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GH: March 2014 Discussion

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There's no getting around it or sugar coating it. This was the culmination of one of the biggest sls GH has on canvas. A nearly two year arc affecting most of the major players in PC. A HUGE story, with Lulu/ER as it's centerpiece. And she was not good.

There's no bad writing or outside character insertion excuse. No. There was enough meat on that bone for Lulu to give us SOMETHING....the scene with Liz telling her for the first time. Actually reading the letter & reacting to it. Bursting in to the crowded party to confront Britt....ER blew all of it.

That's why this and other msg boards are blowing up over Niz and The Smackdown Heard Round The World. And barely any kudos/notice paid to Lulu. Her performance wasnt strong enough to outshine two other characters in the periphery of her own damn story.

Seriously, how is that Liz's fault?

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As horrendous as a lot of GH's cast is, men AND women (especially the men for the most part), I just remembered how grateful I am that Carolyn Hennessy is gone. I pray we'll never have to see her Diane again! But I would not put it past RC to bring that horrid creature back...

I love Dr. O and her shenanigans.

Seeing Madeline and Carly together was interesting. Too bad Nathan had to ruin those scenes.

I can't get past how bad Tyler Christopher is.

Emme Rylan acts with her eyes way too much. It's so distracting. She comes across as too self conscious and always giving the impression that she's talking right to the camera. I enjoy her interviews. But watching her onscreen, I miss JMB's Lulu.

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I agree that the confrontation was LuLu' big moment and she failed miserably as Britt failed for me today but I've never thought her to be a good actress from the get so I wasn't expecting much today out of her.

But the writing wasn't there for LuLu instead of her striding in confident yes of course she's emotional but the wide eyed "duh" expression wasn't working here for me. I waited a long time over a year; I wanted LuLu to slap a B. She comes in all looney toones not making sense in this staccato delivery... eye bucking and carrying on...I thought this would be a showdown fake mother vs real mother...the type of dialog she should have gotten was given to Dante. But as said she had some meat on the bone to work with and she didn't even do that.

Nic wrestling with Britt made him look like a midget. I thought that was hilarious.

My bright spot is Brad, he's been my diamond in the rough, I've liked him before this party

Poor Brad thrown over the parapet and lived to tell the tale. Poor Brad got threatened he'd get his neck snapped, knife wielding villain, thrown over, the funniest was when he was laid out in the hay and Lucas was brushing the hay off his plaid suit jacket. I don't know why I thought he was so funny it tickled me.

I've laughed for two days I think Shen? is one of the actors that give the best reaction expressions on the show. I feel more sorry for him then Britt, I couldn't believe it, caught , still pointing fingers.

Liz/Ric scenes have been well acted really liked that Liz didn't fall for Ric' manipulations. Then Sir Laurance was on today...I think he's getting better, No?

Now I want to go back to see all his scenes because I got this character. Why didn't I notice Brad before this?

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alexis, I know Hennesy was there for a part of last year. I just meant she's not on NOW. At least not for the last 90 days. If it had been a lot longer than that, I wouldn't have even mentioned her. And thanks for the warning... oi vey...

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Emme Rylan is always "acting." There's no character.

I hope this is goodbye for Britt. She reacts to everything like someone drugged her drink. It's so sluggish and pointless. Once you strip away the "____ (Sabrina, Liz, Lulu) is so fake, Britt is real!" facade, there is nothing left.

This whole story is based around loser characters, IMO. Say what you will about Liz (I'm not a big fan) but at least people care about her. No wonder they shoehorned her into this plot.

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I don't really like Liz but Becky Herbst is much better than most of the other people showcased on GH. I'd like Britt more if a better actress played her. Kelly Thiebaud always looks like she's sneering. She still acts too much with her teeth and it's distracting. Britt's mother is infinitely more entertaining than her.

I'd much rather see Liz with Ric than with Nic. Tyler Christopher is not likable and he's really let himself go. He's not attractive at all.

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BH for years has been a solid soap actress who will never be a great actress, but she can always be relied on to do the type of stuff daytime thrives on. She can cry and show heartbreak and make her voice quiver and all that stuff is perfect for soaps. She's been on GH closing in on 20 years and she could probably sail through another 20 doing all her soap acting tricks. If I were casting a soap I think I would cast her because she is a pro who always gets the job done no matter what the story. It's a shame she spent so many years on GH because for all we know she might have blossomed into a good actress capable of many roles.

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