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Another Y&R actor out??

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Did Sony/Y&R ever release an official statement on MM's departure? I don't remember seeing anything or is the situation moving very fast so they have not gotten a chance?

While I think that Sony would be afraid of a lawsuit, it would not stop JFP from making HK's life on set subtly difficult, thereby pushing her to leave. We'll see how it goes.

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If any of this is true, then I share the view of others in that I'm worried what will happen to Hunter King. Society often punishes the woman for what happens to her.

I have had no respect for Michael Logan in a very long time, probably not since he was on Pure Soap, but if this is true and he is the one who told DC to sit the !@#$%^&*] down, then I'm glad. This isn't something for the soap 'press' to get catty and tee-hee all over.

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The sad thing is that this type of (alleged) behavior has likely happened on soaps for years, and generally, the people who do the alleged harassing will get away with it.

I can see how, in that context, they might have tried to keep both MM and HK with the show.

I do worry that if this is true, she will get some of the blame, for not being fine with what happened. This industry isn't very sympathetic to women who have been treated this way. Hopefully that won't happen this time.

And finally if any of this is true, then it just shows once and for all how disgusting Nellie Olsen is, unless he was so far out of the loop that he had no idea what had happened.

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The ugly implication is that Branco tried to muddy the waters by bringing up, out of nowhere, his claim that some Y&R star got a woman fired after sleeping with her. If the story is true, it smacks of him trying to cook up a half-baked rationalization for siding with Muhney.

The story also alleges that JFP wanted to handle it internally and keep MM but Sony or CBS stepped in. If true, that sounds like classic JFP.

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Its still early yet but poor Hunter is gonna get badgered and bashed. MM stans have been attacking several cast members the past few days for idiotic, ridiculous reasons so I can just imagine what Hunter will have to go through soon.

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