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Big Brother (Live Feeds/Other Spoilers)

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im pretty sure she was tipped off about andy/spencer/gm/judd.

i think when she first approached amanda about this she brought up judd not andy, then andy came in the room and he became their 4th person. this could be to expose andy, or it could be legit because elissa has been terrified of DE most of the day and is drunk now.

i think its likely shes trying to expose andy, and im gonna love it when this blows up in her face.

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Andy told Elissa he will have to think about this plan.

Spencer told GM something is up with Amanda and Elissa.

Elissa hasnt said a word to GM about this.

Elissa told Amanda this is legit and will give her her wedding ring to hold as proof.

Amanda told McC to talk to Elissa to finalize the deal and he said ok. Then we went to the BY and blew it off.

Andy told Spencer/Judd about the plan, somewhat.

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Is Elissa seriously thinking of keeping Amanda or was she just playing her? Bc if not, what a dumbass plan. I wonder if that reaks of producers influencing her.

I need Andy out next. The guy is the BIGGEST snitch this season. All he does is jump around between all the different groups and serves as a big rat. I cant stand his Howdy Doody looking self with his stupid heart shirt that he wears every day

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elissa was drunk and terrified of DE. I think in DR she learned of the exterminators alliance and hatched this plan to get w/ mcmanda and save her ass, but it completely blew up because within mins andy, judd and spencer all picked up on soemthing going on and GM was told something was up.

She is totally serious, now will she regret it in the morning? likely. this bitch can not hold her booze at all and should really stop drinking.

gm/andy/spencer are 100% anti elissa now. gm is trashing her and judd is telling her not to make racist remarks about her kid but she doesnt care. judd is pissed too because i think he planned on f2 with elissa and just using the exterminators for now because he was trying to get them to keep her over mcc and they did not want to.

the bst part is mcc doesnt even seem down with this plan. he seems like he wants amanda to go. he is elissas only shot at not going up, and i think he would put her up.

god, and amanda/elissa DE would be P E R F E C T I O N

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Girl is going to need PoV and HoH for rest of the game. I said that before but now it's REALLY true. Since DR convinced her to flip, I hope they have them do a live vote to put the screws to Andy. One McCrae - Amanda is better for Elissa than half a Judd and half a GM. That said, I agree McCrae won't be a given to be on her side no matter what.

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make them do a live vote in front of everyone? lol, never going to happen nor [!@#$%^&*] should it.

and amanda isnt better than gm and judd, because both of them seem very loyal to her despite what they say about the exterminators. i think if she worked gm a bit more shed totally be 100% with elissa and judd knows whats up with production and wants the assist so hed totally team with her too. plus all shed have to do to solidify a f3 with them is win one comp more, and looking at whos left shes bound to.

elissa threw two allied away for one who is likely not to stick to it and is leaving anyways. she got drunk, paranoid and threw her game away.

honstly the best part of last night was mcc clearly no being down for any of this or even wanting amanda to stay lol. seriously.

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If DR is going to interfere like that they should help with the consequences. I think Judd was right when he said they must show her 20 minute clips of the feeds from time to time. They had to have clued her into the Exterminators for her to do that flip when she hates Amanda and dislikes/doesn't trust Andy.

GM and Judd were half-a-- allies but she probably could have pulled GM, in particular, in more fully. She's in the same position she was before she flipped if she can get McCrae. She's in a slightly worst position if she can't get him. That said, I'm good with F6 for Elissa. Would have been nice if she could have gotten to F2 but it is what it is.

I'm just reading GM's racist rant towards Elissa's son. I don't care how betrayed you feel, that's f--ked up. I hope DR shows Elissa that too so she can bring the righteous indignation down on that bitch again.

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Jonathan, what JP said. Amanda is going. Not sure what the DR was attempting here and why they were attempting it on her when she was drunk, lol <-- messed up. They couldn't have thought there was any real way they could save Amanda so I'm guessing they just wanted to attempt to get Elissa and McCrae to align in the wake of her exit. That's not going to be easy to accomplish (McCrae has issues with Elissa and Andy will lie) but you never know. Maybe they wanted to try to blow up Andy's game a lil too.

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I think they want to have Elissa/McCrae against the rest of the house. Perhaps they think viewers will root for them and viewers will see the others as the "bad" people. I don't know.

I will never, ever root for McCrae to win. Once I saw him repeatedly tell Amanda not to let Judd go, and he still wouldn't stop her, when he knew what that would do to his game, I resolved to never do it. And his game has gotten worse and worse ever since. He doesn't deserve to be helped out by production. He's just as big an &#33;@#&#036;%^&amp;*] as most of the other people in there, or worse. I don't see him as "good."

This bothers me quite a bit because I feel like Elissa took a strong stand against the bullying and the attacks, for nothing. And imagine how foolish the people in there feel who worried about her and comforted her when she cried. In her eyes, they are now disposable compared to people who tried to make her life hell.

I just feel sad because no matter what happened, I had a lot of respect for Elissa these last weeks. And I enjoyed her friendship with Judd. Now he is back to calling her a &#33;@#&#036;%^&amp;*] and he says he has no desire to see her after the show. I doubt she will care, she's got a great life, she doesn't need some guy who keeps calling her a &#33;@#&#036;%^&amp;*], but I enjoyed their talks and that they seemed to get each other. Now it's back to where they were before he left, only worse, because they were so close and it just turned into this mess.

I feel like we're heading to some sort of McCrae/Elissa final 2, and at this point I don't want to see that. I think McCrae would be my least favorite winner, and if Elissa wins, now I'm just going to remember her trying to help that bigoted lunatic stay in the house.

Deep down I want Judd to win, but he hasn't even played that great of a game, and he has misogyny issues, so I feel guilty.

If Andy pulls this off, he has a good case to win, if he can sell it.

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