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Gina Marie bullchits quite well.

Gina Marie is definitely nominating McCrae and Amanda. While she was annoyed with Elissa tonight as well, after she got away from Amanda and her victim jag she reasserted her distaste for Amanda and the performance she's putting on.

They want McCrae out first though. Amanda blew up after Elissa started talking about how hot Jessie was, so McCrae possibly going to jury with Jessie should delight Amanda quite a bit.

Judd is so man-happy over Andy that he's throwing out Elissa as the replacement nominee. GM wouldn't agree to that. Between her promise to Elissa and Aaryn's advice, she most likely will not nominate El at any point this week.

McCrae and Amanda are discussing how upset and pissed Elissa will be tomorrow when she's nominated. Everybody is telling them GM is nominating Elissa and... This is going to be incredible.

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So far this season, Elissa has managed to destroy the houses big alliances. I'm hoping it continues ;)

"This is going to be the best eviction ever" - McCrae, oblivious to the fact that he and his lover are the target and future nominers

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I seriously wish Elissa was 1/100th the player her fans make her out to be. But I have no doubt she will be sat down and shown a slow chart of the current alliance and told what she needs to say and do to stay in the game and if all fails she will get the rachels box/coup de jeff.

i do think mcc knows deep down they are going up. he has had moments where he looked like he knew and even brifly mentioned the prospect of it to amanda, then let it go lilkely as not to set it off. the best part is i do think he assumes she will go when he himself is the main target it seems.

with it being a DE id love nothing more than amanda out followed by elissa or gm.

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So last night MxCrae told Amanda to act like the victim in the whole WWofBB15Queens. So whenever Amansa sees GM she begins fake crying about Elissa being a bully. GM plays along then when Amanda leaves the scene GM starts mocking Amanda being a fake bitch to the camera. Great stuff.

I just hope Amanda doesn't attempt to assault anybody after nominations after she gets up from behind the garbage can that is.

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"If you don't put Eliisa up the entire house will be enraged" - Amanda to GM

No girl, you got it all wrong, if GM doesn't put you and McCrae up all of America (the BB watching section) and the entire house will be enraged.

Amanda is like a completely blind MOTHER RAT without her BABY RATS. She's stupid. Aaryn gave her the lowdown before she left but she's in denial.

Both El and Judd are telling GM how jealous they are she got to do this one. Move of the season. These people don't give El the credit she deserves (DR influence or not) - including El to a point. She paved the way for this. If she hadn't done what she did last week, Amanda would still be in power and GM or Judd would have gone home. That's why I want El to sneak to the F4. These people are ungrateful.

El, officially, proposed a girls alliance to GM. El loves Judd, but... GM pretty much accepted. GM, IMO, is with Judd, Spencer and Andy but IF El can pull out a few important wins GM's going to want to go with her against the boys because she probably does see the boys will align closer with each other. GM didn't tell the boys she agreed to this because she doesn't need to yet. She also hasn't told Elissa that Amanda is not the main target - this week - probably because she knows that would agitate her and she doesn't want a repeat of last night.

Judd, meanwhile, proposed getting rid of El after McCrae and Amanda.They know it's actually more game (Rachel) than money for her when they got into the topic of her being loaded. Judd mentions that El would be hard to beat if she makes it to F2 when you consider she was a huge target from Week One and had to put up with a lot of chit - chit like Amanda. Judd and GM proceed to have girl talk about El and Amanda. They said it's ridiculous for Amanda to be calling El a bully. GM gives that El can be uppity and say the wrong thing sometimes, but it's nowhere close to the cursing, screaming threatening chit that Amanda does. Judd admitted he was trying to get El to nominated GM last week. GM tells Judd how McCrae and Amanda are pushing for him to be nominated alongside El.

McCrae and Amanda proposed GM nominate Elissa and Judd so she doesn't have the entire house against her, lol. She also told GM how Andy's been working with 'em from Week One and that's why they saved him over Aaryn. They also claimed GM was never an Amanda target, lol. They're 200% confident Elissa is being nominated. They just think Amanda might be the one next to her. These boys are chicken c--t, Spencer and Andy are trying to have Amanda target her venom towards El for the nomination happening and not them. They're probably going to run and hide after nominations. Judd told GM he'd have her back if they tried with her what they did with El last week.

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The nominations are happening now:


I have a feeling this might be the second time Judd and Elissa break out into laughter during a GM HoH nomination ceremony. BB hid the knives and forks in preparation. It might have been hidden due to the luxury competition but it's funnier to think it's about Amanda.


Come on, lets do this!!!!

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