

I was more distracted with how orange and bad his skin looked. He was reminding me of Scott Reeves

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Random as hell, and it seems like they are behind on LW's guarantees and just trotting her out occasionally until Roger can be bothered to film. The nonsense coming from her mouth was so wrong, and just absolutely rotgut lazy writing. No thought was put into those scenes at all, only what TIIC may be able to get from them in the future. Idiots! "If someone hurts my kid, I hurt them"? HELLO! She's screwing FrankenTodd! Why not have her say "someone hurt my son and I shot back, but it all worked out in the end". Something. ANYTHING!

Flashbacks of Liz and Ric? Why? There's a sucker born every minute!

The baby stuff is hideous on every imaginable level.

Sam, Silazzzzz and Woodpile?


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My bright spot is Brad, he's been my diamond in the rough, I've liked him before this party

Poor Brad thrown over the parapet and lived to tell the tale. Poor Brad got threatened he'd get his neck snapped, knife wielding villain, thrown over, the funniest was when he was laid out in the hay and Lucas was brushing the hay off his plaid suit jacket. I don't know why I thought he was so funny it tickled me.

I've laughed for two days I think Shen? is one of the actors that give the best reaction expressions on the show. I feel more sorry for him then Britt, I couldn't believe it, caught , still pointing fingers.

Liz/Ric scenes have been well acted really liked that Liz didn't fall for Ric' manipulations. Then Sir Laurance was on today...I think he's getting better, No?

Now I want to go back to see all his scenes because I got this character. Why didn't I notice Brad before this?

I loved Brad and Parry Shen from the get go and been behind a Brad/lucas from the very start as well (i got made fun of this on this very board for it) and i also believe he was the best part of the whole Wyndemere parthy

I hope you enjoy his scenes as much as we did but be prepared to see less and less of PaSh in the upcoming weeks. He mentionned he hadnt been working lately so im assuming hes on his way out.

Laurence Oliver DID seem to have gotten better in the past few show. Maybe he stopped going to the J Robin Miller academy of acting school. Good for him.

Lante letting Dr Gargoyle walks out with the Stolen.Faberger Baby was ridiculous.

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I read somewhere this is why even really good soap actors have such a hard time breaking through into primetime tv or movies. They can't get rid of those ingrained "soap tics"...the long stare before fade to black, the scenery chewing, the soap constipated 'I'm in pain' glare.

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"Abby scale" reference? Check.

What the hell do Sam's clothes have to do with her sense of family? Poor writing attempt at wit.

So how long before not dead Nina shows up?

Silas looks like he's wearing his boyfriend's sweater.

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LMAO at Madeline reading Sam's ass. Called her a slut dejour, said she her fashion sense evolved out of the corner car wash.
"On the Madeline scale of 1 to 10, me being a ten, you'd be a 6 which is pretty good given your youth and ignorance." BURN!

You know that was about having her be bitchy, just for the sake of being bitchy. That line made no sense even if it was funny

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I used to post on another board where someone had the screen name TheAbbyScale. JVA thought that was so interesting when the user submitted a question to her during an interview. A classic Knots line for sure.

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