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GH50: August 2013 Discussion

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How sad is this?

I hate the way they have utilized Morgan. He is basically just Ford under a different name. Morgan shouldn't be like this. He was raised by Carly and Jax, he loved Micheal, he was a sweet sensitive kid who loved his sisters and looked after Joselyn and now they have thrown all of that away for some stupid brother war and revisionist version of the AJ/Jason story.

It might have been better for GH to be cancelled than reduced to this.

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Red Letter Day! I agree with you. Although I didn't hate the Fords either. The Fords weren't legacy characters who had established connections on the canvas. It didn't help that there were three of them. The actor who portrays Morgan is also very good in scenes with almost anyone except for Kiki or Michael, IMHO.

Also, I don't think Morgan looks all that bad. I mean it's not cool that he's keeping the secret about Kiki's paternity, but it's hardly this horrible thing. He's not a villain, he's a young man in love who doesn't want to lose the woman he loves, so he keeps a secrets. Secrets and lies are at the center of almost every soap story. I put this on a par with Brody keeping Liam's paternity a secret on OLTL.

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Rhino, the idea is to make Morgan look bad so that the 2 freaks will look better and we will root for them. Back in the day, this type of story would be gold, but M/K/M is so undercooked that Morgan has to go under the bus to sell this. We should be torn about who we want this girl with. As it stands, I want her with Michael (and away from Morgan) so that I can ff them. The "story" is awful and only serves as a means to keep KA front and center!

But my biggest problem with yesterday was Tracy Q. What a [!@#$%^&*] clown she has become! For all the Mommy and Daddy talk she does, she really thinks they would be proud of her? Let's not pretend that any of this is about the Qs, but Tracy is a character that has lost all meaning! She is nothing but a joke! I'm surprise Q shares have not tanked completely because surely shareholders have to be concerned with the chaos at the top. Liz slapping her was a let down because Liz seemed out of place in that mansion as AJ's woman. I'm not even talking about the lack of all chemistry needed to pull this couple off, but it was just so forced. It appears that Becky serves GH best when Liz is in an inappropriate relationship she is trying to hide. Carly should be in that mansion driving Tracy, and especially Monica, nuts!

Quizzzzzzzz is a prime example of absolutely no interest in 2 characters, pairing them and then pretending they are in a story. This is what they did with Shawn and Alexis. No chemistry, no story, everything developed off screen and now love exists between the two and it just looks stupid!

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I would not compare Liz and AJ to Shawn/Alexis. I'm not watching now but when I did the two got quite a bit of development together. Her increased episode counts is solely bc of her relationship with AJ. To say their relationship happened off screen isn't exactly accurate bc I recall seeing them blossom into a romance and this did happen slowly as opposed to just being thrown together quickly . There was much more investment and consistent writing with them than Shawb and Alexis ever got. Those two were an afterthought. Liz and AJ didn't feel like that

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KA was a fine child actress, but as she grew she became annoying as an ingenue on OLTL. The fact that they're trying to sell her on GH as a desirable beauty makes me want to throw up! She's the ugliest young actress on daytime.

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I don't agree with that at all. Quizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz were never developed. When they popped up together every other week, they had reached a new level in the relationship. It was not developed onscreen (something for which I'm grateful), and their whole relationship is a huge WTF! Yeah, they did get more screen time than A/S, but that does not mean it was screen time developing the relationship because 3/4 the time they were not even together. Is this a triangle with Nik or what because that part of it appears to be on haitus. One minute Liz is in Britta's face about Nik and then that is dropped.

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I don't find KA especially attractive, but I don't think she is hideous. Just regular looking. Certainly not as attractive as most soap stars, but I honestly don't think any girl on GH is a knock-out beauty. I totally agree that they are selling her as a very desirable woman and neither her looks or personality back that up.

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Her looks don't bother me as somebody who has watched soaps as far back as from the 50s. You had actors, especially in the 70s and 80s who would be considered fat monsters by todays standards, but were playing the part of desirable women in the past. So many of our most successful vets wouldn't be hired if it were today. Not saying Kristen Alderson is some amazing talent, but her looks are the least of the problems I have with her. She looks fine and the comments on her looks are annoying.

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Can someone give me a quick explination of what happened to the Llanview 3 characters? I know they are no longer on GH and John McBain made a quick appearance on PP's OLTL (he was the only one of the three to do so, right) and then also how did the show explain the three "new" characters these three are playing? Just want a brief synopsis.. Thanks!

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