Members Angela Posted August 23, 2013 Members Share Posted August 23, 2013 You did see Dan lose last year due to a bitter jury, no? Amanda (today): "I have never felt more defeated in my entire life than I do right now." Hee. She feels that way because Elissa counters McCranda's whining and manipulating with accuracies such as this: "You guys would put me up in a heartbeat!" They hate Amanda (the aggressive control and merciless executions). They resent Elissa (she's rich; feeling she had an unfair advantage). I pictured Amanda and Elissa in the F2 during the Nick eviction week because the MC were targeting them #1, and #2. I don't know if I think it can happen anymore though. The targets are too big. Amanda's controlled the game (until now). Elissa has become a considerable competition threat and is potentially flipping the house for a second time on a major alliance. It feels like Aaryn has been in the fetal position since yesterday, thinking about the path she's taken. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members NothinButAttitude Posted August 23, 2013 Members Share Posted August 23, 2013 The path Aaryn took was a stupid one. She's been a puppet all season long. First to Jeremy and Spencer, both who solidified her hatred for foes, Elissa and Candice, which clouded her game, and Mcranda who continued the tradition. Aaryn's game has been based on hatred on her part and manipulation by others. Had she not been such a racist, ignorant, vile c-ntress this season, Aaryn could've easily been fan fave. Now she's receiving her comeuppance along with DeMANda Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted August 23, 2013 Members Share Posted August 23, 2013 I think the Judd/Elissa/Gina Marie (Spencer, potentially) alliance is going to be for real. A jury member is returning to the game: "They dared undo one of my evictions?" "Uhhh..." "Oops I crapped my pants." "Thank God. I hate everybody in this house." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 23, 2013 Members Share Posted August 23, 2013 Amanda's behavior has been incomprehensible. She's acting like she's on the block and her boyfriend was voted out. If she had put her best face on, she would have been able to go along with Elissa's plan and protect herself. I guess she is upset because she saw Elissa as her little pet, which Elissa clearly is not. I won't write her off, because I've seen her do this before and come back, but this is embarrassing behavior. I think she is so insecure that she just can't keep herself in control. She falls apart. And McCrae is absolutely useless. I used to feel sorry for him putting up with Amanda, but now I think he would have been gone already without her. Angela, did you see those gifs of Elissa reuniting with Candice. They moved me far more than a trashy show like BB should move me. It was nice to see genuine friendship and caring. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted August 23, 2013 Members Share Posted August 23, 2013 God Elissa needs to stop with the surgery and Botox. She's got this mix of a permanent duck face and looking like she's dressed up as the joker. It's sad cuz she as once pretty. Her plan. Lol. She's as weak as I thought she was and is terrified to go directly after Amanda. She is playing. Personal game wants aaryn gone and that's fine and it's exactly what I expected. Her saying that aaryn is playing a,and as game made me laugh because not only did aaryn have no other option as Elissa made it clear shed never work with her and Elissa was with one side, but Elissa has also played Amanda's game and evicted ER friends and allies because its what Amanda wanted. I also can't with her acting like she hates aaryn only because of her racist comments but forming an alliance with Gina Marie who actually said far worse things lol. Of love to see aaryn win veto, Amanda go up, McC be evicted and Elissa cry about self evicting again when aaryn wins her next hoh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted August 23, 2013 Members Share Posted August 23, 2013 Yes (went on tumblr to see if they had the reaction shots), it was definitely an "aww" moment both live and in gifs. "I missed you every single day" I am getting a kick out of his desperation. "If you don't nominate me I'll 100% vote to evict Aaryn. I'll give you all my cigs to burn with gasoline ... and free pizza for a year if I go back on my word." He didn't say the pizza part but all the same. I wonder if McCrae is trying to convince the DR to not let Elissa nominate him because she straight out told him she is going to nominate him which is against the rules. He's so wussy about going on the block for the first time in 9 weeks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 24, 2013 Members Share Posted August 24, 2013 I think a lot of it is down to personality. GM has been friendlier toward Elissa, and GM comes across as in need of help. The biggest problem for Elissa is people are coming after her no matter what. Aaryn doesn't seem to want to make a serious deal with her (she's witholding a ton of info from Elissa), and I don't know if Elissa wants to make one with her either. So she keeps Amanda, who might want her out, and McCrae, who probably wants her out, or Aaryn, who probably wants her out and has won four HOH comps. Of course if McCrae or Amanda win HOH, she's screwed, but even then, they'd likely still want Judd out first. I think the falling out with Aaryn last week was the last straw for Elissa. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted August 24, 2013 Members Share Posted August 24, 2013 I do agree with your analysis on GM. IMO, Elissa feels GM says the stuff she does because Aaryn mind-melted her into that mind-set against Candice. I think she also sees Aaryn as a more educated person than Gina Marie, so she feels she should know better. In terms of game, Gina Marie is not nominating her. Gina Marie is not a huge competition threat. Elissa's problem with Aaryn isn't all about Candice. Aaryn and Jeremy had the house shun Elissa the first couple of weeks. When Elissa finally decided to forgive, Aaryn used their very good discussion to trash talk Elissa. Elissa isn't the epitome of forgiveness so when you cross her 3 or more times she probably starts spinning the figurative cement to sink you. Elissa initially "loved" Amanda because Amanda would talk to her - in secret - during the shun. Thinking back, it was probably brilliant manipulation by Amanda more than a genuine connection. Elissa probably liked Amanda more than Helen the first 4 weeks or so of the season but she lost her hold on Elissa between targeting all her allies and acting like a jack--- in general. I think Elissa made the right choice 100% in terms of what's best for her game strategically. Aaryn has shown that she's under McCrae and Amanda's spell and those two will ride to the end of the game with that type of cult following; Aaryn tattles (with spin) as much if not more than Andy and that often hurts Elissa's game; Aaryn has the potential to have an extra alliance on the side with GM and Judd (okay, Judd doesn't seem as fond of her as he used to be but we all know he flips out sometimes); Aaryn was Andy's real F2; Aaryn has won 4 HoH's; Aaryn nominated Elissa in 50% of the HoH's; Aaryn's made it clear Elissa will be one of her main targets if not her main target. While I wouldn't mind McCrae or Amanda's eviction next Thursday on principle, Aaryn's eviction coming first make the most sense to me on a logical game level. Elissa's potentially getting rid of a real threat to get her out of the house and to take the $500,000 and possibly gaining Aaryn's side-pieces. I actually think she handled this perfectly from the nominations to wasting no time telling Judd, GM and Spencer she would not nominate them while leading them to the truth about Amanda and McCrae. That may pay off. She goes from having nobody to potentially having 3 allies. They may stay Team Amanda but the fact that they know deep down Amanda, McCrae, Aaryn and Andy wanted her to target them and Elissa shut them down earned her points. The gravy on this is she will also nominate McCrae and potentially Amanda or Andy. She broke a wall the HG were scared to go near and a lot of them are not totally hating smelling the fresh air. It's fearless. That earns respect. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted August 24, 2013 Members Share Posted August 24, 2013 The thing is I get it. Aaryn is a way bigger threat seeing as she wins [!@#$%^&*]. But Elissa is saying that aaryn is playing Amanda's game and that Amanda is running the house. If aaryn, McC, Andy, GM, spencer are all playing Amanda's game why not take Amanda out? Because she's scared of them going after her. Because she hates aaryn as she's selected what racist comments from what people are offensive and what ones are forgivable. All this is is more of the same - nobody targeting Amanda. And that's why she really should win this season. Like I'd legit love to see Amanda win pov and save McC and Andy or spencer to up and one of them, preferably spencer, be evicted. That's be amazing if after Elissa's hoh aaryn and Amanda are both left in the game Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 24, 2013 Members Share Posted August 24, 2013 I think on some level Elissa is afraid of Amanda, but she hasn't buckled under to pressure from Amanda or McCrae over nominations, so part of it may be that she realizes Amanda mostly operates through powerful underlings. I wonder what Spencer will do. He told Andy that GM/Judd/Elissa were together, so I'm not sure if he's with any of them, or if he even wants to be. I wonder if he or Andy will tell McCrae and Amanda. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted August 24, 2013 Members Share Posted August 24, 2013 While I'd like players like Spencer or Gina Marie to go before they go too far, that would suck. There needs to be a power eviction after Amanda's tyrannical rule and any one of the actual member of 3 AM will be a power eviction. Despite the fact that Amanda would have taken Elissa out this week if the chips fell that way, Elissa owes Amanda something and I think that's part of it. Amanda saved Elissa during Aaryn's second HoH and she pushed her a-- to win that PoV this past week. I 100% believe Amanda's eviction is Plan B for Elissa. I don't even know who I'd want out most in her position from a strategic standpoint: Aaryn for the reasons I listed OR McCrae OR Amanda. McCrae staying would make me a little nervous due to the potential for a boy alliance and Elissa sees that too. Amanda is so hated people might start seeing it as a bright idea to drag her to the end. The thing is she doesn't need to get rid of Amanda NOW to dismantle a considerable amount of Amanda's power. She will have taken a considerable battery (one that won a lot of HoH's to give Amanda power) out of Amanda's pack - a battery that wanted to take (Elissa) out badly. It's not like Elissa isn't working the house while she tried to get McCranda off her behind. It was excellent strategy to let the underlings know what 3 AM wanted immediately. It's excellent strategy to do that and then put up most of 3 AM. She entered that HoH with no potential allies and by this afternoon she was well on her way to potentially crafting something to handle the rest of 3 AM. ETA: I guess Spencer and Andy are floating in this situation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Angela Posted August 24, 2013 Members Share Posted August 24, 2013 It's official, McCrae and Aaryn nominated. McCranda hate GM for kissing up and not getting nominated. Andy: Do you know who you'll nominate if one of the nominees wins the PoV and uses it? Elissa: Yes, but I'm not telling you. I don't know why but that cracked me up. People still spill everything to him even while knowing he's a total rat so it's fun when he's shot down. Not so subtle key order, lol: (First to Last) Judd, Gina Marie, Spencer, Andy, Amanda Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 24, 2013 Members Share Posted August 24, 2013 Aaryn went and threw herself at Amanda's feet and might even throw POV because Amanda is sure she can get Spencer or GM nominated. I could say that Aaryn is just doing this because she knows Elissa won't protect her, but I think she has too much of a love/hate relationship with Amanda to ever turn against her. I think Elissa was right to target her. They think Elissa and Judd are working together (Judd and Elissa are trying to hide it but that's pointless when Elissa puts his key first...they should just come out, so to speak), and GM is working with Elissa. Andy sort of tried to act like Elissa wasn't with GM or Judd. They're furious at GM's betrayals or game moves. I don't like her but I have to admit I'm very amused by this group being outplayed by Gina Marie. Choke on it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted August 24, 2013 Members Share Posted August 24, 2013 Amanda told McCrae she knew one of the guys in the dodgeball HOH last night. McCrae jokingly called her a "cheater." Huh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted August 24, 2013 Members Share Posted August 24, 2013 Idk how anyone can deny this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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