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Days - Bo Shocker (SOD)

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I think it would have worked better to have had him out of town and persumed dead. Hope would cling to the hope that he might be still alive given how she was persumed dead.. and eventually just as she moves on with someone new (sadly, it wasn't Vargas :(.. then Bo pops back up!

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IMO, I agree that they should've "killed" Bo instead of him. Have him be on a mission with Steve & Shane via ISA and an accident occurred with Steve and Shane having to come home and be the bearer of bad news. I feel it'd shake the canvas up somewhat.

Kimberly and Kayla could both blame Shane & Patch. Patch could feel obligated to stick around Salem to help Ciara & Hope heal. Ciara, already a demon child (LOL), could worsen and blame Hope for not fighting to keep Bo home. Roman could take the news badly that he'd need Marlena, a therapist, could gravitate towards him.

A breakup is just boring at this point for the duo.

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I think he's been kidnapped and is being forced to say these things by his kidnappers. It just smells fishy and OOC for him to just abandon Hope and ESPECIALLY Ciara like that considering things were fine before he left town. It's not like there was any big blow-up with Hope before he skipped town like when he shacked up with Carly.

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Got my copies this morning, Cheap.

Here's your answer: Because Bo is undercover, he can't divulge many details other than that he just isn't coming home for Christmas. Hope is beyond disappointed and starting to realize she is pretty much a single parent. There's not much explained other than that. Reading between the lines, you get the idea that Hope might finally move on as well.

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So un-Bo. Family is everything to him. He's had cases in the past where he's had to lie (I.e. Pretending to be in love with Billie during the J L King thing) but never this long and at the expense of being anywhere near his child. Better be a damn good explanation when he returns.

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Way, way out of character for Bo, but par for the course in this show's treatment of beloved longtime vets and actors.

I still want to see Peter back on Days eventually, but until that day comes they have to do something to insure Kristian (and Hope) don't stay stuck on the back burner.

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