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GH50: September 2013 DIscussion

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Ok my take on it--Carly doesn't get why she is doing this either- with Franco. She drawn to him because of Jason? It's her struggle as well And as an actress I love playing it-we can Judge all day long but people. REAL people are capable of anything. So characters on TV r 2 :) AND haa lastly. I love working with Roger so. It's a blast for me to do anything with RH. With that off to the pool--- xoxo

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Carly spending Franco's birthday with him was ridiculous.

So was Sam and John's -- Silas -- talk at the pier. If I had been a fan of Jason and Sam, man, they sure didn't care about shoving Silas in there. However, I'm not, and it took all I had to sit through their scenes. I just can't with them. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Was it just me or was that Ava/Sonny conversation painfully dragged out? Or maybe it was just how awful Mo has been lately.

Seriously, how is a BLT that addictive? That's so ridiculous. I love me a BLT but really? Max and Shawn were filler because the audience was too dumb to pick up on the fact that Ava is dangerous. Not to mention how she was giving it away with her facial expressions. It was something to watch, that's for sure.

Duke and Anna were just as much filler but I didn't mind their scenes. He's clearly going to investigate Ava. Someone has to clear AJ, right?

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If LW was going to give her thoughts, I'd much rather she address people who genuinely like Carly and are concerned about the story. As it stands, unfortunately, she had no idea she was responding to bitter TnB stans who only wanted to attack her because of her onscreen pairing. This has happened before. Although I would love it if these actors would keep to themselves who they like working with because I honestly DGAF, I'm super happy that LW ended with loving working with Roger because for some odd reason, some feel she should be apologetic because they don't like it. Super super happy she went to her huge pool afterwards. Sadly, it didn't end there because once she pretty much said her peace, the haters shot back that she's having sex with Roger and a bunch of other heinous stuff. They actually tweeted this stuff to her. As much as I would love to send KA and ME a daily tweet that they are horrible and if they were 1/1006 as talented as they think they are, all would be right with the Daytime world. I won't do that and will just be satisfied with thinking it!

Not sure why LW's take on this is so far fetched, but ok.

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See for me, the only part that made sense was the birthday stuff. I say that because we knew how Jason was. He didn't celebrate. To Carly, he was her messiah. Jason's twin gave her what she's always wanted. What didn't make sense? Them being all chummy prior to the celebration. That made no sense whatsoever! If Carly was going to let him stay at the hotel, fine. Give him his key and be on your way. When Carly told him that she didn't think they were in a place to privately celebrate birthdays, I was like, huh? You guys just had 1/2 a show of private conversations. When Todd said that she could help him figure out who has it out for him, Carly should have told him they can start with the phone book. Why would both of them have a conversation like Todd would not have a bunch of people on his tail? Big mistake! I know we are supposed to get over all of the heinous stuff and the change in the hair was a huge start in taking him serious, but why is he so damn whiney?

As for Tarly 2.0 - when FV said in his interview that the audience will be wondering how he is going to get them "there", he was certainly talking about me. This is why I watch soaps, and I am super eager to see them pull this off. LW and Roger naturally oooozing chem helps tremendously! Lightening certainly struck twice here smile.png

Still will never ever accept Anna and Puke Lavery. She is totally wasted here. And Puke's conversation is the same about his Ava suspicions. He has not done anything yet. All he does is talk about it. I suspect when he appears again in 3 weeks, he will still be talking about Ava might be connected to the Jeromes. WTFev!

Sam and John McBain? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I must say that I don't understand how anyone could watch these two for more that 5 seconds, but some of the audience kills me. They were going nuts on Twitter and won't watch until Steve returns and JaSam are reunited. Hello! Steve quit! Is Sam/Kelly not allowed to move forward? Not that she is going to put up much effort, but still.

Sonny and Ava were very dragged out. Didn't need an entire eppy for that, but I didn't totally hate it, so I'm good.

I've been having this nightmare repeatedly! If Craptini can get just enough negative feedback about AJ, SK is toast.

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