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Good episodes today..

I understand why Dixie is blind when it comes to JR, it stems from her guilt over her presumed 'death' and not being there for him during that time when his downward spiral really took shape. I recently rewatched the final ABC episode and it helped me to really understand why Dixie is blind to JR. Before he went crazy and went into the coma, the last conversation he had with Dixie was very tense and he basically stated how much he hated her, etc. Her instincts were telling her to find him, but Adam convinced her that perhaps it was best that he leave town since both of them have left Pine Valley at times so she didn't. I bet a part of her wishes she had listened to her instincts and kept looking for him, since she believes if she had then none of the events of the party would have occurred.

Also, I noticed some chemistry with Dixie and Dr. Anders. He's quite good looking minus the glasses and doctor's coat. I also liked the brief Cara/Dixie scene, it as if someone clued the head-writers about the Tad connection.

JR shouldn't have had the outburst, but at the same time, Brooke really didn't believe in him and was kind of judgmental... so Brooke :)

Looks like the Cara/JR/David story is coming to the forefront as well. Jesse was a jerk, but I'll blame it on the alcohol.

I'm also hoping that the Celia guardian story is reworked especially if the spoilers are true. Now, I would still have her connected to that person.. just in a different way that would bring back/reference past favorites.

With Brooke/Dimitri getting closer, Miranda feeling left out of AJ/Heather's new-found relationship, and Opal adrift... there is a void where Erica should be. It's still a great show, but Erica adds something special to the show. Out of all the character's not included (for availablity, etc).. Erica, Kendall, and Tad are the three characters that could fit in this current version.. even Liza as well.

Still bummed that this is now in a season format, and not a soap format. I'm one of those that believes that the 5 day a week format is not feasible, but I was hoping that at least 2 episodes per week 52 weeks a year would have been possible. 104 episodes per year is totally doable and it's sad they are going the season route :( Oh well..

Finally, Miranda needs to reach into herself and let her Kane self come out! I guess with Erica and Kendall out of town, she hasn't had anyone to help her reach that part of herself.. especially with wishy washy Bianca as her primary influence.. shame but here's hoping season 2 brings out the inner Kane! Finally, enough AJ/Miranda scenes... we get it.. u guys are best friends.. ugh.

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I don't WANT Adam killed off either, but it is becoming obvious, at least to me, that the show is going to have to consider other options because Adam being off the canvas wouldn't be so bad if at least when he was onscreen, we got some significant moments, but again if DC is either not capable or lacking interests, decisions will have to be made to make story work.


A coma doesn't really work given that JR just came out of one.


He could going missing, but I can't imagine that the reporter in Brooke wouldn't do everything in her power to find him.


Presumed dead without a body - Again, I think Brooke would leave no stone unturned as she has seen Tad, Maria, Dixie, Stuart, Jesse, Dimitri, etc come back from the dead, some more than once.


A recast would be an extremely hard pill to swallow, but...

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I don't think Opal is adrift. I think Opal's central. And while I'd love for Erica to come back, I think the effect on a lot of characters, Opal especially, needs to be handled very carefully. Opal returning to being nothing but Erica's handmaiden and the talk-to would kill me.

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This Adam/DC thing definitely deserves more thought and care. If the writers want Adam to be more a part of the canvas than Canary can manage, I would be tentatively in favor of a recast, but I'd feel better about it if it was a mutual decision, or Canary's decision,

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Absolutely, it is why I kind of like the idea of "tale of two Becky's." If you have ever watched Roseanne, RB was very clever in how she intertwined switching the two actors back and forth - even with a little bit of soap opera flair as RB was a super soap fan herself.

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The only one of those options I'd accept is A. I didn't like when Roseanne switched out the Becky's and it would be ridiculous imo for Stuart and Adam to suddenly not be twins. I don't know how well AW fans accepted Vicky/Marley played by different actresses, but I would've hated it had I been watching!


I really like the idea of Adam trying to hide an illness and rebuilding his legacy for his children while being oblivious to the fact that they just want him around.

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I usually have no problems with recasts, but recast Adam would be hard to accept. It would have to be a terrific actor and it would take a while to get used to. It does seem obvious that perhaps DC cannot handle as much material as he used to. They need to do something. The only problem with the "building the legacy for the children" is that I still don't think Adam would need 5 plus years to do it. I suppose they could do something like have him at home but not onscreen. Refer to him being in the study or whatever. His and Brooke's interactions could be off-screen.

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Honestly, at this point I'd be surprised if we ever get Erica back. I'm a huge fan of the character and of the actress, but Devious Maids is doing well and she's getting a lot of acclaim there. The better it does, the less likely I think she is to come back save for the occasional 'blink and you miss her' appearance - and even that seems doubtful. I have zero inside information, but my gut feeling is that Susan is only going to come back if there's a story she really wants to do, and after 41 years, what's left? She said she didn't like the constant hand-wringing over her children's health crises, so IDK how much the whole revelation about Miranda being the product of rape interests her.

I'm resigning myself to the idea that Erica is permanently out of town. sad.png

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Who would you consider as a viable recast option? I'm not even sure where to start.

As for rebuilding the company... JR shot and killed his ex-wife in the middle of Brooke and Adam's engagement party and then took a bullet to the head. I'm sure that in weeks or even months following that, Adam was pretty removed from the day to day business of the company. The company was in fairly dire straits before the shooting - the Chandler mansion was in foreclosure, remember? Brooke bought it using her inheritance from Aunt Phoebe. So if the company was already in trouble and then it was ignored for months while Adam tried to deal with JR and the shooting and David's arrest and everything else, it's reasonable to assume that when he and Brooke finally sat down to look at the books that they had no choice but to file bankruptcy for Chandler, and that they've spent the last five years trying to pull the company out of bankruptcy and rebuild it into a successful business. I'm willing to buy that explanation. I'm also willing to believe that during that time, Adam felt like he'd failed JR and even Colby if she ran off to Europe and got into trouble, and that he believed that CE was the only thing good he'd created. I could see him being overly emotionally invested in the need to rebuild it and feel that he'd done something right with his life, that he wasn't going to die a total failure. Adam not coming back to see JR when he woke up from his coma spoke volumes to me about just how bad that relationship was and how Adam had distanced himself in the five year gap. So yeah, I could see him thinking that he'd only ever succeeded as a businessman, and that was the legacy he wanted to leave behind. sad.png

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