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It's age and it's also his acting muscles. He hasn't flexed those muscles regularly in a great while. Take Susan Lucci and Julia Barr for example. Both are around the same age. Susan Lucci is still solid because she really hasn't been out of work for a long stretch. But for Julia, it's taken her a while to ramp up, because she just hasn't acted consistently the way La Lucci has.

Based on past interviews from other castmates, Ray has always been super sharp (and witty). There are always special cases.

If David Canary was super ill, he would just stay home.


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Julia B, IMO, however, has only seemed off in scenes with DC.  I think they still sparkle and have great chemistry, but maybe the extra care (for lack of a better description) that is needed for DC (a good friend in real life) takes her a little out of the moment.  


Agree about Ray, he still seems totally on top of his game.  And yes, he is supposedly very funny in real life.

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At this point Ray McDonnell's going to outlive us all. He never ceases to amaze me. He seems much more in the moment here than he did in the last ten or fifteen years of his drop-ins on ABC.

I do hope we can see Lee Meriwether a.k.a. Cat!Ruth next season. She's not Mary Fickett but she's a great Ruth. Any new Martins would be a nice touch. Okay, maybe just one. After the last fifteen years I OD on Martins real fast.

I'll admit the recent constant mentions of Liza - and Ginger Smith's repeated suggestions that any frequent mentions are hints to a character return - have me thinking either Jamie Luner or (gasp!) Holy Warrior Marcy Walker is going to pop up any day now.

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Episode 52

OMG @ the way AJ said "Or else I'm 'gon BEAT YOUR ASS." to Hunter laugh.png Eric Nelsen ROCKS!

LOL. Hunter's comeback to JR, dialogue-wise, actually wasn't half bad but Covin just destroyed it with that overly rehearsed, on the nose delivery!

Nice AJ/Zach scene. AJ telling him that Miranda was "literally the most beautiful girl here" wub.png

Cool Jason Derulo performance but Bro you couldn't promote your appearance or post the Hulu episode link to your 2+ million followers? sad.png

I love the way they randomly intercut the Heather/AJ kiss in. I rewinded about 1000 times just to see that HILARIOUS reaction from Miranda laugh.png Poor girl. Where was Hunter to swoop in and do the same?

Dat Windows 8. I was laughing uncontrollably at "CANNOT LOAD MEDIA. FILE CORRUPT!" laugh.png

I wish JR's roid rage had lasted longer. Adam's arrival was epic!

The episode ended brilliantly on a smirking David Hayward with his hands folded. LMAO!

Episode 53

Oh, good to see Dr. Anders at the gala looking dapper rolleyes.gif "You really think I'm a hardass, huh?" rolleyes.gif BYE!

I'm quite upset we literally saw nothing of the JR/Adam showdown. They were in that room for "a long time" according to Dixie & Brooke. WTF?? rolleyes.gif at JR recapping the convo to Cara. I wanted to see & hear Adam say JR was an embarrassment to the family!

That said, Canary did seem a bit unwell and not on top of his game this round so I can understand. Really sad.

I'm glad they played up Colby's disappointment of Adam not talking to her. Nice, needed touch. He's probably pissed & embarrassed by her flaunting around PV with David.

Oliver is the definition of ADORABLE! biggrin.png I swear that's Vincent & Lindsay's secret love child. Fantastic casting.

Lol he said "I can't sleep, It's too noisy" I can't believe they expected him to sleep through all the gala antics & music downstairs.

David & Angie were so cute. I about died when he started whispering in her ear! DAMN Jesse's rabid drunken ass busting in and ruining the moment. It was glorious though. "OHHHH MAH GAWDDDH!!"

OMG, what did Jesse shout when he was being dragged out of the building? "I WILL STAB YOU IN THE NECK WIT A RUSTY PAIR OF -----" I'm dying to figure out what he said at the end

Did anyone else notice Covin/Hunter's reactions to Jesse's outburst in the background? HYSTERICAL! His best performance laugh.png

Oh, sh!t. Opal recognized Letisha from Cara & Tad's wedding. LOVED that development! Bravo! And David finds Oliver unconscious on the floor. This is soo good!

Colby & Celia's fight was great. LOL. Was that a cupcake?

Two outstanding episodes. As Eric said, they had everything I look for in soaps. I'm not looking forward to the break from this amazing show!

PS. Even the board warned me I used too many emoticons in this post, so, I had to delete some ;'-( Don't judge me. LOL

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Right? Like it felt like Derulo had to be blackmailed into appearing. I thought the performance was really out of place and the "dancing" was ludicrous.

I was disappointed too and for once, I don't think it was due to awkward editing. I don't think such a scene was even filmed. I think I even saw Julia having to help David out of the chair. Am I seeing things? sad.png

LMFAO, I heard Jesse say that too! SO EFFIN RATCHET. Totally sounded like something I would expect a roided up Bon Qui Qui to say laugh.png

I soooo did. HILARIOUS.

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my dirty mind took it as him literally eating her out

He probably doesnt even know. This event was Colby's first public appearance with David and Adam was on the plane/limo and likely didnt see her on the red carpet with him. David and Colby had seperated by hte time he arrived so he wouldnt have seen them together. Yeah its another missed oppurtunity bc I would have liked to have seen him blast David and then gone in on Colby with her poor choice in companions
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I honestly didn't hear Jesse say that but I was laughing so hard I missed the dialogue. Upon rewatch he says "a rusty pair of knives." Which makes about as much sense as you'd expect from someone who's been sucking down triple doubles of Jack Daniels all night.

And just to make sure we take care of business...

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