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Judd probably does think he could have gotten Andy and Spencer on his side and kept GM. I just don't know how much I believe of what he says to them. He told GM that he was wrong to try to get her put up. He told Elissa the same. He usually doesn't tell Andy what Elissa tells him - he did once yesterday (about Elissa not trusting Andy), but usually he lies to Andy about Elissa. He also got permission to not nominate Elissa upfront if he wins HOH on Thursday.

I wish he saw through Andy, but considering that Elissa hasn't even told him she wants to work with him since she said she no longer trusted him, and he has no idea she wants to take him to the final 3, I think he's trying.

He still wants to try to get McCrae to use the veto on Amanda. The Exterminators have told him it won't work, but if he wants to try, whatever.

Amanda hogged most of the wine and then spit back in the bottle before giving it to Elissa.

GM is still in serious pain from her toe, crying in bed before going to sleep.

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They had a real F2 this time around.

Judd and Elissa are in the backyard right now and she was basically spelling out she wants a Final 3 with him and GM but he wouldn't proceed with the conversation in a productive way - like he wouldn't say he wouldn't nominate her as a pawn (he doesn't get they would vote her out despite the fact it's glaringly obvious; he's really slow) - and she doesn't push when she doesn't feel that you're giving her an inch.

He usually does tell Andy she doesn't trust him. If GM wasn't in the room this morning, he probably would have done it again but GM straight out told Andy "Liss trusts you completely" and Judd then backed that up. (She doesn't trust him at all and they both 150% know it). I don't think there's any chance of changing Andy's mind of targeting her before McCrae because he knows she knows what he is in this game better than anybody else. It bothers him so much he gets so fu--in' personal in talking about her which is pretty disgusting.

Elissa's best chance on Thursday is psyching herself up with not giving Amanda the gratification of ending up in the jury house an hour after [Amanda] and winning PoV or HoH in DE - or Andy or Spencer nominating her opposite McCrae. GM will definitely vote for her to stay and I think Judd will also despite any brainwashing attempted by Spencer and Andy. GM sees the writing on the wall - Andy & Spencer could easily go to McCrae and/or boys alliance. I don't think Judd sees that he's the bottom of the list right after Elissa for everybody except for GM and Elissa.

I'm not sure if she was just being a bitch or trying to set her off to make her look bad, but it backfired.

GM has a great line last night "Amanda could tell me Elissa f--ked Nick and I wouldn't change my mind about the nominations."

Everybody was slightly buzzed and playing cards last night. Elissa and Amanda even seemed to be getting along. I think that was Amanda's "life of the party" play at getting GM to consider doing what she wants. Due to the body language between GM & Elissa, Amanda realized by the end of the night that GM was not going to put up Elissa (and started crying again, lol). I do think she'll try again today. She'll probably try to set off Elissa all day.


Andy lost the card game:


Slutty Chicken:



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Judd still tried to do his plan to get McCrae to use the veto on Amanda. GM/Andy/Spencer told him to his face to do what he wanted, but mostly quashed it to McCrae (Andy and Spencer because they want McCrae to stay, GM because she probably just didn't want to be in the drama). Andy and Spencer thought this made Judd look "shady," but ultimately they are where they were before, which is wanting to go to the final 3 with GM, and saying they want Judd to be in final 4, but I think in their heart they will prefer McCrae. They think Judd is with Elissa, and they told McCrae this. They don't seem to realize GM is also close to her.

Judd gave up on the plan by the end of the night.

Elissa got drunk and got in some shots at Amanda.

GM told Amanda and McCrae toward the end of the night that she was not putting up Elissa. Amanda knew it was probably Spencer. She said "it doesn't make sense" a lot, and ultimately none of it mattered. She thinks Spencer/GM/Judd/Elissa are together. She thinks Andy and McCrae are all alone.

Amanda bashed GM behind her back later that night, saying she's obsessed with Nick, she can't believe GM got her out, etc. Not as ugly as it could be. Hopefully it won't get worse.

Amanda told most of the house all kinds of gross stories about her sexual exploits with McCrae, including the many places in the house they'd had sex, and when they had sex in Judd's HOH bed. Judd and Spencer joked that they both likely have STDs now.

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McCrae is telling Amanda he'll probably vote to evict her ... again. It's starting to piss her off, lol. He's ridiculous, it's not like the house is going to have a different or more positive perception of him if he does that.

"How did Judd come back and Elissa get HOH in the same week? I Matrixed every bullet coming my way until then." - Amanda

"I got taken out of the game by GinaMarie! GinaFuckingMarie! Why didn't you screen these people? GinaMarie is taking me out. The girl who tried to pronounce 'dynamic' 48 times. This fatal attraction, snaggletooth is taking me out. Oh my God, GinaMarie is taking me out of this game, just because she's jealous I have a relationship." - Amanda

Amanda just doesn't get why anybody would want to separate her and McCrae in the game. "It doesn't make sense." *shakes head*


GM just made the accurate observation that "[she] and Elissa are the only one with [figurative] balls [to stand up against Amanda] in this house." I never saw a BB house with such spineless men.

Last night, after GM gave the news that Elissa definitely will not be the replacement, Amanda kept on telling GM you have to take Elissa out NOW for Poopy [Aaryn], but the thing is Poopy told GM to align with Elissa [and Judd] and to take out Amanda and McCrae first. I wish GM would tell Amanda this. Judd ratted out all of Amanda's trash talking about GM last night to GM this morning so maybe she'll be more prone to tell Amanda like it is today. Also, GM wasn't that fond of Poopy. Their bond was more out of necessity. GM ain't going to build her game around Poopy's demise. In reflection, GM now believes Aaryn being out is for the best.

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Will attach this stat sheet to the original post in this thread this evening.


Week 1 - HOH: McCrae - PoV: McCrae

Nominees: Candice, Jessie - MVP Nomination: David - Replacement Nomination: Elissa

Eviction: David

Week 2 - HOH: Aaryn (Jeremy) - PoV: Jeremy

Nominees: Elissa, Helen - MVP Nomination: Nick

Eviction: Nick

Week 3 - HOH: Helen - PoV: Kaitlin

Nominees: Jeremy, Kaitlin - MVP Nomination: Spencer - Replacement Nomination: Aaryn

Eviction: Jeremy

Week 4 - HOH: Judd - PoV: Elissa

Nominees: Kaitlin, Aaryn - America's Nomination: Elissa - America's Replacement Nomination: Gina Marie

Eviction: Kaitlin

Week 5 - HOH: Aaryn [Amanda's Nominations] - PoV: Spencer

Nominees: Howard, Spencer - America's Nomination: Amanda - Replacement Nomination: Candice

Eviction: Howard

Week 6 Part 1 - HOH: Gina Marie [Amanda's Nominations] - PoV: Jessie (Judd)

Nominees: Candice, Jessie - America's Nomination: Amanda - Replacement Nomination: Spencer

Eviction: Candice

Week 6 Part 2 - HOH: Aaryn [Amanda's Nominations] - PoV: Aaryn

Nominees: Jessie, Spencer - Replacement Nomination: Judd

Eviction: Judd

Week 7 - HOH: Andy [Amanda's Nominations] - PoV: Andy

Nominees: Jessie, Spencer

Eviction: Jessie

Week 8 - HOH: Aaryn [Amanda's Nominations] - PoV: Elissa

Nominees: Elissa, Helen - Replacement Nomination: Spencer

Eviction: Helen

Week 9 - HOH: Elissa - PoV: Amanda

Nominees: Aaryn, McCrae - Replacement Nomination: Andy

Eviction: Aaryn

Week 10 - HOH: Gina Marie - PoV: McCrae

Nominees: Amanda, McCrae - Replacement Nomination: Spencer

Eviction: Am... TBC!


(5) Aaryn - 4 HOH's, 1 PoV

(3) Elissa, McCrae - 1 HOH, 2 PoV's

(2) Gina Marie - 2 HOH's

(2) Andy - 1 HOH, 1 PoV

(1) Judd, Helen - 1 HOH

(1) Jeremy, Kaitlin, Spencer, Jessie, Amanda - 1 PoV

GIRL (14 = 8 HOH, 6 PoV) - vs BOYS (8 = 3 HOH, 5 PoV)


(7) Spencer - Record for most Nominations in a Season

(4) Elissa, Jessie

(3) Amanda, Candice

(2) McCrae, Aaryn, Helen, Kaitlin

(1) Gina Marie, Andy, Judd, Howard, Jeremy, David, Nick

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I do credit Elissa for being the one to make the tough move. I think Judd would have put Amanda/McCrae up too, he just didn't win the HOH (I don't believe he threw it).

There's always focus on why aren't the men standing up for Elissa, but most of the time, Elissa also didn't stand up for people. Neither did GM. It's just the culture of the house.

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At some point, Judd would have ended up nominating GM or Elissa if he had won HoH and Amanda (McCrae) would have won that round. Spencer, Andy, Aaryn, McCrae or Amanda or Gina Marie would have voted out who Amanda wanted.

I'll agree with that but I do think there are people in the house that are less passive about bad behavior - and Elissa is one of those people.

It's not just that they don't stand up for her or much any woman against Amanda - or Jeremy in the past - it's that they also enable Amanda (or Jeremy in the past). They'll call the opposing woman out on barking back at Amanda but they'll cower in front of Amanda and tell her she's right and encourage her bad behavior and delusions. She had to cross the psychotic line (during Elissa's HoH) for them to even start talking out-loud about their true feelings about her behavior behind her back. It reminds me of Stockholm syndrome. They were trained to react a certain way to the captor (first Jeremy, then Amanda) and to the victim(s) and due to that it's rational to them but not rational to an outsider.

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I meant the HOH GM just won. I agree that in his first stay in the house he would have nominated Elissa, probably Elissa/Helen.

So McCrae pretended to bond with Judd (he told Andy everything Judd said) and now he's pretending to be nice to Elissa.

If this was real and he actually booted Andy or Spencer out, then I might root for him again. Unfortunately it's not.

Dumbass Amanda still telling him Andy is the only one to trust.

Earlier Andy and Spencer were telling GM they want Elissa out before McCrae. I wonder if she will tell Judd. I'd think the guys will at some point.

I just hope we get a situation where Andy/McCrae end up on the block Thursday night.

Judd told Andy and Spencer if they're in the HOH together at the end he'll throw to them. That would work out, if Elissa wins POV, unless they're dumb enough to put up two of their own and keep McCrae. I hope they aren't.

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I want Judd or Andy gone in the DE Thursday. Judd going in a DE again would be delicious cake.

McCrae is an idiot but at least... I dunno... he is like... I dunno... trying to like, I mean... I dunno.... play the game again? Cause like he hasn't... I dunno... like played the game since... I dunno... week, like, two?

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The Elissa and McCrae conversation was really, really good. Really solid game talk without much lying or trash talking. He was giving her more solid pieces about the future events of the game then those in her pseudo-alliances. I see why they wanted him out first, now. He's dangerous without the baggage of Amanda holding him down. The conversation was so good that Elissa was like "ugh McCrae why did you have to f things up [with our alliance]?"


I wonder if McCrae's activity is going to help or hurt him for Thursday. Elissa was/is Target #1...

It appears McCrae REALLY wants Andy out. He's telling Andy he's throwing his name out to make it appear that they're not too close but it's nothing too bad BUT he's throwing him under the bus hard.


McCrae wants to try for them to get Elissa back in camp McCranda.

Amanda HATES Andy right now. She's talking about how hard she fought for McCrae, Aaryn and Andy and Andy especially is not fighting at all for her.

She campaigned. Fake apology but likely real promise of loyalty if she saves her. Not going to happen but I'd like Elissa to throw Andy under the bus as the main culprit behind there being no hope:


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