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I love DC.  I mean truly adore him on my screen as Adam and Stuart.  I literally squealed when it was revealed that Stuart was alive, and danced a little when I saw Adam in the More previews for this week.


I love, love, love the chemistry and history between Bradam.  


But how these scenes played with Adam - an off-camera confrontation between JR and, a blink and you missed it, reunion scene with Brooke, where JB delivered vast majority of the dialogue, and then practically lifted Adam off the couch to give DC his cue really makes me wonder if DC is capable of meaty scenes anymore (and I'm not trying to start any rumors about his health) or just doesn't want to do anymore heavy lifting, he is, after all, turning 75 this month.


I don't begrudge DC wanting to remain mostly retired, but either way, and I hate to say it, the show needs to make some decisions on how to deal with him being off camera so much, other than Chandler Enterprises being in such dire straits.  




A) Kill off the character shortly after his marriage to Brooke (I think the Bradam fans deserves a grand wedding that is 25 years in the making), which puts her fully in charge of all things Chandler.  Perhaps, Adam keels over after witnessing a close moment between Dimitri and Brooke, causing conflict for this potential couple.


cool.png Create a Vicky/Marley scenario from Another World.  Keep DC on a Stuart Chandler, and recast another veteran actor to play Adam Chandler.


C) Create a tale of two Becky's from Roseanne.  Recast another actor to play Adam Chandler, however, whenever DC wants to pop in, he may do so. This option has a twinge of the real Greenlee but for DC I would be willing to accept him in the role whenever he desires, and the recast actor would know the score before accepting the role.  



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Once again I was treated to Hunter's obsession with Miranda somehow being a lesbian by osmosis or something. I just don't get this kids logic "Your mom's a lesbian and therefore you are too!" is the stupidest ongoing bit I have seen on a soap since Precious the monkey on Passions. Fine, tease her for having a lesbian mom, even though it would still be incredibly infantile, at least it wouldn't also paint the character as a one-note, cartoonish ilogical bone-head.

Now, having said that, I really loved this weeks episodes (Hunter aside). David/Angie?Jessie was just perfect. I love the way DM is playing Angie's conflict between finding comfort in David as a friend and trying to support her husband even as he continues to screw up and embarrass himself.

I also loved Opal running in to Laticia and insisting that they knew each other. Which brings me to my next point: FINALLY!!! I swear after every dang body was introduced to that little boy I was going to lose my hat if David still hadn't at least spoken to his own son. Also, the direction they have taken with Cara is making her slightly intollerable to me. It really is something if I have more sympathy for JR than I do for Cara at this point. I am honestly hoping for a custody battle that ends with David getting primary custody.

But it was really nice seeing Miranda dance with Zach.

The second episode was just so good and I am really excited about most of the stories now. Really Hunter's parents can stay they could be fun. But can we please be rid of this character, or can he get put into a coma and wake up a whole new person ala JR?

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