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Oh ok. What was the dialogue between Billy Clyde and Evelyn?

I do think they've been editing the episodes to build up to a few cliffhangers. I thought Billy Clyde's conversation with Pete and him lurking at the gala and Celia's mystery bidder are foreshadows to the reveal. I think if nothing had been cut, these moments would've played in the context of us already knowing but they changed that up and now they just seem like they're vaguely hinting at a future revelation. Jmo, I doubt they cut the story beat.

As for Jane, I'm not sure. Lea guarding Jane's seems strange to leave in if they're not going to do anything with it. They also left in Jane making that weird phone call (does anyone remember what she was saying? I've already forgotten) but they cut the beat between Jane and Lea talking about her Witness Protection status so I'm not sure what to think there. I mean, what reveal about Jane could shock us as a cliffhanger and be relevant to current story? I'm sure she's "evil" but who is she working with and why?

Were there more beats of the stories that were cut? What did SOD say?

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While I don't want Angie and David as a couple, dang, they do look pretty together! Of course if we get Jesse/Zach, maybe a quick romp with Angie and David might be palatable tongue.png

I'm glad to hear someone else a little tired of Miranda's pouty stuff.

AJ and Heather's dancing was a little distracting at times, yes, but I loved it anyway. I hope Heather sticks around.

God, someone teach the Hunter kid how to act!

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I really hope PP can find a way to bring back Liza played by either Luner or Beth Chamberlain as a recast. It would be perfect to see Liza being a friend to spinning-off-the-rails Jesse as a form of atonement for their history. It would be a perfect counter to the David/Angie "friendship" plus if we can't have Adam back full time then at least give Colby her mother back.

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Ok We all knew the roids were gonna make JR lose it. However, Brooke did set him up in a way by doing a back up Sizzle Reel. JR make act paranoid but he's right his Dad never trusted him over business and now Brooke doesnt. I know JR needs to gain trust but sorry dont buy what JR did 5 years ago damaged Chandler that bad, given it had been bleeding money years prior..

I for one loved JR's outburst and Ryan Bittle is great in the role.

I also wish AJ would not make everything JR did at the Gala about him and also JR/AJ had a great relationship til about Sarah Glending took over as Marissa and they put her with Binks and JR became a homophobe.

I liked JR checking Hunter on his homophobe remarks as well.

I do wonder if AJ will wonder if he never tok the roids into the house to begin with if JR would have ever taken them

Kim Johnston Urlich would also be a good Liza. Chamberlin would be good too. No more Jamie Luner Please.

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I have to admit that since PP let us know that Adam was coming back, I wonder if there might be another surprise return in the next couple of eps. When Opal name checked Bianca as the Miranda Center's creator, I half expected her to walk into the room.

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I'm with you here- I loved them at the beginning but I find myself more over it with each passing ep. It should be the kind of thing where she knows she could take him from Heather in a minute- that's what it seemed like early on when I liked them more- that he was pining & she kind of knew it but wasn't sure how to deal. And you're right Heather's been nothing but nice to her & she just met both of them- she owes no loyalty to Miranda in this but is still super inclusive and friendly (haven't finished this week though). I still like Miranda because the actress is good but just not the writing for her in recent eps. Except when she threw her shoes- I loved that very Kane move.

I find myself blaming Daniel Colvin for this unwarranted as it may be. Maybe if there was a stronger second male, they could have done something interesting with Miranda rather than just have her look sad/left out while we bided our time to the inevitable MirAJ pairing. I kind of want this to take a Dawson/Joey/Pacey turn for all the Dawson's Creek fans who get that reference.

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I love seeing upbeat Angie!

She deserves some fun!

And who'd have thunk we could have an entertaining party without one Kane/Montgomery bitch or another providing the main act?

Dixie, sit the hell down!

I've been waiting patiently for Celia's spine to show up. I hope to see more of it in the future.

I'm hoping the Jesse vs. David field starts to even out a bit. It's been great to watch David actually being the better guy, but it could get to be too much very quickly.

VI has MADE this show IMO. Not that everything else hasn't been pretty great (much of it has), but I can't imagine Pine Valley without sexy Dr. "Evil."

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