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Ratings from the 80's

Paul Raven

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EON beginning to circle the drain. Losing more and more affiliates couldn't have helped. Also, seeing the healthy distance between RH and LOV's ratings makes me understand why the former's fans have been so ticked about the upcoming timeslot switch for 35+ years.

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As has been repeatedly stated, the months pencilled in are the issue dates.

The ratings shown are a few months behind.

SB will probably appear in the October issue as happened with Loving the year before.

I'm guessing a 3.7 - 4.0 for Santa Barbara.

Edited by Paul Raven
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Does anyone know what was the highest rating Loving ever achieved?


I was sort of disappointed when I read Agnes Nixon's autobiography. She talks loads about AMC and OLTL but not one word about Loving. It would have been interesting to get her take on why that show never took off like her other creations and the behind the scenes that may have played a part.

Of all the shows that could be rebooted, I think EON would be an interesting candidate because of the nature of the show's stories...a dark, moody drama

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So far Loving has hit a 4.3, which is a little lower than RH was doing at 12.30, so when Loving moves into that slot it will probably be within that range. Maybe hit a 4.5. Will be interesting to see.

I wonder if Lov or RH did anything story wise to attract attention the week of the switch?

Did SFT see an opportunity to bump up their numbers and grab some viewers who might have switched when RH was moved?

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Wasn't "Loving" ABC owned versus "Ryan's Hope", which I think was perhaps partially owned by the Labines? (I think I recall ABC did buy the latter later?) If so, I can see, even if I don't agree with it, why ABC had a preference for "Loving".

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These ratings always show just how far behind in the game NBC was and it makes me sad. As AW was my show and someone that enjoyed Texas as a kid and became a fan of SFT during it's NBC run, it's clear NBC didn't have the audience. I wonder how a show like Generations would have done if it had been on CBS after Y&R, like B&B ended up. I think it's run would have been far more significant with a CBS audience behind it. 


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